Embrace the Passion: Pets in Space 3

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Embrace the Passion: Pets in Space 3 Page 74

by Smith, S. E.

  “Find Dracchus,” Jax said to Arkon.

  Arkon nodded and turned backed toward the exit, coming to an abrupt halt. Macy and Aymee stood just outside the doorway.

  “We told you to remain within the room!” Arkon said.

  “Are they okay?” Macy asked, peering past the kraken. “Rhea? Melaina?”

  Rhea rose, eyes narrowed on Volk, lips pulled back in distaste. “I am well,” she replied without looking away from the male.

  “Stay back,” Arkon said to Macy and Aymee. He pressed a button beside the door, activating a holoscreen, and flitted through several options. After a few moments, the alarms turned off and the lights reverted to normal.

  “Security alert in Cabins Hall C, room six has been cleared,” the computer declared cheerfully. “Please resume your normal duties.”

  With a final frown for Aymee and Macy, Arkon left.

  “Go back to Sarina, Macy,” Jax said, “and lock the door.”

  Macy hesitated, gaze shifting to Rhea and Randall before settling on Jax. “Be careful.”

  Jax nodded to her, and for an instant, Randall saw worry flicker over the kraken’s features.

  She disappeared into the hallway.

  Randall closed the remaining distance between himself and Rhea, pistol dangling in one hand; Jax’s prowess wasn’t enough to convince Randall to put his weapon down. His chest throbbed, his throat burned, and the shallowest of breaths caused a sharp ache, but his only concern was for Rhea. Her skin had returned to its normal gray, making her numerous cuts and the crimson splattered over her stand out even more.

  “Are you really okay?” he asked.

  She shook her hands, flicking blood from her claws. “I will heal.”

  Randall curled a finger beneath her chin and turned her face toward him. “You’re sure?”

  Her eyes finally met his, and some of their heat dissipated. “I will heal, Randall,” she said again, but softer this time. She reached for him, but pulled back with a frown when she saw the blood on her hands.

  “What about you, Randall?” Aymee asked from the doorway, features drawn in concern.

  “I can still breathe,” he replied, “so it can’t be that bad, right?”

  Something bumped his free hand. He glanced down to the bed him to see Ikaros. The prixxir nudged Randall’s palm with his snout, chirruping softly.

  Randall crouched, lifted the prixxir into his arms, and stood up again. Ikaros made small, contented sounds. If it weren’t for Ikaros, Randall might never have woken up.

  “Can I come in to check on them?” Aymee asked.

  “Keep a wide distance,” Jax replied.

  Volk began to speak, but Jax tightened his arm around the other kraken’s throat, cutting off the words.

  Aymee stepped into the room, keeping as far from Jax and Volk as possible as she made her way toward Randall. She raised her hands to his chest.

  Rhea growled, inserting herself between Randall and Aymee.

  “Easy,” Randall soothed, settling a hand on Rhea’s shoulder and gently drawing her back. “It’s okay. She’s a healer, remember?”

  Scowling, Rhea looked away.

  “It’s okay, Rhea,” Aymee said with a smile. “Arkon gets this way, too. I’m just going to check him and make sure he’s not seriously injured.”

  Randall lifted his palm from Rhea’s shoulder and took her hand in his, guiding her to stand at his side. “You already claimed me, Rhea. I’m yours. No need to worry.”

  Lips pressed tightly together, Rhea nodded curtly, motioning for Melaina to join her. The child came immediately and tucked herself against her mother.

  “Are you okay, Randall?” Melaina asked softly.

  “I’ll be fine, kid.” He grunted and winced as Aymee’s prodded his ribs with her fingers.

  “Some serious bruising, and it’s going to hurt for a while, but I don’t think anything is broken. We’ll have to look with the scanner to be sure,” Aymee said.

  Voices from the hallway called everyone’s attention to the door. Arkon and Dracchus entered one after the other, both dripping wet. Several more kraken filled the doorway a moment later, but Arkon blocked their entry.

  Dracchus moved to Rhea without so much as a glance at Volk. “How badly are you wounded?”

  Rhea lifted her chin, meeting Dracchus’s gaze. “I will heal.”

  The large kraken studied her carefully, assessing the damage. Randall did the same. There was a faint trembling in her hands now, suggesting that her pain was greater than she’d let on, and her skin seemed a shade paler than usual.

  Dracchus’s fury was plain; it radiated from him like waves of roiling heat and shaped his expression into something murderous. He glanced at Randall, an unspoken question in his eyes.

  “I’ll heal, too. Just slower,” Randall said.

  Rhea and Dracchus met one another’s gazes, and the large male nodded.

  “Volk has invaded this den,” Rhea said, voice raised, “endangering myself and my youngling, and attacked my mate.”

  Based on the hushed voices in the hallway, there were more kraken gathered than Randall had realized. A tense silence followed the torrent of whispers.

  Volk strained against Jax’s hold, but Jax only tightened his grip.

  Dracchus turned toward the doorway, through which numerous kraken peered into the room. “Volk has betrayed our people by disregarding the things we hold most important,” he said. He moved to the pinned kraken, and he and Jax dragged Volk off the floor. “Rhea has made her accusation. The proof of it is plain. Volk has—”

  “Enough!” someone shouted from the corridor. There was a brief commotion as Kronus shoved his way through the crowd and came face-to-face with Arkon. Dracchus and Jax dragged Volk in front of the doorway, blocking it from Randall’s view.

  Rhea growled, muscles tensing. Randall gave her hand a squeeze. He hoped the gesture was enough to communicate with her — I’m here; we’re okay; we made it through this one.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Kronus demanded. “Allow me to pass!”

  “Do you have something to say on Volk’s behalf?” Dracchus asked. Though his tone remained even, his black skin lightened just enough to tinge red.

  Kronus flicked a glance at Volk. “He was seeking to entice Rhea. She should mate one of our own kind, not a human. It is obvious that the human attacked, just as he attacked us in the Mess.”

  Dracchus’s next move was made with such deliberate slowness that it was terrifying — despite his immense anger, his control was unbroken. He shifted his arm back, extending a clawed finger to point toward Rhea, and twisted his torso to allow Kronus a clear view of the female.

  Kronus’s eyes widened, and several emotions swept over his features in rapid succession. Startlement, anger, fear. “You attacked one of our females?”

  “Do you have anything else to say on his behalf?” Dracchus’s voice was low.

  “He acted of his own accord,” Kronus grated, skin reddening, “and with great foolishness. But do you see what these humans have done? They have disgraced and tainted our home and will be the destruction of our kind if we allow this to continue. They are turning kraken against kraken, now.”

  Despite the stomach-churning hatred dripping from Kronus’s words, Randall couldn’t help feeling guilty for his part in all of this. He’d intended to hunt kraken when he’d traveled to Macy and Aymee’s hometown. Had Cyrus won the confrontation in the submarine pen, the rangers would’ve continued searching for kraken, wouldn’t have stopped until these people were wiped out.

  But that outcome had been avoided, at least for now. Were what-ifs acceptable justification for murder? Did Randall’s culpability in what might have been mean he didn’t deserve to live?


  “The only destruction I see,” said another kraken behind Kronus — Ector, one of the older kraken males, “is what you and your followers have wrought. These humans have done nothing except give our people hope.” He nodded
toward Jax. “Hope that we may yet prosper.”

  “They foul our bloodline!” Kronus said. “They have ever been our enemies and would destroy our kind if given the opportunity!”

  “Are you forgetting that all of you are part human?” Aymee asked. “It’s in your DNA.”

  “And each of the humans here has saved the life of a kraken,” Arkon added, looking to Aymee.

  “You have had your say, Kronus,” Dracchus said. “Now Volk may have his.”

  Jax finally eased his hold on Volk’s neck. The restrained kraken sagged slightly and sucked in a ragged breath.

  “We will not remain idle while humans mate with our people,” Volk rasped. “We will not allow our enemies to dwell among us, and we will not allow our ways to falter.” He looked over his shoulder to glare at Randall; the blood flowing from his wounds had slowed significantly, but that only made them more pronounced.

  Ikaros shifted in Randall’s hold and growled at Volk.

  “Will anyone deny Volk’s treachery?” Dracchus asked.

  Silence fell over the crowd.

  Kronus’s features were strained, and he averted his eyes from Volk. It seemed even he couldn’t deny that — whatever the motivations — his follower had done wrong.

  “Kronus!” Volk called, fighting Jax’s hold. “I didn’t attack her!”

  “So, she scratched herself?” Aymee asked.

  Volk’s skin went red, and he struggled harder. Jax tightened his arm around Volk’s neck. Within a few seconds, the struggles ceased.

  “Ector, what would the punishment have been in your day?” Dracchus asked.

  “For violence against a female, especially endangering a youngling? Death.”

  Volk paled, and his short, labored breaths quickened.

  “Our world is changing, and we must change with it,” Dracchus said. “Volk shall be exiled from our home, never to return. Should he show his face here again, it will be within the right of any kraken to end his life. Does anyone oppose my judgment?”

  Once more, silence fell over the gathered kraken, allowing the sound of Randall’s heartbeat to fill his ears. He counted eleven thumps before Dracchus spoke again.

  “It is thus settled.” Dracchus took Volk from Jax and forced him out of the room. The other kraken, Kronus included, moved out of his way and dispersed once he’d passed.

  When only Aymee, Arkon, and Jax remained, Rhea slumped, releasing a shaky breath.

  Randall hurriedly wrapped an arm around her waist and caught her weight; though he was able to keep her upright, she was far heavier than a human, and he wouldn’t be able to move her far on his own.

  “Let’s get her to the infirmary,” Aymee said.

  “Mother?” Melaina asked with wide eyes.

  “She just needs some rest, kid.” Randall looked to Jax and Arkon. “Would you guys mind giving me a hand?”

  Rhea cupped Randall’s cheek and turned his face toward her. “You are worth the fight, my hunter.”

  Randall pressed his forehead to hers. She would have fought to the death to protect him, and he for her, and that knowledge hit him hard. “So are you.”


  Melaina’s laughter mixed with Rhea’s as they squirmed upon the bed, each struggling to catch her breath as Randall kept them pinned, assaulting them with his clawless fingers. Tickling was an intense feeling; forceful, overwhelming, almost painful, while at the same time eliciting a strange thrill. She could have broken his hold if she chose to, but hearing her daughter’s laughter — and her own — she’d allowed the torture to continue.

  Ikaros chirruped, nimbly bounding between arms and tentacles.

  “Stop! Stop!” Melaina cried, rolling from beneath Randall and dropping onto the floor, gasping and giggling. “Ikaros, to me! Protect me!”

  The prixxir hopped off the bed and onto Melaina, turning so his waving tail brushed over her cheeks.

  Randall stilled his hands. He grinned down at Rhea from his position above her, his thighs straddling her sides. His eyes dipped, and Rhea knew by the heat in them that his thoughts had taken a turn from playful to passionate.

  Chest heaving, Rhea smiled. She ran the backs of her fingers down his bare arms and raised a pair of tentacles to caress his shoulders and back.

  Randall cleared his throat and glanced over the side of the bed. “So, the traitorous prixxir is siding with you?”

  “He will protect me!” Melaina replied. “He knows who feeds him extras.”

  “Keep feeding him those extras and he’ll be too fat to protect anything.”

  Rhea turned her face toward Melaina. “You best go to Macy for protection before Randall catches you again.”

  Melaina’s eyes rounded as they shot up to Randall. “No! No more tickles!”

  Randall extended an arm toward the youngling, waggling his fingers with exaggerated menace.

  She shrieked, leaping up from the floor and quickly moving to the door. She pounded on the button and was out before it had fully opened. Ikaros remained where he was, head cocked, glancing from the open door to Randall.

  “You, too! Go on,” Randall said.

  Ikaros chirruped.

  “I’m fine. Go look out for Melaina.” Reaching down, Randall patted the prixxir’s head and nudged the creature along. Ikaros brushed his cheek against Randall’s palm before scurrying off after Melaina, claws clicking on the floor. The door closed several seconds later.

  A slow grin spread across Rhea’s lips as she ran an open hand down Randall’s chest.

  He covered her hand with his own. “You know it excites me when you let me win.”

  “The hunter has conquered his prey,” she said, her other hand slipping between their bodies to grasp his hard shaft through his clothing.

  He laughed, though the sound ended in a lustful groan. “More like the hunter has become the prey.” He lowered his hands to her hips and slid them upward.

  “Mmm.” Rhea closed her eyes and stroked his cock as his palms covered her breasts. She’d been surprised when she first learned that human males always extruded, hardening when aroused, but she found enjoyment in having access to Randall without having to coax his shaft free.

  “You make it pretty difficult to keep my hands to myself,” Randall rasped.

  “So keep them on me, human.” She opened her eyes to meet his gaze.

  “Don’t have to tell me twice.” He leaned down, and his lips joined his hands in caressing her flesh, trailing heat across her chest and up her neck.

  She arched into his touch. Desire flooded her, and she opened beneath him, slit parting. Releasing his shaft, she slipped her hands into his pants to grasp his backside.

  “Now, Randall,” she commanded as he nipped her nipple with his flat teeth.

  He shifted a hand to the waistband of his pants and shoved them down. Gripping his erection, he guided it to her sex. He groaned as he slid inside her, taking his time, but it was not what Rhea wanted. She needed to feel him; all of him. She needed him to lose control, to let him bring them both to rapture.

  Squeezing his ass, she pulled him toward her, forcing him to thrust swift and deep. She moaned, clenching around him.

  Randall braced his arms on either side of her head and cursed. “I won’t last long if you keep that up.”

  Rhea chuckled, stroking her tentacles along his back and legs. “Slow later. Conquer your prey now.”

  “Challenge accepted.” Randall grinned before pulling his hips back and slamming into her, sending a burst of pleasure through every part of her being.

  * * *

  Rhea rested upon Randall’s chest as he slept, her head tucked beneath his chin. His legs were spread to accommodate the rest of her, and her tentacles continued to lazily stroke over them, suction cups tasting the salt and sweat on his skin. She smiled, flattening her palm over his chest. His heart beat steadily within.

  A single heart. A caring, wonderful, human heart, so strong and full that it easily equaled the three beating within

  She couldn’t remember ever feeling so content. She had friends. She had a family. It was a new concept to the kraken, one she and many others were embracing.

  Randall tightened his arms around her and released a long, loud exhalation.

  Her hunter had awakened.

  She tilted her head back and kissed his neck.

  He hummed appreciatively, the sound vibrating through his chest and making her skin tingle. “Been awake long?” he asked, voice thick with sleep.

  “No,” she replied. “You didn’t sleep long enough, human.”

  “Maybe I wanted a fourth round.”

  Rhea grinned, and she could already feel him hardening beneath her.

  Randall inhaled deeply, chest swelling, and let the breath out slowly. “I want to join with you, Rhea.”

  Chuckling, she propped herself up with arms braced on either side of him. “I would like slow, now,” she said, leaning forward to brush her lips across his. “Sensual.”

  He laughed and shook his head, placing a hand on her cheek. “So would I, but that’s not what I meant.”

  Her brow lowered in confusion. “I do not understand. You said you wish to join with me.”

  “Yeah, but…” His tongue slipped out and ran over his lips. “So, you claimed me as your mate the way your people do, and we’re sharing a den. When my people talk about joining, it’s sort of like those things. It’s choosing a mate for the rest of your life. And I want that, with you. I want you and Melaina to be the biggest parts of the rest of my life.”

  Rhea’s hearts stilled, and when they beat again, there was a tightness in her chest. She pressed a hand between her breasts as though that could take away the ache. Randall covered her hand with his own.

  “Join with me, Rhea. Be mine,” he said.

  She released a shaky breath and smiled. “Hunter, you were mine from the moment you arrived here.” She lowered her face to his. “And I was ever yours.”

  Randall grinned and cupped the back of her head, bringing her mouth down. He kissed her deeply, holding her close, and when he withdrew his lips he met her gaze.


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