Spring Fling

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Spring Fling Page 11

by Sabrina James

  Rory gave her a smug smile. “If I’d done that, I wouldn’t be standing in front of you right now. So do I get a reward for bringing back your sunglasses?”

  “What kind of reward?”

  Rory shrugged. “I don’t know. Surprise me.”

  Danielle remembered Lindsey’s words. “How about a walk on the beach?”


  “Let me go get a jacket,” Danielle said. “I’ll be right back.”

  When Danielle headed back upstairs, she found Lindsey and Ava hovering over the banister.

  “That’s not Ethan!” Lindsey exclaimed.

  “No, it’s Rory!” Danielle stated as she hurried into her bedroom.

  “The cutie from the Miss Spring Break contest?” Ava asked.

  “The exact same one.”

  “Why are you going for a walk on the beach with him?” Lindsey asked.

  Danielle tried on a denim jacket and then took it off. “Why not?”

  “You’re dating Ethan!”

  “Ethan’s a nice guy, but we’re not dating.”

  “He bought you lunch! When a guy buys a girl lunch, it’s a date!” Lindsey exclaimed.

  “I paid for part of that lunch, remember?” Danielle reminded her.

  “But he meant to pay for all of it!”

  “Linds, this is spring break, remember? I’m keeping my options open! The old Danielle might have said no to a walk on the beach with Rory, but the new Danielle isn’t!” Danielle pulled out a violet sweater and wrapped it around her shoulders, tying the sleeves around her neck. “It’s not like Ethan and I are a couple. Why should I just go out with one guy when I have another one interested in me?” Danielle didn’t wait for an answer. “I’ll see you guys later! Don’t wait up for me.”

  “Guess who’s taking me out later?” Wanda announced when Mindy arrived back at the beach house.

  “Who?” Mindy asked as she handed out the containers of frozen yogurt and ice cream that she’d bought. From the glum expressions on Lacey’s and Vivienne’s faces, she had a pretty good idea who it was.


  “Really? That’s great!” Mindy gushed, hoping she wasn’t laying it on too thick.

  After she’d made her deal with Damian, Mindy told him he needed to call Wanda immediately.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Damian had said as he walked her out the door. “Witchy Wanda will get my undivided love and devotion.”

  Mindy giggled. “Stop that!”

  “Why? She is a witch. You were shaking in your sandals after she sent you that text. Are you sure you want to be friends with her?”

  “Yes, I am,” Mindy had answered as she slipped behind the steering wheel of the car her parents had rented for the week, to drive to the ice cream shop, feeling like a huge load had been lifted off her shoulders.

  That was, until now, when she noticed the look of disgust on Wanda’s face as she peeled the lid off her container of frozen yogurt and glared at Mindy.

  “What’s wrong?” Mindy asked, trying not to sound panicked, although she knew something was wrong. And it was probably her fault. Because who else’s would it be?

  Lacey and Vivienne peered into the container of frozen yogurt in Wanda’s hand.

  “Uh-oh,” Lacey said.

  Uh-oh? Mindy thought. Uh-oh what?! Don’t keep me in suspense. Tell me!

  “There are no sprinkles,” Lacey said.

  “Wanda always gets sprinkles on her fro-yo,” Vivienne said.

  “Always,” Lacey repeated.

  “I didn’t know that,” Mindy said. No one told me when I was taking orders! Wanda said she wanted a frozen vanilla yogurt. That was it! She didn’t mention sprinkles! And neither did you two! Am I supposed to be a mind reader?

  Mindy knew she couldn’t say any of that.

  “You should have asked,” Wanda said, handing the container back to Mindy. “I can’t eat this without sprinkles. And if I’m not having any, I can’t see how the rest of you can enjoy yours.”

  Lacey instantly dropped the spoonful of strawberry frozen yogurt she’d been about to put into her mouth and closed her container, while Vivienne took a quick lick of her vanilla and chocolate swirl soft ice cream before doing the same.

  “Not a problem,” Mindy said, hearing Wanda’s unspoken message. She knew Wanda was giving her a test and she was determined to pass it. “I’ll just head back to the ice cream shop and have them add sprinkles.”

  “That’s so sweet of you,” Wanda said.

  Of course, your yogurt will be melted by the time I get back there and I’ll have to buy another one, but if it means staying on your good side, I’ll do it.

  “Does that mean we’re allowed to eat ours?” Vivienne hopefully asked.

  “If I were you, I’d skip dessert,” Wanda stated. “You looked like you were busting out of your swimsuit today. You don’t want the guys thinking you’re a beached whale.”

  Mindy couldn’t believe what she was hearing. That was so untrue! Vivienne didn’t have an ounce of fat on her and she’d looked great in her swimsuit.

  “Damian liked the way I looked,” Vivienne said, as she reopened her ice cream and defiantly took a heaping spoonful.

  “But I’m the one going out with Damian tonight, not you,” Wanda shot back.

  “Did you want chocolate sprinkles or rainbow sprinkles?” Mindy asked, trying to divert Wanda’s attention. She didn’t want to drive all the way to the ice cream shop, get the sprinkles, drive all the way back and find out she’d asked for the wrong ones, and then have to make a third trip.

  “Rainbow,” Wanda said.

  Mindy nodded and grabbed her car keys, making a quick escape. A fight was brewing and she did not want to be around for it. As she walked outside, she ran into Carmela, who was emptying the kitchen trash can.

  “Where are you off to?” Carmela asked.

  Mindy explained the frozen yogurt situation. When she finished, Carmela stared at her in disbelief.

  “She couldn’t eat it without the sprinkles?”

  “It’s no big deal.”

  Carmela placed a hand on her hip. “Is kissing up to her worth it?”

  “This week is a test,” Mindy explained. “Wanda’s trying to get me to prove myself to her. If I pass, I’m in!”

  “Yeah, in with a bunch of mean girls!” Carmela shook her head. “I don’t like them. They’re not good enough for you. You deserve better friends.” She threw up her hands. “But you’re a big girl and you’re capable of making your own decisions. I’m not going to tell you what to do.”

  “Isn’t that what you’re doing right now?”

  Carmela didn’t answer the question. “Listen, as long as you’re heading back to the ice cream shop, get me a double scoop of Rocky Road.”

  “Double scoop of Rocky Road,” Mindy repeated before heading back to the car.

  “And, Mindy?” Carmela called out.

  Mindy turned around. “What?”

  “Don’t forget to get me sprinkles!” Carmela teased.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “We’ve created a monster!” Lindsey exclaimed to Ava after Danielle had left the bedroom. “A monster!”

  Ava laughed. “I think you’re overreacting.”

  “Weren’t you listening to a word she said? She’s let this makeover go to her head!”

  “She’s only having a little fun. Would you rather she have her nose buried in an SAT study guide?”

  “No, but I don’t like the way she’s juggling two guys!”

  “She’s not juggling two guys. She’s only taking a walk on the beach with Rory. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  Lindsey peeked out the window and gasped. “There’s a full moon. You know what walks on moonlit beaches lead to.”


  “Kissing!” Lindsey exclaimed.

  Ava laughed again. “You’re such a drama queen!”

  “And what about Ethan?”

  “What about him?”<
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  “This isn’t fair to him!”

  “Linds, you’re overreacting. Danielle and Ethan aren’t exclusive. They went out once. Once! You’re being way too hard on Danielle. Cut her a little slack!”

  Lindsey pinched two fingers together. “I’ll give her this much and no more.”

  “She’ll be back to her old self once we’re home. Wait and see.”

  “She better,” Lindsey said. “I don’t think I like this new Danielle.”

  Jade’s voice called out from downstairs. “Ava, you have a visitor.”

  Lindsey’s eyes lit up. “I bet I know who it is! I bet I know who it is!”

  “No hovering over the banister!” Ava warned.

  “Of course not!” Lindsey promised as she followed Ava out of the bedroom. “I’m coming with you!”

  At the foot of the staircase, Cooper was waiting. Ava wasn’t surprised. She figured it was probably him, but what was he doing here? She watched as Lindsey gave him a big smile. “Hi, Cooper!”

  “Hey, Lindsey.”

  “Hi, Coop,” Ava said. “What’s up?”

  Cooper shrugged. “Not much. I was thinking of taking a walk on the beach and was wondering if you wanted to come along.”

  Ava shook her head. “Thanks, but I’m in for the night.”

  “Excuse us for a second,” Lindsey said as she grabbed Ava by the arm and pulled her into the living room. “What are you doing?” she hissed when they were alone. “A cute guy asks you to go for a walk on the beach and you tell him you’re in for the night?” Lindsey checked the time on her watch. “It’s not even eight thirty! What are you, my grandmother?!”

  “I’m tired. It’s been a long day.”

  “You don’t have to stay out all night! An hour, tops.”

  “It’s a moonlit night,” Ava pointed out. “Remember what you said?”


  “I don’t want Cooper getting any ideas.”

  “You said you laid down the ground rules with him, right? Just friends.”


  “So, what are you worried about?” Lindsey’s eyes widened with shock. “Unless…”

  “Unless what?”

  “Unless you don’t trust yourself!” Lindsey squealed with excitement.

  “That’s not true,” Ava quickly answered.

  “Prove it! Go to the beach with Cooper.”

  “Fine. I will! Just to prove you wrong.”

  “We’ll see,” Lindsey smugly stated.

  “Yes, we will!” Ava snapped back.

  “Cooper!” Lindsey called out. “Good news! Ava’s changed her mind.”

  “Sorry you didn’t get your walk on the beach,” Rory said as he strolled with Danielle along the local boardwalk, checking out the brightly lit booths and arcades.

  “That’s okay. Who knew it would be so cold?”

  They’d tried walking along the beach, but there had been an icy breeze that kept blowing at them. It was so cold that at one point Danielle’s teeth began chattering! Some couples were nestled in front of bonfires, but Rory and Danielle decided to give up on the beach and explore the boardwalk, where it was much warmer.

  “You like cotton candy?” Rory asked as they passed a booth selling it.

  “Love it!”

  “Pick a color.”


  “You’re such a girl!”

  Rory bought a stick of pink cotton candy and handed it to Danielle. She tore off a piece of the spun sugar and popped it into her mouth. Instantly, it melted. “Yum!” She held out the stick. “Want some?”

  “I think I’ll wait until you finish eating it.”

  “But it’ll be all gone.”

  “Except for what’s on your lips. I’ll get a taste then.”

  Danielle’s heart began pounding with excitement. He wanted to kiss her! “You think you’re getting a kiss from me tonight?”

  “That’s usually what happens when a guy takes a girl home.”

  Danielle popped another piece of cotton candy into her mouth. “True. But sometimes a guy gets a kiss before that.”

  “Am I going to be that guy?” Rory asked, taking Danielle’s hand in his as they continued walking.


  Danielle didn’t know where this flirty side of herself had come from! She was never like this with guys!

  Then again, she’d never been with a guy like Rory.

  Being with Rory was different from being with the guys she usually went out with. Maybe it was because he was a senior and a year older. He just seemed more mature. More confident. He was brash and said exactly what was on his mind.

  And there was no doubt in her mind that he liked her and wanted to kiss her!

  Rory stopped walking and faced Danielle, looking into her eyes. “How long are you going to keep me in suspense?”

  Before she could answer, she heard a shocked voice behind her.


  She turned around and saw Ethan.

  His eyes fell to her hand holding Rory’s. Instantly, she dropped it, suddenly feeling guilty. Like she was cheating on him.

  Maybe it was because of the stunned expression on his face.

  He looked hurt. So hurt.

  But why did he feel that way?

  They’d only gone out once!

  And she wasn’t on a date with Rory, although she supposed it could look that way.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked.

  She could hear the unspoken part of his question: with him.

  “Rory returned my sunglasses,” she explained. “I dropped them this afternoon when I was filling out the entry form for the Miss Spring Break contest and he found them.”

  “Lucky you.”

  “When I dropped them off, I asked her if she wanted to go for a walk on the beach,” Rory said, moving closer to Danielle as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

  Okay, this was not good. With his arm around her shoulder, Rory was trying to make Ethan think they were together. A couple. They hadn’t even kissed yet! Why were guys so possessive? Ethan had done the exact same thing with his arm that afternoon at the beach. Was it taught to them in PE class?

  “Why don’t you hang out with us?” she blurted as she slipped from under Rory’s arm.

  She didn’t want Ethan’s feelings to be hurt or have him think that she liked Rory more than she liked him. She hardly knew Rory! And she hardly knew Ethan! She was getting to know both of them, so why not do it at the same time?

  “Ethan doesn’t want to hang with us,” Rory said. “I’m sure he’s got other plans.”

  “Actually, I don’t,” Ethan told them with a smile. “I’d love to hang out with you!”

  “It’s freezing out here!” Ava exclaimed as they walked along the beach, listening to the sound of crashing waves.

  “I’ll start a bonfire,” Cooper said as he began collecting pieces of driftwood. He took off his school letterman jacket and draped it over Ava’s shoulders. She had on only a thin cotton sweater over her T-shirt and it wasn’t doing much to keep her warm. “You can wear this until I get it started.”

  “But then you’re going to be cold.”

  “That’s okay.”

  Ten minutes later, Cooper and Ava were sitting together on a rock, staring into a blazing bonfire.

  “Feeling warmer?” Cooper asked.

  “Much,” Ava said. “But you still look like you’re cold.” She lifted up one side of the jacket. “Come sit closer to me. We’ll share.”

  “You sure? I wouldn’t want you to think I was making a move.”

  “I’m making an exception this time.”

  “Okay if I put my arm around you and pull you close? Just for the body heat,” he quickly explained.

  “Just for the body heat,” Ava stated.

  Gazing into the flames as Cooper wrapped an arm around her, Ava couldn’t help but think of another bonfire the summer before. She and Josh had gone to the beach with friends.
At the end of the day, when everyone else went home, they decided to stay and watch the sunset. After the sun had disappeared, Josh suggested they stay a little longer. He built a bonfire and they sat next to each other, watching as the sky changed colors before turning dark and the stars came out.

  The entire time, he’d held her hand, his fingers entwined with hers.

  Then, when the bonfire died down, he had walked her to his car, still holding her hand, and driven her home. At the front door, he’d given her a long, slow kiss good night, holding her close.

  Making her feel safe.

  Making her feel special.

  Making her feel loved.

  With that kiss, Ava had realized, for the first time, that she was in love with Josh.

  She’d almost said those three magic words—I love you—but had been afraid to. She’d never said them to a guy before. What if he didn’t say them back to her?

  So she decided not to say anything.

  And it had still been the best day of her life.

  “Okay, you’re looking sad,” Cooper said.

  Ava shook her head. “Not sad. Maybe wistful.”

  “Are you thinking about Josh?”

  “Yes,” she admitted. “But it’s a good memory. Not a bad one. It’s just reminding me of what I had and lost.”

  “That’s why it’s important to make new memories,” Cooper gently said.

  “I know.” Ava gave him a smile. “And I am.”

  Cooper tried not to get his hopes up.

  Just because Ava said she was making new memories, it didn’t mean she had changed the way she felt about him.

  After all, friends shared memories.

  But did friends sit this close to each other?

  The setting was 100 percent romantic. A guy. A girl. A full moon. Cuddling together in front of a bonfire.

  It would be so easy to kiss Ava right now.

  To just lean his head down and press his lips against hers.

  But he couldn’t.

  He wouldn’t.

  Even though he so wanted to.

  If he kissed Ava, it would all be over between them. He could feel it in his gut.

  Ava trusted him. She believed him when he said he was okay with just being friends, and he didn’t want to destroy that trust.


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