Family Affair

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Family Affair Page 12

by Saxon Bennett

  "Jasmine, your writer friend, the one who's married and obviously straight?" Gitana said.

  "Yes," Chase said. She took several sips of her drink in order to drown the chip and to try and stave off her unease.

  "Straight women are so hot. Rock on," Graciela said, giving Delia the high-five.

  "Dude, this story is your birthday present from me to you with love." She smacked Graciela on the lips.

  Their relationship completely confused Chase. Gitana had tried to explain it to her, but Chase still found it incomprehensible. Graciela had told Gitana that they'd slept together. Two butches getting together made no sense according to the rules of engagement set forth by the Pink Mafia.

  "Onward, soldier," Graciela said.

  Chase unraveled her silverware from the linen napkin and tried to catch the waitress's eye. Please let there be an interruption, she pleaded. She would never look at Jasmine the same way. She tried distraction. "Has everyone decided what they want?"

  She looked around again. The restaurant wasn't busy and their table was offset as she'd requested. Who knew what Delia and Graciela were capable of saying or doing in a family establishment? She was glad of her choice.

  "So," Delia continued, "the way it went down, Jasmine suggests we have lunch at the Sheraton in Old Town. I'm not thinking anything of it. I know the bar so I'm thinking lunch and a drink."

  "Duh, hotel restaurant, hotel room," Graciela said. She poured another margarita.

  Chase looked at Gitana in hopelessness. She took her hand. "It's her party."

  Delia nodded. "Yeah, quick lunch, two drinks and we're at the front desk. Jasmine pays cash. The clerk is kind of funny about it until she pops him an extra twenty. He hands over the keys."

  "Is this really a good family topic?" Chase eyed the margarita pitcher.

  Gitana nodded. "I'll drive."

  Chase topped off Delia's drink, hoping she might get sidetracked and not go into lurid details.

  "Yes, then what happened?" Graciela asked. The huge slurp she took off her drink reminded Chase of uncouth sailors sitting around a tavern waiting for the storm to subside so they could get on their rat-infested ship—something straight out of Melville.

  "We get to the room and sit on the bed. Jasmine looks really scared so I say in my most compassionate and tender voice..."

  "Gag me," Chase said. She made a show of studying her menu hoping this would be a clue to the others as well as the waitress.

  "Ignore her," Graciela said, picking up her fork and pointing it at Chase. "She knows nothing of butch courting rituals."

  It was true. She didn't. She was not a butch, but she wasn't exactly femme either. Gitana was pretty femme, but she was also responsible for most of the seductions.

  Delia didn't miss a stroke. "I say I won't do anything she doesn't like and she can tell me to stop anytime."

  "Straight women melt at this," Graciela informed them.

  The waitress brought more chips. Chase was hoping they could order. The motherly looking Hispanic waitress got out her order pad, but Graciela waved her away.

  Chase looked at Gitana. "Did you know about any of this stuff?"

  "What stuff?" Gitana asked.

  "Seduction methods."

  Gitana shook her head. "It's news to me."

  "You two need to get out more," Graciela said.

  "What? So now you're the Dr. Ruth of lesbians," Chase said, snatching a chip and dunking it in the refilled salsa bowl.

  "Then I sucked her fingers." Delia graphically demonstrated.

  Finger-sucking was news to Chase. It had never occurred to her. What other things did she not know? It seemed that there were only so many ways to get laid but here was something else.

  "Works every time it's tried," Graciela said.

  "That's a blatant appropriation of the abstinence campaign," Chase said. She could hardly believe she was quoting Conservative rhetoric on the use of abstinence as a teen birth control method.

  "Lovely, isn't it," Graciela said, helping herself to an enormous handful of chips.

  "You aren't going to be hungry for lunch," Gitana said, pulling the chip basket away from her and in Chase's direction.

  Chase, now extremely interested in the finger sucking, took Gitana's hand and put her index finger in her mouth. She ran her tongue around it and bit it softly. Gitana flushed.

  "See, it works. She just creamed her pants," Graciela said.

  Chase picked up her fork and poked her in the forearm. "Don't talk about your sister like that."

  Graciela rubbed the sore spot and ignored her.

  Delia, not distracted in the least, continued her narrative. "Then kissing. She can kiss."

  The waitress came back. Thank God, Chase thought. A perfect diversion.

  "Obviously more margaritas," Graciela said.

  "And food would be nice," Chase said, pointing at the menus.

  "Alas, to be continued," Delia said. She looked down quickly at the menu.

  "Don't bother," Chase said.

  When Graciela flipped her off Gitana touched her arm to prevent her from poking Graciela with her fork then smiled sweedy at the waitress and ordered spinach enchiladas. A choice Chase agreed with for the baby's sake. She ordered the same. Delia ordered some fish taco thing that Chase was certain was sick and perverted. Graciela ordered the grande nachos as if in defiance for being deprived of the chip bowl.

  Delia continued with more lurid details of what went where while Chase and Gitana learned things they'd never thought of. Jasmine definitely got her education, Chase cogitated. The food arrived, which put an end to tlie birthday porn feast. The family birthday party couldn't be over soon enough as far as Chase was concerned.

  On the drive home, Gitana took Chase's hand. "You did really well today. I'm proud of you."

  "Not to mention I had to listen to sex stories the whole time."

  Gitana hit the freeway and floored the Hummer. Chase looked over in astonishment. "You're right it does have balls," Gitana said, and smiled like a sixteen-year-old just discovering the utter thrill of speed.

  "Just be careful—remember it's the safety corridor—double fine zone for speeding."

  Gitana set the cruise control for five over. "You know what I don't understand?"

  "What?" Chase stuck Gitana's finger in her mouth.

  "That you can write moist-mound sagas, but you don't like to talk about it."

  Chase let go of her finger. "I'm shy." She put Gitana's index finger back in her mouth, gently wrapping her tongue around it.

  "Oh, my."

  Chase let go. "You like?"


  Chase did it again. By the time Gitana got off at the Zuzak exit her face was flushed. "You've got to stop that or I'm going to have to pull over."

  "Pull over."

  The first dirt road they hit, Gitana pulled in. They tested the passenger's seat recline feature.

  As Chase lifted Gitana's blouse, she said, "Good thing this thing has tinted windows."

  "The Hummer is growing on me. It's very versatile," Gitana said, as she straddled Chase and undid her trousers, slipping her hand inside. "I think this finger-sucking thing is good for you too."

  "Oh, yes. I like these stretchy pants too. They're very convenient," she said, reaching inside Gitana's maternity pants.


  Chapter Fourteen

  Chase brought up Gitana's small cup of coffee. She was now allowed an espresso cup's worth. Chase referred to it as the weaning. Gitana considered it ruthless authoritarianism.

  Gitana rolled over and opened one eye. "Is it time already?"

  Usually the sun came through the adjoining sunroom door, lighting up the bedroom and indicating the break of day. It was mostly dark, the sun barely over the horizon.

  "Where's the sun?" she asked.

  "It's not exactly up yet." Chase looked around as if she noticed the lack of light just at that moment.

  "Then what are you doing?" Gitana sa
t up, not looking happy.

  "We need to get an early start." She handed Gitana the tiny cup of coffee.

  Gitana studied Chase's outfit as she sat on the edge of the bed. She wore a green T-shirt and beige Carhartt shorts. "Why are you wearing a Blooming Orchids shirt?"

  "It's my first day of work. Nora got it for me."

  "Because?" Gitana gulped her tiny coffee.

  "When Bud arrives you'll need to be home for a while so I need to know how to run the business, with Nora's help of course."

  "Chase, you'll scare off the employees." She finished her coffee and sat up straighter.

  "No, I won't. I've been reading Dale Carnegie's book, How to Win Friends and Influence People. I think I got it down. I've committed certain passages to memory." She got up and started making the bed around Gitana.

  "What about your writing?"

  "I got up early and already wrote my allotted number of pages. I'm more focused now that I don't have all day to piss around. Now, chop, chop. We've got work to do. I want to be there early so Nora can show me how to open."

  Gitana groaned, grabbed her pillow, and put it over her head.

  "I don't think you're being very positive about this."

  When they got to the nursery, Nora was waiting for them. "You look good."

  "Thank you," Chase said, smoothing down the front of her shirt.

  "And you're duplicitous," Gitana said.

  It was a fine summer day, no clouds and perfect gardening weather. Chase looked contently around at the greenhouses and the tidy gravel paths that led to them. She'd wondered about a neon sign for the nursery but decided the nicely painted one did just fine. She must not institute too many changes immediately.

  "It's a good idea," Nora told Gitana. "When Bud is able to travel and we set up a play area then work for you is feasible. In the meantime, Chase learning the ropes is a sound business decision." Nora adjusted her tool belt and looked slightly abashed.

  Gitana eyed Nora suspiciously. "Did she pay you?"

  "This is for Bud's sake." Nora didn't meet her gaze.

  "Not you too," Gitana whined.

  "What?" Nora said, digging around in her overall pockets.

  "Calling the baby Bud."

  "Well, if you'd use the ultrasound as medical science intended we'd know what sex Bud was and we wouldn't be calling him/her Bud," Nora replied.

  "The ultrasound is used to detect problems. The baby's sex is a convenience. I want the baby to be a surprise—to know she or he is growing inside me without preconceptions so that the arrival will be as it should be," Gitana replied.

  "Like in the caveman days," Nora said.

  "And they tell me I'm the nut job," Chase said.

  "This is your very own key." She handed it to Chase, then pulled out a pewter key fob in the shape of an orchid. "And this is your welcome aboard present."

  "That's so nice." Chase gave her a hug.

  Nora and Gitana stared at her.


  "You don't instigate hugs," Gitana said.

  "This is the new me. Did you get the doughnuts and bagels as was prearranged?"

  "Yes, they are in the truck."

  "Orange juice, coffee and herbal tea for the freaky ones?"

  "Of course," Nora said.

  "Did you think of anything else they might like?" Chase had taken out a small notebook and was looking over her list, checking things off.

  "A raise but that's not in the budget," Nora said.

  Gitana peered over at Chase's notebook trying to get a closer look. Chase shut it and put it back in her pocket. "What are you two up to?" Gitana demanded.

  "Employee breakfast. I want to show my appreciation for all their hard work," Chase said.

  "It sounds more like bribery to me."

  Chase unlocked the front door. "It is," Nora said, holding the door open for Gitana.

  "You two need to read Dale Carnegie's book. It's all about presentation."

  Both Nora and Gitana gave her a look of skepticism.

  "I'm going to make this a fun place to work."

  "Sure," Nora said. "Why don't we unload the goods? I told the employees to show up twenty minutes early for a staff meeting."

  "So everyone is in on this except me," Gitana said.

  "We knew you wouldn't agree," Nora said over her shoulder.

  "Exactly," Chase said, following her to her truck.

  At the staff meeting Gitana sat on one side of the break room as Nora introduced Chase. "Now we all know that Gitana is with child so we're bringing in her partner, Chase, to help run the business in her absence."

  There was a strange quiet like a collective drawing in of breath. ..

  Chase stood up. "Lighten up. This will be fun. I mean, I'm going to pick your brains for pertinent info. Nora will be guiding me through the day-to-day operations. Don't worry. I'm only crabby on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I haven't water boarded anyone in at least two years and my only stipulation is that if I catch you texting while you're on the clock I'll break your fingers."

  Nora and Gitana blanched. There was no response from the fifteen employees.

  "Geez, you people really need to lighten up. Grab some chow and I'll be around later to see what it is you all do."

  The employees still looked shell-shocked as they got breakfast. Chase joined Nora and Gitana.

  "I thought that went well. Don't you?" she said. She bit into a bagel and felt serene.

  Gitana rubbed her temples.

  "Except for that bit about breaking fingers," Nora said, pouring a glass of orange juice and handing it to Gitana.

  "I was just kidding. It's all about instruction through humor."

  "According to the Mr. Carnegie," Nora said.

  "You've got it," Chase said, slapping her good-naturedly. She looked at Gitana holding an empty plate. "Can I get you something?"

  "No, suddenly I'm feeling a little ill."

  "Ill at ease," Nora said quiedy.

  "I'll be in my office. Please show our new MOD around the place."

  Chase looked puzzled. "MOD?"

  "Manager on duty," Nora said, snagging a muffin.

  Gitana looked pained and went to her office. Watching her go, Chase said, "Was I that bad? It was supposed to be funny."

  "Don't worry. You're right about the texting and they know it. Seems to me it was the perfect way to let the employees know that you have the inside scoop."

  "Ghana's worried I'll scare them off," Chase said, pouring another cup of coffee from the large silver decanter. She was glad Gitana wasn't there to see. Her downsizing on coffee in support of the cause was proving more difficult than she'd thought.

  "Chase, this is a sweet job especially if you're studying botany or you like working with plants. Most of the employees have been here two years or more. The worst you'll do is call them on their bullshit. Besides, you're good at asking questions and being interested in new things. People like that. It makes them feel important."

  "Thank you. I feel much better. Can I hug you again? I have to practice."

  "Sure." Nora wrapped her big arms around Chase. "See, it's not so bad."

  "No, it's really not."

  "I'm proud of you," Nora said, stepping back and studying Chase.

  "For what, exactly?"

  "For realizing your full potential."

  "You have read Dale Carnegie," Chase said, picking up her coffee cup with relish.

  "No, I haven't, but I think I'll know most of it by the end of the week. Are you ready to get started?"

  Chase gulped her coffee, straightened her shoulders and nodded. "Let's go."

  Nora got Chase an apron and a set of clippers. Then she gave her cash register instructions. Technological advances such as bar codes and registers that indicated exact change made that part easy.

  After that Nora sent her off with Eliza, the head nursery person, for lessons on orchids. Eliza looked at her tentatively. She was a small woman, with mousy brown hair, round black spec
tacles and thin lips which she endlessly applied ChapStick. Chase tried not to get caught up in studying her mannerisms for future writing projects and set herself to task for learning about orchids.


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