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O.J. Page 52

by Penny Hawking

  “I gotta go.” I said pushing him off me. Andy fall back on the bed as I hopped off. I skirted over to his desk and grabbed my boy short cotton underwear and slipped it on. Andy peeled off his condom and tossed it in the waste basket and sat up in bed as he watched me grab my jeans and hop into them.

  “You don’t have to go.” Andy said rubbing his head. “Stay the night.”

  “Oh no lover boy, when have I ever fucked and stayed?” I asked grinning. I grabbed my Torn rose shirt and put it over my head.

  “Just stay.” Andy grumbled.

  I grinned as I grabbed my grey sweater and slipped it on. I was jittery and alive. I walked over to the bed and winked at him laying there in all his naked glory. I stretched out my arms and he scooted to the edge of the bed and pulled me into an embrace. I squealed as he lifted me and laid me back on the bed. Andy kissed me and I didn’t resist as my arms instinctively went up his bare back. His dick wasn’t so limp anymore as I felt it against my thigh. Andy ran his kisses down my neck as his hand dropped back down to my jean zipper and fumbled with it.

  “Oh no big boy.” I teased grabbing his arm. “I have to go.”

  “No you don’t.” He countered dipping his head in the concave of my chest.

  I wrapped my arms around him. “You’re too skinny.” I said pinching his side trying to change the topic. “You need more meat.”

  Andy’s blue eyes were clouded with desire. “With the way you were moaning, the meat I have is more than enough.” He said chuckling as he kissed my chin.

  “You and your smartass comments.” I said grinning. I lifted his head and kissed his nose my eyes sparkling. “I love it.”

  “I love you.” Andy responded in the same tone.


  Andy locked eyes with me, as my breathing slowed. “Ornelia….” He started softly.

  I forced a laugh as I pushed him off. “No, I really do have to go.” I said getting of the bed. “I promised Brittany I’ll help her study for her test tonight.” I grabbed my coat off his chair. Ran over to the bed and planted a kiss on his cheek. Before I could walk away, Andy grabbed my arm.

  “What?” I said forcing a smile, trying to ignore my beating heart.

  Andy stared at me and I just stared back. No, don’t do it…just don’t say it again okay…please don’t Andy. He must have read my expression because he reluctantly let go.

  “See you tomorrow.” He said.

  I held in my sigh of relief and nodded. I wasted no time in grabbing my purse and dashing up the stairs. I closed the basement door behind me and sighed as I leaned against it.

  “It was that good huh?”

  “Oh fuck!” I said holding my chest in shock as I turned around to see Susie. “You scared me.” I said using the door again for support.

  She raised her eyebrow and grinned.

  Oh shit…if she was here than that meant. I straightened up slightly embarrassed. “So…um…the basement….”

  “Is sound proof.” Susie finished.

  My mouth dropped open in relief. “It is?” I said happily.

  “No.” Susie said shaking her head.

  I gave her a guilty look.

  “But if you want to know if I heard you fucking my brother…I just got here, so the answer is no.” She said smirking.

  “We didn’t do anything.” I said quickly and defensively.

  “Riiiiigggghhhhttt.” Susie said dragging out her response. She turned and headed to the kitchen and that’s when I noticed that she really was in her coat and she had her purse, which she discarded of both and draped them over a chair. “You must be thirsty.” She said as she opened the door. “I know I always am after a great fu---” her voice trailed off as she turned her blue eyes on me. She shuddered. “Eeewww it’s my brother, what the hell?” she said confused, then she looked me up and down again. “Must be a family thing…cause you look thoroughly fucked, that makes one of us.” She said turning around and grabbing 2 beers out the fridge.

  “No, I’m good.” I said.

  She shrugged and put it back.

  “What happened to your little…that stalker guy, you were seeing?” I asked.

  Susie rolled her eyes. “Don’t listen to Andy, the guy is not a stalker.” She said. Susie took a big gulp of her beer. She turned to me. “I don’t know if we’re at this level yet, but I’m just gonna tell you.” She said. “After the movies we went to his place, you know test out his mattress and shit… and….everything was fucking sparkling… like he has Mr. Clean as a fucking maid or something.” She said staring off in the distance as disgust. She shook her head and took another sip of her beer. “It’s a total turn off when everything you touch, the guy feels the need to clean.”

  “Wow….” I said shaking my head. “I’m sorry.”

  Susie shrugged her shoulders. “I had a good laugh purposely turning his house upside down. He was still cleaning when I walked out.” She drank her beer and chuckled. I was surprised at how much her laugh sounded like Andy’s. “I don’t think he’s gonna see me anymore.” She said. Then she burst out laughing and I watched her noticing how completely different this brother and sister were but yet eerily similar. Susie waved me off. “I know you were leaving…go on, it’s getting late.”

  I nodded. “Sorry about that guy.” I said shrugging.

  Susie was about to comment when her phone vibrated loudly. She looked at me in confusion and went to her purse and took it out. “Wow it’s him.” She said unable to hide her shock.

  “Hello?” She said. “Hey David.” She turned to me and shrugged. Whatever he was saying made her eyes get bigger. “Um yeah sure, I’d love to.” She said confused. She nodded. “Uh huh….okay tomorrow night it is.” She hung up the phone and brought her beer to her lips. “Well looks like clean freak had more balls than I thought.”


  I laid in my bed with the covers wrapped tight. Why had he said that? I was lost…my mind was drawing a blank as I attempted to answer the question. But nothing in me would cooperate because I didn’t want to know the answer. I wanted to pretend, pretending was better…pretending was safer. Besides all I could think about was him. All I wanted was to be in his arms right now. I should have stayed the night. My phone vibrated and I lazily reached over for it. I focused more when I realized it was a text from Andy.

  I fell in love, the way you fall asleep;

  Slowly and then all at once

  -John Green

  Goodnight beautiful

  I stared at my phone and the message for the next five minutes. Feeling like a zombie, I put my phone down. I was fucked.


  You know how school has a tendency of kicking you in the butt and you find yourself doing absolutely nothing but school work? I can’t even begin to fathom where the month of February went and now we were already a week into March. For the past couple weeks each one of us had been tied up either in school, or the band, or working on our senior thesis. For me it was my senior showcase and I had absolutely nothing…I mean nothing, not one theme to pick from and it was coming back to kick me in the ass. I was so preoccupied with trying to find the perfect time or situation to talk to Dr. Honsu, while trying to concentrate that I concluded I couldn’t do both, it was eating me up inside. After a lecture from Mrs. Zara, the senior Visual communication arts leader about my lack of a spreadsheet for the showcase, I was even more embarrassed when Dr. Honsu pulled me aside saying I had to focus.

  “Ms. Jones I need it by tomorrow.” Dr. Honsu said putting my spreadsheet in front of me. “Something good, not this bullshit…you can do better.”

  Candace looked at me in alarm.

  I sighed as I picked up my spreadsheet. “Yes sir.”

  “People stop procrastinating.” Dr. Honsu said turning to the whole class. “All semester you were my favorite class. I know you’re seniors and I know you just want to leave. But this shit isn’t going to pass.” He said to the class. Everybody groaned as we bowed our heads. We’v
e been slacking and we disappointed him. “I want to know that I taught a class of real photographers and not some idiots that are Photoshop handy.”

  I held back tears. He wouldn’t want a failure for a daughter.

  “You okay?” Candace asked me touching my shoulder.

  I nodded.

  “Here you go Ms. Watson…good job.” Dr. Honsu said handing Candace her spreadsheet. She smiled as she nodded a soft thank you and looked happily at her work.

  I stared at her in jealousy. “So lucky.” I groaned.

  “Sorry.” She said apologizing as she tried to put her work away.

  “Don’t be.” I said realizing how bitchy I sounded. “You’re probably the only one who still does her work.” I smile at her as I pointed to her papers. “So what is yours?” I asked.

  She grinned. “Sports…specifically soccer…” she grabbed my hand. “Thank you so much for forcing Zeus to let me follow him for 2 weeks on and off field…my spread is on him.”

  “I didn’t force him.” I said laughing. “Zeus is vain enough as it is. I just told him does he want his pictures all over the senior showcase and he hopped on it.”

  “He’s so gorgeous.” Candace sighed.

  I giggled as I put my spreadsheet away. “He’s aight.” I said.

  “Okay everybody that I bitched to earlier, don’t forget, I want a revised spread by tomorrow.” Dr. Honsu said.

  I looked up and caught his eye. I nodded guiltily and looked away. So much for being his favorite student.

  “What are you going to showcase?” Candace asked.

  I shrugged. “My life is boring…I have nothing.”

  Candace shook her head. “That’s not true, you’re like the coolest person ever.” She said honestly.

  I looked at her in surprise. She really gave me way too much credit.

  “Plus your boyfriend is like in a real band…maybe you could do them…” she said. Her eyes got bigger. “Wow that would be so cool.”

  “I already have them for my portfolio.” I said.

  Candace shook her head. “No I mean like a spread…not a photo shoot.”

  As soon as she said that it clicked in my head. “Of course.” I said grinning. I was around the band a lot when I tried to hang out with Andy…I practically knew them like family. I could do a behind the scenes spread…or a making of the band kind thing…I had my theme. “Oh my gosh Candace you’re genius.” I said squealing as I hugged her.

  She blushed in surprise and laughed. “I didn’t do anything.”

  I grabbed my spreadsheets and threw them in the trash as Dr. Honsu dismissed us. I jogged up to his desk smiling. “Sorry for slacking…but I know what I’m doing now. I’ll have it by tomorrow.”

  Dr. Honsu nodded as he leaned forward at his desk. “Can’t wait to see it.”

  I smiled as I reached into my purse. “I have something for you.” I said pulling out one of my Polaroid. “My mom gave it to me.” I lied handing it to him.

  Dr. Honsu took it curiously. I watched as a smile appeared on his face. “Ahahaha good times.” He said. He pointed to himself. “Think God that afro is gone.” He said. He chuckled and I laughed.

  “If you want, I can give you my mom’s number.” I said shrugging. “Reconnect, rebuild old friendship…things like that.” I said nervously.

  Dr. Honsu looked at the picture and his smile was replaced with a sadness in his eyes. “Yeah.” He said softly. “I don’t know if she wants to talk to me.”

  My heart jumped.

  Dr. Honsu looked up. “She told you what happened?”

  Oh shit. Drama. Drama. And more drama. “Brief overview.” I lied.

  Dr. Honsu nodded. “I have a better idea.” He said taking out a pen and a scrap of paper. “If Gisele wants to contact me…tell her to call me.” He said handing me the paper.

  I looked down to see his phone number and nodded. “I’ll let her know.” I said smiling. I took a couple steps back. “Just so you know Dr. Honsu…I think she misses you.” I said. “When I told her you were my teacher and you asked about her, she was really happy.” I said lying.

  “Really?” Dr. Honsu said curiously.

  I nodded as I kept on with the lie. “Yeah something about letting bygones be bygones and starting over and shit.” I said

  “That’s good to know.” Dr. Honsu said smiling. “Thank you…Ornelia.”

  The first time he’d called me by my first name. “No problem…I have to go to my next class.” I said grinning. He nodded and I turned around. I screamed inwardly as I walked away. Major progress. I was a genius.

  I stepped out his classroom practically floating on air as I joined Candace.

  “You’re happy again.” She remarked.

  A hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me against them. It was too strong. Too much muscle, it couldn’t be Andy, and with Candace’s expression. I knew exactly who it was. I pushed away.

  “Yes Zeus?” I asked stepping aside.

  Zeus grinned as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

  “I uh...I… have to get a book from the library.” Candace said quickly. I watched as she flashed those brown eyes full of desire at Zeus and then ran off in the other direction.

  Zeus looked at her in confusion. “Your friend is strange.” He said shaking his head. “Anyways.” He said turning back to me.

  “My friend is Candace.” I said poking his side as I adjusted my purse. “What do you want?” I asked.

  “You.” He replied without missing a beat.

  I rolled my eyes.

  “But I can wait.” He said speaking up quickly. “It’s only a matter of time before you dump Berth right? I know your rap sheet.” He said chuckling.

  I stopped and turned angrily to him. “What is that supposed to mean?” I asked pushing his arm off me.

  “Whoa O.J. calm down.” Zeus said putting his hand up in surrender. “I think you and I understand each other a little bit more.” He said shrugging. “We love them and we leave them…that’s just how life is.” He said calmly.

  I looked away and started walking away from him.

  “Hey come on don’t be mad.” Zeus said grabbing my arm.

  I tried to pull away, but he wrapped his arms around me and pressed me against the nearest wall. “There’s nothing wrong with it…that’s just how we are.” He whispered. “Survival instincts.”

  I stared into his green eyes unable to look away as they softened towards me. The thing is I couldn’t deny what he was saying. I couldn’t…and the nagging thing in the back of my head….maybe I didn’t want to deny it. He was right. That’s why Zeus and I hit it off from the very beginning. We understood each other. I sighed as I moved away from his hold. “What else do you want?”

  “What are you doing after spring break?” he asked grinning.

  I shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “My birthday party.” He said leaning over and kissing my cheek. “That Saturday.”

  “Who says I wanna go?” I asked grinning. The soccer boys threw the best parties on campus hands down. The football team was too wasted. The basketball team was too trashy. But the soccer team was just right. Been to enough of the parties to know.

  “Cause I’m waiting for my birthday dance.” He said, his green eyes twinkling at me.

  “Who said I’ll dance with you?” I teased. “I’ll have to see if Andy lets me.”

  I was surprised when Zeus actually laughed out loud. He grabbed me and hugged me. “At the end of the day, I know you do what you want.” He whispered in my ear. “Save me a dance.” He winked at me and walked away.

  I smiled as I watched him walk away. Zeus was fun. He’d always been fun. That’s what I like about him. It was always a good time. I sighed as I leaned against the wall. I stared at the students walking to class as feared slowly crept into my heart. What had I gotten myself into with Andy? I’d changed in some way. I’d let myself be blinded, be dragged away. We love them and leave them…survival instincts. Z
eus’ words echoed in my mind. I rubbed my face to focus but the dread was already there. Whatever Andy was doing to me was scaring the shit out of me.


  “I have to go home…the parents just bought a new house so no spring break for me.” Brittany said pouting as she flopped on the couch.

  “Yeah, and Laila says the baby’s gonna come any minute.” Jazmine said grabbing the pillow. “I don’t want to mess my niece’s birth.”

  “I can’t believe you guys are ditching me.” I yelled as I threw myself on the couch. Now what was I going to do? This was the first spring break since starting college where Jazmine, Brittany and I hadn’t ventured out somewhere.

  “It’s not like we planned anything this year.” Brittany said shrugging. “We were all preoccupied with stuff…the downfall of being a senior.”


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