The Waiting Game

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The Waiting Game Page 7

by Anna Samuels

  Alex moved downwards, her soft lips kissing a path down my naked stomach. When she reached the juncture between my thighs, she spread my legs wide and settled between them comfortably. I felt my stomach muscles tighten with tension as I looked down at her, ready to pleasure me. I ached for her tongue against my clitoris but felt lost for words, lost in emotion.

  She bent forwards and gently licked a trail with her tongue along my soft folds, parting them for her attention. The first touch of her tongue sent me arching skywards, desperate for more of the same.

  ‘Oh Alex,’ I gasped, my breathing heavier.

  ‘You’re so responsive,’ she murmured, moaning with pleasure as her tongue moved against me more fervently.

  My hips and body undulated against the firm pressure of her mouth and tongue. She licked, suckled and lapped at my soft flesh, eliciting sounds of excitement and bliss from me which I had never uttered before in my life. I felt the heat rush through my body as the tension built and I knew my climax was only seconds away.

  As I bucked and gasped against her working mouth, she focused in on my clitoris and I felt myself lose control, reaching my orgasm with shuddering intensity.

  How long I lay there recovering I didn’t know. I knew it was a long while before I came back to my senses. When I did, I turned to see Alex lying next to me and watching me happily.

  ‘Nice?’ she asked.

  I smiled at her. ‘I don’t think ‘nice’ exactly describes it, no,’ I laughed and then moved onto my side.

  I leant in towards her and kissed her slowly. Her mouth opened beneath mine and I kissed her languidly, letting my tongue stroke against hers.

  When I next lifted my head, her eyes had darkened with arousal. I knew she needed relief and I wanted to make her feel as incredible as she had made me feel.

  I moved down between her legs and bent my head down low. Nerves crept through my system as I moved forwards to pleasure her. This was still so new to me and I wanted to do a good job in making her feel aroused.

  At the first touch of my tongue, she cried out with need. I focused all of my attention in on her and kissed, lapped and licked her avidly. Alex came within minutes, arching up on the bed wildly and crying out her pleasure. As she came down from the raptures of bliss, I climbed up her body to kiss her long and slow. I felt accomplished and happy as I settled next to her warm body. We fell asleep in each other’s arms feeling the warm afterglow of satisfying connection.

  Leaving the cabin together, I felt almost guilty but in a pleasurable, content way. Alex glanced over at me as we walked back to the reception and I smiled up at her happily. There was such an intense connection between us and yet I felt unbelievably comfortable with her too.

  ‘I may pop back and make a few phone calls now,’ I told Alex as we wandered back into the reception.

  ‘Oh yeah? Well, are we still on for later?’ she asked.

  ‘Of course! I’m looking forward to it,’ I smiled.

  ‘Not that we haven’t already kind of skipped the first date stage,’ she joked.

  ‘Well, there is that-but it will still be lovely to go on a date! I don’t think I ever really have.’

  Alex stopped still and simply stared at me looking stunned. ‘What?’

  ‘I’ve never been on a real date I don’t think. I mean I’ve been out for a family meal and things like that-cinema trips, bowling-but no real dates.’

  ‘Not even with your ex?’ she questioned.

  ‘No…he wasn’t keen for anything like that. He would have considered that a ridiculous idea.’

  ‘That’s so sad!’

  I shrugged. ‘It’s fine.’

  ‘No, it’s not! Tell me your idea of a perfect date,’ she requested.

  ‘No way,’ I laughed, ‘because then you’ll just go all out and try and create it for me.’

  She threw her head back and laughed. ‘I actually would,’ she agreed.

  I smiled at her. ‘I’m easily pleased, Alex. Any kind of date would be wonderful.’

  ‘So I’ve just got to figure it out have I?’ she grinned.

  I shook my head. ‘Simply being with you is all I could possibly want, Alex,’ I told her softly.

  She bent her head and kissed me softly, her lips lingering on mine. ‘You go and relax for a bit. I’ll be over later with a plan to please,’ she smiled.

  ‘Sounds good to me,’ I said and kissed her back gently.

  I lifted my hand in a little wave as I reached the door and then turned to head back up the slope towards the cabin I was staying in. When I reached it, I let myself in and sank to the sofa feeling utter happiness. I stayed there for several long minutes simply thinking about everything that had passed during the time I had been at Alex’s holiday park. It had been life changing.

  I was shaken out of my reverie by the sound of my mobile ringing incessantly. Sighing, I rose from the sofa and hurried over to the kitchen where I had left it plugged in. It hadn’t occurred to me that I had left it in the cabin and someone might have wanted to call me.

  ‘Hello?’ I said, answering quickly as I saw that it was my daughter, Ava, calling.

  ‘Mum! Where the hell have you been?’ she asked, sounding frustrated.

  ‘Sorry, honey. I went out and left my phone in the cabin.’

  Ava paused on the other end of the line. ‘Oh…’

  ‘Is everything alright?’ I wondered, worried that something might have happened.

  ‘Everything is fine, Mum. I was just calling to check in on you and see how your holiday is going.’

  ‘Oh, I see…you’re sure everything is okay?’

  ‘Yes, Mum! You don’t need to worry about me. I’m just socialising and making friends. It’s you I’m worried about.’

  Guilt filled me from head to toe. I had never realised that being a parent would mean berating yourself for the smallest things and feeling guilty for the choices and decisions you made along the way. ‘I’m absolutely fine, Ava. In fact, I’ve been having a lovely time. I’ve made a new friend and have been spending lots of time with her.’

  ‘The one you said about on the phone? Alex?’ she questioned.

  ‘Yes, that’s right. Alex,’ I said, smiling to myself at the memories of all that had passed since arriving at Hunter’s Cabins.

  ‘So, where did you go out?’ she asked.


  ‘You said you went out without your phone? Where did you go? Seeing the sights?’

  ‘Uh, no actually. I was helping Alex around the park.’

  ‘Helping her do what?’ she wondered.

  ‘Well, all the jobs that she does day to day to keep the park running,’ I answered.

  ‘Mum!’ she exclaimed.


  ‘You’re on holiday!’

  ‘I know,’ I said, feeling guilty again, ‘but it’s really interesting seeing how things are run here. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it-and it means being able to spend time with her and chat with her while we work,’ I revealed.

  ‘Oh, right…’ Ava said slowly, clearly thinking this through.

  ‘You don’t need to worry about me, Ava. I’m fine-and having a lovely time. You just relax and enjoy the beginning of fresher’s week. I’ll be absolutely fine.’

  ‘Yeah…okay,’ she replied slowly.

  ‘So, what have you been doing today?’ I asked her.

  ‘Oh, well we’ve spent some time in halls hanging out and getting to know each other. We went to the bar yesterday which was quite cool.’

  ‘Have you made any good friends yet?’ I wondered.

  ‘Yeah, some,’ she said slowly, sounding unsure of that fact.

  ‘What are they like? The girls in your halls of residence?’

  ‘Well, mainly party-type girls,’ she told me.

  ‘Oh. Not exactly your type then, honey.’

  ‘Not exactly,’ she replied, sounding slightly weary. ‘But I’m going along with partying and everything so that I fit in for now.’
  ‘I guess so…but don’t be afraid to say no when you don’t want to be part of something.’

  Silence greeted me on the other end of the line.


  ‘I’m here, Mum. Just tired I guess.’

  ‘You sure you’re alright?’ I asked, feeling concerned about my daughter. She had gone from sounding excited and full of joy to a little down. It worried me.

  ‘I’m fine Mum. You enjoy your holiday but keep your phone on you! I like to be able to get in touch with you.’

  ‘I will,’ I promised. ‘I love you, honey.’

  ‘I love you too, Mum.’

  ‘Talk soon.’

  ‘Yeah, bye Mum.’

  ‘Bye sweetie,’ I replied and hung up.

  Looking down at the phone, I felt concern fill me. On instinct, I phoned my other child, Ben. He was sensible and always knew what to do with Ava as he and her were so close.

  The phone rang and rang and eventually Ben answered.


  ‘Hey Ben.’

  ‘Oh hey! How’s things?’ he asked, his low voice a reminder of the man my little boy had become.

  ‘Good thanks, honey. I’m on holiday now that I’ve dropped Ava at Uni.’

  ‘Yeah, how’s that going? Were you okay after leaving her?’ he wondered.

  Parental guilt filled me once more. My children were more concerned about me than themselves. ‘Yes, I was fine thanks, Ben. She seemed to be settling in fine when I left and then I drove down to Cornwall to this cabin holiday park where I am now.’

  ‘What’s it like?’ he asked.

  ‘It’s incredible!’ I gushed. ‘It’s pure luxury, relaxation and to top it off, I’ve met a wonderful friend.’

  ‘Oh really?’

  ‘Yes; her name’s Alex and she owns this place. She’s so lovely and I’m spending lots of time with her already.’

  ‘Ah Mum, you sound so happy! I was really worried how you’d cope with Ava going off to Uni. You’re doing great though, clearly. I hope it continues when you go home and go back to work.’

  Dread filled me at the thought. ‘I’d rather just stay here forever,’ I joked. ‘Facing that reality is something I’d rather avoid!’ I chuckled. ‘Anyway, enough about me! How is everything at Uni?’ I asked him.

  ‘Oh fine, yeah, it’s good. Lectures started this week so I’m already crammed with information. This year’s going to be tough I think.’

  ‘You’ll manage though, Ben. You’re so clever.’

  He laughed. ‘Thanks Mum.’

  ‘And is Claire back now?’ I asked, referring to his girlfriend of the past two years.

  ‘Yeah. She came back last week so that’s been nice.’

  ‘How’s the shared house working out?’ Ben wasn’t in halls of residence this year, he had opted to share a house with his girlfriend and friends.

  ‘It’s good, yeah…not the tidiest,’ he laughed, ‘but that’s fine.’

  ‘And living with Claire turning out okay?’

  ‘Yeah! I mean, we spent all our time last year living in each other’s rooms so it’s actually just easier to be honest.’

  ‘I can imagine,’ I replied.

  ‘So, anyway-have you spoken to Ava since dropping her there?’ he enquired.

  ‘Well, actually, that’s part of the reason I was calling,’ I told him.

  ‘Okay? What’s wrong?’

  ‘Well, I just spoke to her and she sounded really down. When I spoke to her the day after leaving her, she sounded full of excitement and anticipation. Just now she sounded really sad and down.’


  ‘I was wondering if you would speak to her.’

  ‘Yeah, sure.’

  ‘She might open up to you more than she would to me,’ I murmured.

  ‘I can try, Mum. I mean, it is a huge adjustment. She’s probably just tired after the first week of parties and madness and it’s all kind of dawned on her that she’s there permanently.’

  ‘I bet you’re right. Will you chat to her for me, Ben? And then let me know if everything’s okay in your view?’

  ‘Of course, Mum. But don’t worry about it too much, hey? You enjoy your holiday and relax. It must be nice that you’ve found a friend!’ he commented, having no idea just how right he was.

  ‘It’s been incredible actually,’ I told him. ‘Alex is the owner of this place now and she runs it single-handedly pretty much. She’s a force to be reckoned with! And such an amazing woman,’ I gushed.

  ‘Wow, Mum,’ Ben chuckled, ‘sounds like you’re quite taken with her.’

  I swallowed hard, unwilling to disclose any more of the amazing time I had spent with her, ‘she’s a really, lovely woman, Ben. It’s been years since I had a friend away from working colleagues.’

  ‘Yeah, I know. Just what you need,’ he said, happily.

  ‘Well, I should let you go.’

  ‘Yeah. I have a lecture soon. I better go,’ he told me.

  ‘Of course. Will you phone Ava though, Ben?’

  ‘I will, I promise,’ he told me. ‘Try not to worry, Mum. I’ll contact you if there’s anything to worry about.’

  ‘Thanks Ben. I try not to worry, but hey! This is me we’re talking about.’

  ‘I love you Mum,’ he replied warmly. ‘Try to relax and enjoy your holiday.’

  ‘I will, honey. Speak to you soon?’

  ‘Definitely. Love you.’

  ‘Love you too, honey. Bye!’

  ‘Bye Mum.’

  I hung up and then walked back to the kitchen to plug my phone into the charger again. I then wandered back to the sofa and wondered what to do with myself. I told myself to stop worrying about Ava and be more sensible with my wayward thought processes. I decided to choose a book from the bookcase of fiction provided and take a hot tub to help me relax.

  Minutes later, I lay in the blissfully hot water relaxing. The book I had taken to read couldn’t hold my interest and I found my thought wandering. All I could think of in those moments was Alex. I ached for her still. Despite the time we had already spent together.

  I thought of the conversations with my children. I had been absolutely truthful when I had said that I could think of nothing worse than returning home to my quiet home and a job I hated. Here, with Alex, everything was like a little bubble of happiness. I wasn’t naïve enough to think that it would last forever but I knew that there was more joy to be found here, in Cornwall than there was left back home.

  I stayed in for twenty minutes which was the recommended time to spend in the tub and then got out, wrapped myself in the towelling dressing gown provided and headed back inside. There I sat down on the sofa and lay back, resting. I drifted off to sleep quickly, off into oblivion after the busy few days I had experienced.

  The next time I woke, it was dark and I felt disorientated. Sitting up, I looked around, remembering where I was. I stumbled to my feet and headed over to the kitchen to find out the time on my phone. It was quarter past five already! I needed to get ready in a hurry!

  I rushed off to the bathroom and tidied myself in the mirror before dressing, adding a little make-up and checking my reflection. Just as I was finished getting ready, there was a knock at the door.

  I hurried over and opened the wooden, cabin door.

  ‘Hey!’ I smiled.

  ‘Hello, gorgeous,’ she replied. ‘You look absolutely stunning,’ she told me, her eyes scanning over me with admiration.

  I felt my cheeks redden with embarrassment. ‘Thanks. You look pretty good yourself,’ I said shyly.

  She grinned. ‘Are you ready to go?’

  ‘Yeah,’ I said, ‘I’ll just grab my bag.’

  I collected my phone and placed it in my hand bag before leaving with Alex. Somehow I knew we were destined to have the most wonderful evening imaginable. Anything less just wouldn’t be possible with Alex in tow.

  Chapter 11

  ‘So, where are we going?’ I asked Alex, pleased
as she took my hand and led me to the car which was parked outside.

  ‘Ah, well…wait and see,’ she told me softly.

  ‘This is so exciting! My first date!’ I chuckled.

  ‘Yeah…I better make it good, right?’

  ‘So long as I’m with you, I’m bound to have a good time.’

  ‘You flatterer you,’ she joked in response.

  ‘So, we’re leaving the park?’ I asked.

  ‘I got someone to cover me,’ she replied, opening the passenger side of the door for me.

  ‘Wow! That’s good. So you don’t need to be at everyone’s beck and call tonight?’

  ‘That’s right. I’m all yours-no interruptions allowed.’

  I smiled over at her, feeling so very happy.

  ‘Buckle up,’ she instructed, ‘and we’ll get going.’

  Alex drove slowly out of the Hunter’s cabins park and turned left down the first country road. The night was pitch dark already and the air chilly. I shivered against my warm jacket.

  ‘Cold?’ she asked, turning the heat up in the car.

  ‘The cold weather’s really beginning to set in, isn’t it?’

  ‘Yeah…I love it.’

  ‘Do you?’ I asked.

  ‘Yeah…I love the way the seasons change and I’m one for a nice, thick jumper and hot chocolate on a cold night. Summer’s not exactly my favourite time of year. It’s busy here and I find it too hot.’

  ‘I’m very similar. I like Autumn and Winter too. There’s nothing better than cosying up with a good film or book on the sofa.’

  ‘Here, here,’ she agreed.

  ‘So, are you going to reveal where we’re going to?’ I asked then.

  ‘Nope. So, what did you do with your day since I saw you last?’ she wondered.

  ‘Not much,’ I admitted. ‘I used the hot tub, did a bit of reading and then spent a while on the phone to my kids.’

  ‘Oh really? Tell me about them.’

  ‘You want to hear more about them?’ I said, surprised.

  ‘Yeah, definitely. If they were made by you, they’re bound to be incredible.’

  ‘Ah,’ I said, touched, ‘that was a lovely thing to say!’

  She just smiled.


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