Rise of the Alpha

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Rise of the Alpha Page 12

by Jessica Snow

  Kristina nodded. “Okay, I can accept that. But one promise.”

  “What’s that?”

  She smiled and put her head on his shoulder. “Next time, if we do, it’s when we’re not being influenced or whatever. Now, tell me about last night. I mean, before you burst into the house and I ripped your jacket off.”

  “Yeah, you need to get me a new one of those, by the way,” Magnus said with a chuckle. They sat down, and he told her about the meeting with the Kenai, how Pauline had approached him, and his reactions. Kristina’s brow knit as he described the sensations, and when he was finished, she shook her head.

  “What is she?”

  Magnus shook his head. “I don’t know. But I need to check in with Edward anyway. Maybe they’ve got some more information for us.”

  “Okay, I’ll get some breakfast ready while you do,” Kristina said, getting up off the couch. She went into the kitchen and went through her cabinets, looking for food to eat. She had a dozen eggs cracked and whipped in a bowl with some cream for another egg scramble. As she worked, she thought about what they’d said.

  Magnus was right. Perhaps their mating wasn’t under ideal circumstances. Perhaps she should have known more about this woman in his past, his previous mate whom he’d apparently been pining over for so long.

  But they were mated now, and she didn’t regret it. He didn’t regret it either. He’d opened up their link enough again on his side that she could sense that much. If there were any regrets, it was that it should have been done with zero outside influence. Also, if they didn’t want to be ‘mated’, they could let the link fade.

  “Kristina?” Magnus called, and she set her bowl down, going back into the living room. She looked at his laptop and was surprised when there were two people on the screen, Edward on one side and Akiko Thornblood on the other. “Sorry, Dame Thornblood, but I felt it was important for Kristina to listen in on this too. Please continue.”

  “Of course. This affects her people too,” Akiko said, her composed, grave face taking her in. “Please, have a seat, Kristina.”

  Kristina came around the sofa and sat down, aware of how close Magnus’s knee was to hers as she squeezed in to see the screen. “What’s going on, Dame Thornblood?”

  Akiko smiled an enigmatic smile, nodding. “Thank you for the politeness. As to what’s going on . . . I have information on this Pauline Desjardins. First, is this the woman?”

  Akiko held up a photograph, and Magnus nodded. “That’s her. She’s changed her hair color though. She’s nearly platinum blonde right now.”

  “That’s her natural hair color,” Akiko said. “Magnus, you are in very grave danger. Pauline Desjardins is French, and she’s a succubus.”

  “A succubus?” Kristina asked, shocked. “Uh, those exist?”

  “They do exist, although there aren’t many in North America,” Akiko said. “The ones my contacts know about, they usually stay in all-human places, where they can create a circle of feeds and survive quietly. They don’t come near Lycans normally.”

  “Why?” Kristina asked, leaning forward. “What about Aklark?”

  “Considering that the Thornbloods didn’t even know about the Aklark until recently, we don’t know,” Edward interjected. “But I need to get up there to help you. I’m going to be coming soon.”

  “Why?” Magnus said. “And why am I in so much danger, Dame Thornblood?”

  Akiko sighed, looking at the camera. “A succubus works by seduction, Magnus. But it doesn’t work on mated males. An active link allows the male to resist the succubus’s powers, rendering them useless since there’s a female presence in his mind already.”

  “Which is why I’m coming,” Edward said. “I have Kim in my mind, and she can actively link with me the whole time.”

  “Then how did she get in with the Kenai?” Kristina asked, and Akiko sighed.

  “Peter Alces wasn’t mated, and as for the others . . . a succubus’s powers can be forced, but it requires sexual contact. I suspect there’s been a lot of collaboration between the succubus and those she was able to seduce regularly,” Akiko said. “She’s got a reason, too. My contacts traced her back. She had a brother, an incubus who was in Scotland.”

  “And we killed it,” Edward said. “The Aklark were the first outside group to join with the Lycans for the war against the Hunters. And the Kenai were the clan to introduce the Lockwoods to the Aklark.”

  Magnus shook his head. “We have to get the word out somehow. I need to confront Ben Stormstout. He’s got a demon living in his own home!”

  “You do that, and you’re going to be another victim,” Akiko said. “You’re unmated, Magnus. You are vulnerable to her powers.”

  Magnus looked over at Kristina, who swallowed nervously before nodding. “No . . . no, he’s not, Dame Thornblood. He almost fell victim once, but we . . . last night, Magnus and I mated.”

  Akiko stopped, blinking for a moment, then nodded. “Then you have limited protection. Magnus, the level of protection depends on the strength of the link. Do you understand?”

  Magnus nodded, looking at Kristina. “I understand. Edward, you can come here if you want . . . but there may not be time. I need to confront your father as soon as I can. The situation with the Kenai is . . . extreme.”

  Edward nodded, sighing. “Fine. I’ll get there as soon as I can though. Magnus, be careful.”

  “We will be,” Magnus said. “Dame Thornblood, please send me all the information you have on Pauline Desjardins. In the meantime, Kristina and I will do what we can to strengthen our link.”

  They closed the call, and Magnus turned to Kristina. “This is going to make things more difficult.”

  “How so?”

  Magnus closed his mouth, and she felt him whisper in her mind. Because the more we use the link, the stronger it gets. The stronger it gets, the longer it takes to fade.

  I don’t care. If it keeps you safe, Magnus, then I’m willing to do whatever it takes.

  Kristina felt a wave of emotion sweep over her, and she gasped, looking into his eyes. You really feel that way?

  I do. If you’re willing to forge a stronger bond between us, then I’m willing to take the risk again. I think you’re the most amazing woman I’ve met.

  Kristina nodded. So we just have to keep linking? Won’t we get tired?

  Magnus laughed lightly, shaking his head. No. It’s not like a muscle in that regard. It’s more like . . . well, there isn’t really an equivalent. Some people have said it’s like water in a riverbed. The more it flows, the deeper the water cuts into the rock, to the point that it can become permanent. Either way, for the rest of the day, as much as we can, let’s not use our voices at all.

  Kristina nodded, and they went into the kitchen together. It was a struggle at first, remembering to use the link and not her voice, but at the same time, it was a fun struggle. Magnus did a wonderful job of ‘playing dumb’ as she instructed him around the kitchen to help with making breakfast, and after it was ready, they sat down together, chatting.

  So Magnus, do you really think I’m pretty?

  Magnus nodded and opened his mind more to her. Kristina gasped as she saw how she looked through Magnus’s eyes. There wasn’t the big waist or thin lips that were common to the Aklark, and there was no hesitation about the natural size of her back muscles or that she had arms bigger than most men. Instead, she saw the femininity of her curves, the way her breasts stretched her shirts, and the way her hips swelled out from her thick waist. She felt the heat Magnus felt when they’d kissed, and the memories in his mind, still hazy because of Pauline’s interference, but the feeling he’d gotten when they’d been fucking.

  Oh, my God.

  Yeah, you’re pretty hot. Sorry if I didn’t let you know that earlier. I was . . . well, hold on.

  Kristina’s mind was flooded again with memories, this time of fifteen years ago, of another woman. Her moment of jealousy dimmed as she felt the depth of their love and the
sacrifice that Magnus was willing to undergo to be with her. Then the pain of her death. The pain brought tears to her eyes, and when she blinked again, she realized it was hours later and they’d been sitting in the kitchen just linking the whole time.

  Whoa. And the link is always like this?

  When you want it to be. We mated last night, Kristina. Imagine what it’ll feel like having sex when you’re linked. I know you got a ghost of it . . . now imagine how intense it’ll be with a full, active, mature link?

  Kristina swallowed, heat flushing her body. So last night might not be the last time?

  Magnus shook his head. Not thinking it. Come on, the sun’s getting late in the sky. We need to get going. Can you drive me to the diner? That’s where Ben hangs out mostly, right?

  We’ll have to talk outside, but sure.

  “Then let’s get ready,” Magnus said, making Kristina gulp. His voice in her mind was almost exactly the same as over the link, and she felt another warm rush of desire flood her body. Magnus chuckled. She must be bleeding over some. “Yes, you are, and to answer your question . . . you learn to deal with it. But if you ever want to know how and why Lycans are so sexual all the time . . . well, now you know.”

  Chapter 15

  They drove together to the diner, Kristina wearing her favorite comfortable jeans and a thick sweatshirt while Magnus tugged at the leather bomber jacket. “Wow, it fits perfectly.”

  “One of the advantages of having a mate who’s got shoulders the same size as you,” Kristina joked. “I got that jacket twenty years ago on a trade deal with a trucker who came through town. I ended up giving him probably double the value of it, but it’s lasted, and I had the authentic bomber jacket I wanted. Only one problem with it.”

  “What’s that?” Magnus asked, checking for rips or tears. “Feels like it’s in perfect condition.”

  “It is . . . but it’s lined in sheep’s fur. I’m Aklark, and it’s got to be pretty damn cold before I can even think of wearing that thing without sweating my tits off.”

  Kristina blushed, glancing at Magnus. “Sorry, I’m not usually that crude.”

  Magnus laughed. “It’s okay, really. You don’t want to know how crude I get after some of the inter-clan meetings, where it’s all Lord this and Lady that, full names and as little cursing as possible. Days on days of standing stiff and still while the Alpha Lords and Ladies from other clans look at you with what could best be described as civil disdain. Nah, I curse like a sailor those days when I can.”

  “You really don’t like the Lycan system, do you?” Kristina asked. “Yet you work for one of the strongest Lycan clans in North America. Maybe one of the strongest in the world, now that the Lockwoods and the Thornbloods fall under a single Alpha Male.”

  “I am Lycan,” Magnus said simply. “Part of it, and I’ll be honest, I look at some of the weaker Alphas, and while they might be bigger than me, I could whip them and take their clan if the fight would be legit. But the clan wouldn’t unite behind me. Simply put, Kristina, except for Keith Waldwyck and a few Alphas like him, I’m equal to any Alpha in the world.”

  Kristina looked and felt no deception on his part, and she thought he was right. She might be physically stronger than him, but in the sharing of memories, he was more than equal to any Kenai she’d ever met, and she wondered if their mating had somehow awakened this side of him. “Magnus . . .”

  “We’ll discuss that later,” Magnus said with a knowing smile. “Your link is still bleeding over. Not hard, but it’s there. Keep it up, just in case.”

  They reached the diner, where inside, Magnus could see Ben Stormstout sitting on one of the big stools, Pauline next to him. He paused, looking at Kristina. “I can use the backup.”

  “I’ll be by your side,” she promised, giving his hand a squeeze. They got out of the truck and went inside, where Ben and Pauline were deep in what Magnus could only call an intimate conversation.

  “Well, well, if it isn’t our guest from down south,” Ben said as the door closed. “Oh, don’t worry, Fiachan, it’s just us. Pauline knows who you are, don’t you, baby?”

  “I’ve met your . . . new girl already,” Magnus growled, letting a bit of his wolf out. “In fact, she tried to meet me right outside the Kenai meeting hall, didn’t you?”

  “You disrespect me, Lycan,” Ben said, standing up. “You want to watch your mouth.”

  “And you disrespected me when you spoke to me with just my last name, but you already knew that,” Magnus said, staring at Ben. “You might be a manipulative hick of a country-fried politician, Ben Stormstout, but you’re not an idiot. And I think you know exactly what your new soulsucker here is doing.”

  Ben stepped closer, his right hand flashing out to try and punch Magnus, but he ducked, his fist flashing forward to impact with Ben’s huge but still steel hard gut. Ben showed no signs of pain at all, and Magnus knew that he was in trouble. He might be able to outmaneuver Ben Stormstout, but in the confined space of the diner, he couldn’t move.

  “That’s enough!” Kristina said, grabbing Ben’s arm just as he brought his hand back for another punch. “This is still neutral ground, Ben! Your word backs that!”

  Ben stopped, and Magnus could see Kristina struggling to hold his arm back. Magnus growled, jerking his head toward the parking lot. “Outside, Stormstout. You can change, I can change, we go into the woods, and we settle this.”

  “I don’t think that’s necessary,” Pauline trilled, putting her hand on Ben’s arm. “Do you, honey? I think Magnus can be swayed to listen to reason?”

  She turned her eyes on Magnus again, her voice purring as she, Magnus now realized, turned her power on him. “Can’t we get along, Magnus? I’d very much appreciate it.”

  “Bitch, he’s immune to you,” Kristina growled. “And if you don’t back off, you’re going to find yourself short an arm.”

  Pauline hissed, her beautiful face twisting in anger as she confronted Kristina, but she backed off. Ben stared at Kristina in anger, and was about to say something when the door to the diner opened, and a Mountie walked in. “Good evening, Ben. Is anything wrong?”

  Ben lowered his arm, Kristina letting go, his eyes flashing dangerously as he dropped his arm back to his side, stepping back from Magnus and Kristina. “Not at all, Vince. I just had a weird crick in my shoulder, and Kristina here was helping me stretch it out. What’s up?”

  “Oh, just coming through town on a patrol and wanted to grab a bite. What’s on the grill tonight?”

  “Let me see who’s in the back and they’ll be right out to help you,” Ben said before leaning in to whisper to Magnus. “This isn’t over, Fiachan.”

  “I didn’t think it would be, Stormstout,” Magnus said, stepping back. He waited until he was a few steps away before he turned and, sliding sideways to avoid the Mountie, left the diner. Outside, Kristina opened up their link.

  What was that? Did you go in there trying to pick a fight with him?

  A little. I don’t like fighting, but I had to see just how much control Pauline has over Ben. It’s worse than I thought. She didn’t even need to say anything and he was in my face.

  Yeah, well, next time, warn me? I might be stronger than the average Lycan, but I’m still a girl, and Ben’s a strong male Aklark. You’re lucky you don’t have a fractured sternum right now.

  I’ll keep that in mind. Now, we need to prepare. I don’t want him coming to us, but our going to him will keep him off balance.

  What do you want to do?

  Magnus glanced into the diner again, where Ben was once again seated on his stool, laughing and gladhanding the Mountie. I’d prefer to not hurt him. Before this whole thing with Pauline, he was a dick, but the Aklark seemed to be doing okay.

  Most of us.

  Magnus looked over at Kristina, chuckling and shifting to speaking. “Wanted to talk with you about that. If you’d like . . . well, I’ve got space in my apartment in the Lockwood Tower.”

raised an eyebrow, chuckling. “Can’t I keep the guest quarters in the manor?”

  “We’ll see. First though, we have a bigger problem,” Magnus said, getting into the truck. “How the hell do you get rid of a succubus?”

  Chapter 16

  “Getting rid of a succubus?” Akiko Thornblood asked, looking out from the computer screen. It was fully dark now, and for the first time, Magnus was frustrated that he only had an Internet connection to Akiko. He’d prefer to have remained mobile. But cell reception was spotty at best, and there was no way he could talk with her on his phone.

  “We confronted Ben Stormstout,” Magnus said, looking at Kristina. “Dame Thornblood, the succubus has Ben totally corrupted. He nearly punched me right in the middle of the diner.”

  Akiko sighed, nodding. “The longer a succubus is with a victim, the stronger the control becomes. As for getting rid of one, I don’t have a lot of information. Whenever they’ve encountered Lycan territory and stuck around, the Lycans have had to use . . . extreme measures to get rid of it.”

  “What do you mean, extreme measures?” Kristina asked. “Why not just tear her damn head off?”

  “Because she’s not strictly physical in nature,” Akiko replied. “She’s . . . well, the term demon sounds silly, but it’s as close as we can get. When Lycans have attacked succubi before, they’ve hit them with weapons, with teeth, with brute force, and nothing happens. They bounce, they get up, and they just keep going.”

  “No footsteps,” Magnus said, shaking his head. “She’s a ghost.”

  “Not quite. A succubus can be confined to a room,” Akiko said. “But when that hasn’t worked, Lycans have been forced to find and kill every person under the succubus’s influence. That can get messy.”

  “Especially since she’s seduced quite a lot of powerful people around here,” Magnus said. “How did she get so deep so fast?”

  “Probably, she got in with Ben first . . . then Peter, and from there . . . well, I doubt all the deaths are her actions,” Kristina said sadly. “So is there any hope at all, Akiko?”


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