It's All Coming Back To Me

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It's All Coming Back To Me Page 6

by Michelle Marra

  She’s standing now with a broad smile stretched on her face, and I can’t help but to look at her full lips and imagine what it would be like to press my mouth to hers. I hear my phone chime with a text notification, and I know it is Cammie. They’re probably wrapping up their shopping spree and want to join me for lunch. But I have no interest in breaking bread with the three of them…my interests lie elsewhere, and if all goes in accordance with what is dancing around inside my head, it will be between Lillian’s legs.

  I try to play it cool though because it has been a while since someone has come on to me this strongly. I look up at her as a full grin appears on my face, I push my sunglasses up on my head and let my eyes trail the length of her body. The uniform she was wearing was just a silly frock, but she looks quite sexy in it.

  “Well, I would prefer not to delay, and I think your outfit is quite hot,” I say as I slide two twenties into the bill jacket and hand it to her. “My appetite for food has waned, but could use another beer.”

  “I have plenty of it stocked in my fridge,” she says.

  “Really? Only, if I don’t get out of here soon, I’ll be stuck when my mother and her friends find me.

  “Can you get into regular cars?”


  “Great, um…I’ll meet you in the parking lot,” Lily says as she points over to the lot. I don’t look because I know exactly where it is.

  I lick my lips in anticipation of my first sexual encounter in over six months. “I need to return this text, see ya there.”

  She nods with a sexy grin on her face and disappears inside the restaurant.

  I immediately look at my phone, it was a text from my mother stating they had indeed finished their shopping and are on their way to this restaurant to have lunch. I type my reply quickly, hoping to head them off at the pass.

  I’m not there mom…wanted to enjoy some fresh salt air at the Wharf. You guys enjoy lunch, I’ll meet up with you later.

  I quickly press send and breathe a sigh of relief when she texts back straightaway.

  Okay, dear. Be careful.

  “Ah, yes!” I say aloud. Stuff my phone between my legs, put my sunglasses back on my face, suck down as much of this beer as I can, then roll myself to the ramp on the deck which leads to the parking lot.

  I have no idea what kind of car she has, and it makes me a little uneasy to think how I’m going to get in it when I can’t move my legs. But I’m game for anything and determined not to let the chair define me.

  When I see her my face lights up, I can feel the heat begin to rise up in my cheeks. She is strutting toward me with a dazzling smile. She looks at me, not the chair and it is refreshing to be seen as me again, Laurel Matthews.

  “Hey gorgeous,” Lillian says, “I’m right over here.” She raises her hand pointing a key fob in the direction of her car and disarms it with a click of a button.

  My eyes follow her hand to where I see it is a Volkswagen Beetle, blue with two thick white stripes down the center. She presses another button, and I watch as the top begins to fold back.

  “Nice car,” I say.

  “Thanks, it’s a turbo.”


  “I know what you’re thinking,” she says.

  “Oh, you do…do you?”

  “You’re thinking how a waitress can afford to live at the Village and have a turbo…right?”

  I roll myself alongside her, the thought did cross my mind, “Maybe,” I say.

  “My father spoils me, but he also makes me work in his restaurant.”

  “Oh,” I say. “Well that makes sense, I guess.”

  “Will you need help getting in?”

  “No, I’ll be okay.” I’ve built up quite a bit of upper body strength in the two months Cammie has been my Drill Sergeant and feel confident that I will be able to pull myself into the compact car.

  She opens the door for me, I reach for the grab bar while placing my left hand on the passenger seat and transfer myself from the chair to the car with ease. She folds my chair and puts it in the back seat. Two minutes later we are speeding down the highway with the wind whipping our hair and swathing our faces. I couldn’t help but watch her shift the car, and when we stopped at a red light, she showed me why the car was a turbo.

  Riding out the gear and causing the wheels to spin, but when it took hold of the road and she dropped it into second gear, I thought we were actually on a jet getting ready for take off. This is turning out to be one of the best days I’ve had since I woke up in that hospital.

  It didn’t take long before we were in her bed naked and I had her writhing. Our beers sat barely drunk on her kitchen table, and our small talk was nearly non-existent before she kissed me. And I have to say the way her tongue felt on mine was amazing. I didn’t realize I was feeling so deprived. And now, I can’t get enough of her. Even while I’m pressing three fingers into her with rapid succession, capturing her moans with my mouth. She breaks free for a moment and lets out an ecstasy filled shriek. It is the third time I’ve made her come, and I don’t want to stop, but she is begging me to.

  However, I’m far from through with her as I make my way down the length of her body leaving a trail of wet kisses along her belly. This wasn’t an easy task considering I couldn’t move the lower half of my body. But where there is a will, there is always a way.

  She widens her legs allowing me to drop between them. The aroma of her arousal is driving me mad, I need to taste her. I need my mouth on her, I want to feel the delicate flesh on my tongue…her wetness, her swollen clit between my lips. But more than anything, I want to make her scream. This is something I know is one thing I’m good at…great actually.

  And as she digs her nails into my scalp, then to the bed frantically gripping at the sheets I know it won’t be long before I hear her shake the rafters loose.

  Chapter Eight

  I t’s just after 8:00 p.m. when I text my mom for a ride home. Not that I couldn’t have asked Lily, the name she asked me to call her during our marathon sex event, but I don’t want to put her out. She looked spent, and it makes me feel prouder than I have in a long time.

  However, she does come outside to wait with me. She made me feel free, alive again. Like something was out there worth the fight to regain the use of my legs. Not that I don’t want to do it for myself, but the frustration of working so hard only to be met with no change made me feel hopeless. But now, my insides are beaming, and I’m more determined than ever, to get my legs back.

  She sits on my lap and kisses me hard on the lips. “This has been one of the best nights I think I’ve ever had…well, maybe one of the best. Top three definitely. But let me tell you this, that was the best sexual experiences of my life.”

  I smile and do a wheely which makes her giggle.

  She’s holding tight to me while I push my chair as fast as my arms can move, popping wheelies and spinning us around and around. Between the exertion of me pushing my chair around like this and us laughing so hard, I can’t catch my breath.

  The beep of the horn startles me, I look around Lily and see the van, then look back into the bright eyes of my lover as my chair slows to a stop.

  “Looks like my ride is here,” I say with a smirk on my face as a quick memory of our afternoon flashes in my head. “Can we hang out again?” I ask.

  She nods. “I was just about to ask you the same thing. Maybe we could go out on my dad’s boat. The sea is really nice this time of year.”

  I smile and nod my head in agreement, it truly is beautiful this time of year. Especially the night sky over the water.

  “Okay, I guess I better let you go,” she says with a coy wink before invading my mouth with her tongue. She hops off my lap and says, “Call me.” Before walking away.

  I watch her intently admiring her sashay. I’m back on cloud nine, and when I spin around, ready to roll myself up the van ramp, the smile which splayed so wide across my face falls instantaneously when I see who is in
the driver’s seat. I shake my head when our eyes connect through the glass of the passenger side window. Her face is absent of expression as I roll in and press the button to retract the ramp and close the door. I’m ready to make a comment when she puts the vehicle in gear and pulls away.

  She is silent and so am I. Even though I wanted to ask her why she is picking me up. But I don’t want to argue with her, I’m enjoying the feeling I have and the smile on my face. However, the silence is brief, and I roll my eyes when she begins to speak because I know it will probably end in an argument and ruin my mood. I’ll just ignore her.

  “So I see it didn’t take you long to get back into the swing of things. Who was that little chippy?”

  I’m astounded by her question and wonder why she wants to know. But instead of taking the bait I remain quiet, trying to keep the sweet feeling which is raging through me at this moment. I’ll be damned if I’d allow her to steal it from me.

  “How many does this make for you? Are you into triple digits or do you not even know how many people you’ve fucked over the years? How many times have you had chlamydia or syphilis?”

  Now she really was bringing out the big guns, and I know she is trying to get under my skin to ruin this for me. “You know nothing about my sex life, so don’t judge me. And just to make you aware, I’ve never had an STD.”

  “You’re right, I only know what came from your own mouth. Keeping all your relationships casual and moving on to another if that one began to get too close.”

  “Sam, why do you care whom I’ve had sex with? It’s my life. And really, why are you back in my life? Didn’t you do enough damage the first time? Are you back to finish me off?”

  I’m getting more and more aggravated by this situation and am now regretting not letting Lily take me home. She is definitely trying to ruin my night, and I’m intent on not letting her no matter how hard she tries. We are just about home, and I’m planning on getting into my whirlpool with a bottle of wine.

  She begins to laugh, and I look at her suspiciously, “What the fuck are you laughing at?”

  “Oh just laughing at how narcissistic you’ve become. Everything doesn’t revolve around you, ya know.”

  “I never thought it did…so answer the question. Why are you here, picking me up, in my house, and around me every day?”

  Her eyes find mine in the rear-view mirror and my heart flutters. The intensity of those blue eyes still have an effect on me, and I hate it. I hate the fact she is here, in my town…in my car and in my life. I divert my eyes to the right. I need to shake this effect she seems to have on me. I look out the window and see the reds and oranges cascading through the sky as the sun sets.

  “I’m here because,” Her voice trails off and then she is silent.

  I shake my head, I really don’t care. I see the house come into view and all I can think about is my wine and my jacuzzi. Once she pulls up to the curb, I press the button to open the door and extend the ramp. I am ready to wheel myself down when she speaks again, catching my attention. I look back when she calls my name, but it doesn’t stop my momentum down the ramp, just my focus. I don’t see that we’re not close enough to the curb, this causes the ramp to dip down and my chair to hit a speed bump, so to speak. My front wheels get stuck between the ramp and the curb which causes my chair to lurch forward, and me to dump out onto the sidewalk.

  Since I’m not prepared for the impact, my face hit the cement, followed by the rest of my body. The next thing I remember is hearing Sam scream. She is at my side in a matter of seconds.

  “Oh my God…Laurel. Are you okay?”

  As I lay on my face I can taste blood, I just hope I still have all my teeth when I can get my bearings enough to flip myself over. “Do I look okay? Can you help me?”

  Sam helps me roll over after I convince her I wasn’t going to break and she wasn’t going to injure me more. She takes one look at my face and tears instantly come to her eyes. “Oh baby, I’m so sorry.”

  She pulls me onto her lap and holds me close while she sobs. I’m in a state of confusion from the fall and smacking my face on the cement. I want to ask her if she was trying to kill me, but her weird display of affection tells me otherwise. She just holds me and rocks me as she repeats ‘I’m so sorry, baby.’

  I look at her like she is out of her mind and what’s this baby shit. I’m nobody’s baby, especially hers. I call her name at least five times before she gathers herself together and helps me back into my chair. I ask her not to take me through the front door because I’m afraid my mother will see me and have a conniption. And I’m not in the mood for a hospital trip. I want my wine and my jacuzzi.

  “Take me around back,” I say. My shoulder is hurting from the impact making it difficult to maneuver my chair, so I have to allow Sam to push me. This doesn’t make me happy.

  When we sneak into the house unbeknownst to anyone, I tell her to get the first aid kit from the therapy room and meet me in my bedroom.

  I look in the mirror, and my jaw drops open. My face looks like I went fifteen rounds with the heavyweight boxing champion. Needless to say, I’m pissed off. I have just had one of the best days of my handicapped life only to be facially marred. Like I need anything else to make me feel more self-conscious. I examine my teeth to make sure nothing is chipped or cracked. Everything looks fine except for the gash on my lip from where I apparently bit it. My nose is bleeding, but it doesn’t seem broken. Either way, I’m sure I’ll still have some bruising around my eyes. There are some minor cuts and scrapes, but the one the stands out the most is a small laceration above my right eye. Guess that part of my face took the brunt of the impact. I’m sure anyone looking at it would say I need stitches, but like I said…there is no way I’m going to the hospital. Butterfly stitches will have to do.

  I hear whimpering coming through my room before Sam appears behind me in the mirror. Her eyes are swollen as the tears continue to fall.

  “I’m so sorry,” she says again, wiping her nose with the back of her hand.

  “Stop saying that Sam. I know you’re sorry. Just give me the kit.”

  “Please let me help you.”

  I look up at her puppy-dog face, and I’m sure she could see the contemptuous look on mine. “You know what you could do?” My tone is harsh, but my face looks like shit and hurts like a bitch. “Go get me that bottle of white I have hidden in the fridge.”

  When I open the kit, I know I’m going to need assistance with the butterfly bandage and I sighed loudly. I resent the fact that I have to tolerate that bitch’s help.

  It only took her a minute, and she wasn’t alone. “Fuck!” I whisper as the sound of Cammie’s voice finds my ears. I know what is coming before I even hear the gasp.

  “Holy shit,” Cammie says as she rushes to my side to assess the damage. She turns my chair toward her and kneels in front of me. She is slowly turning my face side to side to access the damage.

  “Doesn’t look too bad. I’ll clean it up and butterfly that cut.”

  I continue to give Sam dirty looks in the mirror while Cammie is using the antiseptic wipes without mercy despite my protests.

  Once she finishes and is ready to butterfly me, I’m ready for a drink. A big drink. “Sam,” I say, “Open that bottle for me?”

  “No wine,” Cammie says as she pinches the gash on my eye tight.

  “Oh fuck,” I yell. That fucking hurt. I know the accident wasn’t intentional, but I’m already plotting my revenge on that careless blonde.

  Once she finishes with me, I spin my chair back around so I can look in the mirror. I look up at her reflection and grin. Smiling at the moment causes much discomfort. “Sam, please.”

  “No, you’re not drinking,” Cammie says again as she snags the bottle from Sam’s hand.

  “The fuck I’m not. You don’t own me Cammie, and I want a drink. I try to reach up and grab it, but the pain in my shoulder causes me to wince and spout more obscenities. It wasn’t fair she was holding
it above her head, and it took everything I had not to punch her in the gut.

  “I’m gonna take a quick x-ray of that shoulder and your back just to be sure nothing is fractured or broken. But you probably need to be adjusted.”

  Adjusted? What was she talking about? Did that fall cause more spinal damage. “Am I okay?” I ask using my good arm to spin my chair to face them.

  Cammie’s facial expression softens when she could see the fear in my eyes, “I’m sure you’re fine. You really should go to the hospital and get an MRI. I’ll check you out first, but if there is anything irregular with your spine, you’re going.”

  I nod my head in agreement.

  “When we’re done…we’ll all have some wine,” Cammie says with a smile as she winks at me.

  It was after 11:00 p.m. We’ve nearly finished our third bottle, but there are three of us, and I had planned to drink an entire bottle of Moscato myself. Cammie and Sam have me sitting on the sofa between them, and the TV is turned to the cooking channel. Doesn’t matter because we’re not watching anyway. We are too emersed in the laughter of storytelling.

  My face is throbbing, but I can deal with it…especially with this amount of booze coursing through my veins. What I won’t be able to deal with is if there is an injury to my spine…because that would mean I would either need to start over or cope with game over. My spinal cord might not survive another injury without permanent consequences. So when Cammie said everything looked fine on the x-rays, and she didn’t feel anything out of place or swollen I breathed a little sigh of relief. She did say she would check for residual swelling in the morning, but was confident there wouldn’t be any.

  During our little storytelling time, I think I spat wine four times and remarked every time that it was a waste of good booze. But Cammie had us in stitches. She regaled about how she’d received several bloody noses and black eyes from some of her patients throwing things at her. And I commented on how I thought about it too. Cammie was tough and never let up…never let me give anything less than one hundred percent. It was something I loved and hated about her.


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