Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series Page 37

by Trina Bates

  “A brother, I have a fucking brother!” The quickness at which I accept it makes me feel ‘off’, but good. More so than when I had bonded to all of my men. Family, real blood family was sitting right in front of me and I’m elated.

  “We need to let him finish. Come Mira, Grunwald is missing your presence.” Torunn sounds back to her normal cheery self now that she knows I’m not bonded to her man in the way she was thinking before. Blue is grinning from ear to ear rubbing her hands together like a maniac.

  “I’m so glad I came along for this ride. So much crazy and in only a few hours! This is so much fun,” she says laughing to herself.

  Shaking my head at her, I look her straight in the eyes, “You should’ve been around for the last two weeks. This shit?” I say waving my hand in every direction. “It doesn’t end. Since the day I found out I was pregnant, it hasn’t stopped. Everyday something life changing happens,” I tell her with my eyebrows high on my head so she can understand the seriousness of my words.

  “No wonder you're taking it all so well. Hell, I would’ve pissed my pants and run for the hills by now,” Blue admits while she grasps my hand in hers and we follow Torunn and Cynide through the streets and back to the little cottage we had stayed in before.

  Instead of going inside like Torunn and Cynide do, I pull Blue along with me to the backyard where I run quickly to Grun's base, hugging his trunk tightly.

  Blue laughs at my actions but stops when I start talking to him out loud.

  “How are you Grun? Any new gossip going through your structure?” I ask him.

  “What the hell Mira, why are you talking to a tree? I know you said they were Spriggans and had spirits, but honestly?” She’s staring at me like I’m insane.

  “Shut up and come here.” I grab her arm, placing her hand on Grun's trunk. “Grun, this is my friend Blue. Blue, this is Grunwald. He’s a very dear friend and you better be nice,” I tell her, smirking trying see if she will take the bait. She doesn’t disappoint.

  “Or what. What the hell is a tree going to do, or your preggo butt?” She chides back.

  I see the branch coming for her, and right as she sees my smiling face, hers turns to confusion, she feels the snap of one of Grun's branches, and jumped forward screeching.

  “What the hell was that!” she exclaims turning but finding nothing of what had hit her. The peals of laughter that tear through me are frustrating to her, and it makes me laugh harder.

  She places her hand back on Grun's base and when he accepts her mind her eyes go wide as he speaks into her head.

  -Witch and Fae, you, my dual blood, are so open. It is wonderful to meet any friend of Mira's. Tell me, what has your heart so dark? Why are you letting all of that pain take over you? Your people do not fare so well when their hearts go dark. Find what you are seeking but do it with haste. I fear for you.-

  Blue lets go of Grun once he finishes speaking. The tears are flowing freely from her gorgeous face and I feel terrible for her.

  -Grun, what’s going on? Why did you say those things? Cynide said she had darkness in her before, but there’s no way that can be true. She’s one of my dearest friends! She’s like my sister.-

  -Mira, she is broken inside in ways you cannot fix. The pain she feels is for a loss that has been building for what felt like eons. It is finally getting to its end. Not only will you have to help her on your own journey, but you must make sure she doesn’t drag you down the same path as she. I am sorry, little one.-

  -You know, you're the only person, err, spirit? That I will let call me that without going off the rails. I hope when the time does come, I’ll be there to help her. That's all she’s done for me my entire life. I love her Grun, isn't there some simple solution to this?- I plead to him while I watch Blue race around the corner and I hope, into the cottage.

  -In short? Find her a mate. Other than that, no there is not.-

  -Oh, yeah right. I’ve tried for years to figure out why she only takes pleasure mates and not a partner. She ignores the questions and laughs it off. Now I know there’s something more at play here.-

  -There is. Be gentle with her, but also keep pushing her to love. That's all you can do.-

  -I will.- I exhale a worried breath, trying to think of something a little happier to talk about.

  -So, it turns out I have a brother!- I think happily to him. Trying to send an image of Gorumund's face to him.

  -Ah Gor! I knew there was something special about him. I have had the pleasure of speaking to him many times. The Valkyrie that raised him moved into this cottage after he was grown. After she passed, he only came once to gather her things. I think there is too much pain here for him.-

  Saddened by his admission for Gorumund, I start to wonder if I could ever get him to come back here, to talk to Grun. He obviously enjoys the company of Gor’s mind.

  -That’s pretty sad. Wonder if I’ll ever get to talk to him about it? It's crazy to think I have a brother. From what I read, all of Alastor’s children were murdered by his own hand by the time they reached two. Torunn told me he doesn't know anything about his past, the woman that found him was on some mission in Hell and found him in the middle of nowhere apparently.-

  -Ahhh, Edeline and her cryptic words and hoards of secrets. There is much she never told anyone but the spirits in her backyard… maybe one day, when you come back, I will enlighten you. Now what I want to know, is why you are alone. Where are your men?-

  -Ooooh no, Grun, that’s not fair, you can't say someone is cryptic and then do it yourself! You keep dropping bombs on me and then saying shit like, ‘keep them safe’ or ‘come back later’ that’s doing the exact same thing!- I whine to him. He laughs in my head which annoys me further.

  -Not fair. And why the hell do I know that name? Edeline, it's so familiar.-

  -She was on your world for many years undercover as a scholar with your own mother. Maybe your mother said something to you?- He wondered himself.

  -No, that’s not it… Shit! That’s it! She totally is that cryptic bitch! Sorry for my language, she wrote everything I read on how to get here and then how to take my wings in! She was helpful but in the worst of ways. She couldn’t be straight forward and just get shit out, she kept parts hidden and it was so hard to follow.-

  -That sounds very much like something Edeline would do. She was a warrior first and everything else came second. Though when she became a mother to Gor, that took over the rest of her life. She would still go into battle, but stopped putting herself in the middle of them. If she was needed she would go, if not, she would stay behind to be with young Gor.-

  -At least he had that. I just want to get to know him more. Do you know if Edeline ever told Gor of his past? Ya know the one you're keeping from me?- I tease at him.

  -She did. It did not end well from what we heard. She went into battle before everything was resolved and never came back.-

  -Oh my, he must feel so much regret and pain at that. So much guilt.-

  -I’m sure he does. Maybe that’s why he stopped coming to us.-

  -Maybe,- I agree.

  Leaning back against him, I closed my eyes and relaxed against his trunk, taking in all of the comforts he exuded.

  -Rest, Mira. I will wake you if there is any news.-

  -Thank you, Grun. You’re always so comfortable to be around. It’s so relaxing being with you.-

  -Rest.- He whispers. I snuggle deeper into his large roots and feel the tender caress of his branches as he encases me in his protective embrace.

  Waking from a small shake of Grun's branches and his calming words in my head, I sit up and try to rub the sleep from my eyes.

  -Don’t fret little one, it is time for you to accept your blade and be on your way home. Come and see me again soon Mira. I love your company.-

  Stretching as I stand, I promise him I will and rush off to find the others

  Torunn and Blue, along with Cynide, are waiting at the front of the cottage bickering at how Torunn sh
ould go about ‘courting’ Gor. I stop before they can hear me and listen in for a moment.

  “I will NOT shed my armor and sit in his lap! That is not the way a Valkyrie would act.” Torunn's voice is appalled and intrigued at the same time. I stand steadfast, and chew on the inside of my lip, trying not to make any remarks of my own.

  “Maybe that's your problem Cedine, you don’t take action and go after what you want. You just wait for it to come to you,” Blue’s chastising voice is surprising, as is her using Torunn's first name.

  “If you won’t do that, then what will you do? You can’t wait for the man to always make the first move. Sometimes they feel the way we do. Nervous and worried their feelings aren't reciprocated. You’re a badass Valkyrie, yet you're scared of a man?” She scoffs, letting her words fall true to Torunn’s ears.

  Blue is walking a fine line with her words.

  Torunn, huffs out a breath and walks off, she spots me and promptly averts her eyes to the ground, waving at us all to follow.

  -You missed quite the show while you slept, they’ve been arguing back and forth like this the entire time you were gone. I would have left sooner if someone would have opened the door, or I had the ability to myself.-

  -I’m sorry Cynide, you should’ve called to me.-

  -You needed the rest. It is a long journey ahead and we will already have to stop for those to be able to recharge.-

  -We’ll be fine. I thought the blade would take at least a day, I’m ready for whatever is going to come.-

  -I know you are, now let's go see what your brother has made for you.-

  Clapping my hands in excitement, I scare Blue who’s walking beside me, making her jump.

  “A little notice next time? Fucking spaz,” she says smiling at me.

  “Sorry, I can’t help it. I get my own magical sword! I feel like King Arthur!” I exclaim jumping in the air a bit and rubbing my itching hands together, unable to contain the excitement.

  “That guy was such a quack. There was nothing about his sword. It made for a good story.” Her tone was grumpy and her steps come faster.

  Catching up to her, I’m more confused than ever.

  “You have yet to tell me how old you are. Care to share now, I mean shit, I know both of your parents!” I’m so excited to find out anything about the past, hers and that of the Hollows and Others, my excitement is overflowing and she’s finally smiling again.

  “You wouldn't believe me if I did. I promise you that,” she laughs, but there’s a hint of sadness in her words as well.

  “I’ll get it out of you one of these days, I promise YOU that.” I bump her shoulder with my own trying to rouse her out of this little funk she’s in.

  “We’re here, smart ass. Let’s see what you get. It’s like you won the Valkyrie lottery! I’m pretty excited to see this. Maybe I can sweet talk him into making one for me… unless that would bother Cedine!” She yells the last part to Torunn, who turns and gives Blue a death glare, but says nothing.

  Gorumund is standing around the stone pit hammering away at something, and it's a little confusing as to why since he can make the blades he wants without all the hard work.

  “There is a sense of worth in the things I make with my hands. These don’t have spells in them and they are made with a finery even I sometimes cannot achieve even with my gifts,” he tells me, I’m unaware I had said anything out loud and a little put off that he can hear my thoughts. I hope he can’t read my thoughts like Cynide can. That will be a little too much.

  “Everyone that learns of my abilities always ask that same I'm sure you are thinking now,” he clarifies, making me exhale a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

  “You’re right on that and… Thanks?” I say, still a little weirded out.

  “This.” He turns around holding a large sword out to me. It’s magnificent. “Is for you.”

  The sword is a brilliant light blue, almost the same color of his skin, it’s two feet long and about three inches wide at the bottom of the base, tapering off into a sharp point at the tip. The hilt is the same metal but has ridges in it, for a better grip, and the pommel has a red stone set into it making it look like a sword that King Arthur would have used. The guard is a set of wings that are almost identical to my own. All down the sword’s blade are more etchings of my marshmallow trees.

  Both of my hands are covering my mouth, I’m shocked and speechless. It’s more than I could have ever imagined.

  Finally gaining my bearings, I seize the sword out of his offered hands and am yet again surprised at how light it is, like my armor. It is maybe two pounds.

  -I would think something this light would break.-

  -Lucky for you, your brother made it. I can feel the affection already coming off of him in waves. There’s no way he would let you down. And remember your armor? How light it is and the spells that were riddled in it? I’m sure your sword is the same.-

  Cynide, always the optimist.

  -Oh, I’m sure you’re right, it’s just surprising is all.-

  -I know.-

  “Gor, thank you so much, this is… It’s, wow! I can't even tell you how amazing it is,” I say to him with tear filled eyes. I don’t want to cry in front of him, but these are happy tears.

  I point the sword to the ground and throw myself in his massive arms still clutching my sword.

  “Thank you so much,” I say again.

  “It’s been many years since someone called me by that name. How is Grunwald? And you are very welcome.” He hugs me back tighter as he says the last words.

  “He misses the touch of your mind. Said there are some things you need to tell me, too.” The last part might have been a small little white lie, but I can't help it.

  “Okay, he didn’t say it, but he left a lot out and I’m a nosy bitch that’s dying to know,” I say honestly.

  He laughs and shakes his head as he smiles up in the sky.

  “The next time we are here again, let's go together. You and me. You might get the answers you so badly want to know.” He squeezes my shoulder once before letting me go. He grasps my hand before I’m able to turn away, and says, “What will you being naming it?” he asks, gesturing to the blade in my hands.

  Looking at him confused, he laughs and closes his eyes. “Every blade needs a name for its master to be able to call on the power inside.”

  Nodding my head vigorously, like I know what he’s talking about, I hold the sword tightly in my hands, close my eyes, and feel for the power that’s swelling inside of it, hoping it will help me find a name.

  My eyes jolt open and “Blade of Oblivion,” falls from my lips before I even know what has happened.

  Gor stands there in front of me nodding his head in approval with half his mouth lifted in a knowing sort of smile. I shake myself off and grip the blade, well, Blade of Oblivion, tighter, and think back to what we were talking about before he asked me about the sword.

  “I would really like that, Grun has quickly become a favorite, he has a way with words. I would love to go with you. Now, it’s been about five hours since I left, we need to get back to my world. Gor, if you are coming with, if you were serious about that,” I pause looking to him with my hopes already up. “You’ll need some clothes. You're Demon, the cold won't bother you too much since we’ll be inside for the duration of our time in my world, then we’re going straight to Hell.” The last part made me giggle after I said it, Blue gets the joke but the other two simultaneously cock their heads at me with a befuddled frown taking over their faces.

  “I will be coming along, though I would like to bring enough metal to make all of your men some sort of weapon that I can spell. No doubt your Smith has some, there is no offense meant in my words. I have a little more knowledge and power, my weapons and even shields will be better suited for what we are no doubt about to face.” I smile at how serious he is about his craft. It’s honorable. I love it.

  “Of course,” I say to him.

n’t think for a second you are going without me. The moment you said you wanted to go after your mother, I was already ready. We can grab my battle pack on our way out.” Torunn's words surprise me, but I really want her with us and figured she was in from the beginning like she had said.

  “Thank you, Torunn, I wouldn’t want it any other way. Alright, let's get to it. If we aren't back soon, my men are going to portal here with weapons ready and tear this world apart searching for me,” I say with a smile, it’s been a short amount of time, but enough of one for me to already miss them.

  We follow Gor to his front door but wait outside for him. It only takes him a few minutes before he emerges with a large pack strapped to his back. The thing is so big, I probably would have fell over if I even attempted to try and carry it.

  Torunn, ever the leader, takes the front and leads us back to her place where she’s in and out in no time.

  “There's really no need to go further, I can teleport us from here,” I say, surprising Gor and Torunn, they both turn to me with questioning, wide eyes.

  “What?” I exclaim at their surprised faces.

  “For a Valkyrie to jump realms, we must be in a place of power. It is surprising to me that you, a Valkyrie can… teleport,” Torunn explains with hesitation and slight awe in her voice.

  “I’m half Demon, you,” I say pointing to my brother, “can teleport as well. You're a Death Demon, wait, have you even manifested? I assumed you had from the color of your eyes.” I ask him, worried that I overstepped some boundaries when he glares at the ground.

  “I have no Demon abilities. I have never needed them. The eyes are actually a glamour. Red is my favorite color. Here.” He closes his eyes and then opens them, his eyes are now pink with green pupils.

  “I can see why you would want those covered up. That shit is weird.” Blue and her big mouth ruin the moment making me glare at her. She shrugs her shoulders and turns away with a smile.

  I shove her away and smile when Cynide growls at her, making Blue sidle up close to me trying to get away from my little lynx.


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