Home > Other > RESURRECTION (RIBUS 7, #5) > Page 58

by Shae Mills

  Korba nodded. “We were masters of both domains.”

  “Too bad you were not marooned on that ship with me.”

  Korba turned to him. “Why is that?”

  “Imagine the discussions on this topic we could have had! You went from being infamous throughout the galaxy for your sexual appetites, despite our easy mores, to being completely celibate, a decision no one to this day understands, except possibly me.”

  Korba was quiet for a time. “You are no doubt right that the discussion would be long and colorful. As for my decision, looking back, I guess I was just tired of all the superficiality that surrounded so many meaningless liaisons. I knew what life had been like with Sabina. After she was killed I buried my loss in the bodies of others. Later, I redirected all my aggression through the sword. And then Chelan seeped into my heart, and once again turned everything upside down.”

  “Our easy ways are superficial to the loins, but not so much to the heart.”

  Korba looked about the Bridge. “Somehow, ultimately, none of that mattered to me anymore. The constant sexual bedlam was draining, and so I put an end to it. But I knew I was eventually going to share myself with someone again. I almost did with Marri. I probably withdrew from carnal relations after all those years as a way to refocus and reground myself, to discover what I really wanted... what really mattered to me.”

  “Then she wandered onto the decks of RIBUS 7.”

  “Yes, she did, and she wandered into the hearts of both of us, rendering all our other relationships superficial.”

  “So is our way that of wanton disregard for all others, or no?”

  Korba shook his head. “No, not at all. Everyone knows the rules, and no one plays games. The men and women of our world are equally aggressive warriors. We take what we want from our enemies, and we sate ourselves in one another’s flesh. At times some may get hurt when we partake in the many, but when we remove ourselves from the running, then others get hurt too. No matter what, it is a balance.”

  Dar nodded. “I guess you and I have finally found our balance.”

  Korba smiled at the blonde Warlord. “We have. Our timing was different. I knew my universe had aligned the day she gave herself to me. You just took longer to embrace the ways of both worlds. Now you too can have her, mind, body, and soul. And what saves you and me from bloody conflict over her is our Iceanean way.”

  “It was not an easy balance to come to terms with.”

  “I know that.”

  Dar straightened. “What would have happened if I had challenged you so long ago?”

  Korba paused. “I have thought about that many times over the years. I think I would have tried to get you to come to your senses, for all our sakes.”

  Dar stared into his friend’s azure eyes. “It would not have worked. Not then. I chose the path I took in hopes of avoiding a confrontation. But if she had not accepted me...”

  Korba’s eyes narrowed. “If you had challenged, you would have killed her indirectly.”

  “I know that now, but I wanted her so badly that I took my chances without regard for all the consequences.”

  “Fortunately, that challenge was never issued.”

  Dar stepped in front of Korba. “If I had?”

  Korba stared back at his friend. “I would have killed you, or died trying.”

  Dar nodded. “Then it is indeed fortunate that all played out as it did.”

  Korba nodded. “Yes. But I want you to know that this balance, this harmony we have, it must be maintained. I will not tolerate any thoughts from you of taking her exclusively again. My forgiveness came on the heels of battle.”

  Dar smiled. “Understood, my Lord. I have come full circle to once again embracing our culture’s roots. I am comfortable with sharing her in all manners. She is everything to both of us, and we are everything to her. It is synergy.”

  Korba relaxed. “It is. And together we can give and receive so much from her in return. Her heart is generous enough for the both of us.”

  Dar nodded as he stepped back to Korba’s side and looked about the Bridge. “She is indeed generous. It is hard to believe that one woman can keep the both of us so satisfied so completely. And I mean in all respects.”

  Korba smiled. “That is why I sacrificed all to keep her on board after Manza and Tarn’s blunder. I knew from the first moment I laid eyes on her she was special beyond all words.”

  “It took me a little longer to come around, as you said. At first, I thought you had gone mad. But it was not long after you asked me to take care of her that I understood why you risked all for her.”

  “Well, look how far we have all come! We are at the top, our fair lady by our side.”

  Dar nodded and sighed. “That we are. That we are. And we will never fall as an Empire, nor lose one another again.”

  Korba smiled. “Agreed, my dear friend.”

  DAR AND KORBA RETURNED to the private Command Center and sat side by side. Dar attended to information on the crew reports coming from RIBUS 7 as work continued on her decks, while Korba looked over the latest matters of the Empire.

  Chelan wandered out of the sleeping quarters and approached them. “I just heard from Leeman. She is as big as a house, happy as could be, and looking forward to the birth.”

  Korba nodded. “Excellent news, my Lady.” And he reached for her. But before he could pull her into his lap, a security light flashed.

  Korba hit the switch. “What is it, Yanis?”

  “My Lord. There are guests here to see you.”

  The three of them looked at one another. Chelan spoke first. “Guests? Did we miss a meeting?”

  Dar shrugged. “Not to my knowledge.”

  Korba spoke. “You may allow entry, Yanis.”

  “Yes, my Lord.”

  The main doors slid open just as Korba and Dar rose, standing protectively on either side of Chelan. They could hear a commotion in the corridor, but no one was in sight. Dar reached for a lazgun just as a woman stepped in.

  The woman was looking behind her and then turned toward the three people staring at her. She blushed and wiped her long hair from her face. Then she straightened, wringing her hands together in front of her. She curtsied. “My Lady, my Lords,” she whispered meekly while glancing at the floor.

  Korba stayed Dar’s hand with a signal in battle language, and Dar lowered the gun.

  Chelan was the first to take a step toward the timid creature. The woman was stunning, her full figure beautifully displayed in a long scarlet gown. The neck just covered her cleavage, and the long sleeves hugged her slender arms. The gown swept the floor, its full skirt hanging sublimely about her. “Annya...,” Chelan uttered.

  Annya finally looked up, her almond eyes wide. She fidgeted with her gown and then glanced behind her once again and winced, the commotion in the hall growing louder by the second.

  Annya was visibly trembling, her voice cracking as she focused back on Chelan. “My Lady. I am not alone, but it seems that—”

  She was interrupted just as Fremma burst through the doors, Yanis and several of the security entourage right behind him. Yanis slapped him on the back and then looked at the Commanders and Chelan. “Look who we just happened to find wandering our decks!” he announced jubilantly.

  Dar was momentarily stunned. Then suddenly, the blonde Warlord bounded up the stairs and grabbed Fremma in a bear hug. “I had heard you made it! And I also heard you had embarked on some asinine course of action compounded by an absurd career decision made about hanging out indefinitely on some half-assed primitive planet named Rake!”

  Fremma hugged him back, their shrouds enveloping. “You cannot talk. Word has it you bested me by choosing a burned-out hunk of metal to haunt!” And they laughed.

  Dar finally stepped back, still hanging on to Fremma’s shroud as he looked him over, head to toe. “You look well, my friend.”

  “As do you! When I first heard that you had been found, I actually felt that the universe had r
ealigned just that much more. It is so good to have you back.”

  Chelan stepped forward, observing that Annya was not going to endure much more upheaval. The young woman looked like a frail creature being led to slaughter. Chelan finally cleared her throat loudly, and everyone’s attention swung to her. She addressed Fremma. “It is wonderful to see you, my Lord, especially dressed in our Imperial garb. I know not your intentions as of yet, but in the meantime, maybe you could introduce your darling wife to his Lordship, Commander Dar?”

  Fremma shrugged loose from Dar and stepped up to Annya. “Ah, yes. In all the excitement I have neglected my manners. Commander Dar. May I introduce you to my wife, Annya.”

  Dar hesitated, then spoke. “Annya, I am happy to meet you.” He glanced back at Chelan and then stared at Fremma. “Wife?”

  Fremma nodded. He put his arm around her and gave her a gentle squeeze. “Yes. Annya and her family found me after I crashed on Rake, and they nursed me back to health. She is now my wife as per her cultural traditions.”

  Dar could not help but scrutinize the demure woman. He had so much to say, so many questions to ask, but instead he adhered to at least a smidgen of decorum. “Well, I am happy to meet you, young lady. You have indeed married an incredible man, and a renowned warrior.”

  Annya peered up at the giant blonde man. “Yes, my Lord. He is all that and more to me. He has protected my family and my people for many years.”

  Dar nodded and took several steps back, his eyes dancing between Fremma and the woman, his mind bulging with curiosity.

  Korba finally nodded to Yanis. “Please allow us some time with our guests.”

  “Yes, my Lord.” And Yanis gave Fremma another slap on the back before he and his men left the Command Center.

  Korba’s gaze then landed on Fremma, his eyes cooling as he stepped up to Chelan’s side. “I was not informed of your arrival.”

  Fremma explained. “I have been on board only a short time. I had asked Yanis for silence while we adjusted to our new surroundings.” He glanced at Annya, her head still lowered. “My wife is not used to the chaos of a battleship. All the personnel and the technology can be a bit overwhelming.”

  Korba’s jaw clenched, wondering what was going through Chelan’s mind.

  Dar too was studying all the players, the stage set for what, he had no idea.

  Finally, Fremma could stand the silence no longer. He took one step forward, his embrace leaving Annya. Then he bowed to Korba and Chelan. “My Lord, my Lady. I am sure the reports from Rake have been crossing your paths, and you know that all is stable.” He paused as he stared into Chelan’s eyes, but she was unreadable. He looked back to the Emperor. “After a long discussion with Flek and the rest of his people, it was decided that I should resume my previous position within the Empire. I have come back, if you permit, to retake my place at your side.”

  Chelan stared at his wife. “You are okay with this, Annya?”

  The young woman pried her eyes up from the floor once again. “Yes, my Lady.” She glanced up at Fremma and then back to Chelan. “We all agreed that Droth... Fremma... should fulfill his full potential within the Empire.”

  Chelan nodded. “And you are prepared to live among us, adjusting to our ways?”

  Annya wrung her hands together. “Yes, my Lady. I wish to remain by the side of my husband no matter his position or role.”

  Chelan’s voice softened. “It will not be easy.”

  Annya looked down again. “I understand, my Lady. My life on Rake was not easy either.”

  Korba spoke to Annya. “I know you are uncomfortable in your new surroundings here, but we must speak to Fremma in private for a bit. You may stay with Yanis outside, or he may escort you to your suite, whichever you prefer.”

  Annya glanced up at Fremma nervously. He smiled. “Let Yanis take you back to the suite. I will join you as soon as I am able.”

  Chelan addressed all the men. “Uh, maybe it would help if I went with her and stayed with her until Fremma is finished here?”

  Annya looked visibly relieved, and she smiled, nodding almost frantically.

  Chelan smiled up at Korba, and he granted his permission with a simple nod.

  Chelan walked up to Annya and took her by the arm, escorting her to the doors. There she stopped and looked back at the three men. “Please try to behave while I am gone, okay?” And all three bowed to her.

  The moment the two women were gone, Korba drew in a deep breath and glared at Fremma. “First order of business: If you do anything to cause pain to my mate, your role in my Empire will be short.”

  “I have no intention of hurting either woman.” Fremma replied curtly. “Chelan knows what I wish for most, but I will not take what is no longer mine nor what is not freely given, neither will I hurt Annya. I will keep my distance from our Lady.”

  Dar headed back to the main consoles. “Maybe we should all sit and have a much-needed discussion. I seem to be a little behind on all the news here.”

  Korba and Fremma remained motionless for a few moments, both men sizing the other up. Finally, Fremma moved to a chair and sat, spreading his shroud out about him.

  Korba sat down stiffly. “What are your plans?”

  “My plans are to get a ship back. My plans are to serve you as Warlord. And my plans are to stay away from Iceanea and her Ladyship as much as possible. I said I did not want to hurt Annya, and the only way I can ensure that that does not happen is by maintaining a distance.”

  Dar was watching Fremma carefully. “Your aspirations, no matter how noble, are flawed.”

  Fremma’s eyes flashed. “You may say ‘flawed,’ but I am a man of my word.”

  Dar shifted in his seat, and his eyes narrowed. “Yes, well, you gave your word to your wife through whatever archaic vows, so that pledge seems to be on shaky ground already. And what if my Lady has other ideas?”

  Fremma actually flinched. “On Rake I made my intentions pertaining to Chelan plain. She did not come to Rake for me at any point after she knew I lived, nor did she order me to her. She, with her Earth values, understands my situation most of all.”

  Dar frowned. “What she understands is that you probably want her back at the expense of your other. What she believes is that you will step back into her life as her lover without hesitation if she permits.”

  Fremma leaned forward. “And you are threatened by that?”

  Korba interceded. “None of us can predict the future in this respect with any certainty.” He stared at Fremma. “Your professional wish is granted. And as cold as this sounds, my sole emotional allegiance is to my Lady and her happiness. She has been through more than all of us combined over these decades. Her world is only now stabilizing, and for how long it remains thus, none of us knows. In other words, though I respect your woman and your choice to bond with her, if you mess emotionally with my woman...”—he paused, glancing at Dar—“...our woman, there will be hell to pay.”

  Fremma’s eyes darted to Dar. His brows rose. “Well, I see you have compromised at long last.”

  “We all have to adjust to ever-changing circumstances.”

  Fremma nodded. “Yes, we do.” He looked back to Korba. “That is why I want my own ship again, with my wife by my side.”

  Korba finally relaxed. “Then it is done. Once we are back on Iceanea, you will be assigned. All you have to do is not cause any trouble between now and when we arrive.”

  Fremma nodded. “I will train, catch up on new technology, attend any meetings that you permit, and spend the rest of my time in my quarters.”

  Dar spoke. “Make sure that you do. His Majesty, I know, is willing to share Chelan with her past loves, as I have so graciously discovered. But I have to admit, I am not so inclined.”

  Fremma drew in a breath. “My Lord, Commander Dar. I love our Lady as much as I did in the beginning. But I also have another love. And as I said, I will not break Annya’s heart.”

  Dar settled back into his chair, not lo
oking entirely convinced.

  Korba nodded. “All three of us have one common focus: maintaining some degree of civility around Chelan, and creating the most stable world for her possible. Any personal grievances or any changes in plans that may cause upheaval need to be worked out among ourselves, calmly. I will not hesitate to send either of you to the ends of the galaxy if that central focus is lost. Is that understood?”

  Both men nodded.

  Korba smiled. “Good, then all is well for now. Let the three of us work toward maintaining an equilibrium.” And he rose and retrieved a large flask of liquor. “And as we work toward that balance, let us welcome our friend back into the fold, where he so rightfully belongs.” And he poured the drinks.

  CHELAN SAT ACROSS FROM Annya. The woman was perched on the edge of her chair, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. Her long brown hair cascaded over her shoulders and down her back to her waist. Chelan could not help but notice how much Annya looked just as she had when she was first brought to RIBUS 7: scared to death. “On this trip, if you would like, we could spend some time together. Fremma will be occupied much of the time in training and catching up on the matters of the Empire.”

  Annya smiled. “I would like that, my Lady, very much. But only if you have the time.”

  Chelan smiled back. “Starting tomorrow I could show you much of the ship, and at some point, you could meet my children, if you would like?”

  Annya’s eyes lit up. “Oh yes, I would love to, my Lady. I adore children!”

  Chelan liked this shy woman very much. However, she found that she had to disassociate from the fact that Annya now shared Fremma’s bed. But she knew that this was the right path to follow. Much time had passed, much had happened, and it was time to let the warrior go, once and for all.


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