Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series Page 70

by Trina Bates

  “These…argh! These assholes won't speak. We don’t fucking know!” Merrick yells trying to break free from the two men’s grasps.

  “Let them go, or burn. I’ll let you pick, and this is Hellfire, you won’t come out alive, whatever you are,” I seethe, readying my hands, aiming them at the men that are holding my loves.

  Their eyes go wide and brute one and two, the men holding Rhett quickly let go, but three and four hold fast. Behind me, I hear someone walking up, I turn a thrust my hand out and stop right before the man gets within a few feet of me.

  Deep cerulean eyes with gold flecked irises, full lips, strong chin, blonde hair perfectly styled and filling out his running pants and tank top like no other. I do a double take and look to Ebbin who is staring at the man like he’s seen a ghost. The strange man that looks so much like my love doesn’t take his eyes off of me while he takes another step forward.

  “Demon,” he states with quizzical eyes.

  I inhale deeply and my eyes that I didn’t think could possibly get wider, do so.

  “Naga…” I whisper when the desert and seawater scent of Enbarr hits me.

  “Very good. Now that we have that out of the way, why are you on this fucking property? There are no appointments set in the books and as you can see, we aren’t in proper attire to take anyone inside for meetings,” he says with such hostility that instead of fear that should be entering me, it’s anger.

  “What was her name?” I ask, pushing the boundaries but needing to know the answer. I hate that this is how it will all go down, but I made a promise and it’s one I intend to keep, no matter who likes it and who doesn’t.

  “Who’s name?” he asks sardonically.

  “The woman you lost all those years ago, my mate’s fucking mother,” I spit out already despising this man.

  He takes a step back and looks at Ebbin, finally. His mouth opens and closes a few times before words finally fall from his lips. He looks defeated and that suits him.

  “Eufendil. Her name is Eufendil. She left me, I had no idea she was with child. You look just like your grandfather. But what are you? I smell the Naga on you, but that’s not all you have. I suspect you take to the skies just like she did?” The man that I now know is Ebbin’s father guesses.

  “I’m, wait, no this is bullshit,” Ebbin growls, coming to my side and taking my hand while he stares daggers at the man.

  “Tell your fucking lackies to get their hands off my mates or everyone here will burn,” I yell one last time as I raise my hand to the guards once again. The harsh trumbing of my heart is drowning out all sounds. I’m terrified of my own powers still, but also the safety of my men. It’s going to prove to be a fatal combination if they don’t heed my warning and release them.

  “Do as she asks,” he demands with authority in his voice and turns his head to glare at his guards like this is their fault, not his.

  The guards reluctantly recently Merrick and Rhett. Merrick immediately comes to my side, flanking me with Ebbin on my otherside, tethered to me with a scowl on his face. Rhett takes up a defensive stance next to Kigiree, distrust written over his gorgeous face. With his hand up ready to use the magic that's he's called forth, just in case someone tries to get the jump on us, again.

  “I can smell that you are, Naga and something else. No one outside of our clan has bred outside of our own race in many years. We are a dwindling race and our beliefs are much different than that of the outside world. You smell of her beast as well as mine, your mother’s. How do you not know her name?” The stranger asks, and takes a step forward, closer to Ebbin.

  There’s wonder behind his eyes and even love. I can feel his trepidation, but there’s nothing evil about him. I hate that, I want a reason not to like him, but if he didn’t know about Ebbin and his feelings towards him are true, I’m fucked.

  “She gave me up. I was raised by the Conclave most of my life.” Ebbin’s heartbreak comes through in his words and when he said Conclave, the man winced, knowing full well what they do to find out if they are Other or Hollow, and how we are all treated when we are Unwanted. Then anger takes over him and his face gets red and a vein starts to pulse in his forehead.

  “Why would she give you up if I was here?! I would have taken you, given you a better life, loved you. She never told me. We were happy and then one morning she disappeared and that’s the last I saw of her. I searched for months after my return but found no trace of her. I even went back to the shifter realm, found her family and they were honest when they told me they hadn’t seen her since her transition here.” The pain and sincerity in the man’s voice brings a new set of emotions to the surface for me that I haven’t felt in a long time. Empathy and hope. A new journey, adventure, to find the woman that was lost to Ebbin and this man.

  “What’s your name?” I ask, tired of thinking of him as a mere, nameless stranger.

  “Warlen, and you all are… and what are you doing here, as I said before, there are no appointments set for today. So, it’s not unjust that you were detained by my clansmen, so?” he queries, looking to each of us in turn with a cocked head, crossed arms and raised brow.

  “Ebbin, your alleged son,” I pause the introductions and push Ebbin forward to shake the man's hand, “I’m Mira, his mate.” I gesture to the rest of my guys, “This is Merrick, the Black Schuck is Kigiree, however his Doyen is Rhydian, and next to him is Rhett. They’re all my mates.” I smile, trying to tone down the emotions within me. My Hellfire is still present which he cocks a brow at as he shakes Ebbin's hand. I pull it within me and shrug my shoulders “Always have to be on guard. Never know what can take place, just like what happened here when I teleported in,” I state with nonchalance and a slight smile as I take a step forward and take Ebbin's hand once again. “As to what we’re doing here, and no we don’t have an appointment, we need to see the Puissant. There’s certain matters that we need to discuss with him, in private.” The arrogance in my tone doesn’t go unnoticed as Warlen’s face takes on surprise.

  “Well, right this way, Mira. You just so happen to be in his presence. What can I do for you?” He bows and gestures to the house and walks away leaving us all standing with our mouths hanging open, even Kigiree as he confidently shows us his back and keeps walking, his henchmen following closely behind.

  “Get the beast some clothes for his Doyen when he shifts,” Warlen calls back to one of his men who veers off and starts to run, faster than and non shifted person should be able.

  We start to follow behind, our whispers most likely reaching the man ahead of us. “What the hell, Mira? How did you know and what the fuck!?” Ebbin hisses while we walk.

  I look over to him and smile sheepishly, shrugging my shoulders at him. “I don’t know. I could smell it, the same scent when Enbarr is out. You two are fucking identical, and when he started being a dick, do you really expect me to be anything but a blunt, rude bitch?” The seriousness in my tone gets him. He starts to shake his head and laugh quietly.

  “True,” he says, though it comes out more of a snort than anything.

  “I think negotiations are going to go pretty easy from here on out now. Ebbin’s daddy is the fucking Puissant, and you’re mated to him. I’d say we’re in the clear.” Rhett claps behind us loudly, and when we turn to look at him, we’re all wearing the same strange looks. He’s nuts. Rhett puts his hands out in front of him, and leans his upper body back on the balls of his heels. “My bad,” he grunts out and looks away from us, mumbling nonsense under his voice.

  I roll my eyes and look back to Ebbin. He’s deep in thought as he stares ahead, but the feelings he is sending off are confusion and doubt. I untangle our hands and wrap my arm around his waist. “It’s going to be okay. We’ve got this, and maybe Rhett is right, there’s nothing wrong with having family in high places that can help. We won’t do it for those reasons, but if he does, it’s up to him. Okay?” I tell him tenderly, and rub his back as I think to myself.

  Before I can g
et a thought started, Rhydian’s deep voice startles me from behind making me jump. “It’s an advantage we will appreciate, but whatever rules are placed, we will follow them. We won’t use your relationship, whatever it might turn out to be, for our own gain. We’ve got you.”

  I take his hand in my other and squeeze it tight in thanks and walk in silence the rest of the way to the giant mansion. Entering it is a different story. The outside, is even more gorgeous up close, with all of the windows and columns surrounding the wide deck and doorway. No plants or garnishings to make it feel welcome. But the inside, high, vaulted ceilings, the walls painted a light yellow and the borders are all white. To the right is an open room, the furniture a cream color with dark cherry wood tables. It’s set up very much like the inside of an office would be, but the colors are calming and welcoming. The left, closed doors, but the entrance is what makes my mouth drop. A grand staircase with stark white carpet leading the way to the top landing. In front of the stairs, a large, rectangular table with a statue of a Naga carved out in marble, and two crystal statues on each side. One of a Grecian woman and the other, a Grecian man.

  I turn in a small circle, lifting my head towards the ceiling, I spot an amazing chandelier. It’s a clear orb of glass, with the bottom cut out and flowing from the center of the orb are blue and clear crystals that look like water flowing from a glass. It’s beautiful.

  Stopping my inspection of his home, we follow Warlen down a large hallway, he turns to his right and into an office that has two small sofas against the wall, numerous picture of himself with other people, a desk in the middle and two chairs in the front of it. His own chair, more of a lounge seat than something I would expect of this.

  “Sit, please,” Warlen suggests as he takes his own chair, crossing on ankle over his knee and leaning back comfortably. I take the chair closest to the door at his desk and, thankfully, Ebbin helps me sit. Warlen doesn't take his eyes off of me the entire time and staring at him for so long while I try to sit down weirds me out. I don’t look away, I can’t it’s about dominance and this is something I’m prepared to win.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake! Stop it already. Warlen, she will take you in an instant. Mira, he knows it and so do we, with how loudly his heart is racing and can see it too with the beads of sweat forming on his brow line. Can we just leave that shit at the door and get on with what we came here for?” Merrick huffs out from behind me. Annoyed and tired, he is ready for all of this to be over. So am I.

  Warlen looks and I can’t help the small victory smile that plays on my face.

  “So, what business do you have for me?” he asks with slight anger as he turns his attention back to me.

  I sit up straight and give him all of my attention, knowing what I need to say. “The Conclave in our home town is relentless is trying to find myself, Ebbin, and Rhydian. Ebbin and I never showed signs as children. My Demon half never manifesting, and his side, because he never accepted an alpha, he never accepted and alpha, not knowing that’s what he would have to do to find out what he was. I can’t be tested, nor can Ebbin, or the little girl I carry within me. You have felt my power, tested my dominance. If I am more… than you,” I pause and look at him with respect and also regret. I don’t have to take in his feelings to know what they are. Envy, fear, and a sort of knowing. He thinks I want his position. “I don’t want what you have. It’s only been a few months for Ebbin and I to find out what we are. All I want is some semblance of normalcy and the threat of the Conclave gone,” I whisper the last few words, my own admissions getting the best of me as my voice starts to waver. I look away from the now resigned and relieved man, and look to the far wall.

  “What are you all? Why do they want you?” He asks, and I fill with relief when Ebbin takes over the conversation as I turn back to Warlen.

  “If we confess all of our secrets, we lose a bargaining chip.” No bullshit, all facts and I love him more for it. I smile into my shoulder and look at Ebbin with pride as I take his hand in mine.

  “If my son is in danger, and I have a way to help, all I need to know is the truth. Not only will it tell me why they want you so bad, but it will also give a bit of insight on if you are truly my son. Your mother was rare, I already gave up the fact that she takes flight, but there are many beings that do and they are all, rare. I need the specifics. Please.” Warlen almost pleads, as he leans forward in his chair, waiting on bated breath for answers. Any answers that can link him to his lost love.

  Ebbin heaves a large sigh and looks to me, then twists in his seat to look behind and see what my other mates think. After they give him the okay, I nod my head to him and he tells him everything.

  “The three beasts I have inside are, Enbarr, the Naga, Caius the panther.” Warlen’s shoulders drop and he looks away before Ebbin can finish. “And Rigar, the lightning bird,” he finishes after a few moments of Warlen standing with his back to us.

  “You truly are my son,” he shouts, spinning so fast he loses his footing and starts to laugh as he stumbles back to his seat.

  “And you have three beasts! A trenary! That means your mother was, is, an alpha herself! She could still be out there! I have to find her…” he trails off opening his desk and pulling out a pad and paper, scribbling down something I can’t read as fast as his hands can go.

  Looking up for less than a second Warlen asks, “And you Mira, you are not just a Demon, please. Nothing you say leaves this room. That is my word and my word is honor bound.”

  “Death Demon.” He stops writing immediately and stares at me with fear. “I’m not like my father, which from your face I take it you know the lovely Alastor.” His mouths falls open and he stares, nodding his head. “I’m half Death Demon, half Valkyrie. A dual blood with two warring factions inside, completely at peace, and more powerful than I think anyone, including myself, will ever fully understand or know.” I finish with a sad sigh, still watching his reaction as his eyes grow wider and his mouth opens and closes a few times like a fish.

  “Come to my rooms, I can’t be in a stuffy office while we discuss this further,” Warlen finally gets out, practically jumping out of his chair and rushing out the door, leaving the rest of us to gawk and stand dumbstruck at his sudden change in behavior.


  Merrick finally snaps us all out of it when he starts to laugh and that kicks us into gear. Rhydian helping me up and then we all take off after the strange man. Rounding a few corners and letting my hand trail on the many banisters that are in this place, I take in the feel of the house. Enjoying the scent of Ebbin and Enbarr all around, the smells of so few people but their essence lingers all around. I pass by pictures without taking a second glance, but at one.

  A man with a reptilian tail, a deep blue with the most amazingly woven webbing flowing up and under the coat of the human body. The man is bald, wearing a black suit shirt and jacket. His pure white eyes staring straight and stoic as he holds a small child lovingly in his arms. The baby is bundled but the small feet poking out from the blanket bring a smile to my face, knowing that will soon be Alyria.

  “Who is that?” I ask Warlen, but of course, he’s too far ahead and doesn’t turn around.

  I shake my head at the man's quirkiness and speed up my steps. I don’t want to be left behind and miss whatever he has up his sleeve next.

  “Come, come, come,” Warlen exclaims as we near him. He gestures for us to enter the room, and after we do, he shuts and locks the door.

  So much for, nothing will leave here. I roll my eyes and turn to find we’re in an empty room all but for two couches and a table between them. Nothing on the walls, and not a single lamp or garnishing touch. I don’t like it.

  “Please, have a seat. I didn’t want to be in my office in case one of my clansmen happen to need me for something. There’s a few things I don’t want anyone overhearing. Mira, I do know your father. He’s been a bane in all Other’s sides since the dawn of time, I imagine. He’s taken countless mates, bonded, lover
s all from different realms so he can breed over and over until he has finally sired one strong enough to give him what he needs. Time and power. I suspect that’s you?” Warlen asks, sitting down in front of the seat I was just about to sit in.

  It’s a little surprising he knows so much about Alastor but who knows how old Warlen is really. Lowering myself down, still trying to think of how to reply, I smile at him and roll my eyes when Merrick comes over to help me sit. “Thanks,” I whisper as I get comfortable and then look back to my loves’ father.

  “I guess I am.” I leave out the fact that he wants Alyria, even though I’m sure he’s guessed that, but also Gor. No one else needs to know who he is and where he comes from. I want him safe and me keeping my mouth shut about him is hopefully helping with that. “What else do you need to know? I don’t like divulging this much information. There’s still so much even I don’t know,” I tell him with a shrug.

  My hands are starting to sweat and my heart is speeding up. I’m anxious about letting on anything about myself or my mates, no matter if this man is Ebbin’s father, or not.

  “You are light and dark, a force to be reckoned with. Can you tell me your powers? What do you plan to do about your father, you’re heavily pregnant and I doubt he knows or he would be trying for you and the child. Is it my grandchild? Would you be willing to work with me if ever needed?” Warlen’s rapid-fire questions irk me.

  I start to move around uncomfortable at his strange behavior and look to my men for a little help. They're all staring at him like he’s grown a second head and I can feel their unease and anger crashing into me like a battering ram when the peak of their patience has been tested. I want to go home and get away from here, right now. I don’t like the line of questions and his agitation, or excitement is making me uncomfortable.

  “Stop! Just stop!” Rhydian growls from beside me. His hands are fisted so tight that his knuckles are turning white and the vain in the side of his neck is throbbing with each pump of his fast beating heart. I put my hand on his forearm and stare back to Warlen. He looks confused and apprehensive when he finally sees that we’re all angry, worried and confused.


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