Ultimate Sacrifice (Men of Courage Book 1)

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Ultimate Sacrifice (Men of Courage Book 1) Page 15

by K. C. Lynn

  My hands slam down on the table before him, making him jump. “You’re riding a thin fucking line here. Now is not the time for cryptic answers. Declan is dead from that shift change and my girl was almost killed two days ago, conveniently the same time you showed up late for your shift. If I were you, I’d start talking, really fucking quick.”

  “Wait a second,” he says, holding up a hand. “You guys think I’m the one starting these fires?”

  “We just need some clarification,” Cap explains. “You haven’t been honest with us about the shift you switched with Declan. You’ve also been late too many times to count, and like Austin has mentioned, coincidentally the fire started yesterday in your absence.”

  “I didn’t do it. I swear!”

  “Then tell us where you were the night Declan died,” I say, cutting back in. “We’re willing to give you the benefit of the doubt here, Marks, but give us something to go on. Anything.”

  I hold onto the little bit of hope I have left, praying he has some sort of explanation for all this. The last thing I want is for him to be responsible, but as of right now, there’s too many unanswered questions with him.

  “I can’t,” he murmurs. “I’m sorry.”

  My hands fist at my sides as I restrain myself from beating the truth out of him.

  “Then you leave me no choice,” Cap says regretfully. “Under the circumstances, I’m going to have to suspend you until further notice, pending a full investigation.”

  He jumps to his feet, chair knocking over in his haste. “This is bullshit. I’d never hurt anyone, especially Declan. He was my best fucking friend!”

  “Stand down, Marks,” Cap orders before I can. “You’ve made your choice, now I’ve made mine. Go clean out your locker.”

  He kicks the knocked-over chair and storms out of the office.

  Cam and Jake walk in after his angry departure, Cam blowing out a low whistle at the tipped over chair. “I’m guessing it didn’t go well.”

  “No,” I answer grimly. “He lied again about where he was and refused to give us the truth.”

  “I had to suspend him,” Cap adds, guilt hanging in his voice.

  “You did the right thing, Cap,” Cam assures him.

  He nods but you can see how hard the decision was on him.

  “I still think we need to be open to the idea that this might not be him,” Jake says. “After yesterday’s fire it’s safe to say this is more than a little personal.”

  “Agreed,” I say, feeling the knowledge burning in my mind and heart. “This isn’t just some asshole wreaking havoc on our town. He’s targeting this station specifically and Zoey got caught in the crossfire.” Just speaking it has rage searing my veins all over again. “If it’s not Rubin we need to find out who and soon or there is no telling who’s next.”

  Cap lets go of a weary breath, running a hand down his tired face. “I’ll talk to arson. In the meantime, you guys watch your backs. Every call is always handled with care but even more so now. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  After we’re dismissed, we leave his office, Cam speaking again once we enter the hallway. “If you ask me, I think it’s time we do some hunting of our own. I’m tired of waiting to see what this sick fuck will do next.”

  “Same,” Jake adds, voice hard. “I know Cap wants Roper to handle this but I don’t trust him. It’s time we start doing some investigating of our own.”

  I nod my agreement. No more waiting. We need to catch this fucker and when we do, he will pay for ever trying to hurt what’s mine.


  The night is ablaze with red, yellow, and orange lighting up the dark sky as I watch the structure disintegrate before me. Flames crackle and roar, licking the empty window frames. They reach for me like the devil himself, calling on my dark soul as they try pulling me into the depths of hell. While the heat is strong, nothing compares to the rage burning in my heart.

  A smile claims my lips, satisfaction rolling through me as I think about everything I still have planned. They haven’t seen anything yet.

  By the time I am done, they will all bleed the same pain and betrayal they have bestowed upon me.



  Sunlight cascades through the broken clouds as I trek across the property carrying my camera and the mysterious map that was left next to me in bed.

  I woke up this morning, reaching for the warm body I’m used to feeling wrapped around me only to find this piece of paper with specific instructions and a map to follow.

  My mind has run rampant with all sorts of scenarios as to what he could be up to, all of them making my heart dance in my chest. Beautiful feelings that are no longer foreign to me since he came into my life.

  A lot has happened since the fire, life changing things that have me feeling thankful every day for the second chance I’ve been given.

  It started with a contract I was offered from National Geographic. Thanks to Austin, who sent in some of my work without my knowledge, not only did they show interest and purchase the rainbow photograph I took all those weeks ago right here on this very property, they also offered me a three-year contract to work for them.

  It’s always been a dream of mine, and thanks to Austin, he made it come true. I’ll be taking pictures within this beautiful state and all over the world. My very first travel destination is Fiji and Austin gets to come with me. We leave next week, and I can’t wait to explore it with him.

  It will be good for us to get away from the craziness for a little while. Things at work for him have been strained, to say the least. They are no closer to uncovering the identity of the arsonist who is terrorizing our community. From what Austin has told me, they don’t even have enough evidence for the only suspect they have. It’s scary and I worry about his safety constantly.

  Aside from that, things are slowly falling into place. Thanks to the insurance money, Frank has been able to rebuild the bar. Austin has been giving him a hand when he has free time, and I know he will make the new place a success. I couldn’t be happier for him and I’ve promised to be his first customer.

  All of the wonderful things happening in my life have helped ease the pain of losing my sister. I’ll always miss her, always long for her, that will never change, but every day that ache gets a little less and most of it is thanks to the man who owns my heart.

  I come up to my first point marked on the map, a confused frown forming on my face when I find a shot glass resting on a folded piece of paper. I snap a picture of it first, wanting to photograph this little mission he has me on, then bend down and pick it up. Opening the folded piece of paper, it reads:

  One night I walked into a bar for a drink with my hockey team, never knowing I’d come face-to-face with an angel. From there, it began.

  An unmistakable smile claims my lips, butterflies flocking in my tummy as I continue to the second point of interest, eager to see what I will find next.

  Laughter rattles my chest when I recognize the paddle from the auction I used to bid on him with a hundred-dollar bill tied to the handle. After snapping a photo, I pick it up along with the note:

  You finally took a chance on me and it was the best night of my existence. I would have spent another thousand dollars for a single night with you and I’ll spend even more for a lifetime.

  My breath catches at the written words, a sliver of hope igniting in my chest at what this all could be leading up to. Looking down at the map, I continue to the next checkpoint, not missing the fact that it’s taking me to my favorite place on the property.

  The creek.

  A familiar blanket is spread out, the same one we made love on that first night in front of the fire. A picnic basket rests on it along with a wrapped gift and two flowers, a daffodil and a pink lily. There’s no mistaking whom the pink one represents.

  Emotion burns my throat, sharpening the ache that will always remain in my heart. After snapping the picture, I take a spot on
the soft blanket and pick up both flowers, bringing them to my nose for a smell. The sweet scent recovers the memory of the day he surprised us at the hospital.

  A note tells me to open the wrapped gift first. Picking it up, I bring it on my lap and peel away the paper to find a framed photo. It’s the selfie I took of the three of us in this very spot. One of the last moments we were all together before her death.

  The tears I’ve been holding back begin to tumble down my cheek as I hold the photo close to my heart. My face tilts up to the sun, letting the warmth of it mask the love and loss I feel in this moment.

  Once I gain a measure of control, I open the letter that comes with it.

  She may not be here with us now but it doesn’t change the fact that she will be a part of our lives forever. I promised the both of you that I would give you everything you ever wanted and I’m starting right now.

  Open the picnic basket.

  Putting the letter down, I swipe at my tears then flip open the top of the basket. What I find has a gasp fleeing me. “Oh my goodness. Who are you?”

  Reaching inside, I pull out the cutest yellow lab puppy, his chubby belly squirming in my hands excitedly.

  “Well aren’t you just the sweetest little thing.” I bring him into my chest and look down at his collar; the name on his dog tag has a small sob breaching my lips.


  I hug the dog close, crying as I hold a dream my sister and I had together for as long as I can remember. I’m yanked from the emotional moment when his wet nose tickles my face, making me laugh.

  “You like kisses? Me too.” I press my lips to the top of his nose, loving his puppy scent.

  “Hey. Those kisses are supposed to be for me.”

  The deep, amused voice has my head snapping up. My heart turns over in my chest when I find the man responsible for all this. A sexy smirk rests on his face as he walks toward me, his long gait as sure and confident as ever.

  He comes to a stop in front of me, looking proud as he gazes down at me.

  “What have you done, Austin Hawke?” I sniffle, finding it hard to find the words I’m feeling in this moment.

  “Just trying to make you mine forever.”

  His response turns me into a blubbering mess. “I can’t believe you did all this.”

  He drops down to both knees before me, brushing my hair out of my face. “I’d do anything for you, Zoey girl, and if you give me the chance, I promise to make every single dream you ever have come true.”

  There’s no stopping the flow of tears no matter how much I try. They slip down my cheeks, making Gus’s yellow fur golden until he wiggles out of my arms and onto the grass.

  Austin leans in, pressing his lips to my wet cheek, erasing the tears one by one just like he erases the pain in my heart. His mouth trails to my ear, making me wait with bated breath for what he will say next.

  “Marry me, Zoey.”

  Even though I expected the words, they still change my entire life, solidifying my biggest dream of all.

  To be his forever.

  I lift my hand to his jaw, holding him close. “Yes.”

  Taking my left hand in his, he slides a stunning white gold ring onto my finger, the single solitaire perfectly fitting, but it’s the two smaller pink stones on either side, which represents my sister, that takes my breath away.

  “It’s perfect,” I whisper.

  “A perfect ring for a perfect girl.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck. “Thank you,” I cry. “Thank you for loving me, for saving me, but mostly, thank you for loving my sister and making her a part of this moment. I feel her here with us so much right now.”

  His arms curl around my waist, bringing me in even closer. “She’ll always be with us, Zoey, and together we’re going to live this life for her, too.”

  His words settle over me, burrowing into my heart. Pulling back, our eyes hold for two solid beats before our mouths become one, the soul-shattering kiss a promise of forever.

  Groaning, he pulls me over to straddle him. My knees rest on either side of his hips while his hands cup my bottom, bringing me snug against his erection. “Always so fucking sweet, Zoey girl.”

  My fingers drive into his hair, every breath precious and urgent as we lose ourselves in one another.

  The beautiful connection is broken up quickly though by a cold, wet nose as Gus wiggles himself between us. I pull back, sliding off his lap with a laugh as the small pup dances around, wanting to play.

  “Hey,” Austin scolds, lifting the tiny pup in the air. “You’re seriously cockblocking me right now, dog.”

  My heart warms when he licks Austin’s cheek in response before jumping into my arms.

  “Awe, don’t be too upset with him, Hawke,” I coo, holding the puppy close to my heart. “We have our whole lives to make up for it.”

  Deep, dark eyes peer into mine, his hand reaching out to caress my cheek. “Yeah, we do, and I promise, Zoey, I’ll always make you happy.”

  I have no doubt he will because he’s already made me the happiest woman in the world, something I didn’t think I’d ever feel again without my sister.

  “Come on.” He climbs to his feet, offering me his hand. “Let’s take the little cockblocker for a walk.”

  Smiling, I allow him to pull me up, our fingers linking as we walk hand in hand next to the creek, watching as Gus plays in the water.

  This moment is a promise of the future that I always dreamed about and I silently vow to live it for Chrissy. To never take a single day for granted and to love this man with everything I am.


  Turn the page for a letter from the author…

  Dear reader,

  I hope you enjoyed the first book in my Men of Courage series. There is still so much to come and I can’t wait to share more of these characters with you. Cam’s book is second and Jake’s will be the third and final story.

  It is best to follow me on social media to keep up-to-date with what’s to come next or my website www.authorkclynn.com where you can also read sneak peeks and short stories of previous written characters.

  If you are a new reader to me, please feel free to check out my Men of Honor series. The first book Fighting Temptation is free on all platforms.

  You can also turn the page to read the first chapter of Sweet Haven, Sam and Jase’s book which is where we first met these fabulous characters. It is available now on all platforms.

  Until next time,

  K.C. Lynn




  Music vibrates beneath my feet as I head up to the bar with my tray in hand. “I need three Coronas, two Jack and Cokes, and a screwdriver for table seven,” I tell my friend, Zoey, who’s behind the counter.

  “Got it.” Lining up three glasses she begins filling the order. “I can’t thank you enough, Sam, for bailing me out once again. Finding reliable help nowadays seems impossible, especially on a Friday night.”

  I smile back at her, feeling bad about how much trouble she’s had finding good servers. Zoey is one of my best friends and owns Overtime, a successful sports bar here in Silver Creek. Anytime I can help her out I do, especially since the hours don’t conflict with my day job. It also keeps me busy and my mind off of things. Things I don’t like to think about.

  “You know I’m happy to help whenever I can. It’s not like my Friday nights are ever eventful.”

  She chuckles, knowing it’s true. “Well, thank God for that or I would have been in one hell of a bind tonight. It’s going to be hard to find backup when you leave me for good,” she adds, speaking of my upcoming move to Charleston. Her smile dims as she places the first two drinks on my tray. “You know I’m going to miss the hell out of you, right?”

  “I’ll miss you, too,” I confess, my throat beginning to feel tight. “But we still have three more months together. I promise to come visit and you can come see me, too.”

  “I know, but it won’t
be the same.” She pops the caps off three Coronas before putting them down in front of me and reaching for the limes nearby. “The first thing I want you to do when you get there is go to your brother’s gym and find yourself a sexy fighter. If you find two then send one my way.”

  “Yeah right, you know how Sawyer is. The last place I’ll ever find a date will be at his gym.”

  “Well, he’s going to have to get over the whole protective big brother thing. It’s time you got back on the dating train, Sam. Now that the two-timing asshole is out of the picture.”

  My stomach knots at the mention of Grant.

  Zoey senses the reaction. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bring him up.”

  I shake my head. “Don’t be. It’s fine.”

  Actually, it’s not fine. Nothing to do with Grant was ever fine. If I could go back and change the seven months I foolishly gave him then I would. But I can’t. All I can do is move on and never let myself stoop that low again. Being with my family again will help. I’ve missed them so much.

  Shoving my thoughts aside, I flash Zoey my perfected fake smile before turning back to the packed bar to deliver my order. It really is a great place with booths and high-top tables littering the worn hardwood floors, creating a maze of sports enthusiasts, eager to catch whatever sporting event is on for the evening. Most local sports teams come in to either celebrate their victory or drown their sorrows.

  As I place each drink in front of the waiting patrons, I feel a crowd at my back as people take the table behind me. I spin around to greet them with a bright smile that dies when my gaze collides with a pair of sexy chocolate brown eyes that girls drop their panties for in a heartbeat.

  Jase Crawford, my brother’s sworn enemy.

  His gaze blatantly sweeps down my body, making my skin tingle before slowly climbing back up to my face. I stand tall, refusing to shift under his scrutiny, knowing that’s exactly what he wants. A slight smirk plays at the edge of his full lips, but there’s no denying the hint of hostility in his eyes as he stares back at me.


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