Family in His Heart

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Family in His Heart Page 18

by Gail Gaymer Martin

  “When’s Rona coming back?” Gary stood in the doorway of the family room and stretched.

  “Sometime today. She called early this morning and said she would probably leave soon, so I’d expect her around dinnertime.”

  Gary plopped onto the sofa, his face strained from the accident the day before, and Nick knew he regretted his carelessness in mooring the boat. “Dad, I’m sorry about—”

  Nick held up his hand. “You don’t have to say another word. I know you’re sorry.” Gary had apologized to him and to Jeanie’s parents over and over. Lessons had to be learned the hard way sometimes.

  Gary leaned forward, his head lowered. “I’m not apologizing about the accident again.”

  His words swept over Nick, and he studied his son’s face.

  “I’m sorry about everything since Mom died.” He stood up and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Yesterday opened my eyes.”

  Nick held his breath.

  “Like you said, accidents happen and—” His voice choked and Gary hesitated, Nick realized, to gain composure.

  Nick nodded, not wanting to interrupt.

  “I never told you this, but when Mom died, I’d begun to wonder why. I was thirteen and somehow I’d convinced myself she wanted to die because I was a bad person.”

  “Gary, you were never—”

  “You don’t know, Dad.”

  Know what? Nick struggle to maintain his cool.

  “When I’d spotted Mom drinking, I attacked her. I told her I’d tell you. She said it was medicine. That she’d been feeling sick. I knew that was bologna, but I wondered what was really wrong. You were so busy working. You had businesses, I know, but when you’re a kid, you want everyone to focus on you and not work. I felt Mom falling apart and my dad totally oblivious.”

  “I know that now. I do.”

  “I still thought it had to do with me. Neither one of you wanted to spend time with me. You were both caught up in your own worlds. So when Mom died, I thought it was an escape from me. Then I couldn’t bear it anymore and decided to blame you, because I couldn’t stand—”

  Nick was on his feet and wrapping his arms around his son. “Gary, I’ve been blaming myself. I’ve feared that your mom was so unhappy that she took…that she wanted to die. We were having problems.”

  “I know you were. She didn’t like your working long hours, either. But it wasn’t your fault, Dad. Mom told me she loved you, but she didn’t love herself.”

  Nick felt the floor drop beneath him as if plunging to his death in an elevator. He clung to Gary to keep his balance, fearing he’d frighten his son. “Your mom said that?”

  “I accused her of hating both of us, and she said she loved us with all her heart. She just hated herself. But why?”

  Overtaken by Gary’s words, Nick couldn’t speak.

  “Why, Dad?”

  “I don’t know. Your mom wanted lots of things and the more I worked to please her the more I didn’t please her. Sometimes people think material things will make them happy when it’s something missing inside them. I loved your mom and didn’t know what was wrong. She’d had a bad time with her sister. They weren’t close, but why? Your mom didn’t talk much about that, so I never knew.”

  “I saw what happened.”

  Nick drew back and clasped Gary’s shoulders. “You saw the accident?”

  He nodded, tears growing in his eyes. “Another boat was passing us on your side. You’d turned the other way to look at Mom and didn’t see it. I think Mom raised her hand to wave and she was swung to the left. The wake of the boat pushed her farther left. The raft looked like it appeared out of nowhere.”

  Nick swallowed his emotion, grateful for the truth. “I saw the raft and I saw the boat, Gary. I was trying to stay away from both.”

  “Then you did all you could. Mom didn’t want to die. It was an accident.”

  He’d said that to himself, but validation covered Nick like a healing balm. He drew Gary into an embrace and they stood there a long time without saying anything else.

  Rona loved the feel of Nick’s hand in hers, his strong fingers wrapped around her palm giving her a sense of security and love. He’d said he loved her and Rona believed every word.

  Since she’d arrived home, a weight had lifted from her shoulders. Forgiveness opened her and she felt renewed after ridding herself of the bitterness. Her only baggage now was Don, and she believed that only God could save him from damnation.

  “You’re thoughtful.” Nick’s voice drew her from her thoughts. “Ready to go or do you want to stay? We have time.”

  Rona looked at the temporary tents filled with art displays and food for Hessel’s Music and Art Dockside annual event. Surrounded by music, people lingered, tempted to spend their money on new artworks and crafts. She’d purchased a candleholder made from a tree branch still covered with bark. With a thick candle, it would add a nice touch to a window table in her apartment.

  She blocked the sun from her eyes and gazed at Nick. “What time’s the reservation?”

  “Not until six-thirty, but we’ll have to leave by five-thirty, I suppose, between the drive and ferry.”

  Excited, she looked forward to another evening at Bayside Dining, the place Nick had tricked her into attending that charity dinner.

  Eyeing her watch, Rona calculated how long it would take her to get ready. She’d purchased a dress for the evening without telling Nick and looked forward to surprising him. This one was a deep teal calf-length number with lovely lace crochet inserts on the neck and sleeve. “It’s close to three-thirty. Why don’t we go home?” Go home. The words sounded wonderful.

  Nick shifted his hand up her arm and wrapped it around her shoulders. “Sounds good to me.”

  Rona had gotten used to the ride and the time passed more quickly than when she first experienced the trip to Nick’s house. The day seemed a year ago but it had just been a couple of months. Nick nosed between the docks and she helped tie the boat, then kissed him goodbye as she hurried up the stairs to her apartment, anxious to take a shower and slip into her new dress.

  Watching Nick from the landing, Rona pulled open the door and stepped inside.

  “Hi, sis.”

  Her heart exploded. “What are you doing here? How did you find me?”

  “You left telltale hints. I think you wanted me to look for you.”

  A million questions swam in her head. “How did you get in here? Where’s your boat?”

  “I’m smart enough not to dock here and I opened the door and walked in. It wasn’t locked.”

  Maybe this was her fear about leaving the door unlocked.

  “And you must know, sis, that a small town gives away a lot of free information.”

  Rona wanted to knock the smug look from his face.

  “When you mentioned up north, I remembered Hessel. You used to visit here with one of your little friends. Remember?”

  She didn’t give him the pleasure of a nod.

  “So I dropped by the inn there in the bay and asked a few questions. People were so happy to tell me how you’d worked there and then got a housekeeping job with a rich man who apparently fell in love with you. Too bad he doesn’t know about your little escape in Detroit.”

  “He knows, Don. I told him.”


  His doubt-filled voice crept up her spine. “Please leave, Don. I have nothing to give you anymore.”

  “But your rich boyfriend might, to have your loving brother vanish.”

  “Rona?” Nick’s voice jolted from the speaker.

  Don rose from the chair and crossed to her, his finger on his lips. “Don’t say a word,” he whispered.

  She backed away from the intercom, knowing that if she didn’t answer Nick would be there in a flash. “Okay.”

  “Rona? What’s wrong?” Nick’s voice sang out again.

  Don grasped her arm. “Answer it, but be fast.”

  Panic swallowed her as she tried to think of a
way to signal him. No matter what she might say Don would catch on. “I’m here. I was getting ready to shower.”

  Nick’s voice sailed to her. “We’ll need to leave earlier than I said. I forgot I need to stop at John’s for a minute.”

  “No problem. I’ll be ready.” She lifted her finger to turn off the intercom, but left it pressed in.

  “Get away from that thing,” Don said, pushing his fingers into her forearm and forcing her away from it.

  “You’re hurting me.”

  He dropped his hand. “Here’s my plan. Your boyfriend has loot. Look at this place. I hear he has a resort and a construction business. Those people in town were so pleased to tell your favorite brother all the tidbits they could.”

  “I don’t know anything about Nick’s money. I’m the housekeeper.”

  He snorted. “Not what I see. You’re his little plaything.”

  She clenched her fist not to backhand him. Lord, give me wisdom.

  “I just need a little money to get a new start. Fifty thousand would be good.” He grasped her arm again and sank his thumb into her muscle. She flinched with the pain.

  “Make up a story. You need to help an old friend. Anything. He’ll give it to you.”

  The door swung open and Nick charged into the room, his eyes flashing with disgust. “Take your hands off her.”

  He bound to Don’s side and jerked him away. “You have no business here and I wouldn’t give you a penny.” He swung his arm toward the door. “Get out and don’t come back.”

  “What do you think the townspeople will think when I give them the lowdown on Rona’s wriggling out of a robbery.”

  “They’ll laugh you out of town, Don. People here know Rona and they care about her. You’re a stranger. They won’t listen to your lies.”

  Don moved toward the door, then faltered. “Look. Just give me a few bucks. I need to get some people off my back.”

  Rona clutched Nick’s arm. “And you’ll need more people off your back next week, Don. Then the next. It’s unending. Change. Get a job. That’s what Mom would want for you.”

  “Mom cared nothing about me. You were the golden girl.”

  “I’m sorry,” Rona said. “I can’t change that, but you can change. It takes work. The only thing I can do for you is pray.”

  “Pray!” His scoff echoed in Rona’s ears.

  Nick moved toward him. “If you come around here again, I’ll have the police cart your sorry carcass out of here. This isn’t a threat. It’s a warning. I have no use for you.”

  “You’ll be sorry,” Don screamed as he pushed open the door and darted down the stairs.

  “I’m so sorry,” Rona said, falling into Nick’s arms. “I’ve feared this might happen and—”

  “Shhh. He can’t hurt you any longer. I’m sorry I didn’t try to reason with him.”

  “You can’t reason with Don. I’ve tried.”

  Nick cuddled her in his arms until she had calmed.

  She moved away to get a tissue.

  He motioned to the intercom. “Great thinking. I would never have known.” He pushed the off button.

  “I hoped you’d hear.” She hiccuped another sob.

  Nick drew her into his arms again. “Let’s cancel dinner tonight. I want this to be—”

  “No, Nick. I’m so sorry about Don. He ruined—”

  He shook his head. “I want the night to be special. I’ll make the reservations for next weekend. It’s best. I promise.”

  Rona trembled with her ragged nerves. “Okay.” This was no night to enjoy a romantic dinner.

  Nick gave her a final squeeze, then headed for the door. “Come up to the house when you’re dressed.”

  Rona listened to his footsteps on the stairs and when they were gone, she closed the door and locked it.

  Rona’s mind had wandered for the past two days since she’d found Don in her apartment. When would he show up again to ruin her life? He always did in one way or another. She didn’t know how to pray for him anymore, but she continued to try. God knew her heart and that’s what counted.

  Nick had changed their reservation to next Saturday and it had been a wise decision. Sunday after Don had charged off, she’d felt as if a hammer had struck her between the eyes. The headache vanished on Monday, replaced by apprehension. Don had made threats and he usually carried them out.

  She wiped the kitchen counter, still awed by Nick’s gorgeous home. She loved every nook and cranny. With the kitchen spotless, Rona headed to the hallway and grabbed the vacuum cleaner. The family room wasn’t on her schedule, but Gary and his friends had tracked in clumps of grass from the yard.

  The house sounded wonderful with the noise of teens laughing and yelling from the game room. She never thought she would say she loved noise, but it filled her with a sense of belonging, a wonderful sensation she’d missed much of her life.

  As she started the vacuum cleaner, she felt her pocket vibrate. She snapped off the machine and pulled out her cell phone. “Hi,” she said, waiting to hear Nick’s voice.

  “This is Sergeant Dickson of the Sault Ste. Marie police department.”

  Police? A pain shot through her stomach.

  “We found your phone number in the pocket of a Don Rogers. Do you know this man?”

  She struggled for breath. “Yes, he’s my brother. What’s wrong? What has he done now?”

  “Are you Miss Rogers?”

  “I’m Rona Meyers.”

  “I’m sorry, but…your brother was killed while attempting to rob a liquor store.”

  “No,” she whispered, as tears rolled from her eyes. Don’s life hung before her, sending a deep ache in her heart. Don had destroyed his life with alcohol and drugs. “Did he hurt anyone?”

  “No, but we need you or another family member to come here and identify the body.”

  She brushed away her tears with trembling hands as she grasped a pencil and paper. “I’ll be there. Could you give me directions?”

  When she’d disconnected, Rona stood a moment, letting the sergeant’s message sink in. Then she looked heavenward. Was this the only way?

  Clutching her cell phone in her shaking palm, she punched in Nick’s number. She needed Nick. He would go with her. She couldn’t do this alone.

  When she heard his voice, peace washed over her.

  Rona gazed out the windows at the star-studded sky. The past week had been stressful, but she’d been able to give it to the Lord. He promised to carry her burdens and He had done that.

  Nick’s hand touched hers and she lifted her eyes, knowing she’d been quiet too long. “Have I told you how beautiful you are?”

  She nodded, remembering the look on his face when he saw her in the new dress.

  “You’re ravishing.”

  “You’re pretty handsome yourself.”

  He grinned. “Have I told you that I love you?”

  “Not in the last ten minutes.”

  “Then it’s time I tell you again, but this time with some positive action.”

  “Positive action?” Her hand flew to her lacy neckline. “You’re not going to kiss me in public.”

  “That sounds like a great idea, but we’ll save the kiss for later.” He lifted his other hand and slid a black velvet box onto the table.

  Rona’s heart skipped. “Nick.”

  “Open it.”

  She lifted it and raised the lid. Inside, the most beautiful diamond she’d ever seen winked at her in the dim lights, its fire of blue and red shooting color like fireworks in her heart. “It’s gorgeous.”

  “I’d hoped you’d like it. I bought it downstate and when John was making a trip to Traverse City, I asked him to pick it up for me. I wanted it for tonight.”

  “So that’s why you said we had to stop there last week?”

  He grinned. “I’m sorry. John and Sherry knew before you did, but they were so excited.”

  Rona didn’t care. They’d become good friends. She lifted the ring fro
m the satin and held it in her fingers, the diamond so large she couldn’t believe it was hers. “What about Gary? Does he know?”

  “He’s your biggest fan.”

  “My fan?”

  “He asked me why I took so long. The kid’s wise for sixteen.”

  “Nearly seventeen. His birthday’s in a few days.”

  “Rona, you’ve made our life so complete. You came into our lives with your energy and amazing smile and straightened us out.”

  “I didn’t straighten you out. You did lots of work with God’s help. I watched you and Gary come together and I loved every minute of healing. Both of you came to grips with the problems.”

  He squeezed her hand. “But I think you were the catalyst.”

  Her heart soared. “I’m glad.”

  “Let’s go outside for a minute.”

  Rona reached for the box, but Nick took the diamond from her hand, then caught her arm and steered her onto the patio.

  Under the summer sky, she turned to face him as he lifted her hand and slipped the ring onto her finger. A perfect fit. Nick lifted her hand and kissed it, then drew her closer and lowered his lips to hers. She tasted his sweetness, the depth of his love flowed from him to her heart and the kiss held promises she could only imagine. A life with the man she loved. A life free from fear. Her mind soared with the new life that awaited them.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Saturday, September 15

  “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Pastor Al’s voice resounded in Nick’s ears. He’d waited so long to hear those words.

  Nick caressed Rona’s cheek, gazing at her shining face, a face that had intrigued him from the moment he’d laid eyes on her at the inn. Today her eyes told him everything he needed to know. She loved him with her whole heart. He lowered his mouth to hers, their lips now feeling at home together, a soft touch that deepened for a moment before separating.

  They smiled, then turned to face their friends in their family room, the perfect place for the perfect wedding. A cheer went up from those gathered and a rush of guests came toward them, arms open wide to embrace them.

  Betsy wiped her eyes and clutched Rona’s bouquet. Gary stood beside them, smiling, and Nick had been so pleased he’d chosen his son to be the best man.


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