Home > Other > RESURRECTION (RIBUS 7, #5) > Page 61

by Shae Mills

  She smiled and rubbed her hand over her tummy. She was pregnant again—she had no doubt—and her heart blossomed. Then she looked up just as Korba walked in and slid into the water next to her.

  He kissed her lips. “I love you,” he whispered.

  “And I love you, my Lord.”

  Korba embraced her and held her head to his chest. “Tell me the dearest of your wishes, my Lady?”

  Chelan kissed his flesh. “My only wish is that all those I love stay safe from harm and enjoy the best that this life has to offer for all eternity. All I truly want is everyone’s happiness.”

  Korba smiled. “You are pleased, as always, by such small things.”

  Chelan looked up at him. “Safety from harm in this culture is a diaphanous state at the best of times. And happiness is no small thing: it is everything. And at times it is the most elusive of all states to achieve.”

  Korba nodded. “You are so right, my Lady.”

  She nestled back into his chest. “And what of you, my Lord? What are your wishes?”

  Korba ran his hands over her wet skin, drizzling the warm water over her shoulders. “My wishes are the same as yours, pretty woman. But were it possible, I would wish for one other thing.”

  Chelan stared deep into his eyes. “Yes? And what would that be?”

  He traced over her face with his hands. “I would wish that the hands of time could be wound back to a simpler time, a time when we shared all on RIBUS 7.”

  Chelan’s eyes widened. “I am surprised, my Lord. I just assumed you always looked to the future.”

  He smiled. “I also reflect on what was, before all hell broke loose, several times over. The losses still haunt me, and I would not be human if I did not look upon the past with a degree of heartfelt longing.”

  Chelan went to speak just as Dar stepped in, fully dressed and shrouded.

  He peered down at them. “It seems that Fremma has requested a meeting with us in the Command Center before he ships out.”

  Korba looked at Chelan. “I know you have not seen him since he returned to the Empire. Are you okay with this?”

  She nodded. “I am fine. He has been gone years. I want to see him.”

  Korba rose and offered her his hand. Dar surrounded her with a towel and nodded to them. “I will go greet him while the both of you get ready.”

  Korba and Chelan dressed quickly. They entered the Command Center and found Fremma, Dar, and Annya together. As soon as Annya turned around, Chelan’s face lit.

  Annya smiled broadly and smoothed her hand over her slightly mounded tummy. “My Lady! It is wonderful to see you once again.”

  Chelan glanced at Fremma and then walked up to Annya and hugged her tight. “I see that congratulations are in order?”

  “Thank you! Yes, my Lady. We are so happy.”

  Chelan then looked to Fremma. She nodded to him. “My Lord, it is good to see you again, especially safe and sound.”

  He smiled back at her. “It has been a while, my Lady. As you know, I leave again shortly, but Annya was rather insistent that we meet again. She wants to speak to you and ask your advice on many things, firsthand knowledge that I am afraid I cannot impart to her.”

  Chelan laughed. “You have never been pregnant, my fair warrior?”

  “Not that I have been aware of. I assured her that we had many a female warrior on our decks in whom she could confide, but alas, it seems only you will do.”

  Chelan smiled at Annya. “Well then, we have much to discuss, and time is short.”

  Annya nodded enthusiastically, but Fremma cleared his throat. “Uh, yes, well, there is something else we would like to discuss with all of you first.”

  Korba and Dar stared at him. Korba spoke. “What is it, my good man?”

  “Well, you know we are headed to the Traylock System?”

  Dar’s eyes narrowed. “We do, obviously. And?”

  “Well, that system is right between Rake and Earth. The area is relatively stable, except for the uprising I will be dealing with. There are four other RIBUSes in the near vicinity, all engaged to some degree, but because of their proximity and the additional safety and support afforded by that, I have a proposal.”

  Dar, Korba, and Chelan looked at one another. Korba could tell Annya was excited beyond all reason, staring affectionately at Chelan with a huge smile on her face while practically dancing on her toes. Korba finally looked back to Fremma. “And your proposal is?”

  Fremma nodded to Chelan. “My Lady, my mission is considered dangerous, or RIBUS 7 would not have been called to arms, but the trip there and back is of no consequence. I have a plan—a wish, if you will—that I would like to extend to you, to Annya...” He paused and then looked at Dar and Korba. “And to you, my Lords. I would like to take a trip drenched with memories, a trip infused with dreams for the future, and a journey based in adventure rather than war.”

  Chelan was the first to speak. “Just what are you suggesting?”

  “I want to make the journey to the Traylock System with all of you. Once there, you would safely be relocated to one of the other RIBUSes until I am done. While I am away, the ladies could visit their home planets once again, and then we would all return to Iceanea, together.”

  Chelan’s jaw dropped. “Oh my god! Korba and I were just discussing walking the decks of RIBUS 7 again as we once did.”

  Fremma nodded. “Well, many things have changed, but many things could be the same.”

  Korba straightened. “Dar and I would have no trouble governing from her decks.”

  Chelan looked up at Dar, but the blonde Warlord seemed to be on a different planet. “Dar?” she whispered.

  Dar glanced at her and then spoke to Korba. “RIBUS 8 is out there, right?”

  Chelan hauled off and punched him as hard as she could in the arm. “No! You do not get to go play with your ship again.”

  Dar rubbed his arm. “I just thought I could help Fremma out.”

  Chelan glowered at him. “You forget, you are about to be a father again.”

  Annya instantly squealed with delight and threw herself at Chelan. “Congratulations, my Lady! We can share out pregnancies on the trip!”

  Korba glanced at Dar and Fremma. “I think the women have just signed us up for this adventure regardless of logistics.”

  Chelan finally managed to extract herself from Annya. Then she peered up at the three men. “Are we going to do this?”

  Fremma looked expectantly at the two Emperors. Dar and Korba glanced at one another. Then Korba nodded. “It will take some planning, but it is a go.”

  Annya leapt at Fremma with glee, and he caught her, embracing her tightly.

  Dar glanced at Korba and raised his brows. “Then planning it is. Although you know, it would be a whole lot easier just to stay here...”

  Korba’s lip quirked. “I have a better idea. How about the four of us, with children in tow, leave on this little excursion while you stay here and look after the matters of the Empire on your own?”

  Dar laughed. “Not bloody likely! But nice try. With my luck, you would leave those beastly little creatures known as ‘pets’ behind to torture me.”

  “Hey!” admonished Chelan. “They are part of the family. Where the children go, the pets go.”

  Dar growled. “Maybe I will stay here after all.”

  Chelan shrugged. “You could. But then that means I would have only Korba to warm my bed.”

  Dar’s eyes narrowed. “Well, we cannot have that, can we!”

  Chelan blinked at him coyly. “Then I suggest you cooperate with Korba and start planning.”

  Dar finally smiled. “It seems unanimous. I guess we are all going.”

  Chelan could feel her heart taking off, and she turned and walked up to the main control panels. She hit a switch, and before her came into view RIBUS 7 in all her splendor.

  She bit her lip, and her eyes watered. Then she felt arms slip about her. She looked up at Korba on her right and Dar o
n her left. “Everything has come full circle,” she whispered. “And this trip will be wondrous.”

  Fremma and Annya stepped up beside them, looking at the magnificent Royal Imperial Battleship Number Seven, against her backdrop of stars. Fremma’s chest expanded with pride as he stared at the greatest battleship ever known, resurrected to serve the galaxy once again, and she was his. Then he looked down into Annya’s sparkling eyes, and he winked at her as he hugged her tight.

  Korba smiled at Chelan and then addressed the group. “It will indeed be wondrous, a surreal experience,” he uttered. “Together once more, all of us. Past joys reborn, relived, and lovingly embraced as we once again walk the decks of RIBUS 7.”

  The End


  If life bloomed as only perennials grow,

  Reborn endlessly from what has gone before,

  I would dance among the flower’s rows,

  And set sail for exotic shores.

  But now I walk unsettled, love and lust an echo,

  The days of future are long gone past,

  Cold winds of change, relentless blow,

  I submit to sadness, youth lost at last.

  Annuals have but a single wondrous season,

  And if I could spend it among a heaven,

  Imagination giving life a reason,

  I would wander the decks of RIBUS 7.





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