Her Protectors (Wolf trials Book 2)

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Her Protectors (Wolf trials Book 2) Page 5

by Tamara White

  Shocked, I push him off me, grabbing him by the hand and leading him into the bathroom. I stop at the door turning his head to look at the toilet and point repeatedly from me to the toilet until it clicks. “Oh, sorry,” he mutters, leaving me alone to do my business.

  I hear Cam chide him out in the room, “You are a complete idiot. How did you not figure out she needed to pee? You’ve been lying on her bladder for hours and the amount of water we made her drink, I’m surprised she didn’t wake up sooner.” He pauses before adding “Seriously though, did you really think she wanted sex after what she just went through?” he asks with a barely contained laugh.

  “Hey what’s so funny? And where’s Dani gone?” Nate asks, having woken up. I should have just woken them all up before peeing. I finish my business, wash my hands and run the cool water over my wrists. There are scars where the burns were now. I wonder how long I was out?

  I come back out and am almost ambushed as they all descend on me. Pete grabs me first, pulling me in close and breathing in my scent. “I’m so glad you’re ok. How’s your voice?” he asks concerned.

  I try to answer but it’s just a squeak that comes out, leaving me frustrated. How on earth can I continue with no voice?

  Tears well up in my eyes at my lack of voice. Pete’s face falls as he embraces me. “Shit, I’m sorry, I thought it would have healed by now.”

  Pete carries me back to the bed, pushing the others out of the way as we go. He places me gently and they all try to crowd me which just starts to irritate me. I lean up, placing my back against the headboard and push them away from me.

  A knock on the door has Cam rushing to answer it. James is on the other side looking as frustrated as I feel. He waltzes in not even saying hello to any of them before climbing up on the bed beside me. “Open your mouth and let me see,” he coaxes gently. I comply, not even slightly weirded out he knew what was bothering me. “It’s healing, but you need to stay surrounded by your mates a little longer. Their wolves are sharing their energy with you to help you heal. We’re lucky we got you to vomit when we did. Any longer and you may have been permanently voiceless.” He shines a light down my throat to see a little better. “There are going to be scars and you may not get full range of your voice, we will just have to wait and see. Hopefully, after a week, we should be able to see the extent of your injuries. How are your wrists and ankles? Are they still sore?”

  I hold up my hands for him to see, watching as he runs his thumb over the scars. I hear a few growls around the room and look up to see what the problem is. Cam, Nate and Mitchell are all staring at where James is touching me.

  What the hell? Do they really think he’s attracted to me? That’s so gross! He’s like my great grandfather times twenty!

  James barks out a laugh.

  “What?” Cam growls irritated.

  James shakes his head, repeating what I basically thought. “Dani just said you’re idiots. There’s no attraction between us, it’s more of protection instinct ingrained in me to make sure she’s safe. Besides, I’m related to her. I’m more like an estranged grandfather than a lover, so keep that in mind anytime I try to help your mate,” he chastises them with a massive grin as I nod in agreement.

  Jonnie shuffles to my side, “If that’s true, how come you seem to have a connection to her wolf that we don’t? She has no voice but it’s like you can read her thoughts? Only mates can communicate with their minds,” he questions.

  James smiles softly letting go of my hand and placing it back on the bed, “Ah well you see, that’s because we have the same blood line. If Monique was here right now, she could communicate with Dani’s wolf, just as I am. The tie between all of you will develop more as your bond gets stronger. Right now, there is still so much doubt and confusion that Dani doesn’t feel the conviction of any of you staying with her. Once her subconscious and her wolf knows you won’t leave her, you’ll find that a lot more abilities will open up between you,” he smirks. “Now, I will leave you to get some rest. Make sure she sleeps. The Elders have agreed she can have today to recover and tomorrow the challenge will be issued.”

  With those parting words, he leaves me and my mates to curl back into the bed. Nate hands me a notebook and pen, “Here Dani. If you need anything, just write it down and whack one of us for attention. Now go to sleep.” He watches me as I lay back in the bed, trying to get comfortable. I put the notebook to the side, while Jonnie snuggles in behind me. The others all climb into the larger than normal bed, and arrange themselves around me. My wolf is happier than she has been in a long time. With the knowledge that I’m safe with all my mates, I fall asleep, thinking of each of them.

  Chapter 6

  Last night I slept like an absolute baby and when I woke up, everyone was running around throwing clothes on. Mitchell is the first to notice I’m awake. “Oh good, you’re up. We have to get ready to meet the Elders. They’ve summoned us for a meeting after breakfast. Bring your notebook just in case your voice is still feeling too raw. I don’t want you to strain yourself if it still isn’t healed,” he explains gently, helping me from the bed.

  My ankles are feeling a lot better today, still slightly tender though but that’s to be expected with silver. I grab a purple sundress out of the bag at the edge of the bed and go into the bathroom to change. The others may have had no problem changing in front of me, but I don’t want temptations to make me more distracted than I already am.

  Nate drops the bag he’s holding when he sees me, “Whoa! You look amazing!” he breathes, awed at my appearance. I blush feeling exposed as they all stop to stare at me.

  “You really need to wear dresses more often. You are absolutely breathtaking!” Cam grins, swooping me into a hug and offering me a quick kiss.

  “Thanks,” I mouth with a soft smile. He winks, taking my hand and leading me downstairs. Lily and the Elders are all seated around the dining table, morose looks on their faces. If there’s more bad news, I’m going to lose my shit!

  Lance grins, relieved to see me up and about, “Ah, I knew nothing could keep you down for long. I’m sorry we interrupted your sleep but we have to do this. You only have two days left here and after yesterday, we know time is not on our side,” he says sympathetically.

  Sadly, I agree. If I want to complete these trials, I need to get the challenges over and done with as fast as I can. I want our people united in the war against Luke, not divided.

  Sonja straightens, giving me a glare, whilst trying to be diplomatic, “Lily has been told to tell you of a difficulty in her pack that she would normally go to the Alpha Queen for. You will have today and most of tomorrow to think on how to solve the problem before meeting us back here with a solution. Once she has divulged the problem, you’ll have thirty minutes to ask any questions you need and that will be it. You may ask your mates for their guidance, though no one else is allowed to contribute, is that understood?”

  I nod showing I understand everything and pull my notebook closer to me, glad I can take notes of the challenge.

  “Ok then. Lily if you please?” Sammy gestures, giving her the go ahead.

  Lily beams and looks straight at me, “Just hold your hand up if I go too fast, ok? Good. Now my pack has been having a lot of dominance issues lately. We used to have a very easy run pack but over the years, the pack hierarchy here has changed a fair bit. Now we have many fights as to who will be in what place. It makes living amongst us extremely hard.

  “We can’t be expected to live like this for the rest of our lives so, I would like a solution that stops the fighting.” She watches me as I take notes and I don’t even have to think about what to do. I just know.

  I jot down my plan, hurriedly ignoring the others when they try to get my attention. I rip the page out and hand it to Mitchell who is standing by my side. I write a note on a new piece, telling him to read it and pass it along.

  I then turn to a new blank page to write a note to the Elders.

  I have a solution.
It’s written down and I have asked my mates to read it before showing you. Is this ok?

  I hold the note up to Lily and let each of them read it, enjoying the shocked expressions that cross their faces. Only Lily seems pleased that I have a solution so quickly. I wait as each of my mates read my plan, grinning proudly once they finish. My wolf and I both seem to be in agreement as to what the plan should be.

  Pete’s the last once to finish, and he comes straight to me, pulling me in for a kiss in front of the Elders and his aunt. He breaks the kiss and grins down at me, “You are the most amazing, beautiful and smart Queen I have ever met! This is genius!”

  I beam, proud that they are all happy with it. Pete hands me back the page and I hand it over to Lily before she passes it on to each of the Elders. “Well, I don’t think I need anything more. I’m sure that your plan will be the right way to go and I’m more than happy to do it today if the Elder’s want to see how it pans out,” she says, grinning at me. I nod, understanding the Elders may want to see the plan in action. I highly doubt they will just trust it without seeing it in action. I know I wouldn’t.

  Once they’ve all read it, Jax is the one to speak, “Well, there are no words for what you have laid out here. Alphas who have been in charge of their packs for years wouldn’t put something as simple as this in place for fear of being considered weak but you, you have made a simple and easy plan seem better for the pack in a few short sentences. I would still like to see it in place if Lily doesn’t mind but other than that, I see no fault in it. Well done, Danielle,” he smiles, for once looking like he would be happy with me being Queen.

  Erick, Lance and Sammy are all grinning at me, each with varying looks of pride on their faces. Sonja however looks like she wants to leap across the table and strangle me. She clears her throat, schooling her face in a neutral expression before speaking. “Very well then. Lily, summon your pack, and we’ll see if this little ‘plan’ of hers will work,” she says snidely.

  Judging by the look on Lily’s face, Sonja is about to be bitch slapped so I intervene, “That’s fine,” I squeak out, making myself end up in a coughing fit. Damn! Every time I use my voice it fucking hurts so much! It feels like I have a dry throat and whilst I know it’s still healing, that doesn’t stop me from trying to speak.

  Nate is there offering me a glass of water which I gulp greedily as he chides me. “You are insufferable. You aren’t supposed to use your voice until you’re healed! That’s what the notebook is for! Jeez Dani, do you want to prolong your healing more by not listening! Let us be your voice, ok?” he pleads.

  Smiling, I put the glass down, placing both hands on his face, “I’m sorry,” I whisper softly. I know he just wants me to heal but not talking is impossible. I’m going to have to trust them to be my voice for the next few days. On the positive side, if they screw up, then the blame is on them.

  He smiles at me, a joyous light in his eyes, “Good. Now let’s go and get this over with. Lily, round up the pack and we’ll see you outside in ten. You, are coming with me and getting some food into your system. I don’t want you shifting and eating the pack. That wouldn’t look good at all,” he says, playfully kissing me on the tip of my nose. He can be so sweet when he’s not being all shy and withdrawn.


  Well, that’s just appalling. I scarfed down five steaks, three milkshakes and six muffins. I can’t believe I ate so much. Though my wolf feels a whole lot better, I still feel like I shouldn’t be this happy.

  Is there something wrong with me for feeling happy when my dad is gone? I get so lost in my mates that I forget everything else. I went twenty-four hours without him entering my mind. Does that make me a horrible daughter?

  Part of me thinks it’s better not to think about him as the sadness overwhelms me but it’s only been three days since his death. Three. I shouldn’t be letting him go so soon.

  James chooses that moment to join us as we walk down to the pack training area. “It’s ok you know? He would hate for you to dwell on his death, rather than move forward in life. You know that subconsciously but you keep telling yourself to hold on tighter.

  “I’ve been around hundreds of years and seen so much, that I had to learn to accept death. No matter how much we love someone, there is nothing we can do when it is their time to die.

  He takes a breath, before continuing, “You keep thinking of your father’s death as a mistake that you could have prevented. Have you ever stopped to think that he’s happier being with his mate, your mother, and that maybe it was time for him to go? Think about it. If your father was still here, would you be spending as much time with your mates? Would you be reconsidering your rule of the throne? Would you be alive if he was? His death set off a range of events that led you to where you are now. If it wasn’t for him, you would have died. Think about that before you dishonor his death with your sad thoughts.”

  Pete stops beside me as I think through all that he said, “Dude! That is so not cool! You’re blaming her for her father’s death!”

  I place my hand on Pete’s chest to grab his attention and make him lean close so I can whisper in his ear, “It’s fine. He’s right. Just let it go, for me, please?”

  He leans back and sees the sincerity in my eyes. He nods before giving James one last harsh look. We jog to catch up with the others as they almost reach the training area. This pack is much more sophisticated in the fact that they have installed an outdoor boxing ring as their sparring arena. It’s actually pretty cool!

  “I know right! Lily and I did this before I left,” Pete says grinning at me. Hold the phone! Did he just hear my thoughts or feelings or whatever it is?!

  Pete seems to take a second to realize he sensed me but James notices. He beams and pulls me in for a hug, “See? You are already getting there! It won’t be long until the others can feel you the same way,” he boasts as Pete snatches me.

  “That’s my mate you’re hogging. Did I really hear you? Try it again,” he says excitedly as the others join us watching in awe.

  Hmmm. Pete naked. That would be fun to see right now. I concentrate hard on sending that thought, watching as he bursts out laughing. “Oh Dani, if you wanted me naked, all you had to do was ask,” he grins, pulling me close.

  Cool, this means he can actually be my voice. Lily wanders over to us, having heard Pete. “No getting naked in my training area. You’ve done that one too many times in your life that I beg you not to do it again,” she says wryly.

  I need to know what shenanigans he got up to in the training area! I wonder if I ask her later she’d tell me?

  Pete blushes slightly coughing to cover up his embarrassment, “No, you will never know. How about we get on to this challenge? The sooner it’s over the quicker we can go,” he rambles, wanting to change the subject.

  “Since you can communicate with her now, I think the two of you should be the ones to explain what is happening,” James says gracefully backing down. It was decided that he would help me speak with the pack since they needed my presence but it’s probably better Pete helps me since technically it’s his pack, even if his aunt is acting Alpha.

  Pete nods, taking my hand and leading me up into the ring they have set up. It’s pretty cool and under other circumstances, I’d love it but now I’m nervous. “Whenever you’re ready Dani. Just tell me what you want to say.”

  I think hard about what needs to be said and hope Pete gets most of it. He starts off on his own and we flow together until we’re one voice.

  “Welcome Tiern pack. As you know, I’m Peter, your future Alpha. I am here today to help our future Alpha Queen speak to you. Last night, she was taken whilst she slept and poisoned with silver. Her unique lineage is allowing her to heal but it is progressing very slowly. Due to our mate bond, I am able to hear what she wishes to say and announce it to you all. Firstly, she would like me to tell you she wishes she could have met you all under better circumstances and hopes that one day she can host a celebration to meet yo
u all individually.

  For now, we have been told there are a few dominance issues that need to be resolved.” Uttered yes’s through the pack make me feel sad for just how bad it has gotten.

  “Ok then. What we would like first are the people that haven’t been involved in dominance challenges to step forward.”

  I squeeze his hand, pleased at how well this communicating thing is going as three men step forward. “Why have you not fought to be high up in the pack?” Pete asks.

  The first guy speaks. “I didn’t wish to cause my family unnecessary drama. I have a child who would suffer with my loss.”

  The second guy speaks. “I know I am not strong enough in the pack so I chose not to make a fool of myself when I didn’t need to.”

  I nod understanding the reasons so far. They’re both sufficient enough to not try to compete for the pack.

  The third guys steps forward and my wolf perks up impressed. He’s a big guy but not overly intimidating that the pack would fear him. I wonder why he hasn’t fought for a place in the pack?

  I wait for him to speak but he just stands there with his head bowed. “Why don’t you speak?” Pete asks, voicing my question.

  “I’m sorry your majesties. I am unworthy of being in your presence. I never competed for a place in the pack for I do not deserve one,” he says simply, as if that’s all the explaining he needs to do. I want to know why. “Our future Queen wishes to know why you feel you are unworthy.” Pete says watching him. Through our mate bond I can feel his own wolf’s admiration. He knows what I do.

  “I’m unworthy because I have no pack ties. I was found as a baby and believed to be a wolf from the rogue packs but no one claimed me. I don’t deserve to be a part of the pack.”

  I smile, knowing exactly what I want to happen. Pete nods as I shift into my wolf, no hesitation. There are a few gasps from the pack as they see how big I am.

  Leaping over the ropes, the crowd shuffles back except for the third man. He just stands still as if accepting his fate.


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