Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series Page 57

by Trina Bates

  “We need for everyone to shift now, and then, when I actually can move again, I need to try and spar with Torunn, call on the magic in my sword, see how everyone reacts to it. Even I don’t know what the damn thing is capable of,” I scoff, inhaling the rest of the food on my plate.

  Ebbin rubs my shoulders while Merrick and Rhydian stare at me. Their faces unreadable, so I look at them waiting for them to get out whatever they have to tell me.

  I feel on edge and almost like I want to smack them when they don’t say anything for what feels like a few minutes. They just stand there like fucking clay golems. Unmoving until I give them a command.

  “What the fuck?!” I grit out, my teeth clenched in frustration as I stare at them, and grip the plate in my hands so tight, I actually feel it start to crack beneath my strange new bout of strength.

  Merrick seems to snap himself out of whatever trance he was under first, and quickly after, Rhydian. Ebbin chuffs behind me at the strange happening and they both glare at him.

  “Sorry, love. I have no idea what that was about. Spaced out for a few seconds there. What were you saying?” Merrick asks with a befuddled face, his lopsided smirk annoying me further.

  “You don’t shift, but everyone should be around each other when they do, I know the dragon holds a strange magic, and we have yet to see what Blues guys will do. I will come in after everyone has shifted into their first animals and we can go from there,” I huff out, shooing them away. Ebbin kisses the top of my head and follows the other two when they turn away with hesitant smiles. I know I’m on edge and I don’t want to take whatever, this is… out on them, but there’s nothing I can do.

  I smile weakly back, and wave for added ‘oomph’.

  Rhydian and Ebbin both go to the side of the barn to shift, so no one can see their manly bits, which I’m thankful for. The rest, Blue’s men and Lyanna’s all stand there and strip. I avert my eyes, but not before I got a good peak at what each man was sporting and cringe when I hear the tearing of flesh and popping of bones. I can tell some are in complete agony and when I turn my head to look, it’s Blue’s men. I know it’s been a long time since they shifted, but I was really hoping it wouldn't be this bad.

  Within a few moments, five giant dragons stand to my right and one smaller one to my left. The five on the right have bodies the size of a fucking freighter truck and a wingspan of at least fifty feet. I don’t know how a man can turn into something so large. The pearlescent colors of all six are beautiful blues, greens, one red, and one white. I’ve never seen something so terrifyingly gorgeous.

  A big beast, that looks almost to be the same size as Kigiree bursts forth. Frothing at the mouth, it’s caines so long it can’t shut its mouth properly, and it has another set of wicked fangs right beside them. There's no fur, more like scales like the dragons, hard and impenetrable. Ebbin shifted into Enbarr first, the least threatening, looking more man than beast, and Kigiree is standing on all fours, proud and ready to take on anything.

  “The Naga you see before you, Enbarr, that’s Ebbin, he shifts into two more animals, please wait to shift if you have a second form, until he has let all of his companions out, and you have all acclimated to him.

  -I am going to have to do this all over again when Blue’s men shift into their other forms. I am going to be exhausted after this, Bugs. I fully expect a steak, foot rub, and head when I’m through,- Ebbin says, making me giggle. I turn away, feeling bad for not only what he has to go through, but laughing as well. I know he’s trying to make light of the situation, but it doesn’t deter from the fact, he really will be exhausted.

  -I’m so sorry, beefcake. I will most definitely give you what you want. Bear with me.-

  -Anything for you.-

  I send him an image of my blowing him a kiss and watch as each beast sniffs and snuffles at the new scents.

  There’s no fighting, rivalry, or jealousy between all of them, and with each of Ebbin's new shifts, I can tell how worn out he’s getting, so once I join them, I hurry along with all of them still shifted and bring in Vie, and Lyanna’s group as Torunn and I start to spar.

  Pulling the Blade of Oblivion to my side, I raise it above my head waiting for Torunn to come at me and make the first move. Unsure of what she will do, I place my feet apart, square my shoulders and smile wickedly into her own smiling face. Before I know what’s happening, she screams a battle cry so fierce, my eyes widen in shock and I barely have time to react as she rushes towards me. I pull the magic inside of myself and will it into the blade hoping that both the sword and my own powers will heed my commands, and protect me from her onslaught of attacks.

  With each hard swing, and averted defense, I hold my own against her and get my own hit in and yelling out my own cries of war and desperation as I try my hardest to get her one good time. I want to show everyone that I can do this, that I’m strong and nothing can get in my way. Something starts happening with the sword when I pray and hope with all that I can that it will keep me safe. The blade turns an iridescent blue, then turns to a dark onyx and then lightning bolts shoot up, not out of the sword, but up the blade leaving its own marks on my beautiful blade’s edge. As I stare in shock, Torunn makes another move and my body starts moving of its own accord, more so my hands protecting me, the sword protecting me. When I hear her cry out again, coming after me, we both turn when growl, groans and painful moans sound behind us. Looking at everybody who has since shifted back into their human form, but now are all changing again, with the strange magic that’s coursing not only through me but my sword as well. I peer up to Torunn, she feels something, the look on her face is one of agony and fear.

  I feel horrible for what’s happening to our friends and lovers, but at the same time, I feel justified, strong. I don’t want to stop but my battle isn’t with her or any of them. I need to pull my magic back and will, the sword to stop. Knowing now for sure that they all do have a reaction to it’s magic, and their reaction is seeming to protect me. The beasts cry out behind me, human, and others alike a glaring at Torunn and I. I worry for us both and put a barrier around us, unsure of what’s going on. Finally, my magic disappears and ceases after the barrier is erected. I wait for everybody to shift back and grab their clothes.

  Feeling slightly broken, my heart twisting at the pain and confusion of what happened, and like I’m not entirely myself. Not knowing the full extent of my powers or the sword’s. I want to glare at my brother for giving me such a blade, but I know the power that he put in it has only come from my body from my blood, attuned to me, it’s nobody’s fault, but I feel like I need someone to blame. Nobody knows what I’m capable of, not even me. I’m the light in the dark and the dark in the light. There’s no way that anybody knows the extent of my powers, nobody can. I’m a Valkyrie and a Death Demon; there’s so much behind what I am, who I am, and what I’ve become, that now I’m more fearful of myself than I have ever been.

  Groans and grunts of fear surround me and looks of desperation are thrown my way, glares of hatred are aimed towards my sword and faces full of guilt are given to Torunn.

  Cynide in my head tells me, -There’s too much power behind you and your blade. All we wanted to do in that moment, at least me and Vie, was to protect you and make sure that no harm came to you. I think that’s the same for everybody, and we all for some reason hated Torunn and wanted nothing more than to attack her, even the beasts that are behind us that we barely know.- I look to where she’s looking and see Brad and Adam have shifted into a fierce Hellhound, the other into his Dragon form. I smile sheepishly and stand here speechless, unable to say anything. -Were all in agony, trying to race our shifts to protect you.- Cynide finishes with shame, I don’t know if it’s meant because they are forced into this, and can’t do so quick enough or if it’s her feeling shame for me, and I’m too much of a coward to ask. I’m speechless.

  Torunn comes up to me and wraps her arm around my shoulder, giving me her strength and courage. I smile up into her beaut
iful face and shake my head ‘no’. I just don’t know! I don’t know what’s going on and I need to figure it out. I need to have a talk with my brother and understand more about his weapons and what they can truly do. I shake Torunn’s hand off of my shoulder when my feelings start to spiral, I hate that it might hurt her, but I need space.

  I think that back my blade, I understand they can never be broken unless it’s by another blade of his making but, what other weapons are we going to come up against, of his that might have the same powers? Does my father have one? Do any of his Demons have one? I wonder if Gor can make more weapons like mine for everybody with the same magic he used from me from my blood, but use theirs. I drop my sword arm to the ground, rubbing my face with my other hand in frustration as more worry filled thoughts fill me.

  I wonder if we can all be protected in the way I was, and see what other magic they might wield. We also have Merrick here, so that should be a bigger help with him doing the same, he’s just going to need Gor’s help in figuring out his own powers as well. I look to everyone, trying to gauge their faces, and give them a strong, stance, and a calm collected look as I wait for the air to clear.

  Rhydian is the first to calm down. He walks over to me in only his shorts, with a confused look on his face. He takes the sword from my hands and gives it to Torunn, then he takes both of my hands in his own and squeezes them before he pulls me into a fierce hug. Making me feel all the love and strength that he has inside of him. I hug him back and the tears flow freely. There’s so much going on, so much new, so much old, but everything seems to crash down on me in that one moment. So much uncertainty has taken over my life for the last few weeks, and now there’s more.

  I’m glad for the protection of the others and my own men, even my friends, but there’s others here that we have to remember to protect. I can’t be the only one that gets protection. We all need to have the same amount.

  I feel three sets of hard bodies surrounding me. I know it’s my men giving me all of their love and, I cry harder. Turning myself into another chest as my face is soaked with my own tears, and I’m sure my own snot running down their bare chests, I laugh when I think of that and wipe my nose with the back of my hand, grossing myself out even more at the wetness that’s there. I look up with a perturbed look on my face and three matching set of wide grins and goofy smiles are staring back at me. I shake my head at my own embarrassment and turn to greet the others in our group, hoping there’s some way that I can make them all understand what just happened. I might not understand, but maybe I can make them see that too. That I don’t know what the hell happened, but I am sorry.

  I thrust my arms out when I turn around and shrug my shoulders, smiling to the ground. When I look up from Blue and her men, I wince seeing the glares on their faces, quickly turning away as embarrassment fills me.

  From Adam and Brad, I receive smiles and nods of understanding. “ I’m so sorry,” I tell them all. I need to make this right, they knew what I was doing before we started but I wasn’t expecting anything like this. “I think we need more time to figure out what me and my sword can truly do, but in the meantime, Gor and Merrick, would you please go with each other? Find more silver, find more metal of any kind that you need, and make some weapons, like my own for everyone? With their blood and their powers infused. Be aware, some change into beasts and we need to accommodate them for that. We can’t have their own blades or whatever, hurting them if they decide to turn or need to. Everybody wanted to protect me, but we all need protection, and I want to see if making each person their own weapon will help to make sure that happens,” I explain, hoping everyone hears the sincerity in my voice.

  Torunn looks over to me and smiles down at her own sword. “Gor made this for me many, many moons ago. I have never used the powers it holds inside. I have never had the need. I have always depended on my own strength. I think you and I must go together once more. I too, need to learn to use the magic it wields. I think if the two of us are sparring, and you can push your own magic into each of our friends, and let them feel that you are okay, we might have a different outcome. Will that be acceptable to you?” she asks.

  I nod my head vigorously in agreement.

  “I think that would be a wonderful idea,” I exclaim.

  I turn to everybody and see if they’re okay with that. I know they’ve already shifted so many times and they all must be exhausted but that’s why we’re here. We only have so much time and we don’t even know when my father will show up again, but we need to be ready.

  “Vikings never quit. They never stop. We will keep going. Until everybody’s hesitancy is dispersed. It needs to go, we need to trust and understand. And we need to all work together to fend off this evil leech!” Brandt hollers, and the rest of Blue’s men all roar their agreement into the silent air as true, historical Viking rally together behind me, ancient weapons thrust in the air as they ready their minds, for what’s to come.

  As I turn, I see the rest of my friends, new and old, raising their hands in the air with their own cries of readiness. I get choked up seeing and hearing all of this, so many people are counting on me, so many people I have just met, ready to fight at my side. A tear wells in one of my eyes and I quickly turn away, wiping it before anyone can see. I don’t want them to think it’s a weakness. Damn pregnancy hormones.

  I set my feet once more steadily and ready into the soft snow, my shoulders tight and back straight as I raise my blade to Torunn once more. She readies herself and watches me closely, but this time I’m the one to start the attack.

  I rush towards her screaming my own battle cry and pull my magic to me from the sword and pull my magic to me, from deep inside myself, as well as the magic my blade holds. The dark with the light, swirling inside me coming out of my hands going into my blade, making it turn into that beautiful blue once more, with the lightning strikes up the edges of my sword.

  Torunn closes her eyes at the last moment, as I did in our previous match, and I can feel it when she finally pulls the magic from hersword into her. It cracks around her and makes her hair whip up and all around her, turning her into a magical Valkyrie. Her eyes a jolt open, I don’t know if it’s fear that I see behind them or worry, but soon enough, right as I’m about to hit her with my blade, hers raises up defending her. We share the same battle cry, hoots and hollers surrounding us, floating in the air from behind us, but this time we don’t stop to see who’s changing we know what’s happening behind us and in that moment she sees my indecision. The indecision to keep fighting her and her blade, or protect my men, my family and friends. She nods once quickly letting me know to put the protection, my magic into them. As I do, I feel the anger and confusion that was once permeating the air lessen, and I try to push to all of them, that I’m okay.

  The growls and roars cease behind us, but we can hear the chuffing on the ground and the beasts all wanting to come to my aid. This time when I really take a closer look, they’re shaking their heads in confusion. I halt all of my movements and give Torunn an appreciative smile when she does the same. Our sparring is at a standstill until we can figure out what is happening now.

  Cynide is in my mind. I can hear her labored breathing, I can feel her indecision.

  -It wasn’t only you that we wanted to protect this time. It was both of you, but when we felt your magic flow into us, we couldn’t stand it. We weren't able to move our bodies full. We tried we could move our feet, but we could not move forward. It was like we knew that you were okay, both of you. But our will was not our own. It felt like you made us stop everything, more than anything like our entire beings were not our own. I don’t know how, or why, but you must find a way to only impose upon us, to protect each other but still have our movements. If this happens in battle against your father, we will all be taken down swiftly.- I close my eyes and nod my head to her in understanding, and also shame.

  Something isn’t right. My magic is either too fierce or not listening to what I really want. She
can feel my worries and I know she heard those thoughts. There’s too many emotions swirling inside me and they all heard.

  “Bugs,” Ebbin says, catching my attention. “Your magic is either too strong, or something else is going on. Do you still have your pendant on? Is that what may be possibly making everything so... off about you right now?” he asks with a simple, love filled smile.

  I smack myself in my forehead for feeling so stupid. I put it back on, not even knowing it. It’s second nature at this point. When we’re not doing anything, I keep it on when I’m doing magic I take it off. This time I did magic with the pendant on that’s supposed to hinder my abilities. The pendants that keeps everyone around me safe, is actually not. It’s making it much worse.

  I take it off swiftly and place it in my pocket once more. It’s so strange that I have to be wearing it, it touching my skin to work the magic I need. I try not to think about it and I turn once again to Torunn and lift my blade waiting for her to be the one to attack this time. I will my magic out, properly this time, and what happens around us is something I’ll never forget.

  Beasts of all colors, flying in the air high above us, fires of ice, red hot flames and even one green that leaves and ashy, hazy glow in the air above. The roars from behind me those of many different beasts, and a lightning bird in the sky. Rigar. His wings so brilliantly bright and the lightning cracking tinto the cloud covered sky. Torunn and I both pause and gasp at the sights all around us. We stare up, enjoying the show around us.


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