Royal Lies: The Royals Series Book #1

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Royal Lies: The Royals Series Book #1 Page 7

by K. L Roth

  Melina caught up with them and called out to Elle, ‘Elle, come walk with me, my dear. I have something to discuss with you. Girls, go on ahead and start today’s chores. Elle and I will be back soon.’


  Edmund sat and watched the figures gather in the tall grass. They moved freely in a circle together. ‘Hmm...they must have cut down the area in which they are congregating. I’ll have to check it out when they clear out.’ The sun was rising now and he could see that some of them wore a white robe, one donned a red one and moved the most, one wore a light purple colour, another a pale shade of pink and the last one a vibrant yellow. ‘That’s odd. Most ceremonial robes are all the same colour except those of the leaders. The red hooded one must be the highest ranking. But why the pink, purple and yellow?’ He had come across Pagan colonies before but never seen one who wore anything but red, white and black.

  Suddenly he saw candlelight and could hear chanting but his ears could not pick up the words due to the wind blowing past him. The people looked like they were waiting for someone or something. They were all huddled together except the red cloaked one. That person stood alone now.

  His horse nickered at the snap of a branch and a white robed figure wearing a red sash walked out half way down the wood line from him. Their footsteps were followed by another figure who rushed, holding their robe up to move quicker. This one wore a purple sash.

  The two met the others and one of them went to stand with the group. The other one stood back still in the tall grass. The red robe went to the lone person and once they reached them, they fell out of site. He stood to see where they went but could not find them in the flowing sea of green. It seemed like forever but then the white robe he thought he lost finally came back into view right in front of the red one again.

  He looked on as the ritual played out. Coloured lights began to appear in front of his eyes. They were rainbow like and very bright. So, bright that he could make out each distinct ray even though the sun was moving higher now in the sky.

  More chanting followed by a humming sound that continued for a good while. They were all gathered again and had one person lifted in the air. He looked down to shoo a bug from his hand and they all disappeared. He still heard the faint sounds of chanting but could not see them.

  It took longer than he expected for them to pop up once more. When they did, they lingered for a bit while the red one took a white one around and around.

  Soon enough they were moving towards him with haste. ‘I better get out of here before one of them sees me. I do not wish to die today.’

  He backed up slowly and kept his head to the ground so they wouldn’t see the colouring of his face if they looked his way. Once he thought he was out of sight, he started to run back to his horse.

  He jumped over fallen logs and skidded past piles of leaves fallen from the trees. The birds sang out their morning songs and bugs flitted before him. He hit a few spider webs, swatting at them like a crazy man. He stopped in his tracks at the sound of hooves pawing the ground. It came from the left of him not too far away.

  Edmund found his horse tied to the same place where he had left the black beauty earlier. He untied him and mounted, spurring off in the opposite direction of the meadow.

  ‘Guess I shall be taking the long way back to the castle. I must get there soon or someone will notice I am missing.’

  He backtracked through the woods enough that the people he watched would not find him, then set off to find the old path back to the castle. He picked up the pace once he reached the barely traceable dirt road and his steed lengthened out to accommodate his request.

  The trail was covered in leaves and fallen debris now. He was only able to stay on track due to the lack of large trees winding through this side of the forest. He came upon a spot he knew all too well. A large pond where he may or may not have taken a few willing ladies. He chuckled at the memories. When James and his entourage went hunting, they would normally stop here and at another larger pond closer to where he watched the robed figures, to water the horses and rest for a bit.

  It was not long before he reached the castle and trotted back into the stables. The stable boy looked at him in disbelief.

  ‘Your Grace, I’m sorry I did not realize you were out last night,’ he told Edmund.

  ‘No worries, lad. I felt like taking a morning ride to clear my mind. I left early this morning and did not want to wake you to have him ready. Please take Beauty and brush him down, the full works. I rode him hard. This is for your silence. If I here you speak of my leaving and arrival, I will have your tongue for it. Are we clear?’ Edmund handed him a gold coin and the reins then hurried up the steps to get back to his room before the boy could ask him anymore questions.

  Edmund briskly walked through the finely decorated halls, passing no one thankfully, and down the corridor leading to his room when he heard James call his name.

  ‘Edmund, stop!’

  James waited patiently as Edmund waltzed back towards him.

  ‘Is it done then? I heard rumours throughout the castle but nothing has been confirmed yet. Oddly enough, the Duke of Farnsworth is nowhere to be seen today. Rose has remained in her room. You better not have fucked this up,’ he pointed a newly ringed finger at Edmund’s chest.

  ‘I see you wasted no time in removing your father’s ring from his cold dead fingers,’ he chuckled out. ‘Where is the old bastard’s crown?’

  ‘Fuck, that. I am not wearing that old thing. I have had my own made. They are working on it now so it will be ready for the coronation. Let me just say I’ve spared no expense. Anyways, back to the current issue.’ James grabbed his shoulder and began to walk the opposite way from Edmund’s room.

  James slammed him up against the wall, ‘That fucker no longer breathes, correct? No witnesses? And why the fuck have you dressed in these shitty ass rags? You smell worse than the hogs waiting to be slaughtered down in the market.’

  ‘You honestly do not want to know. Leave it. I took care of the problem. He no longer draws breathe. Rose will need consolation and I need to go bathe. No one saw me leave last night but the damn stable boy was there when I got back. I paid him for his silence,’ he pushed James back, a devilish grin spreading across his face.

  ‘See to it then and do not fucking act like I am not your superior. I am king now so treat me like it or I will have a few lessons for you to learn.’ James voice was stern as he let the words echo in the hall in case anyone was listening in. These walls held far too many spies.

  James smacked him on the back and gave him a wink.

  ‘I do have a few things I want to run by you later. I shall find you after I talk to the guards and confirm the identity of the man found in town, slaughtered and robbed,’ he smiled grimly, thinking of how Rose will run to his arms now.

  James nodded and headed off to find what Alice was up to.


  James strutted through the halls of the castle looking quite kingly. His entourage following him like stink on shit. He grew tired of being tailed constantly since his father’s death. Like he was going to do something stupid? Hell, he rejoiced in the fact his father was gone and he was going to be crowned in a few days. He finally reached Alice’s chambers, tried the knob but it was locked, so he banged on the door, ‘Alice, open the damn door. I forbid you to lock it from me.’ His followers blushed and turned their heads, looking embarrassed by his outburst. ‘OFF YOU GO, ALL OF YOU, OUT OF MY SIGHT!’ James bellowed at them. He watched them scurry off back down the hall.

  He put his ear to the door and could hear her ladies giggling away. He pounded on the heavy wood some more until the one called Trish opened the door so quickly he about hit her on the head.

  She bowed and moved out of the way. ‘Sorry, Your Majesty.’ James barged in and found them all drunk off the wine he had brought here from Paris along with the new gowns she requested strewn all over. Four empty bottles littered the floor and among them, Alice draped over the d
avenport. She looked dreadful. Her hair all awry, drool falling from her lips and a smidge of vomit on the side of her face. ‘WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN HERE?’ James screamed. Alice didn’t move so he ran over to her and shook her violently. She finally roused and managed to squeak out, ‘Who is making all the racket? Leave, I order you and I am queen.’ She passed out again while a few of her ladies got up and tried in vain to make themselves presentable. ‘Do tell ‘The Queen’ once she wakes, that I am going hunting and if I ever see her in this condition again, I will have a new place for her head, right next to the stag I will be bringing home,’ he said as he looked at them in disgust. They bowed and rushed to get Alice conscious as he stomped out the door and slammed it.

  He continued through the castle and out into the stables, nobles all bowing before him. He felt powerful, like nothing could stop him, ‘Nothing will stop me, either. I’m the FUCKING KING OF ENGLAND!!’ James screamed to himself. A few onlookers caught the fury in his eyes. They burned with desire and lust. ‘Fucking drunk ass Alice. What the hell was she thinking? If anyone were to see her like that besides her ladies, and I am not convinced they are all loyal, she would be screwed for the crown. Fuck it, I can always find another. Women are like wine, some get you drunk and others make you puke.’

  ‘Ready my horse and fetch Edmund and the group. I want to kill a stag for the feast,’ he hollered at the poor stable boy grovelling at his feet. He could hear his stallion Muse, paw the ground in his stall. He must have heard his master speaking to the stable boy. James walked over to his stall door and Muse stuck his big, black head out, nudging his shoulder to pet him. Muse was his favourite steed for hunting and jousting. Built for speed and muscled for jousting, the Fresian was a prized breed for kings and lords. Muse was the finest equine in the lands. It cost his father three hundred pounds to get Muse back when he was stolen and ransomed by the French last year, since he refused to ride another in the jousting games. James also owned a stunning white Andalusian mare, Siren, whom he planned on breeding Muse with the next time she was ready. He rode her for pleasure only due to her smooth gait and magnificent mane. She was a site to behold when galloping through the fields, mane and tail flowing in the wind she created. She was the fastest mare in England, lots of nobles were waiting for a foal from her line. The stable boy lead Muse from his stall and out into the yard to be brushed then saddled. James ran his fingers through his hair and took in a deep breath. He noticed a hint of jasmine in the air, ‘Mmmm…’.

  Valentina Florinda, the French Dauphin’s non-marriable love interest, walked into the stable from the other end. She was wearing a red corset, black jodhpurs, and knee high black leather boots carrying her black laced overcoat and short riding crop. Her long black hair streamed down her back like black gold and emerald green eyes shimmered in the sunlight. James was aware of her arrival yesterday but she was supposed to be coming with the Dauphin, not alone, anyways. Frances Valois treasured his ‘sex goddess’ as he called her. She bent over showing James her perfectly round ass and whipped her hair in the air. She gave off a devilish laugh, ‘Such a shame, is it not? Me without the Dauphin. Hmmm…wonder what I shall do without him?’

  ‘Oh, I heard you were a cock tease,’ he growled out to Valentina as he walked towards her. She turned around, licking her luscious lips and all James could think of was how his cock throbbed in his leathers. Valentina opened her mouth and sucked on her finger, swirling her tongue around and pulling it in and out. James rock solid member just about shot his wad when she moaned and whispered, ‘Fuck me, take me like a King. You can ride me, King James.’

  James moved swift and grabbed her by her long locks, bending her backwards, down onto the wooden bench, ‘Good, because I was not asking permission.’ Their lips clashed with such force he could feel his teeth ache. Her tongue moved inside his mouth in a way that no other woman has kissed him. He pulled back from her and whispered in her ear, ‘I will tell you when you when my pussy may come, how hard it will explode and when it will come again. You do not control that part of your body anymore. It is MINE!’ He felt her neck flush with heat then bit down on her collar bone, a cry stifling from her lips. ‘Yes, that is my dirty little pony,’ he breathed onto her lips. His deft fingers unlaced the tightly bound corset, one lace at a time while his other hand was busy slipping down her pants, finding her shaven bare. ‘Bare, huh? That fucking turns me on, now to see you all stripped,’ he chuckled into her ear. She mewed and reached for his pants. ‘No, no…my cock. I will give it to my pussy when I am ready. Keep your hands in my hair or to yourself. No more touching me, bad pony,’ he snarled and licked her cheek. She immediately pushed her hands into his hair, effortlessly bringing him closer to her. He was down to the last lace, sliding his fingers deep into her pulsing folds. She jerked, trying to create more friction then he was giving out. He shoved off the corset, removed his other hand from its duty in her pants and held his fingers up to inspect them. ‘Damn, my finger is soaking wet. ‘My pussy must be dripping wet,’ he groaned and ripped open her black ruffled undershirt. Her breasts popped free, pert buds begged to have his mouth on them. He took one in his mouth, grazed his teeth over slightly, making it hard as rock while he rolled the other between his fingers like a coin. ‘Yes! Fuck, yes!’ She gritted out, teeth clenched, ‘I love the pain, Master. Harder, please.’ James bit down hard, ‘I told you not to speak. Do it again and I will have to punish you. But I do like how Master rolls off your pouty lips.’ She looked down at him through glazed eyes and pursed her lips but didn’t respond. She shook her ankles free and let her jodhpurs fall to the dirt floor, grinding against his knee. ‘Oh, oui, plus dur! Baise-moi, Baise-moi!’ She screamed out. He clamped his hand over her mouth shushing her. ‘I am starting to think you want spanked, Mon mauvais petit poney.’ She nodded her head. An evil glint shot back at her and she opened her mouth, waiting for him to fill it. Instead he picked her up, sat down, and put her down on the floor head first with her stomach on his lap, legs on his shoulders. Her firm, slightly tanned cheeks lifted in the air as if she could read his mind. Valentina gathered her air, went down on her elbows and held it to the side so she could look back at James. She wiggled her ass right in his face and ran her tongue over her lips, taunting him. He reached in between her legs and found her thighs damp with desire for him. Wiping his finger up her pussy lips, he pinched her clit hard and clamped his fingers down. She threw her head back as her body shivered from head to toe. She clasped her ankles together and moved them forward, bringing his head right down to where she wanted it. He played along and left a bright red hand print on her right ass cheek. Thrusting his tongue inside her, he dipped a fingertip inside and wet it to the knuckle. She moaned and rocked back and forth on his face. Plunging the wet digit into her tight ass, he fucked her both ways. ‘Please Master, give me your cock!’ She cried out, begging him. ‘Tisk, tisk, Mon mauvais petit poney. What did I tell you? Now I’m going to have to give you something to put in that mouth of yours.’ He pulled his finger out and slid her to the side, gently lying her on the floor. She sat up and brushed herself off. James went over to the tack room and grabbed a freshly polished pony bridle off the hook. It was black leather and had a snaffle bit, meaning the metal that went in the horse’s mouth was sectioned in two halves. He put it behind his back and brought it back with him. She was standing now, leaning up against the wooden stall. He gave her his best cocky grin and held out the bridle. Her eyes widened with excitement, ‘Yes, please, Master. Make sure to attach the reins. You will most definitely be needing them.’ James held his hand out for her to come to him. She did at once, kneeling in front of him. ‘Fuck, no wonder Frances does not let her out of his sight. She is the reason why he has not wed yet either. I may have to keep her for myself.’ He thought to himself as he placed the bridle on her head. She opened her mouth when the cold metal touched her lips. He tightened up the straps so it would not fall off but was careful to not pinch her face or catch her hair. Once he was done, he attac
hed a pair of reigns tied to the ring outside the stall next to Muse’s. She looked absolutely fucking perfect. His cock really throbbed in his pants now. She pranced around for him, trying to neigh with the piece in her mouth. He came up behind her and put pressure on her back. She knew what it meant and got down on all fours, ass in the air. He rewarded her by licking her throbbing clit and pumping her with three fingers. She reared herself back towards him harder with each removal of his digits. His other hand held the reigns and slapped them across her ass. She squealed in delight and ecstasy. He stopped and unstrung his pants. She turned around on her hands and knees, pulled his hardened length from his tight rising leathers with her hands. She stroked him and tried to get her tongue around the bit but couldn’t reach. ‘You are such a nasty sex slave, are you not? I may have to keep you for my own.’ She looked up at him with innocent kitten eyes and continued to try and suck him through the bridle. He grabbed her chin and bent down to kiss her lips quickly before forcing her to turn using the reigns against her. She followed and he slammed into her without warning. His steely cock found the bottom hole so fast her head snapped back. She screamed out a barely legible, ‘Finally! Fuck me hard, smack my ass, pull my hair, I love the pain.’ James pulled the reigns tightly with one hand and smacked her ass sharply with the other. This made her rock faster and meet him so much harder than before. He was already squatting to meet her short stature, now he was almost to his knees. That was how much she arched her back and how high she kept pushing her pussy at him. He leaned over her and bit her shoulder blades, creating more French mumbles from her bitted mouth. He let go of the reigns with one hand and grabbed the rope lying under the bench they previously used. He snapped the reigns back, pulling her from the edge of her orgasm. She turned her head back to look at what was scratching her back. James put the rope around her back and tits, binding them to her chest and tied a knot right between them. He took the rest of the coarse length and brought it down her taunt stomach and under her inner thigh, making a loop around her inside leg. He crossed over to the next leg doing the same, making sure the rope touched the top of her bare hood. She struggled a tad to make sure the rope was tied sufficiently and smiled back at him trying to muster the words through the mouth piece, ‘Thank you, Master. You know to please a dirty little pony like me.’ He heard her loud and clear though. ‘Now my pussy wants to be pounded real hard since it has been very vocal despite my warnings, so I am going to further punish it. Give me your hands, one by one,’ he said shaking his head, knowing this was exactly what she wanted from him. He heard the stories about her preferences running amuck at court and decided to test them all right now. He made a circle and placed her hand into it pulling it tight and reached for the other one making her place her face sideways into the dirt ground. James smiled as he tied the two together behind her back and knotted it to the side of her left thigh loop. She was efficiently helpless now. If she resisted too much, the rope would bite into her ample chest, shutting off the blood supply to the rest of her appendages. He petted her hair, ‘You are such a good pony now. Look at you, so beautiful all strung up for me.’ The rope was leaving pink marks on her skin now as she tried to scoot her backside closer to him. ‘Do not stretch too far filthy whore or you will end up with rope burns all over. I will not be held accountable for your actions or marks.’ He warned in a primal growl. He shed his leathers, rubbed his long, hard length across her glistening lips and stroked himself furiously. ‘I want to make sure you feel every inch of me inside that tight pussy of mine.’ He knelt, bracing himself on her back and teased her puckered hole with the mushrooming head. Her breath caught as she readied herself for the piercing pain she thought was coming. He noticed and withdrew, slapping himself across the hole instead. She was panting heavily now, the bindings tightening with each laboured breath. He decided to stop teasing himself now and put both hands on the outside of her pussy lips and stretched them outward. He lined up the head and thrust so hard into her, he almost came on impact. His rock-hard cock reached all the way back to her inner walls forcing her to cry out, “Aw! Fuck yes, James! Fuck me so hard, Master. Oh, I can feel you in my throat.’ Her words were no longer scrambled due to the bit since he left the reigns loose to her side. He had forgotten about them when he was binding her so he picked them up. Her body was being tossed back and forth, her cheek smudging with mud from the drool coming out of the sides of her mouth. He snatched her hair up and held onto the bunch with his left hand, pulling back to throw off her senses. Her body trembled with pleasure and pain while a continuous howl left her. He yanked the reigns causing her to pull her body tighter to him and the bonds she wore. He kept his pace like a thoroughbred in a race, his body heaving with hers. With his right hand holding the reigns, he used the knot at the end to whip her back and ass. Her cries grew louder with each impact. She was so bunched up that her hair reached her the crack in her back. He shoved a finger clear to the last joint into her brown hole and fucked her even harder and faster. ‘Master, King, I am going to come all over your cock. Come with me, come in my beggar of a pussy. Remercier merde venir,’ she screamed at the top of her lungs. That was all James needed to hear to tighten his balls up in their sack, allowing him to spurt his seed so far up into her. She kept on clamping her walls, milking him, while chanting his name, Master and James. It seemed like he may never quit coming. He was getting light headed and could barely breathe, yet his determined cock kept on pumping away. His muscles strained to stay hovering over her and she collapsed under his weight. He slipped out and into her other hole. Valentina yelled out, ‘Master, come in my ass, make me come again.’ Seems like his job was not done yet from her plea. He kept up the pace, using her to prop himself up. He reached under her stomach to her clit, held it between his fingers and waited for her body to tell him to let go. As expected, she tightened up again around him, he pinched harder then left go as she burst into millions of pieces around him. He could feel his balls push up again as he emptied once again into her. He crashed down on her causing them to both fall in a pile sideways since she had nowhere else to go. They laid there for a few minutes trying to catch some air into their lungs. He glanced over at her. Her skin was red and bruising from the rope and she looked to be in pain now. He limped over to the tack room, muscles not wanting to comply, and searched for a hoof pick. He found one on a trunk and tried to rush back to her. ‘Fuck! Your arms are turning purple and so are your hands. I have got to get you free. Hold completely still so I do not cut you.’ She whispered out, ‘Yes.’ He set to work cutting the bindings with the pick. When the last rope was cut, he gathered his strength and picked her up. He carried her to the water trough and set her down inside the cool water. ‘Oh, that feels so much better,’ she sighed, ‘I want you to know that that was the hottest fucking fuck I have ever had. Damn boy, who taught you to tie like that?’ He swished some water on the back of her neck and onto her hair. ‘Actually, I read a book on how to hogtie a wild or distressed animal. Came in handy, too. I am not sure so I could have held on to you. You are a beast in the sack, my lady,’ he grinned and chuckled. She laughed, ‘My lady, now is it? What happened to my little pony or filthy whore?’ He eyed her and flashed his pearly whites, ‘All in good fucking fun. I would never demeaner you in public. I am a complete gentleman.’ This made her bust out into a fit of giggles. ‘Your Majesty is no gentleman in the sack or should I say stable.’ He agreed with her. ‘Now I am not so sure I can go hunting. You have done worn me out I am afraid.’ The stable boy coughed, unwilling to look at James in his current state of nakedness, ‘Excuse me Your Majesty, Muse is ready and waiting for you on the north side.’


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