It's All Coming Back To Me

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It's All Coming Back To Me Page 8

by Michelle Marra

  I pull her down atop me, our mouths still connected, our tongues still intertwined. I want to shout out ‘fuck me,’ but I don’t want to hurry this along if, in fact, this was going to be sex. I feel her thigh press into me, and I break the kiss as a gasp leaves me with a breath. Her mouth immediately finds my neck, and she bites down on the spot that she knows will drive me crazy. I release a throaty moan…I don’t want this to stop. And apparently, the way she is grinding her thigh into me, she doesn’t either.

  “I want you.” I hear her say which brings a grin to my lips.

  “Do ya now?”

  Her eyes find mine again with a laser focus, and I can’t look away. I can’t believe what is happening now, how can I want this? How can I want her? It’s freaking me out, but I can’t look away, and I don’t want to stop this from happening.

  “Yes,” she says in a throaty whisper. Her eyes are dark with desire and I know that look.

  Oh God, I want her. “Then take me,” I whisper.

  She lowers her mouth to my neck again, I can feel the smile on her face just before her tongue glides down my chest. She stops for a moment and pulls the sheet away that is covering my naked flesh, and without saying a word captures a nipple in her mouth while finding the other between her thumb and forefinger. My back arches in response. I’m not sure why, but my nipples are more sensitive than they have ever been and I can feel the wetness begin to gather between my legs.

  “Oh, God!” Escapes my mouth. I want her to take me there, I want her to bring me to the edge of ecstasy and throw me off.

  She senses the urgency of the situation which takes her attention from my nipples to the slickness of my center. Her fingers fill me first, which cause my head to slam into the thick pad of the therapy table. She first presses two fingers into me, moving them slow, steady, and carefully. Maybe she’s afraid she’ll hurt me or something…I’m not sure, but when I open my eyes, I see that look. A look on her face I’ve seen so many times before and I sink deeper into the fantasy.

  Then her lips touch mine again as she adds another finger now filling me perfectly. Her tongue dances on mine as she moves inside me with precision, after all, she has expert knowledge of my body, and she doesn’t skip a beat. She begins to deepen her thrusts and quickens her pace sending me into a frenzy as I grip onto her bare shoulders with my nails. Digging them deeper into her flesh as sounds of pleasure begin to erupt from my throat.

  It was happening, the orgasm I feared I would never feel again, never have again…was just about to rip through me. And as if I can feel every nerve ending come alive at once, my back arches as the sounds of ecstasy begin to shred my throat. My coming didn’t stop her from delivering me into the hands of another orgasm once I catch my breath. It is as if she can read my thoughts when she looks into my eyes. I don’t want her to leave me and she doesn’t. Her fingers immersed, her rhythm matching my sighs, grunts, and moans.

  After I scream out again, she retracts herself from me. “I forgot how good you feel,” she says before her lips connect with mine.

  Then without any warning, she stands from the table and pulls me to her, cradles me against her, and lifts me up. Sam was always so strong, this wasn’t the first time she held me against her like this.

  “I’m not done with you yet,” she says as she begins to walk toward my room.

  I’m somewhat thankful because what I don’t need is Cammie or my mother walking in on Sam fucking me on the massage table.

  She lays me on my bed then turns to lock both doors. I watch as she strips from her clothes and I admire her long, slender physique. She has let her hair grow well past her shoulders, which is sliding so deliciously on her back. When she turns to me, I can see the desire burning in her eyes. I push myself to the center of the bed not taking my eyes off her as she approaches me. My clit is throbbing to an almost painful level, and I so want her mouth on it. No one in all my sexual trysts since has ever done to me orally what I know this woman can do, and I begin to tremble. My heart has nearly burst from my thorax in anticipation.

  She walks to the end of the bed and begins to climb on. She pushes my legs apart before she lays herself on top of me. I can feel her hips start to move, pressing her pussy to mine. My eyes are starting to burn, but I can’t look away from her stare. Her lips connect with mine again in a slow, closed mouth kiss. I can feel her wetness, her swollen bud touching mine and I wish I could wrap my legs around her, let her take me into orgasm again. However, she pushes herself down the length of me, leaving a trail of wet kisses before she drops between my legs. When I feel the tip of her tongue on my clit for the first time, I almost come on the spot, but I want it to linger. I want her to lick me all night because this feels so magical, so perfect, and just so utterly amazing.

  “I almost forgot how good you taste,” she says as her mouth begins its amazing dance. And as much as I want breath in my lungs, I want to feel the climax I know is near. The very first time she brought me to orgasm orally, I’d never known anything so wonderful ever existed…and from that moment on, my appetite for her mouth was insatiable.

  Her tongue is slowly swirling my center to the gentle stroking of my clit and back again. She was driving me out of my mind.

  “Oh, God.” The whisper falls from my throat as my hands find her head tangling my fingers in her hair. “Please don’t stop.”

  The hours that I wanted her to lick me only amount to minutes when I feel the burn begin. My ears are now closed to anything but the sound of my rapid heartbeat. My fingers find the sheets as I frantically pull at them while ecstasy rips through my core and a scream erupts from my throat. I can feel the fluid release from my core as I enjoy every contraction.

  “Oh baby…oh baby,” I yell out, and it dawns on me how loud I am at this moment, and I wonder if anyone is home listening. But I don’t care, let ‘em listen, let ‘em be embarrassed…run from the room. I don’t give a fuck about anything or anyone at this moment. Because that was the best orgasm I think I’ve ever had.

  Her tongue gently strokes my center as I begin to giggle, “Holy shit!” I say, “That was fucking amazing.” My chest is heaving, and I’m smiling big right now, “Wow…just wow.”

  I raise my head and lock eyes with the woman who just rocked my world and never in my wildest dreams did I ever…I do mean ever, think that I would have sex with Sam again. I think I even stated in blogs and in my first book, that if she were the last woman on earth…even if hell had frozen over, I wouldn’t fuck her. But here I am doing that very thing.

  I smile at her, shake my head, “You were always so incredible at that.”

  And I think this was perfectly fitting that my first experience when my sexual parts came back to life was with Sam. After all, she knows me. She knows what I like and how to pleasure me. At least this is how I’m now justifying it because if I let myself think about it too long regret will probably consume me.

  Sam stretches her long form over me, and now we are lying breast to breast as her mouth is devouring mine and I can taste myself on her lips. This was another one of her staples, to allow me to sample the forbidden fruit which I always found to be so hot. And now she is pressing her pussy against mine. I can feel her hot and wet body slide against me, her swollen clit rubbing against mine. I feel her grab my hips and her lips trail down my neck. Her mouth is against my ear, her breath is hurried and labored. I know she’s close, and my clit is still sensitive…I’m right there with her and ready to join her in this orgasm.

  “Oh, baby…please don’t leave me behind,” I say.

  “Have I ever?” she whispers in my ear.

  I know she’ll never let me down, never left me frustrated, and now I’m about to be driven off the edge into the sweetness of orgasm again. And I’m amazed as I feel it begin to build, this feels so fucking good. I don’t want it to stop, I want her to keep riding me, to keep sharing herself with me. But I know it’s coming, and I want it…I want to hear her scream. I want to be the source of her ple

  Sam’s teeth are bearing into my neck, and she is sucking with force, her hands are pulling at my hair. My nails are digging deep into her back, and my breath in her ear is saying, “Don’t stop…don’t stop. Oh baby, don’t stop.” My hands find her ass, and she knows I’m there. Then I hear her, and I know she is there, just from this little sigh she has coupled with my name.

  “Oh, Laurel.”

  Then I know, and I let mine go with her. My nails dig down into her back, and she grunts louder. Our cries of ecstasy are equally matched, and when I open my eyes from yet another mind blowing orgasm, she is now staring down at me, smiling.

  We just stare into each other’s faces…smiling, giggling, and heaving for breath.

  “That was amazing,” I say. And in all my ventures in sex, I’ve never come together with anyone ever. This sex…here and now is not only physically satisfying, but it is also soul satisfying.

  Several moments later she is holding me tight like she always did after we made love. And I’m clinging to her like I always did, shuddering and sated.

  She kisses me on the forehead and says, “I’ve missed you.”

  I couldn’t say the same, there was a time when I missed her so bad I thought I would die. But that was long ago, and even though I’m still living in the fantasy, I can’t go there.

  “You’re amazing,” I say again in an effort to try and steer the conversation somewhere else. “It felt as if my toes were about to blow off.”

  We lay there in silence for a few moments until she suddenly sits up and asks, “What?”

  I regard her with confusion, “You were amazing.”

  “No…about your toes?”

  My brow knits, and I wonder what the hell…then I remember what I just said, “My toes. Holy shit…I feel my toes.”

  I look down at my feet and try to wiggle them. I try and try without success. I look over at Sam and her back at me. Tears start to well up in my eyes as I look back at my feet and watch as the big toe on both my feet begins to move. Sam screams and shoots up from the bed. I can’t take my eyes off my feet. It is like I’m in shock or something. Is this a dream, can I really move them or is this just another one of those dreams I have where I’m able to walk only to awake to the same nightmare.

  “Do it again baby,” Sam says as she is walking closer to my feet.

  I wiggle my toes again, this time more of them move. I’m elated and terrified at the same time…terrified this is temporary, terrified to move and positively terrified to touch them.

  “Don’t touch them,” I yell out when I see Sam reach her hands toward my feet. “I’m…I’m afraid.”

  I know it sounds strange to say that when all I’ve wanted was to move my legs again, to walk again, to run, and to dance. But right now it seems so fragile like blown glass stretched too thin. I’m almost ready for it to stop, to be a dream. A dream I awake from to find myself passed out on that stupid therapy table where Cammie so thoughtlessly left me. I still have a piece of my mind intended for her to hear when I do see her again.

  I can feel the tears wetting my face. I look over at Sam, still naked, standing in the middle of my bedroom floor with a hand over her mouth and tears pouring from her eyes. I had to blink and blink again to make sure what I’m seeing is real. Did this all happen, did I sleep with Sam, did she awaken what is dead in me? Is she standing there clapping, jumping up and down? Naked, I might add.

  I don’t know what to do or say at this moment. Should I try and move my leg? Was it too soon, did I need some kind of different therapy.

  “Call Cammie,” I yell out to the blonde whose focused is zeroed in on my feet.

  “Sam,” I yell to steal her attention.

  She immediately pulls herself back to my bed trying to hold me, congratulate me, console me…I don’t know which, but I don’t want her to move me. What if she breaks the spell, what if I move and something triggers the paralysis again.

  “Don’t move me,” I say, my voice shaking. “Call Cammie and tell her.”

  She smiles before placing a kiss on my lips. “Okay baby,” she says while pushing my hair behind my ear.

  But she doesn’t move for several long moments, she stares into my eyes almost like she is trying to see inside my soul. Her eyes hold mine, and I feel her tears drop onto my skin. She sucks in her bottom lip as her chin quivers.

  Oh God…Please don’t say it. And I suddenly have a gut-wrenching feeling spread through me, and now regret is enveloping me. I have to break this, I can’t have her say those words. Not now, not ever. When I let this happen, when I allowed her to seduce me, it wasn’t about love, and there is no fucking way I’ll go there with her again.

  “Sam, please go call Cammie,” I say. She nods her head without saying a word. Slips off the bed, dresses herself, and disappears in search of Cammie.

  I slam my fist to the bed knowing this is somehow going to come back to bite me. I push the tears from my eyes again and pinch them shut while I slow my breathing. I’m doing everything I can do to not sob. I can’t have her complicating things for me, and I can’t have the ghost of a love that died nearly a decade ago begin to haunt me again. I want my life back, I want my career back…I don’t want Samantha Harrison back.

  When Cammie appears in the room to assess the situation, she says I need to have an MRI, but she doesn’t want me to move my back.

  “Why can’t I move?” I ask.

  “Because we want to be sure what is going on. To see if a vertebrae has shifted or something else is going on. It is hard to say with the spinal cord. But don’t worry, Laurel. I don’t think you did any damage.” She looks at me and then to Sam. It is clear what was going on when I suddenly began to regain feeling. Minutes later, Cammie calls for an Ambulance.

  I’m not too thrilled about going back to the hospital, but I understand the protocol I guess. As the first responders strap me to a full board, I cling to the sheet wrapped around me since I’m still without clothing. My heart is jackhammering in my chest right now. How I went from one moment stranded on the table to having sex with Sam, moving my feet to now being strapped down to the full backboard is freaking me out.

  As they lift the board to the gurney, I hear my mother gasp. I want to tell her this is just a precaution, not to be upset. But I can’t utter a word without wanting to cry myself, how could I provide words of comfort for anyone.

  Cammie was by my side, holding my hand the entire time. She spoke comfort to me, saying this was just precautionary measures to keep everything where it is so they could slide me through another MRI to see what was going on in my back. She needed more advanced equipment to test what feeling has restored. If it’s determined that I have regained all feeling, then she will begin another style of therapy which will include the parallel bars and eventually the steps.

  I try to listen to her, try to hear and absorb what she is saying, but my mind is going a mile a minute, and I can’t focus. I can’t help but be mentally transported to that hospital when I awoke from the coma. The way it felt when I awoke…the confusion, the feeling of suffocation, the claustrophobia, and the anxiety. There was a brief moment I just wanted to go back to my chair, to be able to have that much back. I’m terrified I’ll awake to feel nothing, that somehow what we did…Sam and I. What I let her do to me will have made it all worse somehow. But I know that was the fear talking because as the gurney is being wheeled down the handicap ramp, I can feel more and more of me. It is such a strange feeling, my feet feel like they’re hot, very hot giant balloons. I’m feeling an ache coming down the back of my legs, and I have a sudden strong urge to stretch them out. But Cammie says not to because they may cramp.

  I hear Sam’s voice come through the thickness of my brain telling me to hang in there, telling me I was going to be fine…telling me, oh shit…my eyes open wide. She grabs my hand and kisses my forehead before I’m lifted into the ambulance.

  “I love you.” I can’t see her face since I’m strapped down, but I he
ar her yell out as the doors slam shut, “Laurel…I love you.”

  My eyes close and I wish I could shake my head. “Fuck,” I say aloud which causes the EMT chick to glance down at me with a questioning expression. I don’t want this to happen, not that I even thought we would sleep together in a million years, but since it has and since now I know why Sam is seemingly around on a constant basis; we will have to have a talk sooner than later, because I don’t love her and I won’t love her…not ever again.

  Then a strange thought pops into my head, I never called Lily. She’s definitely going to think I’m a tease now. I hope that she’ll forgive me when I tell her the reason why I’m standing her up at this very minute. The reason being that I can feel my legs, not that I made a huge and colossal mistake in having sex with Sam.

  Chapter Ten

  I’ m really getting sick all the tests, x-rays and all the poking and prodding. I had to have another MRI so the experts can evaluate what my spine is doing. After the MRI, Cammie hooked some type of electrodes to my legs to gauge what level of feeling had returned. And I felt it all, and I do mean all. Every square inch of my legs, knees, ankles, and feet is alive and kicking. It’s a strange tingly sensation I feel through my legs and into my feet, almost painful with pins and needles. But oh my God, what an incredible pain. I’m so ecstatic right now…I can feel my legs, I can fucking feel my legs.

  Cammie is yacking something to me about muscle mass, atrophy…blah, blah, blah. Something I’m not paying attention to because I’m watching my legs twitch and jerk from the electrodes she has wired to my nerves. It’s semi-painful but really cool. She begins to tell me about how my therapy will change and get increasingly more difficult. That the amount of time it will take to walk again will depend on me, my dedication. I’m all in, two-hundred percent.

  So now, I don’t mind all their tests at this minute, I’m just so jacked-up that all I can think about is walking. Standing up from this chair and walking. I think not only of how amazing this is but also how fortunate I am as well. I must be one of those best case scenarios with this type of injury, and although my time in this chair has felt like years, it’s only been about six months. Something I’m very thankful about.


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