Royal Lies: The Royals Series Book #1

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Royal Lies: The Royals Series Book #1 Page 12

by K. L Roth

  ‘Oh, please call me Elle. I prefer it. What you have brought is just fine, thank you. You have been most kind.’

  ‘I will pour your bath now if you would like while you eat. You can call me Fran if it please, Elle.’ The servant told her. She giggled at the sound of being able to call her Elle instead of My Lady.

  It felt nice to be taken care of once again instead of being the one who took care of everyone else.

  ‘Thank you so much for your help, Fran. I am grateful.’ Elle smiled at her.

  The servant girl helped her from her gown then left the room to bring up the hot water for the tub she prepared.

  Elle sat down at the small table in her room, dressed only in her houppelande, a long shirt women wore under their gowns, and ate the meat and cheese the girl brought her.

  The wine went down nicely, helping her relax more. Oh! James still has my flask. She remembered, drinking the last of hers. She hoped he didn’t give it to anyone else. Dealing with James being in lust with her will keep her busy enough.

  Fran came back in with her hot water a few times until she filled the tub. ‘Is that all you require, Elle?’

  Elle nodded and have her the empty plate, ‘Yes. You have been most helpful. Thank you for your kindness. I will not forget it.’

  Fran left the room, closing the door behind her.

  Elle shrugged out of her houppelande and slinked into the tub. Scented oils were left for her in pretty glass jars. Sniffing them all, she chose the flirty smell of roses.

  The bath reminded her of the hot spring under the cave. She wondered what the girls and Melina were doing right now. Did they miss her? Were they worried about her? Or have they forgotten her already?

  Feeling a bit sleepy, she closed her eyes and let the wine take its toll.


  Alice stomped around her room. She had not seen James all day. Her ladies let her know about his displeasure earlier this morning. She figured by now he would have gotten over it and apologized for his behaviour. It is not like he did not get drunk and stumble around the castle. Hell, he even killed a princess.

  She was getting dressed for the dinner with the French Dauphin. She had spent her day in her room mulling over what to wear tonight and tomorrow. The next day was the king’s funeral so all would gather to pay their respect. She had to show them their new queen was as beautiful as the tales told.

  Her uncle, Lord Greenstone invited himself in after lunch and overstayed his welcome. He was up her ass all day about pissing off the king. He reminded her what happens to people who fall out of grace with the royal family; their heads rolled in baskets below the block. He went on and on about what she needed to do tonight and at the funeral. Mainly she blocked him out and did not hear a word. Pretending to busy herself by having a new gown of black made just for tomorrow’s affair.

  She was tired of her uncle forever bossing her around. Lord Greenstone was the one who pushed her to marry James, just like he tried so many times before with his sister, Elizabeth. If it helped him to raise his station, he was all for it no matter the cost. She did not love James, she only loved his money and the title of queen. Once she married James, she planned on getting rid of her greedy uncle once and for all. Treason sounded nice to her. She was sure he committed the crime daily.

  The other person she plotted against was Mary. That bitch was going to get what she asked for. How dare she play Alice for a fool. She waited for the perfect time. In three days, Queen Mary would take her last breath at the coronation.

  Her mother bought her the prettiest emerald necklace. It was nothing compared to the crown jewels she would soon wear, so who better to give it to than Mary? A perfect gift to end the rift between the two of them with a little something extra mixed in. She planned on giving it to her before the coronation started so she had to wear it and could watch her face when she died.

  Her uncle provided her with the poison to coat the necklace in. How stupid of him. Apparently, he did not think that one through before giving it to her. He normally looked out for himself but this time his greed got the best of him. He wanted the Queen Mother out of the way so James would look to him for advice instead of Mary. Two birds with one stone, well poison technically.


  Ace sat outside Princess Marie’s door. The French Ambassador moaned in ecstasy from within. The man was a kinky son of a bitch who often took advantage of the arrangement the two of them had made. He kept her secret from her mother and she kept his cock happy. Ace wondered what he had the princess do to him today. Last week, he made her tie him to the bed and whip him with a rising crop from the stables. Dying to know, Ace looked in the key hole. What he saw gave him a shock. The ambassador was tied to her bed in a cross style, arms stretched out on either side and his legs bound to the bottom. Marie was dropping hot wax down his body

  Ace raked his hands over his face. He hated the queen right now for tasking him with the wet nurse job. He knew one day the princess would be caught and he would be executed for her wrongs as her keeper. With Marie, she either fucked her way to get what she wanted or did it to piss her mother off. Both would get him into serious trouble.

  The way the princess acted though was really was not Marie’s fault. Her mother showed her no love so she found it in the arms of every man she could. Her father never cared much for her since she was supposed to be a son at birth. Queen Mary swore to the king that she was carrying a son. Much to the queen’s disappointment, not balls hung between baby Marie’s legs. She was a wild child always running about the castle and demanding the nobles they give her the jewels they wore or James to play with her. So, she was passed around to boarding schools to get rid of the problem. Her father promised her hand to the Duke of Burgandy after he sent a letter to his ambassador presenting the solution to the English King’s unwed daughter. She was then sent to visit French court at the age of thirteen. The years she spent there taught her the French way of kissing among a few other French talents. At fifteen, she got to know the ambassador. He brought back several documents for the king to sign, having to stay for a few days in France before being sent back to English court and took an interest in her.

  The French Ambassador loved secrets and knew most of them in the English court. His spies were everywhere. The women, ‘Little Butterflies’ he called them, since they flitted over the castle with their gossip and lies. The men he called his ‘Jumping Beans’, they jumped when he told them how high. All were loyal to him only because he lined their pockets.

  Everyone knew the princess liked to indulge. Men, wine, jewels, it did not matter. If she wanted it, she found a way to get it. The way she slept her way around French court was no laughing matter. Her engagement to the Duke was called off when he found her blowing the owner of a gambling house to pay off her debts.

  She knew her mother would send her to a nunnery for her misdeed so she made a deal with the devil himself, the ambassador. He gathered information from the English and provided it to the French. That is his job. So, when he offered to keep her indiscretion from the ears of English court and her mother in exchange for sexual favours, she was forced to agree.

  Mary clicked down the hall, almost at a run, straight to Marie’s room. She had to talk to her daughter at once.

  Ace stood from the chair outside Marie’s door, ‘The princess is currently occupied right now. She said to let no one in to her chambers, Your Grace.’

  ‘How sad. I am going in regardless. No move out of the way!’ Mary bellowed at him.

  Mary tried to open the door. Finding it locked, she pounded on the thick wooden door. ‘Marie, unlock this door at once!

  Shit! Marie whispered to under her breath. ‘One moment, mother. I am naked right now.’

  ‘I do not care. It is not like you came into this world fully clothed, Marie.’

  ‘You need to get out of here and quickly.’ She said as she untied the ambassador. ‘Mother will have a fit if she finds you in here. She may even have you hung. Th
ere is a secret passage in my room, you must use it. Tell no one on pain of death. If you ever use it, I will cry out for help and say you tried to rape me. Understand?’

  The sexual prowess now gone from his face was now replaced by fear. Mary was a force of nature and everyone knew the wicked things she has done to others who crossed her. Obviously, her daughter took after her. He knew Mary would notify the King of France of his deeds. King Frances would not be cross but he would lose his station as ambassador. A title he could not afford to be without.

  Once he was free of his binds, he grabbed his clothing and made a dash for the tapestry the princess held to the side for him to enter. She lit him a candle and thrust it at him.

  ‘Here, take this and follow the chalk marks starting to the right and you will come out at the North side by the gardens. Do not get caught. It will cost you your life if you do.’

  He nodded and pulled on his hose and boots. Throwing his doublet over his back, he made his way through the hollowed-out stone. ‘I bid you Au Revoir, my princess. I will think of you as I sleep.’

  ‘Yes, all good, no go!’ She waved him away, covering up the passage door with the tapestry once again. I must remind myself to have Ace put a door on this passage. It is kind of creepy knowing anyone can come in here at any time if they have knowledge of the passageways.

  Marie threw her houppelande over her head and made her way over to the door. As she started to unlock it, Mary pummelled the door again. ‘I am not growing any younger here, Marie.’

  She unlocked it and her mother burst through, almost falling on her face. Mary gained her balance just in time.

  ‘What took you so long? Who are you hiding in here? You are supposed to be sitting down to dinner with your cousin from France.’ Mary said, giving her the sternest of frowns.

  She looked around the room, her eyes darting to see if she could find someone hiding. She paraded around, poking her head around Marie’s things. She gazed under the bed, behind the curtains, and anywhere else she could think of that a person could make themselves scarce.

  ‘Mother, what are you looking for? There is no one here but me.’

  ‘Ace told me you were not accepting guests right now. I thought that was your ‘cue’ for when you were in here fucking like a dirty whore, my dear.’ Mary stepped on something jutting out from under Marie’s table.

  She bent down and picked it up. Rope. Several small lengths were hidden under the tablecloth of her small bedside table. ‘Ah ha! What do I have here?’

  Marie lashed out, ‘Nothing mother. I did not know those were there. They were probably left by the Pagans who tried to kill me.’

  Whew! That was a good one, Marie. You are getting better at this lying thing. Although it could have been possible they left the ropes behind. She laughed a little in her head.

  ‘Ace! Please come in and verify something for me.’ Mary called out, going to her door.

  Ace opened and stepped in the door. Closing it behind him. ‘Yes, Your Grace? How may I be of service?’

  Mary raised her brow, clucking her tongue as she asked, ‘Was this rope used in the threat against the princess? Do not lie, I will know and you shall be punished. I have already gotten you out of the dungeon once, do not make me put you back in there.

  ‘Yes, Your Grace, the lengths of rope you hold were indeed used by the Pagan raiders to try and end the princess’s life. I must have missed them on my sweep of her room. My sincerest apologises.’ Ace tried not to look at Marie, instead her looked straight into Mary’s eyes and lied through his teeth to her.

  ‘So be it, leave us. Marie get dressed and come down stairs for dinner. Our guests will be arriving shortly. There is one in particular I want you well acquainted with by the end of the day.’

  ‘Yes, Your Grace. Leave me and I will call my ladies and be down in a short while.’ Marie promised, eyes rolling, her back to her mother.

  ‘Do not roll your eyes at me, princess.’ With that, her mother made her way out of the room, ropes in hand.

  Marie called for her ladies to come and dress her. She was out for breakfast earlier with mother, James and Alice. Then she went into town to pick up the gift for James’s coronation.

  A fine silver flask with his initials engraved was the gift she chose for him. On her return, she happened to walk by the ambassador who stopped her and told her it was time for dessert. He came by her room and demanded to be seen, so she had to let him in.

  Marie knew she had been cutting it close to the time she would need to be downstairs, but the man was having trouble getting it up today. She had to put in some extra measures then she was so nicely interrupted. Mary’s timing could not have been better.

  She was getting tired of the man’s relentless requests. She was not sure how she was going to shut him up for good. She thought about asking Ace to take them for a ‘ride’ and not bring him back.

  Maybe an accident of sorts? She would have to put more thought into this. Nothing came to her as they dressed her to dine with the others. She hadn’t seen her the King of France for two years, so she was looking forward to seeing him.

  Once dressed, she popped down the steps, curls bouncing in the air and Ace directly on her heels. ‘I am really sorry you have to put up with me. It was nice of you to lie to mother for me. I thought you were going to tell her the truth for a minute there.’

  ‘Like I said before, I value my head. If I must lie to keep it there, then that is what I must do, princess.’

  He watched as the noble men scanned her up and down. They were always undressing her with their eyes. The thought drove him mad after that night with Charlotte and then almost losing her to the Pagans.

  She was growing on him and he hated it. They could never be together. Her mother and brother would most certainly forbid it. He pushed the thought from his mind and ushered her to the royal dining room.

  Marie sat down to her brother’s left hand. Everyone else was apparently waiting on her. ‘So, sorry I am late. I lost track of the time getting my dress made for father’s funeral.’

  James gave her a look of disgust. She was late to every important event in the castle. She was unreliable at best and normally drunk by the end of them. The servants began to serve the meal. She scanned the faces sitting at the table and caught the eye of someone she had never seen before.

  The woman she caught her gaze was very beautiful. Raven coloured hair, blue eyes and the smile on her face showed a perfect set of pearly teeth. James seemed to only have eyes for her as well. Alice was trying to get him to hang on her every word but it seemed he was not listening.

  Alice kicked him under the table but he did not look away from Elle. Mary had come between the plans he had for her the other night. All day long he tried to get her alone but she followed Mary wherever she went.

  The two of them had made their way around the castle talking to all the royals and nobles who arrived for the funeral and coronation. Mary looked much happier than the former days. She was smiling and wore a royal blue brocade dress, forgoing the normal black and grey she was just getting used to. A certain someone had told her to mourn no longer and be free. She was the Queen Mother now so she could come and go as she liked, no longer having to worry about her duties as Queen of England. In two days, James would be king.

  The conversation around the table roared as James and King Frances spoke of his father. Hunting stories were told and boasts were made between the two. His cousin Frances, the Dauphin could not make it due to illness, so the king himself came instead. James was slightly glad since his cousin’s lover bore the marks of their earlier deeds yet.

  Marie asked her mother about Elle and she was told she would fill her in later. The whole table turned their attention towards Elle then per the princess’s inquisition. They all wanted to know who she was and where she came from, especially Alice.

  As Elle told her practiced tale, Alice eyed her venomously. She knew James and this new girl were going to cause her trouble. She had to
find out what was going on before her uncle Lord Greenstone did.

  Just as the servants were removing the last plate from the table, Ace burst through the door with a rider who had very urgent news.

  ‘Your Grace, please forgive the intrusion. You will want to hear the news this man has. Can you please step outside for a moment?’ Ace asked in haste, his voice relaying the urgency.

  ‘This had better be good, Ace.’ James scowled at him, getting up from his seat. ‘Edmund, come with me.’

  Everyone got up upon the king’s leaving then sat back down. Mary wanted to follow but stayed in her seat. James would not appreciate her interference.

  ‘I do hope all is well, Your Grace.’ Alice told Mary, prying to see if she knew anything of the news. Normally, if it happened in the castle, she was the first to know.

  ‘As do I, Lady Alice. I am sure King James can handle it though. If not, he will send for me.’

  Minutes passed as they all sat in wonder, politely making small talk while they waited on James’s return.

  It seemed like forever when he came back in with a worried look on his face. ‘You must all go to your chambers and stay there. I have just been informed the plague has stricken the towns. I am closing off the castle and moving those who have travelled for the funeral and coronation and are now tented outside the castle to the court yards. We must not bring it to the castle. I will be locked in my chambers. Mary, Alice and Marie, go to your chambers now and take your ladies. No one leaves this castle and no one comes in. I am sorry to have to do this to you King Frances, but I must also strongly suggest you stay in your apartment as well. Ace and Edmund will see to the guests and get them situated. I will send you all supplemental drinks to stave off the sickness. The surgeons are working on vast quantities of it now. Stay safe and do not leave your rooms. The events have been postponed until the sickness has gone.’

  Edmund chimed in, ‘The townspeople have started to burn the affected houses and bury their dead. Has anyone been in town today?’


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