Too Much Information (Awkward Love Book 3)

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Too Much Information (Awkward Love Book 3) Page 11

by Missy Johnson

  “You might want to hold on.” My words just a breath in her ear. She braces herself, laughing as I thrust into her, bouncing her on my cock. “And I should probably confirm you’re taking contraception of some kind.”

  “You’re lucky I don’t get motion sickness,” she jokes, wrapping her arms around my neck. “And yes, I’m on the pill.”

  I respond by cupping her jaw and exploring her mouth, sliding my tongue in against hers. She breathes out, her back reacting when I drag my nails down over her curves. She takes my hand and palms at her breasts, guiding her nipple into my mouth. Her eyes bore into mine as she watches me suck, getting off on the feel of me biting down. She arches her neck back and rides me harder, sliding her tight pussy all over my cock. I can hardly contain the sounds emanating from me, my shaft throbbing as I pump into her.

  “God, you make me wanna explode the moment I touch you.”

  She smiles and kisses me. When she sucks on my tongue, that’s it. I’m done. She keeps sucking, while her pussy works my dick until the feel of her is too much for me to handle. I grunt, my body shuddering as I come. I spray hard inside her.

  “Well fuck me.” I shake my head. “Sick, you say?”

  I gently ease myself out of her, but keep her on my lap, because I don’t want her going anywhere just yet. She laughs, her eyes sparkling.

  “Yes, sick.” She gives me a side-eye. “You’re lucky that I’m so accommodating, even when I’m not feeling that well.”

  I smile, raising my eyebrows at her.

  “I’ve always thought that about you. The very first time I saw you I thought to myself, now that is one very accommodating woman.”

  She slaps my arm, then wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me.

  “You’re an asshole. You know that?”

  “I do now,” I murmur.

  She lifts herself off me and walks into the kitchen. My eyes follow her because I literally can’t get enough of that perfect ass. She’s just so stunning that she demands my attention whenever she’s around me. I stare at her, the way her hair falls over her shoulders in a sexy, tangled mess. And that look in her eyes that perfectly complements the tiny smirk on her lips. I shake my head because I can see myself with her. I can see us getting married and having kids. It’s an odd time to have that kind of revelation, right after blowing my load inside of her, but I feel like I’ve hit a turning point in our relationship.

  When she walks back around to me, I pull her back into my arms. She laughs but doesn’t fight me when I press my mouth to hers. She moves across me, lying down on the couch, so her head rests in my arms.

  “What’s up?”

  I shake my head.


  The last thing I want to do is scare her off with all the random thoughts that are flying through my head. Then I decide what the fuck.

  I smile at her. “We should do something today.”

  “Like what?” She eyes me suspiciously.

  “I don’t know.” I laugh. “We’ve both got the day off, so why not spend the day together? Get out of the house. Go somewhere.”

  “That does sound good,” she admits.

  We walk around the city eating ice creams and then walk through the park, hand in hand, just enjoying each other’s company. We even feed a little family of ducks down by the lake, which is kind of cute. Getting to know one another in such a casual, laid-back environment feels great. I love seeing her so open and happy like this, without the stress of work or trying to impress each other.

  We sit down on a seat in the middle of the park, opposite her apartment. I watch as she twists her coffee cup in her hands and stares off into the distance. It’s the first time all day where I’ve caught her lost in thought.

  “What are you thinking about?” I ask her.

  She looks up as if surprised that I noticed her tuning out. She shrugs.

  “Just how a month ago I had no idea that you existed.” She looks down at her cup. “I just find that freaky, considering how much I…”

  “How much you what?” I smile because I’m pretty sure she was about to admit she likes me.

  “How much I like you.”

  “I like you too.” I reach for her hand and sit back, a thought hitting me.

  “Ever think about the number of times we could’ve almost crossed path before now?” I smile. “I was at his graduation, you know. I’m pretty sure I saw you there.”

  “You were?” she says, surprised. “Huh. I guess it’s not surprising that I wouldn’t remember you. I thought you were overseas?”

  “I was, but I had just gotten back. I’m not really that memorable,” I tease.

  “No, that’s not what I meant…” She narrows her eyes when she realizes I’m baiting her and shakes her head. “I wonder how many other times there were where we could’ve met.”

  “It’s like fate wanted us together,” I say. “Even if you didn’t come into my ER, we would have met through Matt. Dinner party or not, I’m sure this would’ve happened eventually.”

  She smiles, like my words comfort her, then rests her head on my shoulder.

  “Do you really believe in fate?” she asks.

  I glance at her. “I guess I don’t really? I’m a doctor. Doesn’t medicine kind of go against the idea that whatever’s going to happen will happen?”

  “I guess,” she says. “Or maybe you’re not really changing anything at all. You just think you are.”

  “So, our jobs are pointless?” I smirk at her, knowing I’m winding her up.

  “No. I just mean… things like your dad dying and my dad… do you think things like that happen for a reason?” I glance at her and shrug, because I don’t know. “Why do bad things happen to good people?” she asks, frowning.

  “Does it matter?” I ask gently. “All those things, good and bad, just shape who you are as a person. You wouldn’t be the same without that balance.”

  “I guess,” she murmurs.

  “Shall we go home?” I suggest.

  She nods, and I take her hand in mine as we walk through the park toward her apartment.

  While she has a shower, I order some Chinese food. After dinner, we sit on the couch watching TV. She curls up in my arms, relaxed and happy. She looks up at me and grins.

  “Slouch on the couch night reinvented,” she says with a giggle.

  I groan. “I wish I had no idea what you were talking about, but unfortunately, I’m a victim.”

  She straightens up, her eyes widening as she stares at me.

  “No way.” She gasps and then shoves me. I chuckle and nod. “When?”

  “One night last year,” I say. “Is it strange that I feel like I’m opening up to you about a date rape experience?” I’m only half joking, too. “I felt so dirty after that night. Being forced to sit on that couch with Matt and Annie and watch some Zac Effron movie… I pause and shudder. “It was torture,” I whisper in a shaky voice.

  She laughs, her blue eyes sparkling.

  “I don’t know whether I find this hysterical or whether I feel betrayed. I feel like Matt and Annie cheated on me.”

  She snuggles back up against me. It’s funny when I see the way she and Matt are together, and it makes me jealous. Being an only child, I never got to have that kind of relationship with a sibling. I feel like I missed out on something that I’d never want my own kids to miss out on.

  “I wish I had a brother or sister.”

  “That’s a random thought.” She glances at me. “I get it, though. I’d be lost without Matt.”

  “I hated being an only child,” I admit. “I still do.” She smiles up at me. I smile back and stroke her cheek. “That’s why I want at least three kids,” I continue.

  “Three?” she repeats. She grins at me, her brow creasing. “Why three?”

  “Well, you don’t know if the first two are going to get along or not, so always have a backup.”

  “A backup?” She giggles like she can’t believe I just said that.
“I’m sure number three would love to know that they’re the backup.”

  “Oh, come on. Get off your high horse.” I love teasing her like this. “Don’t pretend you don’t think the same thing and it’s just as applicable for when we get old. Three is a good number in case we hate the first two…” I pause. “Or they hate us. We can guilt number three into caring for us. It’s either that or end up in a retirement home.”

  “And what if three hates you too?”

  “Good point. Four kids it is.”

  She shakes her head and laughs. “Maybe you shouldn’t be having kids at all.”

  “I love that we can talk about shit like this so easily.” I lean in and kiss her softly on the lips.

  “Me too,” she murmurs. Her face conveys her contentment, but I catch the flash of sadness hiding in her eyes. “And you know what else I love?” She smiles at me.

  “What?” I smirk at her. I hope this is headed where I think it’s headed.

  “Sleeping.” She giggles at my crestfallen expression.

  Apparently not.

  She leans up and kisses my lips, pressing her mouth to mine. Her hands cradle my face as she stares into my eyes.

  “Thank you for today. It was fantastic. I think it was just what I needed.”

  “Anytime,” I say.

  I bring her to my lips again, my mouth exploring hers, while I gently stroke her cheek. The feel of her lips on mine is enough to make my already-hard cock harder. She bites the edge of her lip as she glances down.

  “Well, good night then,” she says.

  Her eyes sparkle as she gazes up at me. She walks toward her room, while I stand there, feeling both disappointed and extremely aroused. She turns back to me and smiles when she reaches her door.

  “I kind of thought you might join me…”

  I smile, already on my way to her.

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Chapter Ten


  “I thought I heard you come in.”

  I giggle as he wraps his arms around me and plants wet kisses all over my neck, while I try and struggle free from his grasp.

  “At least let me put my things down first,” I beg. I lean over to the hall table and dump my bag and my keys down. “Now, where were we?” I ask, turning around so I’m facing him.

  I frown, because he smells way too fresh to have finished his shift. Which meant…

  “I’m running late,” he murmurs, kissing me. “They’re short staffed again tonight, so Lewin asked me to cover half a shift. On the plus side, it’s four hours, and then I’ll be home.” He gives me a devilish look. “The things I plan to do to you…”

  “Okay, go already,” I grumble. “I guess I’ll take that cold shower alone, then.” I push him out the door, rolling my eyes as he laughs at me.

  I walk over to the couch and flop down, exhausted. With everything I’ve got going on at work and applying for this research project, the extra pressure of being in a relationship isn’t helping with my focus. I’m worried that my feelings for Luke are taking the edge off my drive when it comes to getting where I want to be. Like making sure I get this research project.

  Putting my career ahead of everything else used to be a no-brainer, but that was before my feelings started getting in the way. The thought of not putting work first is as scary as hell. I’ve put everything into getting where I am, because it was something that was mine. It was something that I wasn’t at risk of losing.

  I lost so much, growing up. First, most of my childhood, and then my ability to have children. Losing my father was the final straw. I needed something that I could invest everything into and know it would still be there when I needed it. How do I know that Luke and I aren’t going to be over in six months? I guess that’s the thing. I can’t know that. All that time and effort is irrelevant if I mess things up because of Luke. But the thing about life is that nothing is ever really forever. It’s only forever until it’s not.


  Just as I’m about to have that shower, my phone rings. Figuring I should answer it, I stomp out of my room, down to the hall table and rummage through my bag.

  “How soon can you get over here?” Matt asks when I answer. He sounds panicked.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  “Annie is having contractions,” he says. He sounds stressed. I know my brother well enough to know he’d be driving Annie insane already.

  “Okay, I’m on my way.”

  I end the call, a rush of excitement filling me. I laugh, because holy shit, it’s finally happening. I scribble out a message for Luke, letting him know where I am and leave it on the counter, then I pack a few things in my bag, just in case I have to stay over.

  It’s nearly nine by the time I’m in my car, heading over to their place. At this time of day, the drive across town is an easy one, so I’m there within fifteen minutes, screeching to a stop out in front of their house. I jump out of the car and race inside, not even bothering to lock it. Anyone who steals my shitbox gets what they deserve.

  Matt stands out the front, with the door wide open, waiting for me. I race past him and find Annie lying on the couch, her face red as she puffs in and out. The poor thing looks so tired and miserable already. I feel sorry for her because she’s got a long way to go before this is over, and my brother clearly isn’t being much help.

  “Are you okay?” I ask, crouching down beside her. I quickly take her pulse while she clutches her stomach, groaning as another contraction hits her.

  “Fuck, it hurts so much,” she cries.

  “Have you called the hospital?” I ask Matt.

  He nods. “Yes, but the contractions are still too far apart. They said there’s not much point in us coming in yet.”

  I nod. “How far apart?”

  “Fifteen minutes.”

  “Yeah, if you went in now, they’d probably just send you back home.” I squeeze Annie’s hand and give her a smile. “Could be a little while yet.” I glance around. “Where are your parents?”

  “They took an overnight trip out to Vegas,” she says, gritting her teeth. “To be honest with you, I’m as glad as fuck. I’ve got enough to deal with without adding them to the mix.”

  I giggle and get to my feet.

  “Maybe run a bath?” I suggest to Matt. “Sometimes that can help move things along, or at the very least, ease the pain of the contractions a little.”

  Matt nods, looking relieved that he can be of some use. He disappears, so I sit with Annie, trying to take her mind off the pain.

  “How are things with Luke?” she asks, hissing as she tries to maneuver onto her side.

  “Good,” I admit. “Really good, actually.”

  She smiles at me and takes my hand, giving it a squeeze.

  “Great, I’m so happy for you. If anyone deserves to find someone, it’s you. You’re such an amazing person,” she says, tears forming in her eyes. I giggle because Annie sure gets emotional when she’s in pain.

  “Thanks,” I say.

  “Matt and I wanted to ask you something.” She glances at Matt, who has just walked back in the room. He raises his eyebrows, suddenly looking nervous.

  “I thought we were doing this after the baby was born,” he says.

  “Well, I want to do it now,” Annie growls. I laugh and shake my head at Matt. Never argue with a pregnant woman. “We want to ask you if you’d be our baby’s godmother,” Annie says as she takes Matt’s hand and looks up at him with love.

  “Really?” I ask. My eyes well with tears. “You’ve got no idea how much that means to me.” I’m so happy, but I’m also feeling bittersweet. This could be the closest I ever come to becoming a parent myself, and it would take a tragedy happening to both of them. “Of course, I will,” I say, my voice trembling.

  Tears roll down my cheeks. I don’t bother trying to hide the fact that I’m upset because let’s face it, it would take a lot of effort to stop the waterworks at this point.

“Are you okay?” Annie frowns. She glances at Matt, worried. “I didn’t know whether to ask you or not…” She shakes her head. “You hate the idea, don’t you? Oh God, I’m the worst person in the world,” she says, throwing her hands over her face. I kneel down in front of her and take hold of her hands.

  “No, don’t do that,” I say, looking her in the eye. “You’ve got no idea how happy you’ve made me. I’m thrilled that you both trust me with something like this. Honestly, I’m just…” I shake my head. “Thank you.”

  She smiles, her own eyes glistening with tears. I hug them both, my stomach all churned up.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Matt asks me softly.

  I do my best to glare at him.

  “Don’t you start. I’m fine. Have you called Mom?” I give him a look, knowing he probably hasn’t. He hangs his head. “I’ll go outside and do it now if you like. Which hospital is she going to?” I ask. “I’ll tell Mom that I’ll text her when we’re on our way.”

  “St. John’s,” Matt says.

  I disappear outside and lean against the railing, taking a moment to breathe. I could have just sent Mom a text inside, but I needed a second to myself. I close my eyes and breathe in again, shivering as the cool air hits my lungs.

  “Hey. Are you okay?”

  My eyes fly open. Luke stands in front of me, an amused smile on his face. I guess I’m quite the sight, standing there in the cold, eyes closed and breathing heavily. I’m a walking, talking phone sex commercial.

  “I got your message, so I thought I’d come over and see if I could help out.” He frowns at me, probably just noticing the tears and the blotchy red face. “Is something wrong? Is the baby okay? Is Annie okay? Is Matt—”

  “Calm down.” I take his hands because he looks like the one who needs to breathe now. “The baby is fine; everything is fine. I’m just a little overwhelmed, I guess.”

  “Overwhelmed or feeling a little clucky?” he teases.

  “Trust me, I’m in no way clucky,” I say with a smile.


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