New Love

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New Love Page 17

by Mj Fields

  “Really?” Lucas asked.

  “Why wouldn’t he?” Tessa hated that he felt unworthy.

  “So these flowers weren’t for me?” Jade laughed.

  “Yes they are Jade,” Lucas hugged her again.

  Becca and Ryan pulled in.

  “Hot tub?” Alex asked.

  They all walked in to get changed.

  “Please don’t wear the one from the other night,” Lucas whispered in her ear. “Please.”

  She grinned, “Sure.”

  The boys were in when they walked out; Tessa was wearing the bathing suit from the other night. She smiled at Lucas, and he shook his head. She walked in and started to sit, and she winced.

  “Are you okay Tessa?” Jade asked.

  “Yep,” she slowly sat down next to Lucas.

  “You okay?” he whispered.

  “No, that burned,” Tessa whispered.

  “Sorry baby, sit down and I will rub it and make it all better,” he smiled.

  Tessa’s eyes widened, and she whispered, “Too many people Lucas.”

  He laughed and put his arm around her and whispered, “You’re probably right, you are very boisterous.”

  “Does that bother you?” Tessa asked.

  His nostrils flared, he closed his eyes, and he shook his head slowly, “Not at all.”

  Tessa leaned back and her hand found its way to him, and she started to play.

  “No baby,” Lucas whispered. Tessa gave him a dirty look, and he laughed, “I love you.”

  Everyone got out of the hot tub except Tessa, Lucas, and Jade.

  “So are you in pain Tessa?” Jade asked.

  “What?” Tessa asked shocked.

  “When you got in as soon as your who-who went in you looked like you would cry.”

  Tessa laughed.

  “Hey baby, I’m going home. But when you tell her make sure you let her know how it went down” he smiled and looked at Jade “She attacked me.”

  Tessa hugged him and kissed him.

  “I don’t want you to go.”

  “You’re in no shape for me to stay,” he laughed.

  “Please text me when you get home and…”

  “I know baby drive safe” he kissed her.”I love you”

  “You better,” she smiled and he got out.

  “Goodnight Jade, goodnight little one,” Lucas said and left.

  “So?” Jade asked.

  Tessa smiled, “What do you want to know?”


  Her phone chimed it was him

  -I’m home. Do you think your parents would let me take you to New Jersey for a few days, Jade can come too…LYA Lucas

  - Oh I don’t know, I can ask them tomorrow…Love Tessa

  -Alex and Phoebe too? I think Ryan wants to go; he and I had already talked about it…LOVE Lucas

  -Wouldn’t that be too much?...Love Tessa

  -Nope. Just let me know in the morning. Can I take you out for breakfast?...LOVE Lucas.

  - You could come here and eat…Love Tessa

  -nice! …LOVE Lucas.

  -Hahaha…promises promises…actually we may have to take tomorrow off…Love Tessa

  -We will see. Talk to you then...LOVE Lucas

  Tessa told Jade the whole story leaving nothing out, they went to bed, and Jade only woke up once.

  “Tessa is it supposed to get easier?”

  “I don’t know, but you have to be able to make peace with it for your baby,” Tessa snuggled with Jade.


  Tessa woke and smiled. She looked at the clock, and it was ten. She saw Lucas sitting across the room and jumped, he looked up.

  “Good morning Baby,” he smiled.

  “Good morning,” she said very aware that she probably looked like the walking dead.

  He walked over and started to kiss her.

  “Oh no, I need to brush my teeth,” she smiled.

  “Really?” he asked as he was looking her over. “Alright you can in a minute.”

  He pushed her down and smiled as he went under the covers.

  “Lucas,” she squealed, “Where is Jade and my family?” she grabbed the sheets and dug into them.

  “Downstairs,” he said stopping briefly.

  She tried to get up. He held her still.

  She was breathing heavy, shit she thought. What if they walked in, she looked at the door, and it was shut.

  She began to squirm, “Lucas oh please stop I am going to scream,”

  “Pillow baby, bite it.”

  She did as he said, and he bit her lightly. She moaned into the pillow she had put over her face. And then she whimpered loudly.

  He sat up and smiled at her as he watched her try to catch her breath.

  “You okay?” he said.

  “Lucas,” she whispered still breathless, “You’re naughty.”

  “You invited me for breakfast,” he stood up.

  She looked at him and could see the bulge, “Not fair.”

  “What’s not fair?”

  She took his hand and pulled him to her, she looked up at him.

  “I didn’t get mine yet,” she grabbed him and took him in her mouth.

  He held her head, and when he was ready he stopped and emptied into a towel.

  “God I love you.”

  He sat and held her.

  The door opened and it was Jade. “Tessa, your Mom is on her way over.”


  “Ask Lucas, he asked her to come.”

  Tessa looked at Lucas.

  “I figured you’d want to ask them together.” She gave him a questioning look and he chuckled, “You know if you can move in with me.”

  “Lucas I don’t think…” he kissed her.

  “I’m just joking, about all of us going to New Jersey. Alex is in, that should help right?” he smiled.

  “I need a shower,” she smiled.

  Her parents agreed as long as Alex went. John was hesitant but Maggie insisted that they be allowed to go. They were seniors and would be going to college in the fall. Tessa just looked at the ground the entire time.

  John and Alex went to get equipment ready for the work that needed to be done the following week. Alex was happy but knew a lot of work needed to be done before they left. Jade went with Phoebe to her house to get a few things.

  Lucas sat and looked at Tessa, “Everything okay, Tessa?”

  She looked up at him and raised her eyebrow and smiled and shook her head slowly yes.

  “Perfect, I’m going to help your dad and Alex. I kind of feel bad leaving him hanging.”

  She stood up and walked towards him and sat on his lap and hugged him.

  “I love you,” she kissed him.

  “Tessa you need to get up, so I can go help please,” his eyes starting to heat up.

  She grinned, “Sorry Lucas.”

  “Are you?”

  “No,” she said smiling and doing a little happy dance with her feet.

  He stood up and kissed her head and rolled his eyes, “Goodbye Tessa.”

  Tessa cleaned and then jumped on the computer. Ben had messaged her on Facebook. She decided to call him, she clicked on the message. He had instructed her to click on a link; there was a ton of pictures of them on stage at the club in Syracuse. Damn he was a doll. She looked at herself, she looked so happy. She took a deep breath and dialed the phone.

  “Hey girl, how are you doing?” Ben asked with a smile in his voice.

  ”I’m good Ben, look I have to tell you something.”

  “You and Lucas back together?”

  “Ben, I…” she started.

  “Don’t Tessa, we’re fine,” he said. “As long as he doesn’t hurt you he and I’ll be fine, this was bound to happen.”

  “You’re not mad at me?”

  “No Tessa, not ever,” Ben said and her heart sank.

  “Thank you Ben,” she said quietly.

  “Tess, be good to yourself,” Ben said quietly.

  “Of course Ben, thank you.”

  She hung up the phone.

  He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck. She jumped.

  “You done with that?”

  “Of course, it’s just not fun to hurt someone,” she said quietly.

  “Is he hurt?” Lucas asked.

  “No, he’s being Ben,” she said, “nice.”


  Chapter 11

  They left for New Jersey early in the morning. Tessa and Jade sat in the back. Phoebe and Ryan sat in the middle, and Alex sat shotgun with Lucas.

  They drove for two hours before pulling over for lunch.

  “Tessa could you come with me for a minute?” Lucas asked.

  She smiled, and he took her hand.

  “Or ten” he whispered and winked.

  They went outside and went to the bathroom and he kissed her and locked the door. He grinned, and she smiled back, no way she thought.

  “Quick one baby?” she shook her head yes. He reached under her skirt and smiled when he rubbed her damp bare flesh, “And she listens.”

  They walked in just in time to order. Jade looked at her and shook her head from side to side. No one else even noticed, except maybe Ryan.

  They arrived at Lucas’s Dad’s just before three in the afternoon. Audrianna and the girls met them at the door; the girls ran out and hugged him. He picked them up, swung them around and kissed them. Tessa got out and watched him and smiled. Audrianna saw Tessa and she walked towards her and hugged her.

  “Tessa, how are you?” she was excited to see her.

  “I’m great,” she said watching Lucas with the girls, “How are you?”

  “Never better Tessa, thank you.”

  They went inside, and Audrianna showed them to their rooms. Alex and Ryan were in one of the guest rooms and the girls in another. Lucas frowned and raised his eyebrow and shook his head no as he looked at her, she smiled.

  They followed Lucas out to the tree fort with the girls, and within twenty minutes the three boys had on tiaras and pink pearl beaded necklaces. Tessa took pictures and laughed. Audrianna and Jade brought out tea and tea cups. They danced and sang, and Lucas laughed like a little boy. Tessa loved seeing him like that. Hell right about now Tessa loved seeing him period. Lucas took the girls and Audrianna inside.

  “Tessa he’s amazing with them, I don’t think I have ever seen him like that,” Jade smiled.

  “God he is amazing,” Tessa bit her lip.

  “What about when you two disappear to the bathroom for fifteen minutes?” Phoebe smiled.

  “He is pretty amazing then too,” Tessa blushed. “But don’t tell Alex.”

  “Alex is the one who pointed it out to me,” Phoebe laughed.

  “No way!” Tessa said as her jaw dropped.

  “Yes way,” Phoebe said still laughing.

  “Is he mad at me?”

  “No Tessa, he loves you and Lucas” she said, “he isn’t happy about it, but he knows there isn’t much he can do about it either.”

  The girls came out with Princess Tiaras and dresses on. Lucas followed with a homemade king’s crown.

  “Princess Tessa, will you please come forward?” Ally said grinning.

  “Prince Lucas has a question for you,” Alexandra smiled.

  “Princess Tessa, will you please accompany me to Prom?” he winked.

  She smiled, “I’m not sure kind Prince. I would prefer to discuss this with the princesses before I can answer you. Princess Ally, Princess Alexandra, do you think that I should tell him yes or no?”

  “Yes!” they both yelled and jumped up and down.

  “Even if I already have a date in mind? Are you quite sure?”

  Again they jumped up and down and squealed yes.

  “Well then, I guess Prince Lucas-- I must accept,” she smiled.

  He picked her up and kissed her, “Thank you Tessa.”

  Landon returned at five that night. He walked in, and Lucas was chasing the girls around the table. He laughed, “Nice crown, Lucas.”

  “Pretty cool huh?” Lucas snickered.

  “So how long can you stay?”

  “I think we have to be back Thursday night.”

  They all walked in from outside. Landon watched as the kids walked through the door and his daughters jumped on Tessa.

  “Wow Lucas, you didn’t tell me Tessa was coming,” Landon smiled.

  “Everything’s good Dad,” he smiled at Tessa.

  “Ok then,” Landon patted him on the back.

  It was an unusually warm night for mid April, and they sat on the deck and ate dinner. Tessa and Phoebe helped Audrianna clean up. It was getting late, and Audrianna put the girls to bed.

  “Have you filled out any college paperwork Lucas?” Landon asked.

  “Uh… no I haven’t," Lucas said realizing that the deadlines were less than a month away.

  “I think you should try to squeeze that in while you’re here.”

  Tessa walked out with Jade and Phoebe, and he smiled as he saw her laughing.

  “Lucas,” Landon snapped is fingers in front of Lucas’s face, “Lucas this is important.”

  "I know Dad… she’s beautiful," Lucas said softly.

  “Tessa dear could you come here for a moment?” Landon asked. She walked over and smiled. “Could you have a seat for a minute?”

  Lucas pulled a chair next to his. He smiled; her eyes widened and wondered what this was about.

  “My son needs to be able to focus on getting some college applications submitted, do you think you could push him to do that?” Landon asked.

  “Sure, I really have little experience in that, but I’ll do what I can.”

  Lucas laughed.

  “What?” she asked.

  He shook his head and looked down and smiled.

  “Are you two alright? I mean what’s the status? I get very confused,” Landon said dryly.

  “We’re good Dad,” Lucas said looking at Tessa, “Very good.”

  Tessa blushed and gave him a serious look.

  “Tessa what are your plans after graduation?” Landon asked.

  “I am planning to go to school, close to home.” Damn this was uncomfortable she thought as she looked down.

  “And what will you do when Lucas goes away to college?” Landon asked.

  “To be honest, I never really thought about it. But I’ll be in school.”

  “Dad, I haven’t discussed my ideas with Tessa yet. You think this is necessary right now?” Lucas glared at him.

  “Well I just think it’s something you may want to think about,” Landon responded.

  “Okay well her cousin Jade will be having Tommy’s child in November. I’m sure Tessa will be very involved in that, I plan to be as much as I can. I was actually thinking of asking Tessa, Jade, and the baby to live me,” Lucas was very serious.

  “Oh I think we are getting ahead of ourselves here,” Tessa smiled.

  “Why?” Lucas asked her.

  “I think that my parents might have a problem with that,” Tessa she looked down.

  “You're graduating; it’s your choice after that.”

  “Lucas, I don’t think this is the time to discuss this,” Tessa whispered and scowled. She was aware that all eyes were on her.

  “I think it’s a perfect time,” he said again very seriously.

  “Lucas, I think this is a bit premature,” Landon began.

  “You asked. I’m just telling you what I want,” Lucas said raising his eyebrow and sitting back in his chair.

  “Well it’s really not just about you, will you please excuse me?” She stood up and walked through the glass doors and into the house. She walked up the stairs and went into the room she would be sharing with Jade and Phoebe.

  “Was that necessary?” Lucas asked his Dad and stood up and went to find her.

  He walked into the room and Tessa was sitting on the bed listening to her music. He walked over and kissed her. S
he looked at him.

  “Why are you upset? I just told my father I wanted you to live with me baby, that doesn’t make you happy?”

  “It kind of freaks me out Lucas,” she pulled away from him.

  “Why, it’s not what you want?” Lucas asked confused.

  “Well I guess…” Tessa started.

  “What do you mean you guess?” Lucas asked defensively.

  “Lucas you didn’t let me finish,” her face saddened, “we just got back together, and we’re fighting already.”

  “No, we aren’t, we’re talking about our future,” Lucas said adamantly.

  “Ok, well, we’re going to college. Jade is having a baby. It’s a lot to think about in the two days we’ve been back together,” Tessa said.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Lucas snapped.

  “God Lucas, please don’t fight with me, can’t we just enjoy the next few days?” she pleaded.

  “Well I was thinking more long term than the next few days, but if that’s what you want then fine,” he quickly got up and walked away.

  She heard his door slam, and she got up and went into his room. He was sitting on his bed. She sat next to him.

  “Lucas don’t be mad at me,” Tessa said softly.

  “I’m not mad. I’m confused and maybe a bit frustrated. Ok and yes that was not the reaction I expected from you when I told my father I wanted THIS to be more,” Lucas confessed.

  She smiled at him, “Lucas, I’m sorry. Do you love me?”

  “Of course I do, do you love me?” he asked sarcastically.

  “Yes, madly,” she laughed. “We need to talk about things and think through things,” she kissed him.

  “Do you want to talk now?” Lucas asked as he looked at her.

  “No, not really,” she grinned.

  “Good,” he kissed her.


  They walked onto the deck holding hands and smiling.

  Landon looked at them and shook his head. Audrianna sat next to him and grabbed his hand.

  “He loves her Landon.”

  “He’s loved a lot of girls.”

  “No, he has not, sex is not love,” she laughed.

  He smiled at her and winked. He stood up and dragged her behind him and whispered, “No but it is lots of fun.”

  They all sat around the outdoor fire pit talking and laughing. Tessa was falling asleep, and Jade already was asleep.

  “I’m going to bed, goodnight Lucas,” she said and kissed him.


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