Hidden Hearts: A M/M MPreg Non-Shifter Romance (Snow Falls Omegas Book 3)

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Hidden Hearts: A M/M MPreg Non-Shifter Romance (Snow Falls Omegas Book 3) Page 8

by Esme Beal

“Here we are,” I said.

  We smiled at one another. Uriah had a way of making me feel so comfortable that I felt like I could tell him anything.

  “What about you?” I said. “Did you grow up in Snow Falls?”

  “No. I’m from the east. Place called North Peaks. That’s where I was born and raised. My parents are still there. All of my friends, too.”

  “What made you decide to come to Snow Falls?”

  “When I finished at the academy, there were openings. I wanted to go to a place I could make a difference. I looked at the numbers and statistics.”

  “And you saw that Snow Falls has the worst crime rate?”

  I smiled at him but he just shook his head.

  “There are worse cities than Snow Falls,” he said. “I didn’t come here trying to be a hero. I came here because I know it’s a good city. It’s got its fair share of problems but what town doesn’t? I figured I could really make a difference here.”

  “I’m glad you decided to come here.”

  He was smiling but it was mostly hidden behind another piece of chicken. I turned my attention back to my own food and searched for something else to get to know him better.

  “What about you?” he asked.

  “What about me?”

  “You’re from Snow Falls. What’s that like?”

  “Not just Snow Falls. Just the West Bay. Not that interesting.”

  “I’m sure it’s interesting enough. I can’t imagine that your life was boring.”

  “Boring… I would’ve taken boring for most of what I got. My brother and I bounced around because we were a couple of orphans. One shelter to the next. Never found guardians who cared about us. We even lived on the street for a bit. But we made it.”


  There was a look on Uriah’s face that I’d never seen before. He almost looked hurt.

  “…I know you’ve been through a lot,” he said. “I won’t say that I’m glad that you’ve gone through what you did. But you’re here now. All of that made you into the person you are today. You should be proud of who you are.”

  I couldn’t help but smile back at him. His hardened exterior was just that. Every moment I looked into his eyes, I saw a man who seemed like he actually cared about me.

  “I know,” I said with a nod. “My brother and I don’t regret a single thing. Sometimes life has other plans for you. There’s no point in complaining about it. You just take it and move on.”

  “That’s a good way to look at things.”

  I helped myself to another serving of chicken. I’d lost count of how many pieces I had but my stomach still growled with hunger.

  “Speaking of your brother,” he said. “Cade… When am I going to meet him?”

  Uriah reminded me of everything that stressed me at the moment. I had no idea what Cade was up to and it only made me more anxious.

  Think, Bryce…

  I had to figure out a way to stall this. A way to keep the two of them away from each other for as long as I could.

  “My brother would never judge me for who I am or anything I’ve done,” I said. “When I told him I had a one-night stand with a man and he impregnated me, he only teased me a little bit. But he was happy for me. He smiled at me in a way that I knew he was telling the truth.”

  “Cade sounds like a good man.”

  “He is. He might be a little rough around the edges. Most Alphas in these parts are. But I know he’s always doing the right thing.”

  “Bryce… Why are you telling me this?”

  “I’m telling you because you’re not meeting him because he’s a bad person or he’s going to judge you. I’m just… I’m still embarrassed about introducing a man I only just met to my brother when I barely know him myself.”

  “I see… I think I understand what you’re saying. Truth be told, I haven’t told anybody yet either. I don’t have anybody to tell, but I don’t imagine that I would.”

  “I know we didn’t have much control over what happened. But we do have control over what happens now. I think it’d be nice if we just relaxed and got to know each other. Then we can go from there. That wouldn’t be so bad, would it?”

  The smile slowly curled onto his lips. With it came some of the relief I was looking for. I knew that Cade and Uriah would eventually run into each other. There was no stopping it. I just had to make sure they didn’t do anything when it did happen.

  “All right,” Uriah said with a nod. “You know a bit about me. What else do you want to know?”

  “I don’t know,” I said with a shrug. “I think everything else will come with time. But there is something I’m curious about.”

  “What’s that?”

  “How is your investigation going?”

  He arched an eyebrow at me and I immediately realized why he was so suspicious.

  “I’m not trying to be nosy,” I said. “You won’t blame me for being a bit concerned for you, considering how big of a deal this is. I-I really do just want to make sure you’re safe.”

  “…I appreciate your concern, Bryce. There’s nothing for you to be worried about though. The investigation is coming along fine. More of the police department are looking into it. They’re starting to question more people. It’ll take some time but we’ll get the answers we need to.”

  “That’s what I figured. You know, I get the feeling that you were always an overachiever. I bet you graduated from the academy at the top of your class.”

  Uriah burst into laughter and shook his head.

  “Is that what you think of me?” he said.

  “Well, I don’t think of you as the type who’s lazy and undisciplined. I can’t imagine you’d make it through the police academy with that kind of attitude.”

  “Right. Well, I wasn’t at the top of my class but I was around there. A lot of capable men came out of that academy. I’m just proud to be doing my part.”

  “Top of the class or not, it’s still impressive either way.”

  “What’s real impressive is this chicken…”

  He took another chunk between his teeth and chewed on it with a satisfaction that couldn’t be faked.

  “…This is good,” he said with a smile. “You should think about opening up your own place.”

  “Now that’s funny,” I said. “I don’t think I could open a restaurant.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because cooking for everybody is different. I wouldn’t be as into it. Cooking for you… It’s special… You’re…”

  Uriah stared at me, his eyes slightly narrowed when I hesitated.

  “…You’re my Alpha.”

  Saying it made me realize just how important Uriah was to me.

  “And you’re my Omega. I’m lucky. Having meals like this on a regular basis. I could get used to it.”

  “I never pictured myself cooking dinner for an Alpha but now that it’s here… I think I could get used to it, too.”

  Uriah took another piece of chicken. With plenty of food still left on the table, the evening was only just getting started. I wanted to get to know Uriah even better and I was sure he felt the same way. We had the whole night to figure each other out.

  Chapter 12


  “You can have a little something to drink, can’t you?”

  I poured some red wine into Uriah’s glass. He looked at it then up at me.

  “Well, since you’re already pouring it, I don’t really have a choice now, do I?”

  He let out a sigh and smiled at me.

  “Unless you plan on heading back out there. I never know what a man like you could be up to.”

  “No… I’m not going anywhere.”

  He picked his glass up and took a sip. I leaned forward across the table and rested my chin in my hand.

  “What are you doing?” he said, an eyebrow raised in curiosity.

  “Nothing. I just wanted to watch you drink. How was dinner?”

  “We finished everything o
n the table. I think you know the answer to that.”


  I leaned back in my seat and rubbed my stomach.

  “…It was good, wasn’t it?”

  “You’re starting to get a bit of a bulge there.”

  “I think that’s mostly just the food,” I said with a laugh. “But it’ll only be a few days until there’s a real bulge. You know, male Omega pregnancies only last a month.”

  “One short month…”

  “It all happens so fast. One night you’re meeting a stranger. The next you’re pregnant. And then a month later, you’ve got a baby.”

  “I know the circumstances of how we ended up together aren’t common. I’m sure there are a few people who’d be embarrassed about finding the one they were meant to be with during a one-night stand but I don’t regret a thing.”

  He took another sip of his wine and winked.

  “Me neither,” I said.

  I got up from the dinner table and made the short walk over to my living room. I collapsed on the couch while Uriah followed me.

  “I should probably help you get started on those dishes,” he said.

  “I’ll get to them later. Right now, all I wanna do is just lie back, relax and let this food settle in my stomach.”

  I curled up next to Uriah and rested my head against his chest. I stared out the window of my apartment. There wasn’t much of a view, considering we were only on the second floor. But it was still enough for me to see the peace of the night.

  I closed my eyes and let my thoughts wander. They didn’t wander much though. All I could think about was Cade. I knew he was up to something. Even if he was at Brickstone, there was no doubt he was planning something right after.

  Uriah was on his tail and neither one of them realized it.

  Think, Bryce…

  No matter how hard I tried, there was no answer out of the situation.

  I couldn’t keep this up. I couldn’t keep lying.

  That’s when I realized there was only one answer.

  I slowly sat up in my seat. Uriah was resting peacefully, his arms splayed across the couch and his eyes closed. He looked so calm that I didn’t want to disturb him.

  “What’s wrong?”


  “What’s wrong?” he repeated.

  “Why do you think something is wrong?”

  He slowly opened his eyes. He gave me a tender smile that made me feel better despite what I was about to tell him.

  “I don’t know,” he said. “It’s… It’s just a feeling. It’s a vibe I’m getting. I can’t explain it. I know it sounds silly—”

  “It’s not silly,” I said, shaking my head softly. “You’re right. There is something bothering me.”

  “What is it? You know that you can tell me anything.”


  I looked away from him and sighed.

  This is it.

  “Wait,” he said suddenly.

  I blinked my eyes, unsure that I’d heard him correctly.

  “Don’t tell me,” he said.

  “What? Why?”

  “You wouldn’t keep something from me that would put me in danger, would you?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “Then this is obviously something important to you. Something that means a lot to you.”

  “That’s one way of putting it.”


  He took my hand in his.

  “…I know that we were meant to be together. Destiny. Fate. Something beyond our control. Whatever you call it. But we did only just meet each other. It would be wrong of me to want to know every secret you have, every feeling in your heart.”

  “I know—”

  “Let’s just get to know each other better. Let everything run its course. We’ll always have a bond with our child. For the rest of our lives. There’s no need to rush things.”

  Uriah was giving me every reason not to tell him.


  A voice in my head. My conscience wanted me to tell him that Cade was getting involved with the very same man he was looking for. But my loyalty to my brother had me split.

  I didn’t know what to do.

  Uriah decided to make the decision for me.

  He put his mouth on mine and kissed me softly on the lips. Just a tender kiss was enough to make me forget about everything stressing me.

  “The other night, it was just us giving in to our bodies,” he whispered. “An uncontrollable lust. Tonight, I just want to be with you. Let’s be together, Bryce. Ignore whatever is on your mind. Be here… with me…”

  I couldn’t refuse him. I gave him another kiss then got up from my seat. I looked into his eyes and started with my shirt. I tossed it aside and started undoing my jeans. We had our eyes locked on one another the entire time.

  It wasn’t long before I stood naked before him. I wasn’t ashamed of my bare body, and certainly not my belly swollen with food and our baby. I was more focused on how hard my cock had gotten between my legs.

  Uriah leaned forward and took my length between his lips. The last thing I saw was him staring up at me with my cock in his mouth before I was forced to close my eyes. It felt so good to have his mouth on me that I had to brace myself from the pleasure.

  I reached my hands down and gripped his broad shoulders. I squeezed as hard as I could because he was making my knees buckle so damn much. Deep breaths came out of me as I was forced to deal with the increasing pleasure burning through my body.

  “Do you like that?” he whispered. “Do you like having my mouth on your cock, Bryce?”

  “Y-yeah… I like… I like it…”

  I stuttered embarrassingly. There was no way I could tell him how good it felt.

  And with the amount of fervor Uriah sucked me off with, I knew that he enjoyed it just the same. Loud, sloppy sucks echoed through my apartment living. He gasped with every swallow. Back and forth, he moved so fast on my cock that his rhythm was hard for me to keep up with. He was sucking my cock so hard that I couldn’t hold back if I wanted to. A man desperate for me to come into his mouth was doing everything he could. I had to give the man what he wanted.

  “Uriah… I…”

  “Come in my mouth, Omega… Let me taste you…”


  I groaned softly as my orgasm crashed into me. My knees buckled so hard that I almost fell over. The first pulse of cum fired out of me and splashed onto his tongue. I heard a loud gulp over my moans. I squeezed Uriah’s shoulders to stay on my feet, emptying what little bit of my seed I had between his lips.

  A few more gulps and Uriah had pulled every drop out of me.

  My senses slowly started to return to me. I straightened up with what little strength my climax had left me with. A tinge of sweat covered my skin. My insides felt warm. My heart thumped hard in my chest. All I could do was try to catch my breath though.

  I opened my eyes just in time to see Uriah standing before me. He looked down at me. So close to me, he’d never looked so imposing. He was a few inches taller than me. His muscles made him look that much bigger than I was. And I got to see every inch of those muscles when he took his shirt off. Somehow, he looked even more impressive than the night he impregnated me.

  He kept his eyes on me as he undid his belt. His jeans fell to the floor and a quick tug of his underwear undressed him completely.

  “Sit back,” I said as I gently placed a hand on his chest. “It’s my turn.”

  I couldn’t help a naughty smirk from coming to my lips. Uriah raised an eyebrow at me, unable to fight off his own grin. He collapsed back onto the couch and I straddled him.

  Just the heat from his thick cock was enough to have me dripping. All of the lubricant dripping down my asshole had me ready for him. It was like my whole body was wet with anticipation.

  “I want to ride you,” I whispered. “I want to ride you like you’re my Alpha.”

  “I am your Alpha.”

  “Then let me ride you… Let me ride you until you come…”

  I gripped his shaft and guided him toward my entrance. I pushed his tip inside of me. Feeling my insides stretch for him sent a shudder through my spine. I was so wet that even a man of his size could fit inside of me.

  “Now let me ride you—Ahh!”

  I gasped when he suddenly moved his hips. His cock pushed into me and stretched my walls. Just like that, he was inside of me.

  I reached out and wrapped my hands around the back of his neck. Uriah sank back down into the couch.

  Now it was my turn.

  I tilted my head back and slowly rotated my hips. Up and down. Back and forth. I slowly moved to my own rhythm. His cock rubbed against my wet walls. A slick shaft sliding in and out of me made my own cock swell again.

  Uriah gently took my waist in his grip. He didn’t squeeze me. He didn’t hold me. He just caressed me while I gently bounced up and down on top of him.

  “Do you like it?” I sighed. “Do you like it when I ride you?”

  “You know I do… You know how good it feels…”

  “Yeah… It feels… good…”

  Hearing his voice only made my own desire burn hotter inside of me. His whole body was sweating the same as mine. The smell of an Alpha dripping filled my nostrils and turned me on in a way I couldn’t think.

  I shut my eyes tight and moved even faster on him. I rode him and massaged his cock with my asshole like I was desperate for his cum.

  The couch squeaked underneath us. We both grunted harder and harder. The sound of two men going at it could probably be heard through the thin walls of my apartment but I didn’t care. Nothing could stop me from helping Uriah get to his end.

  “Damn… You’re gonna make me come…”

  “Good,” I sighed. “I want you to come… I want to make you come… I want to make you feel good…”

  “I can’t hold it…”

  “Come, Alpha… Come for me…”

  I kept bouncing up and down on him until he suddenly squeezed my waist. He lifted me off of his cock completely. I reached down and grabbed his shaft, pumping his dick as the first rope of cum fired from his tip.

  It splashed on his hard abs and made a mess. But there was still more cum after that. His cock was so thick and vibrating so hard in my palm. His seed gushed out of him like a fountain.


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