Home > Other > RESURRECTION (RIBUS 7, #5) > Page 41

by Shae Mills

  “He was bound to those people as their provider and protector. With us in charge, he need not fulfill that role anymore. Besides, serving the Empire is no whim.”

  “But years have gone by. He is also bound to them by his heart.”

  “And that tie is stronger than the ties he had for decades to the Empire, and to you?”

  Chelan opened her mouth to speak, but no words would form.

  “And the second flaw in your argument is, once he steps foot on RIBUS 1, no matter what you say to me now, he will glide right back into your heart.”

  Chelan sighed and ran her hands through her hair. “I think you underestimate my love for you.”

  “I think you underestimate your love for Fremma, and his for you. You know what name he chose for himself, and you know exactly why.”

  “Can we not go through this now? You just told me you grant me full access to him once again, and I just told you I will not go there. We both understand there are unknowns, so can we just drop it for now? I do not even know why you brought this up.”

  Korba’s lip quirked, a touch of mischief in his eyes. “Because, my Lady, as with military maneuvers, I never like to be blindsided. And, if you have not noticed over the years, I enjoy having complete control over everything. This is a situation where, at the moment, I am at a bit of a disadvantage. I—”

  Chelan leapt at him and kissed him passionately, smothering his words. She thoroughly ravished his mouth with hers, and then she stepped back from him. “Now, shut the hell up and let us get going to wherever we are going. I have had enough of this rock pile, and I want out.”

  Korba smiled deviously. “You kiss me like that again and I will take you right here on this rock pile in front of my men.”

  Chelan actually pondered kissing him again in spite of his threat, and then gave her head a shake. “May we please go?”

  SHORTLY THEY WERE IN a fighter, and within a breath they were back at Flek’s encampment. Children ran toward the fighter when it landed. As Chelan and Korba descended, they were surrounded by bright eyes and enthusiastic faces. Chelan beamed. She wanted to hug them all, but both her attention and Korba’s were caught by the approach of more people.

  Flek was followed by a huge group of adults who looked like they had just returned from some great adventure, all excited to greet the Emperor and his mate. Flek called out. “My Lord! It is so good to have you back!”

  Korba nodded. “It is good to be back. I trust all is well?”

  Flek waded through the children, shooing them back gently as he approached. “Oh yes, my Lord. There have been countless shipments of supplies since you were last here. We are simply overwhelmed with gratitude.”

  Korba nodded to the people. “Well, I suspect that under Imperial rule, your life has just changed dramatically, and hopefully exclusively for the better.”

  Everyone became suddenly silent, and then all of the people sank to their knees before them. Korba took a moment to absorb the unexpected show of respect. “That is not necessary,” he informed them softly. “Please rise.”

  Flek got to his feet before the Warlord. “Sire, my people have been sitting with your men as Yanis has recounted the events of the past several years. All I can say is, thank the stars you prevailed.”

  Korba smiled. “Thank you, my good man. No one is more grateful than me. And speaking of Yanis, maybe you could point my Lady and myself in his direction?”

  “Oh yes, Sire. He is with Droth... uh... Fremma, in his home.” And Flek led the way, the group of onlookers parting like a small undulating wave as Chelan and Korba followed in his wake.

  They walked through much of the encampment, and then up a small slope where there was a large structure made of both wood and stone. Flek turned to them. “They are right inside, my Lord. I shall leave you to your men.”

  Korba nodded and stepped up to the door, Chelan right beside him. Korba looked at her. “Ready?” he asked.

  She smiled. “More than ready.”

  He took her by the hand and then he simply entered the home.

  Yanis jumped to his feet. “My Lord, my Lady! It is so good to have you back.”

  Chelan’s eyes instantly met Fremma’s. The man was reclining on what looked like a stack of furs. Then she watched as Annya instinctively burrowed into her husband’s side, her gaze once again cast downward.

  Fremma gave Annya a reassuring hug and rose to his feet gracefully, drawing her up with him. He smiled at Korba. “I hear all went well.”

  “It did, with some last-minute adjustments made to the general plan. The mission is complete.”

  Fremma chuckled. “Negotiations broke down, I was informed.”

  Korba shrugged. “No, actually. We simply never got to them.”

  A rumble of laughter when through the room. “Always a Warlord first,” Fremma mused.

  “In truth, my Lady here discovered a deep flaw in my plans—one we shall have to be wary of in the future.”

  Fremma’s brows rose. “Yes, early intelligence informed me of our Lady’s shrewd insight. I am impressed, as I have always been.”

  Chelan smiled. “Well, it all worked out for the best—for us, of course. I doubt the Troke would concur.”

  Fremma nodded, but then his smile faltered. He stepped away from Annya and stared intently at the Empress. His features became grim, his jaw tight. Chelan could feel the distress ooze from Fremma’s pores, and she stiffened.

  “My Lady, I have been listening to Yanis around the clock for three days now, and... and I am at a loss for words.”

  Chelan instantly felt her throat constrict. “We all suffered.”

  Fremma went to take a step toward her and then reconsidered his move. “We all did. That is true. But we are all hardened warriors. You are not.”

  Chelan forced a small smile. “All has been righted. I survived. All of us here now did.”

  Fremma could no longer help himself. He knew all eyes were upon him, but for a moment he shut the world out. He stepped up to her and touched her face. “I failed you, my Lady, in the most grievous of manners.”

  Chelan had to fight back unexpected tears. She shook her head. “No one failed me, my gentle warrior.” The minute she spoke her words of endearment, she looked down and squeezed her eyes tight, her heart clenching, but she knew not if her sorrow was for herself or for Annya.

  His touch remained on her flesh, until finally, she looked up at him. “Korba has righted all the wrongs done to me, and by having found you, alive and well, one more terrible wrong has been corrected. I could ask for no more.”

  Fremma watched as a tear dropped from her fawn-like eyes onto his hand, and he was spellbound. He wanted to taste the small gift upon him, but he knew he could not. He retracted his hand and took a step back, the need to distance himself from her suddenly imperative. Then he returned to Annya’s side, where he paused. “All I ask for in the future, sometime, is that you forgive me for my failure.”

  Chelan shook her head. “There is no need for me to forgive anyone. No one did anything wrong. The only thing I could never have forgiven you for, if it had occurred, was the act you were willing to commit before Yanis talked you out of it. If you had remained behind to die with RIBUS 7, for that, sir, I would have never forgiven you.”

  Fremma took some time to absorb her words. Then he cleared his throat of the emotion that had lodged there. “I owe you everything, my Lady.”

  “You owe me nothing. All I want from you—for you—is your happiness.”

  He glanced at Annya and then to the floor before him. Taking a moment to collect himself, he eventually looked at Korba. A silent understanding surged between them, and Korba nodded imperceptibly, silently granting Fremma complete freedom, in whatever form that freedom might take in the future.

  Fremma finally smiled. “Well, it seems we have been well stocked with enough Iceanean food for the foreseeable future, much of it right here in front of us. So shall we sit? I am sure there is a lot more to discus
s.” And they all sat down.

  Korba kept a keen eye on Annya as Fremma pointed out the different foodstuffs to her, explaining what everything was. Chelan was also watching carefully, noting that Annya was definitely not comfortable with her new guests.

  Yanis open several bottles of liqueur and poured everyone a drink. When everyone was settled with plates full, Korba nodded to Fremma. “I do not mean to push things along here, but tomorrow or the next day at the latest, I would like to get RIBUS 1 on her way. Undoubtedly Yanis told you why we came here originally?”

  Fremma straightened. “He did. I am afraid I have no other information or insight to add to the mystery on RIBUS 7. Knowing that Talon exploited the Zenatropium for shielding against sensors indicates to me that it could easily be a Talon loyalist who has decided to make RIBUS 7 his or her home for the duration. Why else hide out there? Anyone of the Empire like myself, who had the means to get home, would do so.”

  Korba nodded. “You are quite likely right. Undoubtedly there are still Talon supporters out there, and we will be forever hunting down the last of the stragglers.”

  Yanis cleared his throat. “Did the Troke open up to our officers before the final solution?”

  Korba swallowed his food. “They coughed up some of their records, but from what little I have been told, they were not very good at keeping track of things, and the outlying planets were even worse.”

  Fremma spoke. “I do not think it was entirely the case that the Troke did not want to keep proper accounting of their transactions, but often people like Talon simply came in here and took what they wanted. Keeping track of inventory in those situations would have been an impossible task.”

  Korba nodded. “During your time here, you have seen other such dealings?”

  “Not personally, but I have heard of it happening.” Fremma took a moment to watch his words carefully in front of Annya. “The people here are technologically deprived, and others think nothing of exploiting that. Despite our dislike of the Troke, their hostile attitude was cultivated over the centuries by being repeatedly plundered.”

  “Well, no matter what the cause of the abysmal record keeping, it does make our task more difficult,” Korba added.

  Yanis reached for his glass. “It is quite likely that our guests departed RIBUS 7 long ago anyway.”

  Korba shook his head. “I would not be too quick to adopt that conclusion. Why would they go to such great lengths to do what they did, and then just pack up and leave?”

  Chelan looked around the room. “You saw the Command Center and everything else, how well it was all maintained. I suspect whoever it was fled as we came in.”

  Korba nodded. “I agree. With the Command Center functional, they would have seen us coming long before we were onsite. The question is, therefore, are they a threat in any way if they return?”

  Fremma handed Annya a small Iceanean sweet and then looked at Korba. “I doubt they would be. Anyway, with the amount of firepower surrounding RIBUS 7 right now, they would be foolish to try anything.”

  Korba glanced at Chelan and then back at all the food. “Regardless... I am none too happy to have renegades modifying my ship.”

  Fremma smiled. “Whose ship?”

  Everyone laughed, and then Korba stared at the man. “This is actually the crux of the situation I wanted to get to right away,” he said, and he glanced at Annya. Korba took a deep breath and looked back at his warrior. “Fremma, you have a place within the Empire, and, simply expressed, I want you back. There is no sense dodging the matter. So, there it is.”

  Annya’s eyes betrayed her fear, and she burrowed into Fremma once again. He reached for her hands and held them tight. Then he looked at Korba. “I spoke of it last night with Flek and some of the elders. And I discussed it thoroughly with Annya.” He looked at her and smiled. Then he glanced at Chelan and he became very still. “All things considered, my Lord, my Lady, I will stay here. I will help the people integrate into the Empire while remaining with my new family.”

  Chelan smiled, but at the same time her throat unexpectedly burned.

  Korba was stunned. He too glanced at Chelan, knowing full well the blow just delivered. Then he addressed Fremma. “You seem resolute.”

  “I am, my Lord. I have found a new purpose here, and a new love.” He tried to smile, but he was having trouble. He could see in Chelan what the others may have missed: her disappointment. But he was a different man now, and he had a new life, a life that was not with the Empire.

  Korba glanced at Yanis, who was just as flummoxed. Finally, the Emperor stood. “Well then, that concludes all of what I needed to know. My Lady and I shall retire for the night. Come the morrow, I suspect we will be gone from Rake unless any problems arise overnight.”

  Fremma rose. He locked forearms with the Emperor. “I will see you off in the morning. And I cannot tell you what it means to me and everyone here, what you are doing for us.”

  Korba nodded and then looked down at Annya. “It was a pleasure to meet you also, Annya. I hope we did not distress you too much in the beginning.”

  The young woman pushed to her feet. “All has turned out for the best, my Lord,” she uttered meekly. She fidgeted a bit and then looked at Chelan. “And thank you both, for not taking him away from me.”

  Chelan went to speak, but Korba didn’t wait for any more pleasantries to be voiced. He simply nodded and then escorted Chelan quickly out of the domicile and into the night air.

  Yanis raced after them. He stepped in front of Korba. “Are you out of your mind?! You are just going to leave him here?”

  Korba frowned and started walking again. “What do you suggest I do, bind and gag him, and force him into service?”

  “Why, yes, if necessary! He is still an Imperial warrior, and one of the best.”

  Korba stopped. “He is also a dear friend, long dead to the Empire. I will not force him to fight when his heart is no longer in it.”

  Yanis was exasperated. “How can his heart not be in it? He is like all of us, born and bred to the sword.”

  “Let it go, Yanis. He will live out his life here with his lady doing our bidding anyway. He will still be serving us, just not as a Warlord.” And Korba led Chelan away through the dark and to their shelter, leaving Yanis behind, mouth agape.

  Korba began shedding weapons as Chelan stood motionless, watching him. “Well,” she said, “I do not think either of us saw that coming.”

  Korba stopped what he was doing. “I am hoping that by tomorrow morning he will come to his senses.”

  Chelan sat down heavily on the bed. “I fear he will not.”

  Korba sat beside her. “Why do you say that?”

  “Fremma is different from all of you; he always has been. Though just as fierce on the battlefield, he has a softer side.” She raised her eyes to Korba’s. “He is now loyal and faithful to Annya, a woman who can be by his side both his nights and his days. He will not jeopardize that by being in my company.”

  “If you think that that is what is holding him back, then tell him what you have told me, that there is no longer the sexual tie that once bound the two of you. Make him understand that.”

  “I could. But you know that the bond between him and me is much more than that. And as I watched the two of them, there was a hesitation about him that...”

  “That what?”

  “Well, because he was the first man that ever...” Chelan paused, warm memories washing over her. She looked deep into Korba’s eyes, half expecting to see him upset, but she saw only love. “Even after all these years, he feels a pull, as do I. He will not chance it. Even if I strictly forbade a sexual relationship, we are still bound by very powerful emotions. He guided me through a myriad of wonderous first experiences, and what we shared during those times will never be forgotten or diminished in any way. We always will be forever entwined by that, our connection forever engraved within our souls.”

  Korba glanced away. Then he stood and took off his shr
oud. “If he were to regain all his strength, go back into training, he could command his own ship once again. He need not even set eyes on you from one year to the next.”

  Chelan smiled. “I am always by your side. He is your dear friend. Do you really think that would be the case?”

  Korba smiled back at her. “I can dream just like anyone else. The bottom line is I want him to return. But I also want him happy, and I do not want him conflicted. However, how all that gets managed is not up to me, but up to him. I will not order him to do anything. I suspect the path he chooses will be more or less out of our hands for now.”

  He stared at her for a long time as if taking the time to absorb all that she was. Finally, he spoke once again. “Let’s get ready for bed. We leave in a couple of short hours, and we both need rest.”

  CHELAN THOUGHT THEY had only just gotten to sleep when she felt Korba slip from her. The sleeping pod was pitch black, her eyes useless. “Why are you up?”

  “Just overseeing the final preparations for our departure, and I want to go over the reports from Terig thus far. He has been overseeing the preliminary organization of the resumption of mining. You should go back to sleep. I will come back for you when we are ready.”

  Chelan sank back into the covers, feeling a blast of cold night air as he left, but she could not sleep. Excitement over seeing her children again eclipsed all, and finally, she too slipped out of the bed. Finding a lighting orb, she dressed and then stepped out into the brisk night.

  Rake was a moonless planet, and if it had not been for the dying glow of a fire not so far away, she would not have been able to see a thing. But despite her visual handicap, she knew there were men all around her and that her immediate security was quite likely only a few meters away.

  She glanced at the soft red of the embers and carefully picked her way toward them. The smell of the gently burning wood filled her nostrils, and the quiet crackles infused her heart with nostalgic memories from her childhood. She hugged herself and smiled.


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