Secrets of the Sky: Book Two of the Immortals in Alameda Series

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Secrets of the Sky: Book Two of the Immortals in Alameda Series Page 11

by Jaye Shields

  “I’m surprised she didn’t fall asleep on the ride over.”

  “Are you kidding, that was way too exciting. All those Knights of the Fog around … ”

  “They are quite impressive, aren’t they? Wish we had men like that back home.” Sparrow sighed recalling the many unsuccessful relationships she’d been prone to. “Man, it’s good to be single.”

  A knowing smile touched Morgana’s lips. “Yes, it is. But I imagine having a man like Rowen wouldn’t be bad either.”

  Sparrow blushed and shook her head. “You, too?”

  “The man’s a gentleman, a warrior, and he looks at you with great admiration.”

  “Really?” An unfamiliar feeling crept into Sparrow. Mixed with disbelief was curiosity and lust.

  “You should have seen him looking at you after you fell in battle.” Suddenly Morgana became teary-eyed. “I was so scared, Sparrow. If I would have lost you … ”

  Sparrow threw herself into Morgana’s arms. Her aunts were her best friends aside from Tera. “I love you so much, Aunt Morgana.” She wiped away her aunt’s tears.

  A chiding voice came from the doorway. “Are you having a touching moment without me? Geeze Louise, sit in a magickal sleep-inducing chair and ya miss everything.”

  Sparrow and Morgana stretched their arms out toward Melissandra for a group hug. Rushing across the room, her bright skirt flowed behind her as she settled into the embrace. “I better not have missed any romantic dishing over Rowen.”

  “Oh you missed it. He came and seduced me about five minutes ago,” Sparrow quipped. More like two days ago.

  “Five minutes ago? Darling, I imagine a man like that can last longer than five minutes,” Melissandra called Sparrow’s bluff and made her blush in the process.

  Chapter Thirteen

  When the evening festivities began, Rowen could not have been happier to be paired with Sparrow as her escort. His heart stopped when Sparrow entered the room. A corseted ice-blue dress molded against her subtle curves made his mouth water. The intricate gold stitching and ribbons braided into her hair made Sparrow look like a faerie from the heavens. She looked both sinful and regal with her high cheek bones and angular face.

  And damned if he didn’t want to take her into his arms and capture her lips within his own. Would she tremble as she had done on the Skioblanir? The thought made Rowen hunger for her all the more, but he forced it aside.

  Sparrow was smiling, but he could tell she was perturbed to be paired with him. He could see her shoulders tensed, angled away from him. He fought the urge to massage those shoulders and ease her nerves. She tried to avoid his gaze, but she still raked her eyes over his form, lingering on the details of his suit for the evening. He could not help but hope she was pleased by what she saw.

  Instead of speaking, for clearly she did not care to, Rowen took her arm within his own to escort her down the aisle, following Sabin and Tera. Zeth, Sodor and Duncan also escorted their ladies toward the king.

  The crowd that had come for the joyous event spared no applause. Rowen glanced down at Sparrow, who seemed to have forgotten all about their uncomfortable moment. Her subtle smile suggested that she was enjoying the attention and the excitement of the surprise awaiting her. Rowen smiled genuinely now, for he knew that everything was about to get even better for her.

  “Ladies and gentlemen of Hy-Breasal, please welcome our heroes once more.” The crowd erupted into a ruckus of applause and cheers as the ladies all arrived before the king.

  Beside Rowen were his own comrades, as well as the vampire, who looked completely at peace with his arm around his shape shifter. Sabin, wore a similar expression. Rowen’s friend hadn’t taken his eyes of Tera for a second. Sabin knew what was coming, and so was all the more racked with anticipation.

  The women were being knighted, but they would not be expected to serve duty like his own order. No, the women were simply being awarded a great gift. The gift of immortality.

  When the four women and their escorts arrived before the High King, the knights stood back, and Breasal rose. “Today we are gathered here in celebration to pay homage to five women who live much like the generations of old. These mortal women live with awe of the world, with a spunk and playfulness of one who never tires of the earth’s pleasures, and with a courage to protect it. Despite their mortality, Agrotera, Dryad of the Muir Woods; Sparrow, Melissandra, and Morgana of Alameda, California; and Ixchel of the Mayans, took up their wits to battle the creatures of a darker nature. They fought immortals to secure peace within their own, fragile world, and today we pay homage to their hearts which radiate with goodness.”

  The crowd roared in applause and High King Breasal continued. “Morgana, please kneel.” Rowen took in the sight of Sparrow’s eldest aunt. She looked radiant in her perfectly fitted, golden dress. Her wild golden locks had been tamed into a stunning design. She knelt, clearly with no idea what was unfolding. The High King took his long sword from where it hung in a leather and gold woven belt. Placing it upon her shoulder, the King beamed. “For your bravery in battling those who cannot be killed, risking your mortal life for the good of your people, I knight you, Morgana. Now rise.”

  A palace attendant approached the king with an intricately carved box. Rowen already knew what magickal designs were inside. With these gifts, their lives would forevermore be changed.

  “Morgana, your gift for this knighthood, fitting of your level of bravery, is this Ring of Immortality.” A large band of Celtic gold knots was fitted by a large ruby stone. The king slipped the ring on Morgana’s middle finger. “While you wear this ring, you will be immortal. By this jewelry forged by mine own hand, you can choose your mortality. Also, with this ring, you may always find your way here from the Realm of the Fog.”

  Rowen fixed his attention on Sparrow as Morgana examined her ring. Sparrow’s sapphire eyes grew to the size of saucers, shocked at the nature of the gift. Her smile turned to a dropped jaw, her full lips parted in a gasp of surprise. Then he watched Sparrow turn her focus to Tera, who was absolutely stunned into a tear-inducing happiness. Apparently the thought of being able to spend forever with her knight Sabin was just too much happiness to contain. Previously, Tera’s life would be ended with the death of the tree she was connected to by birth.

  Rowen was happy for his comrade. But even more so, he was enamored by Sparrow’s obvious delight for her friend’s newfound joy.

  The king knighted Melissandra next with Sparrow next in line. Rowen watched the king approach her with a sincere and scrutinizing gaze.

  “Kneel, Sparrow, and be knighted.” The king repeated the ceremony, dropping his sword, Excalibur, on both sides of her shoulders. When she arose once more, the king’s smile was different from when he had knighted the others. Rowen wondered why. He pushed aside the notion that the king might be attracted to her, and refused to acknowledge the twisting of his own heart in response.

  “Sparrow has fought with the heart of a lion, and she reminds me much in the short time that I have known her of an incredible soul from my past. It is with great pride and adoration, that I place this ring upon her finger. Sparrow, this is your Ring of Immortality, to wear when and if you choose.”

  The ring that Brennus placed upon her finger was a brilliant sapphire, but for Rowen, it paled in comparison to the bright blue of Sparrow’s eyes. The intricate Celtic design of the ring dated back to when the High King Breasal ruled the world, and it looked perfect on Sparrow’s elegant fingers.

  Breasal continued with the knighting, until finally he arrived at Tera. When she stood to receive the ring, Breasal let Sabin do the honors.

  Rowen watched his comrade glow with happiness as he approached the dryad.

  Sabin turned to Tera and placed his palm upon her cheek softly prior to kneeling before her. “Tera, you are the love of my immortal life. You are everythin
g that makes the world beautiful. An immortal life is a long one, and I could imagine no happier eternity than spending it watching you smile.”

  So, the first knight he’d ever known was about to become a husband. Tera’s emerald ring matched vivid green eyes that leaked tears of happiness. Rowen thought at that very moment that Sabin would float right off the ground.

  Rowen spared a glance at Sparrow. He could imagine what Sabin felt. Although Rowen himself had never anticipated that he would marry, for immortals rarely did, the thought of having someone like Sparrow for eternity was an interesting thought.

  But Rowen knew that he could have no such thing even if it was his heart’s desire. The soothsayer had already warned him that no such happy future would be for him. His love would be a doomed one.

  As the knighting ceremony ended, the celebration kicked into high gear. The music began, and the people of the kingdom swept onto the dance floor. The desire to hold Sparrow in his arms, and carry her in such a dance was tempting.

  Instead he knelt before another immortal. “Melissandra, may I have this dance?”

  “Of course.” She beamed and stuck a tongue out at her sister. Rowen laughed and watched Morgana drag Sodor onto the dance floor as well.

  Rowen could only hope that the playful antics would distract him from his gnawing desire to have Sparrow in his arms.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The strings played a romantic tune, and the people of the Kingdom took full advantage. Golden skirts twirled across a wide expanse of marble floor, guided by men dressed in their finest silk. Sabin and Tera were a graceful sight, floating across the floor in an elegant waltz. Sparrow didn’t even realize her friend knew how to waltz.

  And Michelle, well, damn, she was beaming like a love-struck idiot as Duncan tried to teach her the Viennese. Dancers floated around them, avoiding the slow-going couple. The vampire obviously had years of experience, but was patient with his newly immortal love.

  Her aunts were sitting on both sides of the king and had been wrapped up in conversation with him all evening. About what, who knew? Sparrow had decided to tune them out and dial into the classical masterpiece.

  “May I have this dance?”

  Rowen’s silent approach caused her to jump at the soft request. She turned to appraise him and her heart stopped. His broad shoulders were bowed down toward her as he reached out for her hand. His eyes smiled up at her like glittering aquamarine gemstones.

  Sparrow removed her gaze from his image and focused back on the ballroom ahead of her. Just like Michelle, she had no clue how to dance appropriately for the occasion. She was more of a free-style kind of girl. Drop it like it’s hot? Sure. But she definitely wasn’t going to be doing a waltz of any kind. And she certainly didn’t want Rowen to try to teach her. She’d leave the cute newlywed type crap to Michelle and Duncan.

  “No, thank you.”

  His warm palm settled atop the hand she had resting on the arm of her chair.


  Once again, she avoided his gaze. That was the only way to keep the treacherous butterflies out of her stomach. His opaque turquoise stare was entirely too mesmerizing to keep her cool. “I hate dancing.”

  “I doubt that.”

  Okay, fine. She met his gaze, but insisted on a glare. He was grinning and looked dashing as hell. Instead of the golden fabric that most of the kingdom had donned for the celebration, Rowen had opted for a royal cobalt ensemble. The color only succeeded in making his eyes more of an unavoidably blue intoxicant.

  “You doubt what?”

  “I bet you love to dance.”

  “Not like this.”

  He slipped his fingers under hers and tugged. “We can dance however you like.”

  “Just so you know, being accommodating is a huge turn-off.” She rose to his challenge. “One dance. And we do it high school style.”

  “I’m not familiar with this style. You’ll have to teach me.” Rowen led her down the steps from where the guests had been seated next to the king.

  “No teaching necessary. That’s why I like this style.”

  When they arrived on the dance floor, Sparrow guided his hands to rest on her hips. In turn, she placed her hands on his shoulders since she couldn’t quite reach his neck. He was a tall one indeed, and she wasn’t exactly of model stature.

  She swayed back and forth to the music.

  “This is it?” He sounded shocked. She tipped her head back just enough to glance at his expression. His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion and he looked down at her as if she was trying to put one over on him.

  “This is how we do it in the human realm.”

  “I’ve been to the human realm many times, Sparrow.” But he didn’t argue further; instead, he simply joined her in the subtle sway of their bodies. The scent of soap drifted into her senses, and she couldn’t stop imagining him in the shower. She replayed the image she retained from her first night aboard the Skíoblaonir. She copy and pasted his tantalizing body underneath a spray of water. Yum.

  Despite his undeniable hotness, Sparrow couldn’t believe she was dancing with the very fiend guilty of the infamous hot-and-cold routine. Nothing was worse than a man who couldn’t make up his mind. And now he was forcing her to dance with him. What a jerk.

  “Have your side effects ceased?”


  “The Quetzalem blood.”

  “Oh.” She didn’t glance up at him, instead she watched the dancers float around them. “I don’t think that’s any of your business.” Out of the corner of her eye she glimpsed a tick in his jaw. His gaze shifted to a distant focus as if he couldn’t stand to look at her.

  “I’ll take that as a no.” The words were ground out between clenched teeth. “You seem well enough, so I had assumed the bouts were over.” He turned a solemn stare down on her. She had the sudden urge to flee, but instead, opted for a less cowardly maneuver.

  “Oh, I’m grand.” She smiled wide, determined to throw him off-kilter. “You know what they say, when life gives your lemons, you gotta make lemonade.”

  His biceps tensed under her grip and once again, he sent a murderous glance around the room. Apparently, he didn’t like the idea of her making lemonade.

  “I’ll send word to a knight to bring you the antidote.”

  “That’s okay.”

  She nearly giggled when his eyes became intense daggers. It took every ounce of willpower she had to keep the muscles in her face from smiling. After all, she didn’t want to give away just how much joy she got from driving away his perfectly calm exterior. And apparently, acting like a kinky Quetzalem-obsessed sex freak did the trick.

  “Those dreams are quite educational. I feel like I’ve learned a few things.”

  That was the nail in the coffin. He released his hold on her and stopped swaying to the music. The expression he unleashed on her sent a shiver down her spine. She instantly regretted taunting him.

  “If you desired in seeking revenge upon me, Sparrow, you have succeeded.”

  With that, he took her hand and quietly led her back to her seat next to her aunt. Rowen disappeared from the ballroom.

  Guess he wasn’t so heartless after all. Because clearly he had a heart, and she had just broken it.

  Well that was fine. Served him right for dropping her like a hot potato. She refused to feel guilty.

  But damn it, she didn’t feel triumphant at all. Instead, a hollow feeling carved its way into her stomach. She hoped to God it was because she was hungry, not because she missed Rowen’s presence. She turned to her aunts for a successful distraction, but they were busy hanging on King Breasal’s every word.

  Time to get some air.

  Rising from her seat, she departed through the side entrance of the ballroom. Across the dimly lit hallwa
y, she found one of the balconies. Maybe she’d go for a fly. Feminine coos stole her attention, and she plastered herself to the wall before anyone could notice her.

  “Oh, Rowen. Please give us a dance.”

  “It’s been so long since we’ve had an occasion like this, and you’re the best dancer.”

  “The most handsome dancer.” The young women tossed reasons back and forth. She couldn’t see Rowen, and he was quiet as the young women fawned over him.

  “You’ve only danced once tonight.” The feminine whine caused Sparrow to grit her teeth.

  “Yes, and it was practically wasted since that girl just stood there.”

  Alright, that’s it. Sparrow straightened to head out there and defend herself, but Rowen’s voice stopped her.

  “In case you have forgotten, it is her heroism that we are celebrating this evening.” His short reply shut the girls up.

  Sparrow’s heartbeat skidded to a halt. He’d just defended her, and called her a hero, no less.

  The young women quieted at his words and Sparrow filled with pure satisfaction. Stepping out from the shadows, she locked eyes with Rowen and approached him like a graceful seductress would. “I was just going to get some air.”

  She watched Rowen trail her movement with his eyes, and she imagined the subtle smile on his face was in response to the expressions on the ladies’ faces at her sudden arrival. Positioning herself between Rowen and the women, Sparrow reached up and pulled his head down to hers and met him in a crushing kiss.

  His soft lips branded her, and she readily deepened the kiss. She parted her lips and beckoned his warm tongue to explore her mouth. A sensual buzz thrummed through her body, and she let herself enjoy it for another moment. Deciding not the give the audience too much of a show, Sparrow finally backed away, dragging her lips gently from Rowen’s. His eyes were hungry, but pleased at the unexpected affection.

  “Thanks for the dance, Rowen.” She winked at the women before embracing the light that overtook her body in a blinding flash. Almost instantly, she became a pure white dove flying into the darkened sky. She looked down at where she left Rowen with the clamoring ladies.


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