Daughters of Dracula (The Stoker Sisters #1)

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Daughters of Dracula (The Stoker Sisters #1) Page 1

by Kailin Gow




  Daughters of Dracula

  The Stoker Sisters: Book 1



  Almost 20 years ago, I visited Dracula’s Castle in Transylvania. I was nineteen and a young journalist. I was familiar with the story of Dracula, made famous by Bram Stoker, but I was also curious about the Dracula who ruled this land. The people of Transylvania took me in for a short stay and showed me a side of Dracula, quite unlike the one portrayed by Stoker. He was a Dracula who loved deeply, especially of humanity. He loved his wife and family deeply, but most importantly, he loved his country above all else.

  They specifically mentioned he was not a “Strigoi”, which in Romanian folklore was an evil undead. The people saw him not as a monster, but as a ruler, a brilliant military strategist, and a man with great passion. They told me he was not the monster Bram Stoker depicted in the novel Dracula, but a great man, whose military feats were legendary.

  The Stoker Sisters, in the vein of Bram Stoker’s Victorian world, is a fictionalized series incorporating the world of Jane Austen, the true view of Dracula by the Romanians, and popular contemporary vampire mythology.

  The world of The Stoker Sisters is not black and white, but one where vampires, like humans, are faced with choices and allegiances. They have a choice to be good or bad, saintly or evil. Last of all, vampires may be monsters, but they may also be the most humane of all creatures.



  Daughters of Dracula

  The Stoker Sisters: Book 1


  Daughters of Dracula: Book 1 of The Stoker Sisters Series

  Published by THE EDGE

  THE EDGE is an imprint of Sparklesoup LLC

  Copyright © 2010 Kailin Gow

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in writing from the publisher except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  For information, please contact:

  THE EDGE at Sparklesoup

  P.O. Box 60834

  Irvine, CA 92602


  First Edition.

  Printed in the United States of America.

  ISBN: 1-59748-947-6

  ISBN: 978-1-59748-947-8




  Dorset, England 1818

  The sun was faint as it made its way through the veil of clouds that obscured the sky and shone down on Stoker Manor. Sadie’s desire to keep her fair skin from being touched by the sun made these days the most enjoyable of all. The small bonnet she wore over her flaxen hair barely shielded her from its penetrating rays.

  Seated near the garden she breathed in the pleasant saltiness of the ocean air as she threw herself in the Jane Austen novel she was reading. The young woman she’d met the year before in Bath had inspirational talent and Sadie held to the hope she could one day have the ability to write with such flourish, even if female authors were frowned upon.

  “I’m feeling a bit chilled,” Alexis complained as she set down her copy of the same novel. Always a little more daring in her attire, her shoulders were almost completely exposed. She’d even had the gumption to pull her skirt up well past her knee.

  Sadie should have been mortified by such a scandalous act, but Alexis had always had a penchant for shocking people. Alexis, at nineteen, was older than Sadie less than two years, yet she was the sister whom their parents fraught over constantly.

  “Perhaps a shawl would do the trick.” Alexis stood and gazed out at the horizon. The ocean, with its ceaseless breeze, crashed on the beach below. “The cool air will only grow colder with the day.”

  Alexis turned to head towards the manor, but the moment Sadie noticed the young, handsome man approaching them, she knew Alexis would not be going anywhere.

  With the charm and eloquence of a young lady about to be presented in society, Alexis curtsied, smiled and did all she could to capture the young man’s interest.

  “Terribly sorry to disturb you,” he said, his blues eyes twinkling behind the black wave of hair that fell over them. “But I seem to have lost my way.”

  Alexis tossed her thick raven hair off her face and swayed her hips as she stepped closer to him. She was flushed, her smoldering dark eyes glittering with admiring excitement. “I’d be more than delighted to guide you to your destination, my kind sir.”

  “I’m searching for Stoker Manor. I’ve some pressing matters to tend to with the Mayor in town and was told I could find a room to stay.”

  A low rumble came from Alexis’ throat as she chuckled, keeping a seductive eye on the startling blue of his. “How fortunate. Your search has come to an end.”

  Sadie watched her sister’s antics with a blend of disdain and awe. The young man was clearly one of the most physically-gifted men the two sisters have laid eyes on. He was finely dressed in a silk and wool tailored coat, a brocade vest, and white silk shirt that opened a tad more than most men’s shirts. His cream breeches filled out with muscular legs, legs that were used to physical exertion, but he held himself straight and tall, the posture of a noble-born. Sadie had never observed a man this closely, yet she could not take her eyes away from him.

  “Splendid. I was indeed hoping I was at the right place.” His eyes bore through Alexis’ for an intense moment before he turned to greet Sadie. “This is even more enchanting than I’d imagined.”

  Sadie’s heart fluttered under his gaze and her hands were instantly damp on the pages of her book. She set it down and rose to her feet. “Will the mayor be meeting you here?” she asked, always eager to have men of influence visiting their humble manor.

  “Perhaps.” His smile held a touch of whimsy that didn’t touch his eyes. A blend of austere businessman and boyish prankster seemed to lurk beneath the pristine veneer of his stylish clothing.

  Perhaps more disturbing was the underlying streak of danger Sadie perceived. No doubt this was what had drawn Alexis to him so instantly.

  “I’m to propose a building project for the neglected and vacant lot not too far from here. I believe this setting could do wonders in persuading him to see my vision.”

  “How impressive,” Alexis purred. Despite the chill she’d complained about, she picked up her fan and swept cool air across her face. “I’m sure you could persuade virtually anyone into doing anything you desired.”

  Sadie wanted to die for witnessing such a brazen performance.

  He smiled a slow smile before he replied. “Well, I must be off.” He removed his hat and nodded. “Ladies.”

  The moment he was out of earshot, Alexis giggled. “I don’t remember ever meeting such a dashing young man.”

  “I do.”

  Alexis turned a skeptical glance at Sadie. “You lead a life that is far too sheltered to have ever met a young man at all, never mind one who is so worldly and witty.”

  Sadie picked up her book and held it up to Alexis. “Mr. Darcy.”

  “Why I do say, I believe you're right. He is Mr. Darcy come to l
ife.” She turned to the direction the young man had taken. “Could he be the very man who inspired our friend Jane so?”

  “I seriously doubt it, but the resemblance is quite startling. My desire to read more is heightened.”

  “Oh, posh. Reading about such a fine specimen of a man is fine on a dull, dreary night alone. But when you have the real thing, heated and coursing with real blood staying under the very same roof, there is no longer a need to simply read about it.” Alexis’ eyes flashed with excitement.

  “Alexis, he’s to board with us. You know very well what Mother and Father say about interacting with the guests here.”

  “They say to be polite and engaging, and that is precisely what I intend to be, dear sister. You underestimate me.” She ran her hand over her bonnet then passed it over the straight skirt of her simple frock. “I think I’ll go inside to see if he needs assistance settling in.”

  “Not so fast, Alexis.”

  Both girls turned to the stern voice of their tutor, Delilah Wu.

  “The only assistance you’ll be tending to is on a canvas.”

  “Are we painting today, Miss Wu?” Sadie was quick to set her book down and show her enthusiasm for the day’s art lesson. Her love of the fine arts had grown and her desire to put paint to canvas had intensified steadily with each lesson.

  “Indeed we shall, Sadie.”

  “I believe tending to our guest is of more import than splattering paint on a canvas,” Alexis argued.

  “Your parents would disagree. Now let’s get started before the scant daylight we have is further diminished.”

  Sadie tried to ignore the blatant manner in which her sister glared at Miss Wu. Though nearing thirty, Delilah had features that were both exotic and familiar. Her mass of black hair was pulled back into a tight chignon, foregoing ringlets that were the fashion of the day. This emphasized her fragile beauty all the more. While Alexis would never admit it, Sadie suspected there was a subtle sense of competition between the women.

  “Could our subject be a handsome model?” Alexis asked.

  Sadie knew exactly who Alexis wanted to immortalize on her canvas and had to admit the image of the handsome young man was still fresh and clear in her mind and would make for an exquisite portrait.

  Miss Wu set her large carrying case on the table and pulled out an old leather bound book, ink well and quill, and pocket watch. Gazing at the sky to gauge the source of light, she adjusted the items on a small round table she’d covered with a yard of lace and turned to the girls.

  Alexis quickly huffed. “You want us to paint those?”

  “I want you to bring life to these items. I want light and shadow. I want depth and subtleties. I want texture and realism.” Delilah paused. “If you see the beauty within them, even dull dead things can have life with depth.”

  “Do you want to know what the book is about, while we’re at it?”


  “I’m sorry, but I’d rather paint anything than these dreary drab objects...for instance…handsome young men.”

  “The key is to find within you the life that these items should portray.” Miss Wu turned to Alexis. As usual she was completely unperturbed by the outburst. “If you have the passion, it should come through, no matter the item you're painting.”

  For the next hour the girls settled into the task of bringing passion and realism to their canvasses. Other than the sound of the crashing waves below, the garden was peaceful and quiet, rendering it all the more evident when Alexis poked her canvas firmly with the bristles of her brush, stiffened her back and sat straight up.

  A sidelong glance at Alexis confirmed what Sadie had perceived and before she could question the reason for the sudden change in her sister’s stance and painting style, she heard the faint brush of footsteps on the lawn. Her heartbeat immediately sped up with anticipation.

  She looked at her canvas, hoping it was suitably impressive then took a brief look at Alexis’ ailing attempt. Pleased with herself, she nonetheless felt a pang of sympathy for the bleak effort her sister had brought to Miss Wu’s vision of still life.

  “Alexis. Sadie.”

  In unison, the girls turned to the sound of the crusty familiar voice. Their father, Edmund Stoker stood before them.

  “I’d like to introduce you to Lord Ashwin. He’s come all the way from Cambridge to enjoy the beautiful setting of our ocean side manor.”

  “Pleased to make your acquaintance, sir.” Sadie bowed demurely and glanced up at the young man whose handsome visage had haunted her the entire day from under her lashes.

  “As am I, Lord Ashwin.” Alexis wasted no time approaching the young Lord. “I do hope you’ll allow me to do what I can to make your stay here as pleasant and comfortable as I can.”

  Lord Ashwin glanced briefly at both ladies’ faces before his gaze lingered down to their smooth lovely throats. “I most certainly shall.”

  Chapter 1

  “I see you enjoy reading.”

  Startled, Sadie set her book down on the small table of the library and rose only to quickly bow before Lord Ashwin.

  “Please. I’d hoped you’d feel a little more at ease with me by now.”

  “I am,” Sadie lied. Though they’d shared the same roof for well over a month, the sight of him still rattled her and left her breathless.

  “It’s a lovely day and I was hoping for some company as I stroll by the water’s edge.”

  Her hand immediately found its way to her chest. “With me?”

  “If you wouldn’t mind.”

  “No, of course not.”

  With the self-assured stride of a man who knew where he was going, he guided Sadie outside and headed towards the ocean’s pounding surf.

  “I take it your business dealings are going well.”

  “I’m quite satisfied, yes. The mayor has been more than receptive of my ideas and I believe we may even break ground sooner than I’d anticipated.”

  “How thoroughly exciting it must be.”

  “And what gets you excited, Sadie.” He turned to gaze at her while he offered his hand to help her over the craggy stones that descended to the beach.

  You, she wanted to say. “I’ve become a great fan of everything Jane Austen has ever written. I finished Pride and Prejudice a while back and have now begun Sense and Sensibilities. I’d love to write one day.”

  “I certainly don’t see why you couldn’t.” His hand still held out for her, he waited.

  Her heart pounded as she gazed into his eyes then at his hand.

  “I assure you, my touch will go no further than in keeping you from falling off this rock.”

  She knew her cheeks were blazing with an adolescent blush, but she couldn’t contain the brewing emotions that swept over her. Being so close to him, alone, it was enough to make her swoon. This past month Alexis had been around him constantly, never allowing her a moment to speak to him.

  “I trust you completely, Lord Ashwin.” The moment her hand touched his, she knew she never wanted to let him go. But the two steps it took to get her past the rock went by all too quickly and, as promised, he released her.

  “You're seventeen, right?”

  Wanting desperately to hide how insulting she found his remark, she tried to find something mature and womanly to say. “I’ll be eighteen quite soon, but I imagine for a man of your age that makes me appear rather childish, though I assure you…”

  His boisterous chuckle quickly caused her to press her lips together and gaze quizzically up at him.

  “I apologize, but first of all, I’m not that old.”

  “Mother told us you were twenty-two.”

  “Well, that hardly makes me old. And secondly, my comment was certainly not meant to offend you. If anything, I’ve marveled these past weeks at just how strong a young woman you are. You’re intelligent and have a genuine warmth about you that is rather charming.”

  “Now you're just trying to make up for your faux pas.”

>   His smile was instantly wicked and wild. Sadie wanted to throw herself into his arms and have her heart crash against his just as the waves pounded the shore. Her gaze dipped down to his lips and she wondered how he tasted.

  Under her steady gaze, his tongue slipped out to swipe the salt off his lips.

  “I’m doing no such thing. I find you wise beyond your years and have at times questioned if I’d understood correctly when told of you and your sister’s respective ages.”

  At this Sadie smiled. It wasn’t the first time she’d been found more mature and reasonable than Alexis who was well over a year older than her. Enchanted to hear him say it, she skipped over the sand and led the way to the water’s edge.

  They followed the rocking of the waves for well over a mile, playing tag with the frothy waves that brought salty bubbles to the cracks and crevices of the stones, only to recede leaving the foam to dissipate.

  Finally finding a comfort level she never thought she’d have with him, Sadie spoke of everything that came to mind. She pointed out the lighthouse on the jagged cliff top that jutted out into the water and told him of its haunting keeper. She giggled and laughed as she told him of her childish antics as she and Alexis had fought over a rag doll they’d both wanted to play with as young girls.

  “And this would be when? Last year?”

  Frowning she turned to him and quickly laughed as she saw his teasing eyes. Taking advantage of the coming wave, she kicked a spray of water at him. “You are the most dreadful man I’ve ever met.”

  “That’s a risky game to play, young lady.” With one strong motion, he swept her up into his arms and walked into the rippling waves.

  Gasping, she clung to his neck for support while kicking her demand to be set down. “What are you doing?” she shouted with a giggle.


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