Fight 4 Us (Book 4): Conquered

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Fight 4 Us (Book 4): Conquered Page 8

by Brian Grenda

“Family is everything. Without them, we have nothing. I think we can help each other and develop a long-lasting partnership.”

  “We are doing well here already, and not sure we need your help Ryan. We should be able to survive here for many generations. What do you have to offer?” asks William.

  “I’m sure my men told you that we took control of the Big Club. The big warehouse bulk store down the road. I would be willing to setup trade for what we have at the store for what you have here.”

  William replies, “What do you mean exactly?”

  “You have people, knowledge, weapons, security. You have a reliable trustworthy relationship. I’m looking for help to take out The Conquerors once and for all as well as continuing to stay alive and survive.”

  “We will work something out, and I like the idea of cleansing the world of these horrible Conquerors and anyone with that dictator mindset. We will go to the Big Club tomorrow and see what we can work out,” says William.

  I shake William’s hand and say, “Very good. I think we will find something that works for both us.”

  William and I walk over to the blacksmith. William takes my sword and hands it to blacksmith.

  “Make Ryan’s blade razor sharp Brad,” says William.

  Brad replies, “Yes sir. I will right now.”

  A woman walks over to William and hands him two pies. William thanks the woman for the pies and hands the pies to me.

  “Here are two pies. One is cherry and one is blueberry. A gesture to say no hard feelings between us and your men,” says William.

  Shaun and Lisa walk over to me and take the pies.

  William say, “Shaun, I apologize for your window. It should be fixed by now. I’ll make sure it is before you leave.”

  “Thank you, but how is it fixed so fast?” asks Shaun.

  William replies, “We have some great people here with great skills Shaun.”

  “Thank you, William. I appreciate the hospitality and kindness. We can mutually help each other and you can trust us.”

  The blacksmith gives me back my sword and says, “Fine weapon you have there. Be careful with it.”

  “Thank you and I will.”

  I round up Shaun, Lisa, Phil, TJ, and Odin and make sure everyone is ready to go.

  “Just need our weapons and our vehicles and we are ready to go,” says Phil.

  William replies, “Your weapons will be in your vehicles by the main entrance.”

  “We will see you tomorrow at the Big Club William. Let’s say 10:00AM?”

  William looks down at his watch and says, “10:00AM it is. We will meet you outside the store. See you and your men tomorrow.”

  We all say goodbye to William and exit to our vehicles.

  Shaun walks over to his jeep and sees that the back window is fixed properly and looks great.

  William looks at Shaun and asks, “Is the window fixed to your liking?”

  Shaun says, “Yeah, it looks great. Thanks.”

  TJ, Phil, and Odin get into TJ’s jeep.

  Shaun, Lisa, and I get into Shaun’s jeep.

  Shaun and TJ drive through the exit and head home.

  “That place is pretty awesome. Way better than where we live,” says Lisa.

  “Nice. Real nice Lisa. I like where we live. It works for us,” says Shaun.

  TJ looks at Phil and asks, “What do you make of William and The Warriors?”

  Phil replies, “I think they are okay. A group that we can hopefully trust and work with. They have a nice setup and it seems legit. What do you think of them?”

  TJ replies, “I don’t know. It was very Asian. Majority of the people were Asian. Not that it’s bad or anything, but it was kind of odd.”

  “Not down with the Asian persuasion TJ?” jokes Phil.

  “I don’t mind it at all, I like the Asian culture. When I was in the Marines, I spend a lot of time in Japan and the Philippines,” says TJ.

  “You know who might be in trouble with that place? Shaun, he loves Asian girls,” says Phil.

  TJ says, “Yeah right. Lisa would cut his balls off if he ever cheated on her.”

  TJ and Phil laugh at the idea of Lisa chopping Shaun’s balls off.

  Phil says, “Speaking of girls. I made a move on Nicole.”

  “Made your move?” jokes TJ.

  “Yeah. I don’t know what you call it, but we kissed,” says Phil.

  “When? We were just talking about it before we went to the high school,” says TJ.

  “When I got home after I left you guys with William. Nicole and I kissed. I thought about what you and Shaun said. Life is too short,” says Phil.

  “Good for your man. Life is too short. Don’t want to leave anything unsatisfied or unfinished before we die,” says TJ.

  TJ stares out his windshield and thinks about the statement he just said to Phil and how he needs to live by that also.

  We arrive back at Citrus Oaks.

  Shaun and TJ park in Shaun’s driveway.

  We exit the vehicles and walk into Shaun’s garage.

  “Does anyone see any problems with The Warriors? Did they return all our weapons and supplies?”

  Phil replies, “We got our stuff back, but only time will tell about The Warriors. They seemed okay to me.”

  Everyone got there weapons back and everything seems okay with our vehicles and supplies.

  Shaun says, “I like them. We even got some pies out of the deal.”

  “We are set to meet them at the Big Club at 10:00AM tomorrow. I will be there around 9 tomorrow morning to check out the store. I want to make sure the store is good for us to meet with William and his group.”

  Phil says, “I’ll be there, and I’ll ride with ya tomorrow morning.”

  Shaun says, “I’m going as well.”

  TJ says, “I will be coming this time, but if all goes well I need to get back to MacDill and see my father.”

  “Okay sounds good. I appreciate your help TJ. You do what you have to do. Let’s be ready to go to the Big Club around 8:30 tomorrow morning.”

  We break up from our meeting in Shaun’s garage and head to our homes.

  TJ exits through the South entrance and goes home with Odin.

  Shaun and Lisa go inside their house, while Phil goes over to Matt’s house.

  I say goodbye to Phil as I go to my house, and he walks over to Matt’s house.

  Phil knocks on Matt’s front door and Matt answers the door.

  “What’s up Phil?” asks Matt.

  “Is Nicole here?” asks Phil.

  “Yeah, she’s in the back with Mia and Mason,” says Matt.

  There is an awkward silence between Matt and Phil as Phil stands outside Matt’s front door.

  “Hey Phil. Come in. Matt, why are you having Phil stand outside?” says Nicole.

  Phil walks past Matt who was partially blocking Phil from getting into the house.

  Nicole and Phil go into the living room and sit down on the sofa next to each other.

  Matt closes the front door and walks into the kitchen.

  “What’s going on Phil?” asks Matt.

  “Nothing much. Well, we made a contact with a new group today. They call themselves The Warriors and they took over Tampa high school,” says Phil.

  Nicole says, “Really. That’s great. Are they nice? How are they setup at the school?”

  Phil replies, “They are nice and very well setup at the school. They have tons of people, workers, skills, food, animals, and are led by this guy named William.”

  Matt walks into the living room and asks, “They got solar power there?”

  “Yeah, they have a solar grid that powers the whole school. They have a big cafeteria, automotive center, technology center, and an agricultural area. They are self-sufficient,” says Phil.

  “Sounds like I need to check it out and see how they set things up. Bring some of that knowledge back home here,” says Matt.

  Kylie walks into the living room and sits next t
o Matt.

  Nicole makes eye contact with Kylie and gestures for her to get Matt out of the room and to give her some alone time with Phil.

  Kylie looks at Matt and says, “Matt, can you help me with something in the bedroom?”

  Matt asks, “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “I think there is something wrong with the bed frame,” says Kylie.

  Matt replies, “I’ll look at it later.”

  Kylie stands up from the sofa, grabs Matt’s hands and says, “No. You’ll look at it now.”

  Matt is pulled out of the living room by Kylie, and they walk into their bedroom.

  Nicole and Phil are alone on the sofa in the living room.

  Nicole puts her head on Phil’s left shoulder. Phil wraps his left arm around Nicole and they relax on the sofa.

  “How is everything going here? How are Mason and Mia?” asks Phil.

  Nicole replies, “Everything is good. We are setup pretty well here. We have tons of baby supplies, diapers and everything my babies need.”

  “Taking over the Big Club will provide a lot for us for a long time. We are having a trade tomorrow with The Warriors. We are setting up a trade between The Warriors and us tomorrow at 10:00AM,” says Phil.

  “What’s the deal of the trade?” asks Nicole.

  Phil replies, “Good question. We aren’t sure yet. I don’t even know all that we have at the Big Club. It’s so big and full of so many different things. It might take us months to fully realize what we have in there.”

  “I still have to see the store. I haven’t had the chance to check it out, since you guys took it over,” says Nicole.

  Phil says, “I’ll take ya there, but I wouldn’t recommend tomorrow as that is a trade meeting and could get dicey between The Warriors and us.”

  Nicole and Phil make eye contact.

  Phil says, “Nicole. I really care about you. I really cared about you when we went on those couple dates a long time ago.”

  “I care about you too. I don’t know why it didn’t work out between us. Everything happens for a reason I guess, and I’m glad I found you again,” says Nicole.

  Phil says, “Yeah. I’m glad that we found each other again too. I will do anything for you, Mason, and Mia.”

  “Thank you, Phil. We are lucky to have you in our lives,” says Nicole.

  Phil and Nicole kiss on the sofa and enjoy a nice night together.



  “Good Morning Ryan,” says Phil as I walk into the kitchen.

  “Morning bro.”

  I look at Phil and say, “You seem quiet chipper this morning. Any particular reason why?”

  Phil takes a spoonful of cereal and says, “I just had a really good night with Nicole last night. We had some fun.”

  “Glad you got some last night Phil.”

  Phil laughs and says, “Me too bro.”

  I take a sip of orange juice and say, “In all honesty though Phil, I’m happy for you and Nicole. You both deserve a good relationship and are well suited for each other.”

  Phil puts his bowl of cereal in the sink and says, “Thank you Ry. I think so too. We found each other again for a reason, and I don’t want to lose her again.”

  “You just got her Phil. Don’t worry about losing her. Just enjoy your time with her. Life is too short to worry unnecessarily. You have to enjoy the little things in life. I’m sure Nicole did last night.”

  Phil punches me in the shoulder and laughs.

  “Always the smart ass,” jokes Phil.

  “Someone has to be,” I joke.

  Phil walks into his bedroom and starts to get ready for the day.

  I walk outside to my back patio and look at the crops that we planted.

  We have planted so many more crops and they look to be doing well. It another week or so, we should be ready to pick some of the vegetables we planted.

  As I’m looking at the crops in my backyard, I hear a loud yawn and sigh come from my dad’s back porch.

  I look over at my dad’s backyard and ask, “You okay over their Bob?”

  “I didn’t sleep well. I haven’t been sleeping well lately,” replies Bobby G.

  I walk out my fence and into my dad’s backyard through the white privacy fence gate.

  My dad is sitting in a back-patio chair drinking some instant coffee.

  “How’s your shoulder?” I ask as I walk into the screened in back patio lanai.

  My dad lifts up his shoulder with full range of motion and says, “It’s much better, but I still can’t lay on it and it’s weak.”

  “You were always weak in that shoulder,” I joke.

  Bobby G laughs and replies, “I was strong enough to beat you in arm wrestling.”

  “I was in high school when we did that. You also hurt your elbow that time.”

  I think back to that time when I was in high school and for some reason my dad and I arm wrestling on the kitchen counter. Guess we thought that was a big marker of strength.

  He used to beat me a lot in arm wrestling, that was until I started lifting weights, and then he started to struggle against me.

  The last time we arm wrestled, he hurt his right elbow and felt a pop in it.

  “I’m just glad you didn’t tear your elbow ligaments or anything the last time we arm wrestled.”

  Bobby G replies, “Me too, son.”

  “I hear you met a new group the other day. The Warriors, I believe they are called?’ asks Bobby G.

  “Yeah. Shaun, Phil, and TJ met them first. I met with their leader William and we are setting up trade between our group today at the Big Club.”

  Bobby G replies, “I would like to go with you and meet this new group. See what they are all about.”

  “You sure you are up for it?”

  “I need to get out of this house. I have been cooped up in here for too long,” says Bobby G.

  “Okay, no problem. We are leaving in an hour. Be ready to go. Bring some weapons and a bulletproof vest this time.”

  “I had a vest on last time, the bullet hit my shoulder. The vest only protects my chest. The bullet just missed the vest,” says Bobby G.

  I return to my house and quietly walk into my bedroom.

  Lauren is washing her face in the bathroom, and I walk into the bathroom to greet her.

  I come up behind her, give her a big hug and hold her.

  Lauren says, “Well hello, good morning to you.”

  I walk into the closet and change my clothes.

  “What are you doing today? I know you are doing something,” says Lauren.

  I put on my favorite red shirt and say, “I’m meeting with that new group from the high school today at the Big Club.”

  “I’m hoping it goes well, and that we can be set up for the rest of our lives with William and his group.”

  “Can you trust them?” asks Lauren.

  I put on my sneakers and say, “I think so, but really I don’t have a choice. William’s group is very big and they are set up very well at the high school. We need their help.”

  “I like the idea of having friends in this new world, but it’s scary to trust people now a days. It was scary to trust people before the world fell apart,” says Lauren.

  “I agree sweetie, but after talking with William yesterday, I feel that he is trustworthy and lives by an honorable code.”

  Lauren replies, “If you trust him, then I trust him.”

  “Good. I have some big news by the way.”

  Lauren gets excited and asks, “What is it?”

  “A certain person got with a certain other person last night.”

  “No way. I knew they would. It was only a matter of time. I’m happy for Phil and Nicole,” says Lauren.

  Lauren kisses me on the lips and says, “How about we have a little fun before you leave for the day?”

  I kiss Lauren on the lips and say, “I’m sorry sweetie. I have to get going. I don’t want to be late for this meeting
. I’ll take a rain check for later tonight though.”

  Lauren jokes, “I’ll pencil you in.”

  Lauren and I say goodbye, and I exit my house.

  Phil is already outside and putting his gear into his SUV that is parked in Bobby G’s driveway.

  “What vehicles are we taking?” asks Phil as he closes the trunk of his SUV.

  I walk over to Phil and say, “We need at least two vehicles for Matt, Shaun, Bobby G, you and me.”

  Bobby G walks over to Phil and me and says, “Good morning Phil. We ready to go?”

  “Just waiting on Matt and Shaun. Like usual.”

  Phil looks at Bobby G and says, “How’s the shoulder? You doing okay?”

  Bobby G replies, “It’s pretty good. Not 100 percent yet, but getting there.”

  Shaun walks outside of his front door and shouts across the street, “You suckas ready or what?”

  “Just waiting on you and Matt!” shouts Phil.

  Shaun asks, “We taking my jeep?”

  “Yeah. Get ready and drive it over here, when you are ready.”

  Matt slowly walks out of his house and over to Phil, Bobby G, and me.

  “Morning sunshine.”

  Matt replies, “Morning everyone.”

  “You bringing any weapons with you today?” asks Phil.

  Matt replies, “I have a handgun with me. You want to see it. Plus, we have weapons at the Big Club now.”

  Shaun pulls up to Bobby G’s driveway blasting some country song.

  “Don’t break my heart,” shouts Shaun as he sings part of the song.

  Matt gets into Shaun’s jeep as Bobby G and I get into Phil’s SUV.

  “Turn that down bro!” shouts Matt as he gets into Shaun’s jeep.

  “Well good morning to you Matt. Glad you are happy this morning,” says Shaun.

  Shaun drives towards the South entrance and Phil follows behind him.

  “You ready for the Asian connection today Ryan?” asks Phil.

  Bobby G asks, “Asian connection? What do you mean Phil?”

  “The Warriors and William are predominately Asian. Most of the people at the high school were Asian, but they did have some people of other nationalities.”

  “Not many though,” says Phil.

  “It doesn’t matter what nationality they are really. They are alive and people that we can hopefully trust. Plus, they were set up pretty nice at the school.”


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