An Aussie Christmas Angel

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An Aussie Christmas Angel Page 6

by Clare Revell

  “Me personally or just someone that you knew tagging along for company?”

  “You personally. It’s not the same without you around.” If only this was a video phone. His parent’s computer didn’t have a webcam so he couldn’t use a web chat program even if he wanted to. And he did. He needed to see her.

  When she spoke, his soul just filled and bubbled over. He wanted her, more than any other girl he’d asked out before. It had to be all or nothing. “Tell me about it. The unit is so empty now. Pip’s out a lot, either working or helping Rob house hunt and I’m just rattling around on my own. Wish you were here.”

  “Not that our paths crossed much.”

  “I know, but even so…” Jo paused. “Maybe I’ll get over to England one day. Look you up.” Her tone was wistful.

  “I’d like that.” Oh, he would like that so much. Just to have her around, see her smile. Go for a walk along the river, her hand in his. He should have taken her on one of his day trips. So much wasted time. “Or we meet half way or something.”

  “Sounds good.” She stifled a yawn.

  “I’m keeping you up. It must be really late there.”

  “Gone midnight.”

  “Then go to bed,” he said. “I’ll email you and you can read it when you get up.”

  Jo yawned again. He pictured her forcing her eyes to stay open and failing. “OK. Really enjoyed speaking to you.”

  “Me too. Sleep well. Night, Jo.”

  “Night, John.”

  The phone clicked off and he hung up. Pushing to his feet, he headed to his bedroom and shut the door.

  Kneeling by his bed, he took a deep breath. Lord, You know how I feel about Jo. How incomplete I feel knowing I’m here and she’s there. Am I just dreaming, or is there a way for us to be together? I know You can move mountains if only we have the faith of a mustard seed, and I know it says to ask and we’ll receive. So, Lord, I’m asking. If it’s Your will and if she feels the same way I do, please find a way for us to be together.

  He pulled out notepaper from his desk and sat down to write. The pen was more than a little chewed by the time he’d finished pouring out his heart and soul and laying it out in as few words as possible.

  The last thing he wanted to do was bury his feelings in flowery words that weren’t necessary, so that the thrust of the letter was lost in the wording. He folded the paper and put it inside an envelope.

  Writing the address, he then laid it on the desk and went down to dinner. He’d take his nephew, Taylor, to the post box after dinner and then he’d leave everything in God’s hands. If He wanted him and Jo together, then mountains and continents would be moved.

  “Dear Jo,

  Ever since I met you, you have filled my thoughts like no one else. Everywhere I go, everything I do is tempered by the fact you aren’t with me. I know we didn’t spend long together when I was in Sydney and for that I’m sorry. But I was wondering.

  Would you like to start a long distance relationship?

  We could ring and email and maybe meet up half way next time you’re in Europe or something. I really like you. More than like you. But it’s your call. Let me know.

  Love, John.”


  For two weeks Jo heard nothing. She’d gotten the one e-mail the day after that phone call, but that was it. For a few days she wondered if he’d written. She knew ‘snail mail’ was slow from Pip writing to her gran. Mail from the UK could take up to a month to arrive, which she found ludicrous as it didn’t take that long for mail to get from Australia to the US.

  Slowly she resigned herself to picking up the pieces of her shattered dream and filing them under the title, “Never Date a Bloke Who’s on Holiday. Especially One Who Lives Half a World Away.” Life seemed flat without the little contact she’d had with John. She kept praying for him. That was the least she could do and that way she could fool herself into thinking they still had a connection. Anything more was a stupid pipe dream, but she thought of little else as she visited her parents over the weekend.

  She arrived back in Sydney on Sunday evening, determined to enjoy the early Christmas with Pip and not mope over something she couldn’t have. Truth be told, all she wanted for Christmas was a blond English bloke named John. Even if he had forgotten all about her.

  She set her bag down in the hallway. “Pip, I’m home.”

  Pip came into the hall and hugged her. “How are you?”

  “I’m fine. Weekend was fine. How are you?”

  “I’m good. You got mail.”

  Jo hung her coat on the hook. “I did?”

  “From England.”

  Jo took the envelope and her heart leapt as she recognized the writing. The postmark was just over two weeks old. He’d written it the day of the phone call. She caught her breath and ran upstairs into the bathroom, locking the door firmly behind her. She pressed the letter to her face. It smelt faintly of the aftershave he wore. Her hands trembled as she slit the envelope.

  Unfolding the letter, heart racing, blood pumping, she read it. Nine words leapt out at her.

  Would you like to start a long distance relationship?

  Jo screamed. She clutched the letter to her chest and closed her eyes. Was she seeing things?

  She risked a peek.

  Yes, she read it correctly.

  She screamed again. Unlocking the door, she ran down the stairs, letter grasped tightly in her hand. “Pip! Look…” She held out the letter. “Does it say what I think it does?”

  She watched Pip’s face, then beamed as Pip first nodded, then hugged her.

  “Wow. What are you going to do?”

  “Call him. Going to do it now.”

  “What will you say?”

  Jo winked. “Need to tell him first.” She pushed a hand through her hair. “Get that kettle on.” She crossed to the phone and dialed the number of his mobile phone. It was switched off. He’d probably done a Pip and left it behind. So she tried his parent’s landline.

  It rang four times and the answerphone picked up. No! Where are you? She glanced at her watch. John was in church. She left a short message. “John. Ring me as soon as you get in.” And hung up.


  John opened the door and went into the hall. Still buoyed from the blessing he’d received in church, he stood to one side and let Dorrie, her husband and the kids in. His parents followed them, and he shut the door against the cold. Minus five and only lunchtime. He didn’t hold out much hope for the temperature getting above freezing all day. He busied himself with hanging up his thick overcoat and then took the kids coats from his sister.

  In the corner of his eye, he saw the answerphone was flashing. That reminded him. His mobile phone was by his bed and switched off. He headed towards the stairs to retrieve it and change out of his suit as his mum pushed the button on the answerphone.

  “You have one new message,” the phone intoned.

  “John. Ring me as soon as you get in.”

  He stood stock still. She must have gotten his letter. What had he done? He should never have sent it. But he had and besides this was what he’d been waiting for, right? He’d know one way or the other. It was time to man up and hear her answer. Before he could chivvy everyone out of the hall, they all began to chip in with advice.

  “Call her,” Mum said. “You’ve got time before dinner.”

  He looked at his watch. He wasn’t putting it off, but he didn’t want an audience. Not even one behind closed doors. “She’ll be going to bed about now.”

  Dorrie looked at him. “She said to call her as soon as you arrived home. If it’s that important, she’ll stay up. I know I would.” She shooed everyone into the kitchen and lounge and winked at him. “Go on, John. Do what the woman says. Ring. Now. I’ll even go and put loud music on Dad’s stereo so we can’t overhear you.”

  He poked his tongue out at her and picked up the phone. He looked at the keypad, his stomach churning so hard he put the phone down.

en taking a deep breath, he picked up the receiver and dialed.

  Jo answered on the second ring. “Hello.” Despite the late hour she didn’t sound at all tired. She didn’t sound upset or strained either.

  “Hi, it’s John. You…you asked me to ring.” He braced himself for the no he was sure to hear. Just like every other time he’d asked a girl out. But Jo was so much more than ‘some girl’. She was the One—wasn’t she?

  “Yeah, I did.” Her bubbly voice confused him. “How are you?”

  “I’m OK. We’ve just got back from church. How are you?”

  “Really good. I got your letter. It came on Friday, but I was out of town, so I didn’t get it until I got home this evening.”

  “Oh, I see.” Now the moment was here he felt physically sick. His palms were damp and he tucked the phone under his chin, wiping his hands on his suit trousers. He undid his suit jacket and loosened the tie that was threatening to choke him.


  “I’m sorry?” He rubbed his chin, almost dropping the phone in the process. He caught it just in time, gripping it tightly in his fist. She’d lost him completely.

  “The answer to your question is yes. I would love to start a long distance relationship with you.”

  John wasn’t sure he’d heard her right. “You—you would?”

  “Yes, I would.”

  “Say it again.” Surely he hadn’t heard right? His breath caught in his throat and his tie once again felt too tight. He pulled it off and unbuttoned his collar.

  “I would love to start a long distance relationship with you.”

  His heart leapt into his throat making speech almost impossible. He hadn’t expected that answer. “That’s great.”

  “John, are you all right?” She paused. “John?”

  “I’m fine.” He coughed.

  “Are you sure? Or would you like me to say it for a fifth time?”

  “Yeah. No…Yes, I’m fine. No, you don’t need to say it again. Unless you want to.”

  “Yes, I want to go out with you.” Her smile was audible.

  He sat there, the scientist in him trying to analyze how he felt. Heart pounding, pulse racing, temples throbbing. His stomach felt like a million birds had taken flight. The nausea replaced with a light-headedness and… He stopped. There were no words to describe the joy flooding him. She said yes. Thank You, God, she said yes. She said yes!

  “John? Are you still there?”

  Her voice dragged his attention back. “I honestly thought you were calling to say no.”

  Jo laughed, and the sound was like a peal of silver bells straight from heaven. “No, nothing like that. But I can if you want.”

  He laughed with her. “No, please don’t change your mind. You didn’t come to see me off when I left. I wasn’t sure how you felt about me. I thought perhaps I’d scared you off completely when I wrote and wondered if I got it all wrong. That I imagined you felt the way I did.”

  “No. Mail just takes weeks to get here sometimes.” She took a deep breath. “My turn to be honest. I didn’t come to see you off, because I was going to church to complain to God.”

  “Seriously? I thought you were going to the mission.”

  “Very seriously. The mission was just the reason to go. I was mad at God for raising my hopes and then smashing them. And I mean really angry. God finally gives me a bloke who wants to date me, more than once, and he lives twelve thousand miles away. I did nothing but whine to Him for days. Then I remembered that naughty step conversation we had. Figured God was giving me time out to calm down. It took me a while to work that out.” She paused. “It’s been a really long two weeks not hearing from you.”

  “I’m sorry and I did write, even if it did take two weeks to get there. But it was your turn to e-mail…” He paused. “That was a rubbish excuse.”

  She giggled. “Yep, but yeah, it was my turn. I promise to do better on the email front. As long as you promise to reply.”

  “Instantly. Well, as soon as I log on and find one from you.” His heart overflowed with happiness. Was it spilling onto his voice? He glanced across the hall, seeing his reflection in the mirror. He had a goofy grin on his face and figured it would just stay there the rest of the day. Or month. Or year.

  “I’ll send one in the morning.” She yawned. “I’m sorry.”

  “Am I boring you?” he teased.

  “All the time,” she giggled, yawning again. “It was a long trip back and a very busy weekend.”

  “I’ll let you go to bed. When will I speak to you again?”

  “Soon as possible.”

  “I’ll e-mail every day, ring you on the weekends.”

  “Sounds good. We could alternate ringing each other. Save on the phone bills.” She yawned again.

  “Sounds like a good plan. Go to bed. Ni Night.”

  “Ni Night.”

  John hung up and just sat there. Thank You, Lord. Show us where to go from here. Guide our every step that we may follow in the path You are laying out before us.

  A huge grin covered his face, and he couldn’t lose it. Nor did he want to. He stood and went into the lounge where everyone sat around the table eating. The whole family went quiet and looked at him.

  Had they been listening? Did they know? Oh, who cares, I want to shout it from the rooftops.

  “She said yes. We’re officially in a long distance relationship.”

  Dorrie grinned and ran around the table to hug him. “See, I told you Miss Right lived in Australia.”


  The next week passed faster than any John had ever known. He e-mailed Jo daily and got several replies. He’d also written daily letters, finding the blue airmail letters not long enough, even if all he were doing was describing what he did each day. He talked about the way the frost decorated the few remaining leaves on the trees, the threat of further snow, and the Christmas decorations that he’d put up at work.

  Sunday came again and he phoned as soon as he got in from church. Jo answered on the second ring. “Hey.” He smiled. “Were you sitting on the phone?”

  “I took it into my room, so it wouldn’t wake Pip. She’s on the early shift this week.”

  “Good idea.” He broke off as Taylor appeared holding out a book. “What’s this?”

  “It’s bedtime in Australia, Ki John, so she needs a story. You can read her this one. It’s my favorite.”

  John took the book and grinned. Taylor’s speech was pretty good, although he still struggled with the odd word or two. Uncle being one of them—it always came out as Ki. “Thank you. I like this one, too. Jo, I’ve been given a story to read you, as it’s bed time where you are,” he explained. “Angus the Airship.”

  “Oh, that’s sweet. I love that story.” She giggled. “Who did that?”

  “Taylor, he’s four. So, are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin. Angus the Airship spends his days flying high over the Highlands of Scotland, with his pilot, Hamish McTavish. Each morning Hamish fills Angus with helium.” He read the story.

  When he finished, her smile was virtually audible. “Thank you. Oh, you know Pip is coming to the UK soon?”


  “She was hoping to take in Windsor but her place to stay fell through and now she doesn’t have anywhere to stay in that area—the friend she was staying with has had to go to Wales to look after a sick relative. Now, we happen to know this Christian bloke who lives a short distance from Windsor, and I was wondering, if I asked him very nicely, whether Pip could crash at his for a few nights.”

  John laughed. “Of course. I rent the room over my parents’ garage, remember. It’s one big room so I can’t ask her to share, but my parents do have extra bedrooms.”

  Jo shrieked with laughter. “Oh, that was the sermon this morning. In my Father’s house there are many rooms.”

  He laughed with her. “Tell me when she arrives, and I’ll go check with Mum and Dad, but I know they’ll say yes.”

��Her plane lands at Heathrow on the fifteenth, and she’s there until the eighteenth when she goes to Bath.” He opened the door and relayed the message to his parents. Having got the thumbs up, he shut the door. “Tell her yes. So, do you want this story again or another one?”

  “How about a Bible story?”

  John beamed. “Sure.” He picked up his Bible from where he’d left it ready for the evening service, and opened it at random. “Psalm one hundred and nineteen. Figure we read alternate sections? I’ll start. Blessed are those whose ways are blameless…”


  Jo hung up and looked up at the ceiling. They had spent the last forty minutes reading and praying together and it was awesome. She wanted to see him again, so very much. And the last thing she wanted was to be alone over Christmas. But Christmas was for families, and she didn’t want to impose on his. Or not see hers, even if that would only be for a few short hours because she was dividing the day between two houses.

  But... Could she do this? Would they mind? The irony wasn’t lost on her. It was the situation in reverse. She’d look at flights, and if she managed to get one, then would be the time to ask.

  She pulled over the laptop and searched flights to the UK. Her first search came up trumps. There was one seat left on the same flight as Pip. She could hardly believe it. A little more than she’d imagined, price wise, but she had enough saved up and some for spending too. Deciding on the spur of the moment that God was telling her to do this, otherwise there would be no spare seats on the plane, she booked it.

  Now all she had to do was find somewhere to stay. And it just so happened she knew this Christian bloke through a friend of a friend of a friend…


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