Nobody's Perfect

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Nobody's Perfect Page 35

by Kallypso Masters


  She sat on the towel-covered seat at the center of the horizontal cross, and Damián spread her legs and stepped between them, standing just beyond her hips. He lifted the lower half of the cross and locked it in place and stretched out her left leg on the cross. He didn't restrain her, just laid it there, and then did the same with the right. Her legs were now jutting out in front of her, with Damián standing in the juncture of her thighs. She wanted to draw her legs together to hide her pussy, but knew she'd committed to this and would see it through.

  Trust him.

  She drew a deep breath. Damián placed his hands on her right thigh and began massaging it. She jumped. The skin was still red from the quirt last night.

  "Relax. You're too tense."

  Easy for him to say. Next, he rubbed the muscles of her left thigh and placed one hand on each leg to stroked her, beginning at her knee and working his way toward her hips.


  She looked up at him as he continued to lay claim to her body. "Yes, Sir. Yours."

  As his hands drew closer to her pussy, she involuntarily moved her legs, even though she couldn't close them with Damián wedged between them.

  Damián slapped her thigh, and the sting, which she definitely felt, made her wince. "I'm sorry, Sir."

  "I thought we might try this without restraints, but I think you'll do better if you don't have even involuntary control over your arms and legs. Now scoot your ass right to the edge, just like on the gyno table." Using her legs for leverage and balancing on her hands behind her, she scooted her hips closer to him. He made a come-here motioned with his fingers. "Closer."

  He sounded like her gynecologist. Savi never could get close enough to the edge to please her either. When it felt like her butt cheeks would go over the edge, he motioned for her to stop.

  "Perfect. Lift your hips." He adjusted the towel beneath her. "Down."

  She felt like an obedient dog as she followed orders.

  He stepped away from the vee of her legs and walked over to the now-familiar duffel bag. Within minutes, he'd applied Velcro cuffs to her wrists and ankles and had clamped them to the cross securing her in a spread-eagle position.

  He smiled and nodded. "Very pretty."

  Savi's face grew flushed as he continued to stare at her. He reached up to tighten the nipple nooses around her deflated nipples. Dear lord, if she got aroused, those nooses were going to hurt like hell. She'd just have to hope he wouldn't be able to get a rise out of them again. When he'd finished testing her comfort with each of the cuffs, he gave each nip a pinch and she watched them become engorged before her eyes.

  "Too tight!" God, they hurt.

  Damián just chuckled. "Remember what I told you about involuntary responses your body might make?"

  She closed her eyes, willing the pain to recede—the emotional pain more so than the physical.

  "Answer me, Savi."

  The stern tone in his voice caused her a moment of panic, but one look at him and she knew Damián wasn't really angry at her.

  "Yes, Sir. I remember."

  He smiled. "I know you still think you can control your body's responses, but before we're done today, querida, you'll be screaming from any number of involuntary responses."

  She looked at the implements hanging on the wall. Which did he plan to use on her? She hadn't expected this to be a pain session; she thought he just wanted to see the brand. Well, not that he wanted to see it but that he wanted her to let him see it. With her pussy in such a vulnerable position, she hoped it wouldn't be anything too awful.

  Why didn't he just look and get it over with? Lying here exposed like this made her want to crawl into a corner. But she knew not to ask what he had planned. He wanted her to anticipate it—whatever it might be. She'd wait quietly, if not patiently.

  Damián pulled the step stool out a foot and sat down just inches away from her privates. Well, not so private anymore. Her heartbeat soared to a rate it usually took a strenuous session with the dancer pole to achieve. She couldn't breathe.

  "Thank you for preparing yourself for me, querida."

  His words of praise calmed her somewhat. At his instructions, she'd shaved herself for him—everywhere. Going outside with a freshly shaven pussy had been an interesting revelation. The cold had penetrated her clothing causing unexpected sensations over her pussy. Maybe if she was in California and not Colorado it wouldn't have been as much of a shocker.

  Damián pressed his face closer and spread her folds. She squeezed her eyes shut, steeling her muscles and dreading his reaction to the brand.

  "Open your eyes, Savi."

  She blinked a few times and looked down to stare into Damián's eyes. "You tense up when you close your eyes tightly like that. I want you to relax."

  Yeah, right.

  "Let me continue."

  She watched his face get closer and closer. How could he possibly see the brand with his face so…Oh, God! Surely he wasn't going to…oh, yes he is.

  "No! Not that!"

  Damián stopped. "Whose body is this, Savi?"

  She groaned in frustration. "Yours, Sir."

  "You are not to speak unless asked a direct question or you need to use one of your safewords. ¿Comprende?"

  She nodded and belatedly realized he'd asked a question. "I mean, yes, Sir. But may I just say one thing?"

  He sighed with impatience. "What is it?"

  "You won't be disappointed in me if, well, if I can't…you know."

  He grinned. "I assure you that you will not disappoint me, Savi. Your responses to this point make that very clear."

  Her body had responded to him involuntarily, just as he'd said it would. She'd also responded to his mouth and tongue in their beach cave so long ago.

  "Now, relax—and do not speak unless you need to safeword or answer a direct question. You may scream if you feel the need." Without a doubt, you'll do that and more before we're finished here today, bebé."

  Without waiting for a response, Damián lowered his face again. Nothing was going to get her to interrupt him again. That part of her body belonged to him right now. She needed to submit to him completely.



  Her one job was to focus.

  On feeling. On Damián. On what Damián was doing to her…

  When his breath blew against her exposed clit and pussy, she closed her eyes for a second, but opened them again, hopefully before he'd noticed. How was she supposed to take this kind of torture? His tongue traced the cleft between her pussy hole to her clit hood and her hips bucked up as if to welcome him home. She hadn't intended to move at all.

  Involuntary response.

  She willed herself to lie still as his tongue traced around the hood, but something strange was happening. She opened her mouth to take in more air as her breathing became rapid and shallow. What was he doing to her?

  Again, he traced a path to her pussy hole and she realized she'd become wet. Oh, my! He focused once again on her clit, flicking the sides of the hood with his tongue. She squirmed, sometimes to evade him, but other times because she wanted to feel more.

  So intense.

  She'd remembered when Damián had done this to her in the beach cave, as if watching from above. The sensory memory of what it had felt like—long repressed—came crashing back like waves on the shore.

  Her mouth became dry from panting. She hadn't even realized she'd been doing it, so focused was she on what Damián was doing with his…tongue. Her breathing grew even more rapid.

  Damián's hands reached up to tweak the nipple nooses, sending a twinge to her clit.

  "No! Oh!"

  "Silence, Savi. Remember your discipline."

  How could she think about discipline and focus when he tormented her this way? His finger stroked the tiny nubbin, and she nearly came up off the cross. Dark memories threatened like storm clouds on the horizon, but Damián pulled her back into the scene.

so fucking hard for me, little one. Thank you for giving me that sign of your arousal."

  Memories of their time in the beach cave sent her body jerking against his finger. Why hadn't he restrained her waist so that her hips would remain still?


  He bit her tender inner thigh and the pain shot into her pussy. "Did I ask you a direct question?"

  Shit. She wasn't supposed to talk.

  His hand moved from her breast to her shaven mound, and he parted her lower folds, sliding his finger inside her slickened hole. Another finger followed. His thumb stroked her clit and she fought her restraints, trying to break free of these intense sensations. Her enlarged nipples felt as if they were being strangled by the nooses.

  "Too tight."

  "No, bebé. Just right."

  "No, no! Guacamole! The nooses are too tight!"

  Damián stood up and released first one, then the other. Oh, God! As the blood rushed back into her nipples, she screamed in pain. Immediately, Damián's hand went to work on her clit and pussy again. He was killing her. She needed him to stop before…

  "Come for me, Savita."

  She felt as if she was hanging on the edge, but couldn't make it over. Savi groaned in frustration. "I can't! Please, Sir. Don't ask me to do that." She hated the thought of disappointing him, but knew she'd be even more disappointed in herself if she didn't relax that final tether holding her back.

  He worked his thumb on her clit. She groaned. Her pussy became even fuller when he added a third finger. Pain. Too tight.

  Let go!

  His finger movements sped up. Suddenly a dam burst inside her.

  "Don't stop! Oh, Sir, please don't stop!"

  A scream echoed through her mind, and she realized it was her own echoing throughout the room. Her pelvis bucked between his thumb and fingers.

  "Give it all to me, querida. Don't hold anything back."

  "I won't. I can't. Oh, God. Damián!"

  "Come, Savannah. Now."

  She convulsed against the restraints, her hips pivoting up and down as she rode Damián's hand. "Damián! Don't stop! Oh, my God! I'm coming!"

  She exploded for him. Oh, dear lord. There really were stars bursting in her head!

  * * *

  Damián came close to exploding with her—emotionally, if not physically. Jesús, he'd never wanted a woman to come for him as badly as he'd wanted this from Savi. Experiencing Dom space with her was better than reaching his own release.

  Her pussy walls clenched around his fingers, squeezing him like a vise. He wished he'd been able to bury his dick inside her, and he hoped that someday she would let him inside her once more.

  Her moans as he continued to stroke her overly sensitive clit told him she'd had enough. Before she'd completely come back to earth, he needed to look at the mark that had defined her sexually for so many years. Damián parted her folds and looked at the brand.

  GG. Two letters. Two fucking letters had made her feel as if she was dirty, some man's filthy whore.

  If he'd been alone, he'd have pounded his fist through a wall, but a Dom or Top never lost control of his emotions in a scene. When he met up with the bastard who had done this to his own daughter—and Damián knew that day would come sooner rather than later—Damián would unleash his beast.

  In this moment, though, Damián remained in control of himself and this scene. He needed to help Savi put this trauma behind her. He lowered his face to her pussy once more and pressed his lips on the ugly brand. GG. He didn't know what the letters stood for—the second maybe for Gentry, her last name. Had the arrogant bastard branded her as his property with his initials?

  From this day forward, they would stand for something good. When Damián heard a sob tear from her throat, he pulled his fingers out of her pussy hole and met Savi's gaze.

  "Savita, I'm claiming this brand, too. From now on, this is my brand on you. You are my good girl. Just like the brand, those words won't hold any negative connotation from the past for you." He bent and kissed the brand again. "This is now my marking on my good girl's pussy. ¿Comprende?"

  She choked on another sob, but nodded her head, keeping her focus on him despite her distress. "Good girl." Damián stood on shaky legs and released both of the ankle cuffs; he walked around her legs and leaned over her face.

  "Mine, Savita."

  Tears fell from her eyes, but she nodded and gave a tremulous smile. He bent to kiss her lips. Then he kissed away the tears on the side of her face. "Close your eyes a minute and rest."

  He moved to the upper portion of the horizontal cross and unlatched the wrist cuffs, and began massaging her arms. The scene had progressed faster than he'd expected. He needed to get her into aftercare as quickly as possible, to process the scene.

  Her muscles began to relax and he moved her arms down to cross over her belly. He massaged her calves and thighs, careful of the welts he'd placed there last night. When she sighed, he walked up to her head and stroked her face from her cheek to her chin.

  "Can you stand up?"

  She nodded, and Damián helped her to sit up and lowered the hinge on the cross. When she stood, Savi teetered a bit. He scooped her tiny body into his arms, ignoring the strain on his leg, and carried her to the overstuffed loveseat in the corner. He hated that he couldn't sit down while holding her in his arms, but had to set her on her shaky feet first. Having them both sprawled on the floor if he lost his balance would only accentuate how weak his leg had become—and get her hurt in the process. He'd put pride aside and just take care of her the best he could.

  He reached for a blanket from the nearby basket and wrapped it around her shivering body. Grabbing one of two bottles of water he'd placed on the coffee table earlier, he sat down and placed it beside him.

  He patted tot top of his thigh. "Come. Sit, Savita."

  She crawled into his lap and he held her head against her shoulder as she continued to sob quietly.

  "Shhh. You are so perfect, bebé. Thank you for giving your body and your orgasm to me. They are precious gifts I'll honor and cherish always." He knew this relationship wasn't about forever, but continued to wish it could be.

  She choked and pulled away, sitting up and searching deep into his eyes. Her tear-stained cheeks tore at his gut. Did she regret what had happened? Was she crying because of her intense release, or because he'd seen the brand?

  She cupped his cheek and brushed the pad of her thumb across his lips. "I should be the one saying thank you, but any words I might come up with would sound really lame right now. That was so…incredibly moving." She smiled. "And I don't mean the earth-moving part. Thank you for accepting me as I am."

  Damián relaxed as her words fed something that had been starving deep inside him for a very long time.

  "Savi, when I showed you my stump, you didn't hesitate to accept that as a part of me. Your kissing it was no different than my kissing and accepting you and your wound. We're both wounded warriors. You just engaged your enemy on the home front." She'd had to battle a traitor within her own fucking home.

  Something Dad and Damián's contacts at the Wounded Warrior Project had been trying to drum into his head for years suddenly became clear. When he looked at Savi, he saw a strong warrior. She may have been wounded by what she'd been through, but she hadn't given up the fight to survive.

  He reached up and stroked her cheek. He'd never call Savi broken. So, why did he think it was acceptable to think of himself that way?

  "Savi, we may be wounded, but we're not broken."

  A sadness came over her. "So, where do we go from here?"

  Madre de Dios, he had no fucking clue. Maybe a change of subject until he had time to formulate a new plan.

  "Let's talk about that orgasm. It's been a while since a man has given you one, rather than taking one, hasn't it?" Oh, yeah. Fucking idiot. This wasn't about him claiming bragging rights.

  She nodded and smiled, making him feel less of a moron.

  "First time sinc
e a handsome young man rescued me from a tower in an evil man's castle and took me away on his Harley to a secluded beach cave."

  Was she fucking serious?

  She grinned and rolled her eyes. That was more than eight years ago. How could anyone go that long without…

  "Damián, I think, deep down, I never wanted anyone else to touch me," she said by way of explanation. "You were special and set the bar too high for anyone else. Then, by the time I found you again, I'd been shut down for so long, it was easier to just keep the lid closed tight on that part of me."

  Damián felt something break around his heart, as surely as if a hammer and chisel had been taken to the layers of concrete he'd placed around it to protect himself from the pain of so much suffering.

  "You honor me, querida, by allowing me to be the one to help you rediscover that part of yourself, both last night when you pleasured yourself, and tonight, when you allowed me to bring you pleasure. But the gratitude is all mine. Thank you for entrusting me with your body."

  A tremor ran through her, and he pulled her against him again. He tucked the blanket over her shoulders and pulled her tightly against his chest, afraid he might wake up any minute and she would disappear from him, yet again.

  He opened the bottle and handed her the water. "Drink this." Like his good girl, she did as he'd instructed, then laid her head on his shoulder once more.

  "You just rest now, little one." Holding her in his arms like this, he felt like Victor must feel when he held Patti after an intense session. Damián had only served as a Top to anyone in the community; never a Dom to his sub. Starting today, he wanted to be much more than a Top to Savi, but she wasn't ready for that. Baby steps, like the ones Dad had taken with Damián as he'd helped him cope with his PTSD and other issues after Fallujah.

  Savi had let down her defenses in the most personal way today, though. He wished he was half as brave as she was. She'd come to him fragile and wounded, but she allowed him to break down so many walls that had held her a prisoner all these years.


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