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by Shae Mills

  Chelan finally quit baiting her brother. “Ah... Well, he has much more control. And, ummm, he’s—how shall I say—well, he’s inexhaustible.”

  Will blinked. “You mean he can... participate over and over?”

  Chelan grinned impishly. “If he wants, after an orgasm, he can stay hard, indefinitely.”

  “He stays hard?” Will repeated, his voice rising with astonishment.

  Chelan flooded his face with icy water. “Keep your voice down. He has ears like a bat.”

  Will face broke into a wide smile. “Is it teachable?”

  Chelan frowned. “I think it’s genetic too.”

  Will stared at the ledge. “Bloody hell. They can last all night?”

  Chelan nodded. “Yes, and never worry about pregnancy.”

  Wills eyes snapped up. “You’d better explain that one.”

  “Well, when the men have an orgasm, they don’t ejaculate unless they want to.”

  “He can control that too?!”

  Chelan slapped her hand over his mouth. “What do you want, Will, a demonstration?”

  He grabbed her hand. “If the men can do that, imagine what the women can do. I think I should visit Marri.”

  “Over my dead body,” Chelan squeaked. “Besides, you’re married, remember?”

  Will’s face fell. “Damn.”

  Chelan laughed and then considered the other changes that occurred to the Iceanean men’s bodies during the ultimate bonding, but she could not bear telling William. For that matter, she found their changes almost a bit too alien for her own tastes at times. She shuddered to think what Will would have to say about it. Instead, she tapped him out of his salacious thoughts. “Come on—we’re being unsociable.”

  Will smiled. “Race you!” And they were off in a flurry.

  Spluttering and laughing, they made it to the ledge close together. They looked up at Jason as he stood at pool’s edge, drying himself.

  “Dad says the food is on its way.”

  Chelan treaded water as she looked for Korba, and then uttered a cry of shock as he wound up her alabaster skin, completely encasing her with his warmth. She went to admonish him for scaring her, but her lecture was stifled when his hot mouth pressed to hers. Her eyes flew open and she pushed him away. “We have company, my Lord,” she choked breathlessly.

  Korba smiled devilishly at her and then sank from sight.

  Will chuckled at his crimson sister. “You’re right—they’re not shy.”

  Chelan knew Will only teased. A hug and a stolen kiss was hardly bold. But what Will had not detected was Korba’s willingness to do more. She knew the black-haired Warlord could slide up behind her, sheath himself, and take her while maintaining a calm conversation with her brother floating not a meter away. But unlike Korba, she would not be able to maintain her equilibrium; his brush of hardness against her thigh had reminded her of that poignantly.

  Chelan wiped her hair from her face. “No, they’re not,” she finally uttered. “Actually, their sexual freedom would probably confound the most liberal on our planet.”

  Will’s eyes twinkled. “Maybe I really should talk to Marri.”

  Chelan skimmed her palm across the water, drowning Will’s roguish grin.

  Just then, Korba surfaced behind Chelan again. She swirled around and glared at him. His only response, other than the gleam in his warm eyes, was to reach for the edge of the pool and raise himself out of the water in one graceful motion. He stood and offered his hand to Chelan. “Food’s here,” he announced softly.

  Chelan stretched her hand out to his, and without a hint of strain, he hauled her up beside him as easily as though he had just lifted a damp towel.

  Will knew he was staring again, but he could not help it.

  Finally, Jason sauntered over to him, and deliberately stepped on Will’s fingers with his little foot. Having gained Will’s full attention, rather painfully, the boy smiled. “Need help?”

  Will cleared his throat. “Ah, no, I can manage.” And he hoisted himself out of the water, displaying little of the grace Korba just had.

  Everyone dried themselves quickly and then dressed. Moving to the Command Center, they found a table all decked out with Iceanean finery and delicacies. Marri was back with Shanna, who was gleefully crawling about the Center, seemingly content with covering as much ground as she possibly could. Marri’s azure eyes rose to Korba’s. “My Lord, should I usher in our guest?”

  Korba paused briefly to stare into Chelan’s questioning eyes. “Yes, you may, Marri. Let’s deal with him before we sit to eat.”

  Chelan continued to scrutinize her mate, his eyes piercing, his facial expression taking on an ominous look she recognized right away. “Oh, hell,” she muttered. “What are you up to?”

  Korba’s silence was deafening.

  Chapter 11

  KORBA SIGNED IN BATTLE language, and Marri scooped up Shanna, handing her to Chelan. Then everyone stood very still in anticipation. The main doors parted.

  At first, Chelan could only see a mass of guards out in the corridor. Then two of them stepped into the Command Center, revealing their charge. Chelan froze at the sight of the very pasty man from Earth.

  Will couldn’t believe his eyes. “Jim?” he whispered.

  Jim’s eyes fluttered with recognition. “Will,” he croaked.

  Chelan leaned toward Korba. Through clenched teeth she spoke. “What did you do to him?”

  Korba stood tall and immovable. “Nothing. I think he may be a tad disoriented, though.” The Warlord eventually looked down at Chelan. “As I recall, you did not fare too well in our presence upon your abduction, either.”

  Chelan stood back. “Yes, but he looks positively ghastly. At least I had a head injury as an excuse.”

  Korba shrugged. “Well, he had a lazgun blast to the back. I’m sure that may have adjusted his disposition slightly.”

  Chelan finally moved away from her mate while still holding Shanna securely in her arms. “Jim,” she greeted coolly. “Maybe you would care to sit here with us?”

  Jim’s eyes finally focused on her, and he straightened. “Well, well, we meet again,” he returned, his tone edged with spite.

  Korba’s eyes bit into the man. “I believe the lady offered you an invitation, which I’m not altogether sure you deserve.”

  Jim shuddered involuntarily, the ebony-cloaked devil before him chilling him to the bone. “Yes, sir.”

  “My Lord!” barked one of the guards.

  Jim cringed as if he had been stabbed. “My Lord,” he repeated more forcefully.

  Korba stepped past Chelan and up the stairs toward Jim. “I trust my men have informed you of your location and of the role of this vessel?”

  Jim’s hands clenched at his side. “Yes, my Lord.”

  “Do you understand where you are and who we are?”

  Jim hesitated, glancing at Will as if begging for reassurance. “Yes, my Lord,” he finally uttered.

  “Good. Do you require any further proof?”

  Jim looked deep into Korba’s unearthly eyes. He swallowed hard and peered about the massive Command Center with all its panels and displays. “No, my Lord,” he breathed.

  Korba glanced back at the main screen as an image formed.

  Jim proceeded to become even whiter than Chelan thought possible.

  “Do you know this man?” Korba demanded.

  Chelan looked behind her, her knees nearly buckling. “Dar,” she whispered.

  Will glanced at her, the torment in her eyes riveting him to the spot.

  Jim nodded. “Yes, I knew him as Jason.”

  The tall bearded blonde man was replaced by another image, this one of the Commander Dar. Chelan’s eyes watered, and she clutched Shanna tighter as she sought out her son. Jason was staring at the screen... a proud little smile on his face. She looked back at the picture, Dar’s handsome features, the long silver-blonde hair, his beautiful azure eyes, all beckoning to her as if he were right ther
e with her.

  Korba continued to stare at Jim. “I will refresh your memory. Jason was the Warlord Dar. As Jason, on your world, he protected the Lady Chelan...”—Korba’s voice lowered—“from you,” he added venomously.

  Jim wavered on his feet.

  Korba continued. “Commander Dar was killed in the line of duty. Now the Lady Chelan is in my care. Do you understand?”

  Jim nodded.

  Korba turned away from Jim only to be brought up short by young Jason. “Mom’s crying over my dad.”

  Korba felt his throat tighten as he looked to Chelan, her fawn-like eyes riveted to Dar’s visage. “She’ll be okay,” he whispered. Then he raised the golden-haired boy into his arms. He turned back to Jim, and then stepped up to the man, looming over him.

  Jim resisted the urge to take a step back. Then his eyes locked onto the boy.

  “Jason was your friend, was he not?” Korba asked, his candor somewhat mellowed.

  Jim looked up at him and licked his lips. “Yes, my Lord, one of my best friends.”

  Korba almost smiled. “This is Jason.”

  Jim hesitated with momentary confusion. “Jason?” he finally whispered. Then his eyes rose to the picture of Dar on the screen. The resemblance was beyond refute. He looked back at the boy. “Well, hello, young man. You look just like your dad. I—I knew him well,” he stammered. “Or, I thought I did.”

  Jason tucked into Korba’s chest. “My dad died before my mom had me. Now Korba’s my dad.”

  Jim spoke with trepidation edging in on him. “And who is your mom?”

  Jason’s smile radiated. “The Lady Chelan, of course.”

  Jim’s knees felt weak.

  Chelan, having regained her composure, stepped up to Korba’s side. “And this is Shanna,” she said.

  Jim took a moment to catch his breath as he focused on the raven-haired child. Captivated by her emerald stare, he reached for the little girl’s fingers, but sudden motions from the guards flanking him stayed his touch.

  Chelan felt Korba stiffen the same instant the guards did, but no one moved further, and no weapons were drawn.

  Jim cleared his throat. “She’s beautiful, Chel,” he whispered with genuine adoration, his first smile breaking across his grim face.

  Shanna’s blue-green eyes searched his, and then she giggled.

  Jim chuckled and then sobered. His eyes snapped to Korba. “Yours, my Lord?”

  Korba simply nodded.

  Now it was Marri’s turn to speak. “I can take the children if you wish, Sire.”

  Korba glanced at her. “That would be best.”

  Jason squirmed in his arms and voiced his protest. “But the picnic!”

  Korba smiled at him and kissed him warmly. “Yes, well, a slight change of plans. Auntie Marri now has one arranged for you in the suite with a whole group of your friends.”

  Jason bubbled with glee and then wriggled free of the Emperor’s grasp. Without further ado, Marri took the children and ushered them out.

  The doors shut and Korba signed to the guards to stand down. Then he stepped to the side and gestured toward the table. “You may join us,” he stated.

  Jim nodded and took his first few uneasy steps, unescorted by guards, within Korba’s domain. But before he could reach the table, William barred his path, hackles raised. “What does Korba mean, Dar protected my sister from you?”

  Jim groaned. “I don’t want to get into this with you, Will. Things are bad enough.”

  Jim took another step, but Will shoved him back. “What did you do to my sister?”

  Jim clamped his jaw tight. “It’s actually none of your damn business,” he growled.

  But before Will could continue his line of questioning, Korba intervened. “It would seem that Jim took a fancy to your sister. In the process, he attempted to take from her what she did not wish to give.”

  Korba was about to expand on his short explanation when he was interrupted by the resounding crack of Will’s fist connecting squarely with Jim’s jaw. Jim hit the floor with a thud, and did not even twitch.

  Chelan gasped.

  Korba’s brows raised. “Well done,” he offered with genuine delight.

  Chelan turned and glared up at Korba. “You’re congratulating him? That was a bit barbaric.”

  Korba smirked. “No, that was minor justice. If not for your Earth sensibilities, I would have preferred to break his neck. But in your presence, and under the circumstances, this will do quite nicely.”

  Chelan turned back to Will. “You feel better?” she asked, exasperated.

  Will’s face erupted into a full-blown smile as he rubbed his aching knuckles. “Yes, actually, I do.”

  Chelan crossed her arms indignantly. “Men!”

  Korba’s eyes widened. “If memory serves me correctly, my Lady, did you not try to skewer him at one time for his inflicted injustices?”

  Chelan instantly reddened. “I was angry and scared,” she said in her own defense.

  “Well, Will’s angry now.”

  Chelan looked up at her brother. But his smile was gone, concern now etched on his features. “Did he hurt you, sis?”

  “He tried,” she whispered. “It was long ago and I don’t wish to speak of it, if you don’t mind.”

  Korba stepped around Chelan and walked up to Jim’s prostrate body. “He tried to rape her, twice. Dar intervened both times.”

  Will’s jaw was clenched in a hard line. “I’m sorry, Chel. I always thought better of him. I would have never suggested you go to him if I’d known what he was capable of.”

  “None of us knew, Will. The whole family thought he was the picture of perfection.”

  Korba hoisted the near-lifeless form into a chair. With a couple of crisp slaps to the face, Jim began to come around.

  Jim winced and rubbed at his sore jaw. “Damn,” he mumbled.

  Korba released him. “Now that everyone has probably lost their appetite, shall we sit?”

  Will squared his shoulders. “Well, I for one am quite looking forward to this feast. I think between the cold-water swim and the shot of adrenalin that just coursed through me, I’m quite famished!”

  Korba sat at one end of the table, with Will and Chelan pulling up chairs at the sides. All eyes moved to Jim as he finally straightened himself. “Jesus, Will, where did you learn to punch like that?”

  “Where did you learn to rape?”

  Jim moaned. “Fuck, Will, leave it alone.”

  “Watch your language,” Korba rumbled.

  Jim glanced at the Warlord, the displeasure on the giant man’s features plain to see.

  Will watched as the two men squared off, wondering if there was about to be more action, and actually hoping the Warlord would extract a little more justice. But Jim wisely slumped down into his chair, defusing all.

  Korba then reached for some food and served himself, urging Will to do the same. Will dived into the food with a fever.

  Chelan picked at a few things, her eyes never leaving her mate.

  Jim remained still, his gaze on his empty plate. Finally, he dared to look back to Korba. “My Lord?”

  Everyone stopped eating. Korba nodded.

  Jim cleared his throat. “May I ask you what you intend to do with me?”

  Korba sat back, taking his time to answer. “In my world, even attempted rape is met with the sentence of death.” He drew in a deep breath. “It’s obvious that Dar commuted that sentence years ago, although why he never carried it out in the end I’ll never fully understand. I’m now the ruler of the known galaxy because of a similar incident perpetrated by the last Emperor.” Korba’s voice lowered to a growl infused with threat. “That man died by my order. He died by my hand.”

  Chelan chewed nervously at her lip. She knew Korba was leaving out the details for her sake. She had never told Will that Ticees had raped her, and she was relieved that Korba had chosen to respect her decision. But she was not so sure Jim was going to survive much longe
r. The anger held at bay by Korba’s masterful control was close to being unleashed. In fact, she knew that if not for her presence, Jim’s continuance in the land of the living would have already been extinguished.

  Jim squirmed. “And so, my Lord, am I to die by your hand?”

  Chelan had to swallow the groan in her throat. Obviously, the man had no idea how close to death he already was. He needn’t ask.

  Korba seemed to ponder the idea long and hard. “No, But I do think it’s time you learned a few lessons.”

  Everyone stared at the Warlord as if he had gone mad. Korba ignored them and stood to press a button at the console.

  The main doors parted and Chelan was first to leap to her feet. “Lena!” she gasped.

  The warrior bowed. “My Lady, my Lord.”

  Korba looked at his captive. “Jim, this is Lena. She and a few other members of the crew will be your... instructors. When you have learned all that they have to teach you, you will be returned to Earth, hopefully a changed man.”

  Jim could only stare at Korba. “How long will I be here?”

  “However long it takes. If you’re a slow learner, I would predict your stay could be quite protracted.”

  Chelan nearly choked. She cleared her throat and looked over to Korba. “Surely, you can’t be serious. I mean, I don’t want him dead, necessarily, but why would you indulge him indefinitely?”

  “Oh, he will not be indulged. But he will stay here until he learns how to be a man. And with what Lena has planned, I expect a very short learning curve.”

  Chelan glanced at Lena, the grinning warrior making even her radically more uneasy. The woman looked like a panther about to pounce on a chunk of raw meat. Then Chelan peered back at her mate. “You have been planning all this for a while?”

  He nodded. “Ever since we decided to make the voyage here.”

  “Ohhh...” was all Chelan could manage.

  Korba nodded to the guards and they moved to Jim. The man of Earth rose up slowly as only a condemned man would. And within moments he was whisked away.

  Chelan watched the doors close. Then she whirled around to face Korba. “What’s going to happen to him?”

  “As I said, he will learn some lessons. Most specifically, he will learn how to treat a woman.”


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