Knocked Out: A Red, Hot and BOOM! Story

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Knocked Out: A Red, Hot and BOOM! Story Page 5

by Ty Langston

  “Not happening. She’s doing this because I’m on TV, and she smells money.”

  “I don’t think, so Ev-“Edna said as Evan interrupted.

  “Sure she does. Don’t think that she’ll use my being gone as a tool to get what she wants. Since I’m on TV, she’ll go the press and tell them how I’m an evil person that refuses to let her see her daughter when we all know the truth. Maybe, I should leave California. I had a feeling this would happen.”

  “Evan, no!” You only have a week left. You can do this. Everly would be heartbroken if you

  stopped now.”

  “The only two people that know about Everly are Tucker and Billy. I don’t think I could even

  deal with Tamara going to the press about this.”

  “You really think she would do that? I don’t know Evan. She didn’t seem like she would.” Edna


  “If she wasn’t on her back so much that bitch could have been an Oscar winner for the amount of

  acting she’s done over the years. Trust me, if the money is right, Tamara is there.”

  Edna put her head down for a second. She placed her hand underneath her chin. “Regardless of

  what’s going on, she is Everly’s mother. One day, whether we want this or not, Everly will ask about her and want to meet her.”

  Evan’s face was full of disgust. “I really think I should leave.”

  “What will that show Everly? You’re not a quitter, Evan. We’ll be there next week, son. We love you. Everly will talk to you tomorrow, ok?”

  Evan nodded. “Night...”

  Edna blew her son a kiss and logged off. Distraught, Evan turned off his laptop and placed his head down on the desk. This couldn’t have happened at a worse time.

  Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and there was Hayley, her face was as

  white as a sheet.

  Placing his hand underneath his chin, he asked. “How much did you hear?”

  “All of it.” She said her eyes filled with tears.

  “Oh, god.” he said as he sprung up from his chair and walked around his room. “Hayley, I’m

  sorry. I didn’t mean to keep this from you.”

  “I understand completely.” She told him as she sat on the desk.

  “I don’t know where to begin.” He told her. With a weak smile, she said. “From the top.”

  “I was at Mason’s that night because we needed the cash. I had lost my job, had a bunch of legal bills due to my ex-wife filing a petition to get sole custody of our 5 year old daughter and 2 months of mortgage payments due. Fighting is the only way that I’ve ever known how to get out of a jam.” Evan said.

  Hayley glanced at with a blank stare as he continued. “I left MMA to take care of a newborn that was born addicted to heroin. Tamara, Everly’s mother, loved drugs more than she loved her child. My daughter spent the first 3 months of her life on a respirator. She never asked for any of the cards she was dealt. I blame me.”

  Hayley walked over to him and held his hand. “You didn’t tell your wife to take drugs.”

  “No, but I didn’t try to stop her until it was too late.” he let go of her hand and sat down on the bed. “Tamara loved the limelight, she loved being with a rising star and all the excesses that came with it.

  At first with her it was the booze, she drank before I fought, during and after. Once she graduated from alcohol, she went to coke, when that didn’t take the edge off, my former agent, turned her onto heroin, and the rest is history...”

  Hayley was speechless. There was nothing she could say that could take his pain away.

  “Winning that money would have been a pipe dream. It’s been fun being back in the game and

  hanging with guys like O’Malley and Tunney. Tucker was our first teacher and knew the three of us like the back of his hand. Those two guys were in the top 6 for a reason. If anyone deserves the contract, it’s one of them.”

  Evan began to walk to the closet and pull out his bags. Hayley was quick behind him, putting his bags back into the closet.

  Aggravated, Evan tried to stop her, he grabbed one of his bags away from her “What the-“he


  “What are you doing?” she asked him.

  “Leaving. I can’t stay here. My ex as we speak is trying to take my kid from me. I can’t let that happen.”

  Hayley said. “You have only a few more days of training before we go into the live shows. Didn’t your mother tell you that both she and your daughter were coming to LA?”

  “What it is that none of you gets? I know Tamara. She’ll use my being on TV as a way of getting

  her claws into a little girl that has no clue as to who she is. My ex is an opportunist bitch. I have to protect my daughter.”

  Hayley gave him back the bags. Her disappointment in him went from sadness to anger.

  “Unreal.” She said. “Go, get the hell out!” she screamed. Her eyes brimmed with tears.

  Evan swiped the bags from her and placed them on the bed. “I’m going.” He told her.

  “You know. I never penned you as a quitter, but then again this wouldn’t be the first time, so I don’t know why I shouldn’t be surprised.” She told him.

  Evan’s eyes flared. He walked past her and began to take his shirts out of the drawer. “What the fuck are you talking about?” he yelled

  “When things get tough, you leave. When your daughter was born you left MMA, your ex-wife is

  creating drama, you leave. See a pattern emerging?” she asked while following him around.

  Furious, he turned to her. “Everything, I do is for my kid!’ I'd give my life for her! Have you ever seen a newborn baby go through heroin withdrawals? ”

  Hayley stared at him with blankly.

  “I take your silence as no. So let me tell you. They sweat, they have seizures; their joints stiffen up, and they cry a lot. Everly’s seizures were so bad that she nearly died, not once, but twice! Do you really think that I could have gone away and trained when my daughter was dying? I stayed to make sure she was well. I also had to ensure that she had no long term affects. Every doctor that I spent my last cent on told me that there would be. Thank god, they were all wrong! The minute she was able to come home from the hospital, I vowed to give her a life that was different from the world she was conceived in. So if that meant leaving MMA, I did it! ”

  He was so angry that he threw his bags across the room and broke a glass lamp on his nightstand.

  Hayley stopped and touched his waist. She wanted to pull him against her and hold him. The

  weight of his responsibility began to show some cracks into Evan’s hard exterior.

  “Everly is fine now. She’s safe with your mother. I think that what you’ve done for your

  daughter is remarkable. But I think it’s time for you to be happy too. All of this fighting whether you’re in the Octagon or out has taken a toll on you. If you leave, you’ll be giving your ex-wife what she wanted. If you stay, you have the general public including me on your side.” Her eyes looked into his and for the first time since seeing him at the bar fight, Evan’s lips curved into a smile.

  With his blue eyes full of mischief, he asked, “You’re on my side?”

  “I am. We all are. There are only 5 days left on this journey. Clear your head and focus on your elimination bout tomorrow. You deserve your time here just as much as the other two. Enjoy this.” She told him.

  His gaze craved for her attention. She couldn’t stop looking at him if she wanted to. His hand

  tried to pull hers from his waist, but she drew him closer to her.

  “You’re so beautiful. I shouldn’t be thinking the things I’m thinking right now.” Evan told her.

  Her hands tugged at his ends of his shirt.

  “What types of things are you thinking?” she asked while she looked down at his shirt.

  With his index finger, he lifted up her chin to face him. “This tension bet
ween us since I first saw you sitting in that hot warehouse with those pretty blues getting all caught up in the moment. It’s easy to do.” He explained as his hand encircled her tiny waist. “For me, it’s all about the crowd. From the time I walk out, I look for them to center me. For every one of their actions, there’s a reaction. A smile, a wink, a thank you…”he continued as he placed a kiss on her forehead.

  She tried to focus, but she couldn’t. His breath was so warm against her skin that waves of heat began to creep up her thighs. Was this what Tucker was talking about? Oh no, if he kissed her again, it’d be over.

  Her breath became shallow. “Ev, I don’t-“his finger covered her lips.

  “Ssh. No more talking. Let’s just be in this moment. “He told her as he kissed her again.

  “Evan, I’m sorry about what I said to you earlier. I was so upset that you were about to leave –“

  Evan interrupted her again. “Sssh. I’m sorry too.” He told her as his lips pressed against hers.

  She pulled him as close to her as she could. Everything about him was intoxicating. From the way he moved his body to his sandalwood cologne. Evan would be the either her weakness or her savior.

  It had been a long time since she had been with a guy…A long time.

  She quickly unbuttoned his shirt and threw it down on the floor. His naked torso, bronzed and

  stunning, took her breath away. Her lips traveled down his expansive chest, and towards his abs.

  Evan unbuttoned her pants and yanked them around her knees. Hayley could feel his growing

  erection against his pants. In one swift movement, he lifted her up and placed her on the bed. His hand snaked up her shirt and teased her nipples between his thumb and index finger until they were as hard as pebbles. The sensation made her insatiable with each touch.

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” Hayley whispered

  “Well, you did say for me to relax, baby girl. I have to admit, after getting all of that anger and frustration out, I have this sudden urge to fuck you senseless.” He told her as she heard him unzipping his pants and hearing them fall on the floor.

  She was on her side; Evan slid behind her. His swollen member was hard against her ass. She

  rubbed her body against him

  Fuck. Oh, God. he moaned as he pulled down her silk panties. With his long fingers, he teased the walls of her swollen pussy.

  Holy shit. Shit, Shit Shit. She yelled at she held onto bedspread. His fingers went deep inside her pumping her hard until she could barely breathe. Her pussy throbbed until she was close to coming before he pulled them out.

  She begged him not to, but he refused to listen. He kissed her hard on the lips before he pulled down on his underwear. In one unrestrained movement, he took her from behind.

  Oh, God. he moaned as his cock slid deep inside her. Feels so good, he said as he began to fuck her. Her breath became shallow as she became to come. Loving the release, Hayley thrusted against Evan so hard that he came violently minutes later.

  In a sweaty mass, the two of them despite what happened at this moment, promised that they

  would stay away from each other until the contest was over.

  It’d be the longest 5 days ever.

  Chapter 10

  “Daddy, Daddy!” Everly said as she ran over to her father at LAX. Deliriously happy, he picked

  her up and swung her around.

  “Everly!!” He yelled as he plopped her kiss on her cheek. Putting her down he grabbed her bag

  and asked “Where’s Nana?”

  Everly pointed at her grandmother who was a few lengths behind with his cousin Michael.

  Edna ran over to him and kissed his on the cheek. “There’s my boy. “She said admiring the new

  muscle mass. “Damn, you got big!” she touched his biceps

  “Gained 15 lbs. of muscle. Feel pretty good.” He told her.

  “You look good, happy.” Edna said.

  Evan smiled at her. “I am.” He told her. “I’m doing ok.”

  “Good to hear cousin.” Michael said as he gave Evan a bear hug.

  “It it so good to see you, man!” Evan said. “It’s so good to see all of you. What a crazy ride.” He told them.

  “You ready for tonight?” Edna asked.

  Evan shrugged. He had beaten both O’Malley and Tunney in the last taped elimination bouts.

  “As ready as I will be. I didn’t think I’d make it this far.”

  “I knew, Daddy. I told my friends that when you won that I’d have the biggest party on the


  Evan raised his eyebrows as the three began to walk toward the car. “Party? What happened to

  the puppy?”

  “Well, can’t we have both?” Everly asked.

  “We’ll see….on both.” He told her as he shook his head. “A puppy and a party. I swear you’re 5

  going on fifty.” He joked.

  Everly, Edna and Michael laughed. “Hey Ev, how are the ladies here?” Michael asked.

  Evan looked down at the floor for a moment before he answered with a sheepish grin. “Hotter

  than Hades.”

  “Awww, yeah.” Michael told him. “I always liked Los Angeles.”

  “It’s not a bad town.” Evan said. “It’s always been good to me.”

  The four of them made it to the car garage where a huge black SUV provided by Contact Sports

  picked them up along with a driver. Evan took them out to the rented house and after meeting up with Tucker, Billy and Hayley, Contact Sports provided a cookout of Nicoise Salad, Salmon Burgers and Hot Dogs.

  Evan had the driver drop them off at the hotel so that they could rest and freshen up a bit before the tournament.

  “Bye Daddy, Happy Independence Day.” Everly told him giving him a huge hug. “I love you.”

  With all the hoopla, he had forgotten that it was July 4th. “I love you. Happy 4th little one.” He told her.


  In the Staples Center, the colors of Red, White and Blue lighting streamed from the rafters. With a sold out crowd. The audiences were a mix of Celebrities, MMA past and present stars, Contact Sports Executives and a huge portion of the viewing public.

  Hayley looked at the giant crowd with amazement. She had done it. The show had been a hit and

  already renewed for a second season. But she wondered after next year, who would be on top? Jackson or Evan.

  His life had changed completely in the last 5 days. Anyone who was anyone wanted a piece of

  him for something. Endorsement offers began to pour in. From cars to footwear, everyone loved the Enigma.

  Since they were together, it had been agony not to see him. Their situation was new and

  complicated. There were things that needed to be worked out, before they could move forward…If they could go forward.

  She couldn’t help but to think of him during any spare moment she had. As much as she’d miss

  the doing the show, she was looking forward to the break.

  She looked at the clock; it was now 15 minutes until the show. Dressed in a royal blue halter

  jumpsuit, Hayley grabbed the script and looked it over one last time.

  In the corner of her eye, she noticed the Enigma, dressed in his trademark black silk trunks and robes, meditating quietly. As someone who cared about him, she wanted to go over wish him well, but as a producer and host, she needed to let him focus on his match.

  “I see the Bates Effect is in full swing.” Tucker said in a smart Hugo Boss suit and tie.

  “Huh?” Hayley said as she turned towards Tucker and smiled.

  “Evan said told me that you both ‘recently’ talked?” Tucker asked.

  Hayley nodded with feigned enthusiasm “Yeah. We did.”

  Tucker looked at her with concern. “Good. I know you didn’t really have a chance to get to know

  him like you did the others. ”

  “We talked for awhile ac
tually. He’s a good man. If anyone deserves this shot tonight, it’s him. I just hope that there won’t be any complications like there was before.” Hayley said

  “Day by Day, step by step. Give him time. The man’s life changed permanently in the last week.

  He’s got a young child, and an ex who wants to take said child away. Be mindful of that.”

  “Evan won’t let her take Everly.” Hayley told him.

  “He may not have a choice. May not be right now but in a couple of years? That little girl is

  going to start asking questions.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” Hayley asked.

  “I don’t want to see either one of you get hurt. I care about you both.” Tucker said. “I just

  wanted to wish you ‘Good Luck’ with everything. It has been great working with you.”

  “Same here.” Hayley told her dear friend while she gave him a hug.

  “Take care , Hayl.” Tucker said as he left.

  3 minutes to air….Everyone get to your spots. The stage manager shouted over the PA system.

  Hayley gathered at the side of the corridor where she could see the Octagon sitting smack dab in the middle of the arena.

  1 minute…Places…Places… The stage manager yelled.

  Hayley noticed that Evan was done with his meditation and was looking at the crowd from the

  side of the building. He seemed nervous while she watched him pace around like a caged animal.

  “Evan!” She called out. The number one MMA contender turned around and noticed that it was


  As the Stage manager, counted down. Hayley smiled at him, waved and walked out into the


  Her smile was wide while she looked into the front row to see all the former participants and their families. Evan’s mother, daughter and cousin also sat in the front beaming with pride.

  “Good evening and Happy Independence Day!” Hayley told the audience.

  “Welcome to the finale of the ‘Next Great Hope’. We hope you are in for some fireworks. In the building is our Next Great Hope, Evan Bates, who will compete against current Contact Sports, champion Jackson Briggs. So tell me America, who’s ready?”

  The crowd jumped to its feet.


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