Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2)

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Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2) Page 3

by Fisher, K. T

  Finley comes running back down the stairs and I see he now has a black flat peek hat on. On the front is a white star and under the peek is white, this kid has some serious swagger. He looks cool as fuck, better than me actually.

  "Wow Finley, you look like a rock star."

  "I know because you are."

  "He asked me this morning to see pictures of you. So I searched you on the internet."

  I cringe. I hope he didn't see the bad ones. Kendal leans close as she walks by me.

  "Don't worry, I made sure he only saw certain ones."

  Thank fuck for that.

  "Yeah daddy. I wanted to see what you wear."

  This kid makes me feel like the best fucking man alive more and more.

  "I saw the pictures of you and mummy. Will I be in pictures?"

  Oh shit. Me and Kendal share a glance. I hadn't thought of the press getting their greedy hands on information about Finley. Lucky I sorted Kendal so they will think she's a long time girlfriend but I need to protect Finley. I won't let him be hurt and I don't want him harassed. Me and Kendal need to talk about this and I need to ring Angie, my Media manager who deals with all this shit.

  Kendal reaches for her car keys from the bowl on the kitchen counter and I walk quickly by her side and take her keys from her. She gawps at me and frowns a little.

  "Jax what are you doing?"

  "I told you, we're taking Finley school."

  "Yes but I need my keys to drive."

  "Nope. You're coming in my car."

  "No I'm not. I need to get to work."

  "I know. We're taking Finley to school then I will take you to work."

  She rolls her eyes and tries to reach for her keys but I hold them high so she can't reach. I hear Finley giggling.

  "Jax come on."

  "No, I'm taking you and I'm picking you up from work."

  Kendal is now frowning at me. Is it weird that I'm strangely turned on by this?

  "You can't take me to and from work. That's ridiculous."

  "Call it what you like but it's happening."

  I put her keys in the inside pocket of my leather jacket and walk by her.

  "I'd hurry if I were you."

  I catch a glance of her panicked look when she realizes the time. I try and hold in my smile because I know I'll get my own way. I know how to work Kendal and it feels so fucking good to have her back. Hopefully it won't be too long until she's 100% completely mine. Finley's jumping around in the hallway.

  "Yay! Going school in daddy's car!"

  Every time I hear Finley call me daddy makes me feel happier than the last. How could my fantasy finally come true?

  When me and Finley walk out the house hand in hand I hear Kendal behind me huffing as she locks up her house and gets Finley's car seat. A wild thought pops up when Kendal finally drops herself heavily onto the seat next to me.

  "What are you smiling about Jax?"

  I can't tell her what I'm really thinking. She will freak out.

  "Nothing baby. Now tell me where the little rock stars school is."

  Kendal guides me to Finley's school. I'm impressed. Not by what the school looks like, I knew Kendal would choose a good school for our son. It's the fact it's a very private looking building. High fences covered in green shrubbery surround the school so that you can't see through. The front gates are open but Kendal tells me they only open five minutes before you collect the children and the only people who can pick up a child are the people that are listed. I'm pleased with this for security reasons for Finley, seeing as he probably will have his media debut some time soon. Maybe we need to move him to a school that's more experienced with celebrity kids. Is there even such a place?

  I'm surprised how emotional this whole first school drop of is. Finley introduces me to all his little friends.

  I notice some parents who take in who I really am. They probably didn't think that a rock star would be at a school at 9:00 in the morning. Kendal is off talking to a teacher while I watch Finley walk around his classroom. My kid is seriously fucking cool. He walks around his class with two boys following him everywhere. Little girls taunt him and I see Finley getting annoyed. I can't help but smile thinking about his years to come. His annoyance with girls will only progress as he gets older, only for a whole different reason.

  We say our goodbyes to Finley, who gives both me and Kendal huge hugs and wet kisses. When we get back into the car Kendal huffs.

  "Did you have to bring this flashy thing?"

  "Why what's wrong?"

  "Everyone's staring. Look all the men are looking."

  I would like to say that all the men, teachers and parents, are looking at my car. But they're not. I didn't miss the fact that men seem to follow Kendal with their eyes. They always have, but over the years Kendal has blossomed into a beautiful and confidant woman. She oozes sex appeal.

  "Come on woman. They're not all looking at the car."

  "Oh don't be big headed Mr Rock star."

  She rolls her eyes at me. Is she really that oblivious to what she looks like? Especially when she's in her sexy little work uniform. I'd love to take her one day while she's wearing that.

  "They weren't looking at me either. Kendal do you not know you're a MILF?"


  "MILF. You know. Mother I'd-"

  "Yes I know what it means and you can stop."

  I see she's blushing. I love making her blush. I wonder if her little pussy still gets red when I've had my way with it for so long?

  "I spoke to Finley's teacher. I've added you to his list. So if you want to pick him up, you can."

  I'm taken by surprise. She did that? I can pick him up? Take him out?

  "Thanks Kendal."

  She gives me her sweetest smile.

  "It's the least I can do Jax."

  "You can stop that now Kendal."

  She frowns and looks down at her handbag.


  "Stop feeling guilty. It's done now. Forgotten. I'll forget if you will."

  "How can you forgive me?"

  "Easy. I've missed four years of this. I'm not wasting anymore time. I'm just going to enjoy everything. That means you can stop with those sad eyes and leaving me and Finley alone any chance you get."

  She bites down so hard on her lip that I think it's going to bleed.

  "Yeah don't think I didn't notice that yesterday."

  I tug her bottom lip out from the torture of her tooth with my thumb and kiss it better. When I open my eyes Kendal has hers closed.

  "Right lets get you to work."

  Chapter 4


  I can't believe Jax is driving me to work. As soon as he pulls up outside work the girls will all be gawping.

  "I was thinking, is it OK to buy something for Finley?"

  I look to Jax and he's staring out at the road while he's driving. I take advantage of taking in the male beauty next to me.

  "Jax you can do anything you want but you don't have to buy him stuff. Save your money and wait until his birthday."

  Jax laughs a little and I realize what I've just said. Stupid Kendal. Jax isn't worried about spending too much money. I'm a fucking idiot.

  "I want to surprise him when he gets back from school."

  That seems sweet enough. I can't tell the man no. Even if I did he would just do it anyway.

  "You don't have to ask my permission Jax. Finley is your son too."

  He gives me the sexiest smile and I'm glad I'm sat down because it's one of those smiles that makes your legs wobble. How dare he flash me his sexy smile. He knows what that does to me, well he used to.

  When he pulls up outside my work he runs around and opens my door. He holds my hand as I get out which makes me giggle and I hear the click of a camera. Jax turns around and sure enough there's three chubby guys with cameras.

  "Come on lets get you inside."

  Jax holds my hand as we quickly walk into the salon. When we walk in it's dea
d quiet which is unusual. I know it's because Jax is here. He ignores the silence and grabs my face with his hands and leans in for a kiss.

  "Tonight we need to talk."

  "We do?"

  "I need to tell you what I told my media manager about you for the press. We also need to think about Finley."

  I agree, what he said this morning about him being in pictures worried me.


  He gives me that sexy smile again and I prepare my legs. He gives me another quick kiss and walks outside to his car. Completely happy with himself. What the hell is happening? And why is he talking to his media manager about me for press? That's not necessary.

  As soon as I step further into the salon Tanya marches up to me, grabs hold of my wrist and doesn't let go until we get into the staff room. Everyone's getting their tables ready for the day so it's empty.

  "What is going on with you two?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "Yesterday he had you screaming and crying. Now he's dropping you off at work with a sloppy goodbye kiss. You look like a couple for Christ sake. What has happened since you left Sophies yesterday? All I got was a text telling me you're fine late last night. I knew I should have come over."

  "He came by yesterday and we spoke for hours. We talked about everything. He asked about Finley and I let him meet him. They're perfect together Tan, Finley adores him."

  She huffs and puts her hands on her hips.

  "Well OK, that sounds fair enough but why was he here this morning?"

  Her eyes widen.

  "Oh my God! You didn't?"

  "What? No!"

  I quickly explain why he was over this morning. Although I have a sneaky feeling he was going to come over before I had even told him about Finley crying. Then I realize, Jax still has my car keys.

  After I've stopped talking Tanya's face has softened a little but her hands are still on those hips of hers.

  "I like the man and everything Kendal but what he did yesterday I will never forget. I hope you know I gave him a piece of my mind when you ran out."

  I would think so. If she didn't she wouldn't be the Tanya I know.

  "Are you getting back together?"

  "No. He just wants to spend time with Finley."

  "But you love him."

  I nod at her. Of course I love him but I don't think I should let my feelings enter this whole mess. It will make it a lot harder when I'm around Jax. I'm going to have to tell him to stop the kisses because I can't concentrate when those lips are on mine. After Finley's words this morning, I don't want him getting the wrong idea about us.

  As I'm putting my bag away safely into my locker I feel my phone vibrate. I'm thinking it might be Jax but it's my mum.

  MUM: What R U doing 4 UR dinner today? We need 2 talk x

  Oh dear. That doesn't sound so good. Better to get this over with but shit I don't have my car. Fucking Jax.

  ME: I'm free but I didn't drive to work today. I need a lift x

  MUM: Y? UR dad will B there. What time? x

  ME: Ill explain later. 12 please x

  MUM: UR dad will B there. Love U x

  ME: Love you x

  I set my phone back in my bag and lock it away.

  "Who was that?"

  "Mum, wants me over for dinner."

  "Cool. Can I tag along?"

  I wish.

  "I'd love you to but I think it's going to be an intense conversation. I need to tell them everything."

  Tanya grimaces and then starts laughing.

  "Good luck."

  Oh thanks.


  As soon as I left Kendal I rang our media manager, Angie. I need to have this woman on fucking speed dial now. I have to protect Finley, I saw Kendal's face when he mentioned getting photographed.

  Basically the whole story that will be fed to the media, when they find out for themselves, is that me and Kendal have been on and off since we were eighteen. She got pregnant when we got signed but we won't say anything about Kendal keeping me in the dark. What will be said though is that when Finley was about four months old we separated because the band was everywhere and we never saw each other. I decided I wanted to keep them a secret so they didn't get attention. I didn't want them hounded, I wanted my son to have a normal life. The media will think I kept in touch with them, that I saw Finley whenever I had the chance. Throughout the last four years we will tell them that me and Kendal tried to give it another shot but because the band have always been mad crazy, we never had the chance.

  Now as a band, we've all decided we need to slow our schedule down a bit. After four years living from a tour bus we want to only have one tour a year rather than tour all year, every year. We've been non stop, so now we want to chill a bit and I'm glad we did because now I have Finley and I want to be very included in his life.

  I will tell the press we no longer see the need to keep Finley a secret so he can spend more time with me. There was no way I was going to get to spend as much time with Finley as I want without paparazzi getting a picture. So hopefully that keeps everyone safe.

  Now I'm wishing I had a bigger car to put the presents I bought Finley in. I have a huge box for his trampoline, a wide box for his tent and another long and wide box for his scalextric racetrack. I hope Kendal doesn't get mad at me, not just for buying him stuff but because they aren't exactly small. They're all pretty big. Now I'm off to buy my huge surprise for all three of us. Fingers crossed Kendal won't freak out when I get to show her.


  I walk out the building with a huge smile on my face. How much my life has changed in a week is unbelievable but I fucking love it. That present won't be ready for a month but I can't wait. By that time I'm hoping to have won Kendal back anyway. I have an hour until I need to pick Kendal up from work. I know she's doing what she loves but I wish she was the boss so she could choose her hours and spend more time with me. I know that's selfish but when it comes to that woman, I don't give two shits.

  When I get back home Leo and Max are here.

  "Where the fuck have you been?"

  "Been locked up in Kendal's room already?"

  I tell them about my day and they think me keeping Kendal's car keys is hilarious. Leo looks a little uncomfortable.

  "Did you get Tanya's number?"

  Aw shit, I haven't even asked Kendal.

  "I'll ask Kendal tonight. I'm not promising anything."

  He nods and stays quiet. Weird. Max has a big smile on his face.

  "So what's Finley like?"

  I didn't see them when I got in last night which I was pleased about. I had to run straight into a cold shower to cool off the effects from Kendal. I feel my face smile back at Max.

  "Fucking hell man he's the coolest kid I've met."

  I don't stop talking about him but Leo and Max don't look bothered. They look interested and ask me more questions. Probably because they love Kendal.

  "Have you got any pictures?"

  Fucking hell I forgot. I show them all the ones Kendal sent from her phone to mine and then I get the picture from my inside pocket. The one that Kendal gave me. I fucking love this picture. Max takes it and smiles.

  "She looks happy."

  "Yeah, as soon as Finley walks into the room she smiles. He makes her happy and I know why. I feel the same."

  I don't care if I sound like a pussy. I'm talking about my son for fuck sake. I'll talk like a pussy as much as I want. Leo is still flicking through the pictures on my phone.

  "Fucking hell man. Jax he looks just like you."

  "I know, when you see him it's unreal."

  Leo and Max both look up at me.

  "When will we get to see him?"

  I stand up because it's time for me to go pick up my girl.

  "I dunno. I'll ask Kendal. He has school all week."

  When I leave I don't miss the sad look on Leo's face. What is up with the man?

  Chapter 5


's nearly 3:00 and I'm on my last customer. It's just a normal standard cut so it won't be long until it's time for me to go home. That means it's closer to when I see Jax again.

  The dinner at my parents wasn't so bad. I thought I'd be told off and shouted at like I was a kid again but they were surprisingly OK with everything. I explained everything that had happened and why I kept Jax out of it and they totally understood. I regret not telling them sooner but then again my dad said no man should be kept away from his child, so he most likely would have tracked Jax down himself.

  He also revealed he was relieved he didn't have to kick some guy’s ass for deserting his daughter and grandson. It was all my fault, so instead of me getting the ass kicking – I got his stern eyes which are worse. Believe me. My mum was a little upset that I didn't tell her but everything's great now. I'm really happy with everything in my life at the minute and it's really weird to not worry and to not have that stabbing of guilt whenever I think about Jax.

  As I'm checking to see the girl’s hair is all even, I notice she's on a gossip website on her phone. The main picture is a new one of me and Jax at the park. The guy must have been taking photos sooner than when we spotted him because this one is a photo of us walking to the car. We're looking at each other while we're talking and have stupid smiles on our faces. The caption above the photo says.

  Could This Girl Be The One?

  Jax probably couldn't have a serious relationship anymore. How could he keep to one girl when he has thousands of others throwing themselves at him wherever he goes? I feel guilty for thinking that because Rhys and Sophie seem to be happy enough and I know Rhys is unconditionally in love with Sophie. If only I found a man like that. Sophie is beautiful so Rhys wouldn't even think to look at another girl, but me? Well, I'm just normal looking girl. Other girls would outshine me and take Jax's attention away.

  I look at the girl’s reflection in the mirror and she's looking back at me. She looks down at her phone then back up. Oh great – she knows that's me in the photo. Especially seeing as I have my work clothes on in the photo, it makes it a little easier for her!

  The girl opens her mouth to speak but I just nod and smile before she can ask. She gives me a little excited look and I fight the urge to roll my eyes. I hope I don't have to put up with this anymore, this could disrupt my work.


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