Familiar's Ancient Throne(Book 2 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

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Familiar's Ancient Throne(Book 2 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 38

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  With Frill alert and angry over the current circumstance, Cage helped the others. Megdline had a harder time waking than the others but she, Sean and Brooke were upset that their weapons were stolen. Megdline suddenly said “Jeeban!” and there was a bright yellow flash. When it vanished in its place stood her staff. She reached it and said “I demand to know what is going on.” Cage never knew her staff could Jump to her, but he guessed it was one of her wards and ‘Jeeban’ was the keyword that would bring her staff to her hand if it was ever parted from her. Brooke stood close to Sean.

  Paola restated everything and Cage knew she used the truth spell on the other powerful sorceress. “Will you accept our hospitality?”

  “I think not.” Megdline stated. “You were going to kill us without provocation. We tried avoiding the mist, but not even our magic could get us away. Your village might be in touch with nature, but your ways are wrong. Being isolated has ruined the love of meeting others and if this spirit had not intervened you would have killed us like I assume any others have been. I’m sorry but you are no longer human. You are mindless animals. If it is the spelled boat I’m thinking of, we will take it. Anything else you have is tainted. I will not eat the food that was nourished by the slaying of innocents. Show us the boat and let us leave.” Cage had seen Megdline stern and upset, but at the moment she was beyond pissed.

  Paola’s anger rose. “What gives you the right to tell us how we’ve lived for so long?!”

  “Silence you impudent child!” Megdline slammed the end of her staff into the ground and a surge of magic made it shake the entire area. The immediate effect was clear. “Do not dare to challenge me. You might be a rare first class sorceress, but you do not know how to control your power as I do. One more word and I will destroy everything within a mile of this place. I have not been this angry in many years. Your selfish ignorance and cruel ways makes me want to destroy all you’ve built here anyway.” Megdline’s grey eyes were as hard as steel and the power she displayed gave credit to her words. Paola glared back, but the clash of wills left the young looking sorceress crushed. “Now take us to the boat offered and have someone bring our things.”

  The leader of the village nodded and led the way to the river. Someone ran off through the woods to retrieve their supplies. Some villagers chose to follow, but they had seen and felt the power Cage and Megdline displayed. At the river there were several boats, but one stood out from the rest. It was twice the size of their canoe and looked to be actually grown from a single piece of wood. Intricate carvings of leaves framed the side. Cage looked and saw that there was a structure of a pair of skis beneath the front and back of the ten person boat. In the center glowed a silver crystal that looked as round as a crystal ball and is the size of a person’s head, but it faintly used magic.

  Megdline said “This will do nicely. It is an old craft, but their make is still used today. I will send it back when we get to our destination. Then you need to leave this place and see the world and learn how foolish you have been to kill innocent people.” Paola stormed off with a red face of embarrassment and anger after such a scolding. Not a minute later came a man carrying all of their belongings.

  Brooke and Sean quickly tied their weapons back on and she felt her emeralds remained safely hidden. Cage tossed in their things as Megdline said “Everyone inside. Though we almost met our end, fortune smiles upon us.”

  Everyone got in the boat and sat down. Megdline put a hand on the crystal and said “You better hold on to the sides, this will be quick.”

  Megdline magically gave her desire to go to the place Cage explained yesterday on their destination, into the crystal. She felt the boat knew of which she desired and responded by magically pulling away from the dock and turning northerly. Then the boat jerked forward and began rising out of the water onto the skis. Wind whipped past as they sped across the water. The boat bounced, sometimes uncomfortably. Cage leaned across the side to see how the boat skied as if it had a powerful motor, but it was propelled. He feared the boat crashing when Megdline let go and sat down in the back with Frill, but it seemed to know when to turn and did, without slowing. Talking was useless over the sound of wind and spray of water. They all felt fear as they saw another wall of fog, but they were going so fast it took all but two minutes to speed past it without ill effects.

  Such an experience was nostalgic to Cage as it brought back the few times him and the old man would go deep sea fishing. They never kept the fish, just did it for fun. The best part was speeding across the water. Cage stood on the enchanted craft and let the wind blow against him.

  Sean saw how amazing his dad looked standing up and letting the wind hit. He tried getting up, but the bouncing was impossible to predict. He didn’t give up and managed to stand before falling. Before he fell, a strong hand grip the collar of his shirt and righted him. Cage spoke in his ear. “Bend your knees. Let them stay loose.” Sean stood at his dad’s side as Cage kept a hand by his side. Both caught Brooke’s smile as she sat facing them while holding a side. She obviously didn’t like it, but she admired them nonetheless. Cage stood surely and watched the river snake around. As a child, Sean adapted quickly by following Cage and watching closely. After an hour of the nonstop speed, Sean stood completely under his own power.

  The boat sped into the night. They had to eat a cold meal and relieve themselves off the back of the silently speeding boat that seemed to have a mind of its own. It was hard to not get disoriented and Cage seemed to be the only one immune. Sleep wasn’t an option though.

  The constant howl of wind began to slow and the boat began to drop into the water as morning began to appear. Darkness still gripped much of the landscape, but there was one distinct difference, surf. It had been a subtle change, but salt permeated the air and the ocean’s waves lifted and lowered the boat beyond expectation. The others also realized the boat stopped and went to investigate. Cage conjured a dozen orbs around the boat and it was Megdline who said “Glad that is over… Good, there is the beach.” She grabbed the sphere and had the boat move slowly towards the red sand beach. “Everybody off.” She said.

  First to jump down was Cage. Brooke tossed him their three packs which he took onto the still ground. He heard a splash and saw Brooke spit and sputter when her legs gave out. She recovered and helped Sean down and quickly followed the lights her mate created back to dry land. Frill skillfully ran and jumped from the tip of the boat to land on a dry piece of sand and move away before a small wave soaked him.

  Keeping the promise, Megdline sent the ship back and used a spell to glide back as the ship returned. She said “We all need to rest. Sean, why don’t you and Cage go find us some dry wood.” They left.

  Brooke wrung out her soaked hair and grumbled “This water taste’s odd. I do not like it.”

  “Have you never been to the ocean?” Megdline asked.

  “No, but the elders say they have at least once. Few of the Utala ever leave our lands to visit. They say the ocean is wonderful, not that it tastes bad.”

  “It is the salt in the water. The salt is too much for us to safely drink. Has your tribe ever traded for salt?” Megdline wondered.

  “Yes. Salt preserves the meat we needed to survive every winter. How we are going to do it this time I do not know. Cage will have to do something or our people will starve.”

  “Let me clarify something first. Much of Emroc gets its salt from steaming the seawater. Because there is so much dissolved salt in the ocean, it gives an endless supply of that needed resource. And second, do not worry about the Utala starving. You do not need to feel such a burden. I’ve mostly been teaching Cage offensive and defensive methods in magic, but he will be able to grow however much food it will take to sustain your people. At his current power he can potentially grow a six month growing period of food within a day. I have seeds aplenty to start a farm to teach him and your people will reap the benefits. If he struggles on how to learn these spells, I will personally grow whatever will be ne
eded. If we do not die in the next few days you have my word I will not allow anyone to go hungry.”

  Brooke put a hand on Megdline’s shoulder to say “Your sacrifices will not go unrewarded. You will have my people’s strength if whenever you need it. Are you sure you do not wish to become a sister?”

  “That is very kind and I’m touched, but no, I have enough to deal with. Adding myself into a tribe will just put more restrictions. As long as I’m considered a friend I’ll be fine.”

  The men chose that moment to arrive. Cage stacked the driftwood and conjured a small orange fire at the tip of his finger and lit the wood. “Dad, the flame is green!” Sean said with excitement. “Are you doing that?”

  “No.” Cage laughed as he sat back in the sand. “It’s the salt the wood soaked up that makes it green. Normal wood burns orange, but driftwood is different.” He leaned back on the cool sand to stare at the amazing starts and constellations. The full moon was marvelous up in the sky and it filled much with its brilliant display. The rolling surf was calming and he felt like he returned to his island though the sand there is finer and white.

  “That was some boat, Megdline.” Sean said. “How did it move so fast and all on its own? I wanted to ask earlier, but the wind was too loud.”

  She smiled and Cage could hear it in her words. “The boat is very old, but nothing in a few hundred years has been made which can best its use. There is many spells placed on the boat which make it skim across the water’s surface and it gets its power from the plant and animal life as it passes by. Drag slows boats, but those skis keep us from being slowed. To turn, it leans on its own when it senses an obstruction or needs to snake a river and navigate us to the destination I told it to. It is very complex to explain, but we took near three days off our journey.”

  “What about big ships my uncle told me about? Do they go as fast?”

  “Sorry, Child, they do not. Boats that are small can do what we did, but large ones are incapable of doing the like. They would kill the plants and animals to go so fast or hold up such great weights. That boat is as large as they come. I’m surprised that they had one. Those ignorant fools must have been isolated from the rest of the world for a very long time. It is lucky they are in such a isolated part of the river. If too many wound up missing the Laqura Empire would pay them a not too friendly visit.” Megdline smirked. “Good thing the spirits seem to favor Lord Death.” Frill got to laughing at that.

  “Who is Lord Death?” Sean asked.

  The one who answered was Brooke. “It is the title the spirits have given your father. He is Lord Death to them. The spirits seem to follow him. He is also the only one who can make a bad spirit good again. He can control them.”

  “Really, Dad?” Sean asked with awe.

  “It seems I cannot deny it. I have so many titles now it gives me a headache. Cage, Lord Death, Mage, Warlock, Earthling, Chieftain, Dad…” Cage sighed while looking into the night sky.

  “Do not forget the most important one.” Brooke put out there. “Mate. You are mated to me and Meeka. To me, that title is most important, Cage Love.” She lay back and stared up with him.

  “Cage, before we get some sleep, you better severely reduce the draw rate. I made the boat drop us off within a half day from Bepop. We will need to be at our best tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be the day correct?” Megdline asked.

  “If we are really that close then yes. Tomorrow will be the long awaited day we’ve been working so hard for. It will be a day to remember, that will be for sure.” He replied and lowered the rate at which the diamonds drew. It felt a great relief and he at last said with a yawn “Night, guys. Get some sleep while you can.”

  Brooke snuggled close to his side and whispered with cheer “We almost have our woman back. Cage, can you believe it? After so long, we’ll get her beck in our arms. It has been so long, it is hard to think it possible. Almost… We are so close.”

  “I feel closer already. Now sleep, it will all depend on you tomorrow. Best relax and clear your mind.” In response to his words she got closer, kissed his cheek and laid her head on his shoulder.

  Chapter 12

  “Go over it one more time.” Brooke requested when they woke at sunrise. She watched Sean playing by the water’s edge with the little fish fleeing as he gave chase. It was the first true sign of childhood to come out of her son.

  Meanwhile the four of them sat by the fire and talked about the plans. Cage nodded and thought it a good idea to make sure everyone knows their part. “We will head towards Bepop for two hours if Granny’s estimate is true. During that time you and Sean stay in the woods and remain undetected. Granny and I will enter Bepop first and begin laying spells on the docks and ropes holding the ships still. They will remain undetectable until you run the freed slaves and yell out the keyword ‘Lockdown!’ The men won’t be able to unbind the ropes without cutting them off. You will need to be quick because we will only be able to enchant the ropes against a few blows at most. While you and Sean are still waiting, I’m going to begin setting up strategic places to blow up while Granny finds you a gold earring, slave clothes and a collar. You will wear them when she comes to get you because so many new slaves are tribal people and you will fit right in. Remember to look down and never meet anyone’s eye directly. Granny will then design small explosives so you can free the captives.

  “Brooke, you will take up position in the alley located near the northeast side of the slave compound. You will only move when you hear the signal. When you find a way and free everyone you must run them to the docks and get them aboard. Set sail immediately and Granny and I will meet up with you near our last campsite. With everyone together we sail down to Emroc, following the coast. We will then go home.”

  “Home… I almost forgot what the name means.” Brooke said.

  “We’ve been over this so if something goes wrong, don’t wait for me.” He impressed in all seriousness.

  “We should get started.” Frill said and Cage agreed to repeat him.

  Sean came running back with a playful smile.

  While walking Megdline asked “How do you feel, Cage?”

  “Better than the past week. I feel strong and relaxed. My body feels renewed now that I’m not getting my energy sucked from me or intentionally overdoing it.”

  “Just as I suspected. It wouldn’t hurt to wait a while longer to get stronger, but we have to hurry and free those innocent people. By the way, may I see how much you’ve stored?”

  “Sure.” Cage answered and felt her use magic.

  “My word… In the past few days you’ve stored enough of yourself to really hold your own. You can use bigger spells more easily with that much. It would have taken me nearly three weeks to store that amount.” Megdline affirmed.

  “This should do.” Cage said. Several times they saw sailboats and the increasing frequency of them meant they were getting close. Sean went to complain, but Brooke told him to be quiet and relax in the thick groves to avoid detection.

  Before they parted, Brooke gave him a good luck kiss. “May we meet again soon.” He smiled and walked away.

  By midmorning, Cage, Megdline and Frill saw a large port in the distance and had passed a large beach house a moment ago. Seagulls drifted in the air and circled the area where they came to feed on the scraps fishermen leave behind. Salty air revitalized the spirit and the bustle of people made the calm world seem exciting. Docks, houses, buildings and so many other buildings made the city prosperous. The closer they got the more people there were. Many were slaves and wore soiled clothes. Slave men did backbreaking labor and carried cargo for the merchants. The trio passed a building where a few slave women offered their services to bring him happiness. He could see they were forced to say this as one large man with a whip stood near and made sure they did this job to bring money into their owner’s brothel establishment. Cage found it hard to resist killing everyone who owned a slave or make them do things against their will.

ou take this end, I’ll start from the other.” Megdline said and walked away. Many sailors gave her a wide berth, realizing she is a mage.

  Cage began four spells at a time for each large boat moored at Bepop. Cage worked the spells carefully and made sure the ropes would have enough energy to not weaken because of decay. He learned how certain things weaken faster than others so he gave a generous amount to keep the spells that would bind the ropes to the docks by fusing them into the wood and keep from getting cut. The spells didn’t take long to lay down.

  Nearing the end of the next set he heard “What are you doing?”

  Cage hurriedly finished the spells and turned around to see a short man in red robes, carrying a ruby crowned staff and had a colorful parrot standing on his shoulder. The other mage had undoubtedly been drawn to Cage’s working of magic. “I’m sorry if my spell distracted you, Friend. I was just trying to make the air spin like a dust devil.”

  The small man grinned. “Trying to use wind to blow up dresses I suppose?”

  Cage laughed. “No use denying that. You got me.”

  The other man chuckled. “Manipulating air is harder than simply lifting for a peek.”

  “Yes, but then the woman would know it was done magically. If I use wind subtly, she will think it was the cause and not be so suspicious.” Cage countered.

  “So that is why they always find me… Thank you for the advice. I will have to practice too. Farewell.” The other mage said and walked off. There was a woman’s shriek as her dress blew clean off. The man hurried away and heard Cage’s laugh. Used too much wind.

  With the nosy man no longer bothering, he finished two more spells before Megdline and Frill met up. “We’re done. I’ll meet you in a few hours.”


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