Rise of the Alpha

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Rise of the Alpha Page 34

by Jessica Snow

  Suddenly, the doors to the wing crashed open, and Keith burst through in full werewolf form, snarling and enraged. In a single sweep of his massive paw, he tore the guard in two, before looking around, growling menacingly. Melanie stepped out of the bathroom, her feet carrying her across the room to her Mate, leaping towards him as she cried his name. Keith turned, catching her in the air and holding her in his massive arms tenderly. "Come on, let's go," he growled, stroking her hair carefully, making sure his claws didn't scratch her at all. "But I need your help."


  "There's a radio beacon clipped to the belt around my waist. But I can't push the button with my claws. I'd prefer to have them ready if need be."

  Melanie found the belt and beacon, pushing it. "You don't normally wear clothes in wolf form. You told me it gives you a rash, and you feel ridiculous in them."

  "It was needed this time. Now follow me. If things go properly, there shouldn't be anyone inside in two minutes."

  The first thumping roar of a rocket impacting another part of the building sent trembles through Melanie's feet as she walked quickly behind Keith, who kept his eyes sweeping side to side and his nose twitching. Reaching a stairwell, he checked carefully before leading her up. "Wait on this side of the door," he growled. "There are probably men on the roof."

  As they approached, the sound of machine gun fire and animal roars came to her ears, but some of them sounded strange, not at all like the wolf growls and howls she had expected. She stopped where Keith said while he went back onto the roof. Looking through the glass, she watched in shock as she saw him fighting alongside what a massive grizzly bear, both of them slaughtering armed guards left and right. Within less than a minute, the roof was clear, and she heard Keith in her head. You're clear. Come on out.

  Melanie reached for the door, only to be stopped as someone grabbed her wrist. Turning, she saw John, bleeding from a scalp wound, grinning maniacally and holding a serrated knife from the kitchen in his hand. "Oh no, you're not getting away," he said, going to stab her. "If you won't give me your child, I can at least make sure we won't deal with it either."

  Melanie twisted to the side, the knife missing her stomach by less than an inch as she pivoted, freeing her wrist, while at the same time her other hand came around, deflecting John's thrust upwards. With her now freed wrist, she chopped the inside of his elbow, bending the arm as her deflection continued, the knife blade turning in a tight circle to stab him in the chest. John looked stunned for a second, like he didn't understand what was going on, staggering back a step. Melanie kicked him once in the stomach, sending him tumbling down the stairs behind him, crashing to the landing below. "Fuck you," she spat, turning and going out onto the roof.

  "What happened?" Keith asked as he saw the blood that covered her shirt. "Are you okay?"

  "I am. He isn't. Get me the hell out of here."

  "Okay. Hold onto my neck," Keith said, picking her up. He ran to the edge of the roof, leaping into the night sky, easily clearing the perimeter fence before landing lightly on his back paws.

  "By the way, this is Edward," he said, tossing his snout towards the gigantic bear who landed with a much heavier thud on the dirt next to them. "We'll do formal introductions later."

  Kim? Keith thought, letting Melanie listen in.

  You have her?

  I'm here, Sister.

  Good. I'm getting everyone clear.

  Melanie watched as wolves, bears, and armed men peeled back from the facility. A few were limping, and two were being carried by compatriots. Keith picked up Melanie and ran, stopping on a hillock a mile away. We're clear.

  Understood. Thornblood and the Aklark as well. Watch this.

  The helicopter was barely visible to Melanie, even in the just past full moon, a ghostly black shape against the slightly less dark sky that glimmered when the moon hit it at the right angle. The streaks of rocket fire and machine gun fire that rattled out of the weapons pinpointed Kim's location, as she let loose with every bit of destruction at her fingertips. The building where Melanie had been held was torn apart by explosion after explosion, capped by a massive blast that tore through the very wing she had been kept, fire blooming into the night sky before Kimberly circled once, then flew off in a ghostly whine of turbines. The heat seared against her face, and she felt cleansed by it.

  "Come on, let's get the hell out of here."

  Chapter 34

  The air felt chilly to Melanie as she stepped out onto the lawn of the Manor, but she thought it must have been the change in latitude. Spring was coming soon, she could see the hints of green in the trees surrounding the property.

  While the Manor building itself had been repaired, the wounds to the grounds themselves were still too raw to have healed. The woods were still torn and splintered, with the torn trunks and gashed ground still visible. It would be a while for the scars to heal in the earth, and longer for them to heal in the minds and souls of the affected.

  "Can you show me?" she asked Keith, who nodded and led her over. She saw the burial mound, which was awaiting the granite and obsidian memorial stone that Keith had already ordered.

  Getting down on her knees, she scooped up a handful of dirt, rubbing it between her palms. She was tempted to pray for the souls of those who had fought and died but didn't. Considering that she had been captured and held by a group that had operated under the auspices of the largest church in the world, she wasn't sure if that was a God she wanted to offer any prayers to. Instead, she thought about each of the Lycans buried there and promised them that she would live as good a life as possible to honor their sacrifice. After reflecting for a moment, she went to the smaller grave, separated from the others, and knelt again.

  "Valeria," she said, touching the still raw dirt, which hadn't had time to have any grass grow yet. It was too cold to have sod implanted as well, and she was glad they hadn't used fake Astroturf, it would have cheapened the whole thing.

  She thought of the wise, kind woman she had known for only a few days, and tried to remember the good times and not the horror of her death. She found it remarkably easy, probably because of the memories she shared with Keith and Kimberly, and the intense love they had for their Mother. "I wish we had more time to know one another. Thank you, and I will never forget you. Don't worry, though, your Clan is in good hands. I'll watch over Keith and Kimberly, just like they're watching over me. If there is a place up there you can see us from, I hope you're smiling."

  Standing up carefully, she brushed off her knees, turning to see Keith and Kimberly waiting for her. She came over and hugged her family, gaining reassurance from the physical closeness. She inhaled deeply, smelling the scent of her Clan, and felt at least a temporary measure of peace. "Come on, let's get inside," Kimberly said. "It's still too cold for you to be outside without heavy clothes on."

  "Worrywart," Melanie said with a chuckle, squeezing Kim's narrow waist before stepping back. "Actually, I had a favor to ask of you."

  "What's that?"

  Melanie ran her fingers through her hair, which had started to go back to her natural blonde at her roots, she had been in captivity for so long. "I need my Clan colors. Think you can help me out?"

  Kimberly smiled and nodded. "Of course. Before the ceremony."

  Melanie nodded. "Keith, can I have some private time with Kimberly?"

  "Of course. I'm sure Akiko could use some help with getting her people situated. And of course there's Ben Stormstout, he'll be arriving soon." Keith jogged ahead, going inside the Manor while Kim and Melanie watched him go.

  "You guys did a lot of maneuvering to get me back," Melanie said. "Not that I'm ungrateful, but it's going to take a lot of time to get used to all of the changes. But besides all of that, there's a dead Thornblood and a dead Aklark to add to the list."

  "We would have torn the world apart to get you back," Kimberly said. Despite her earlier claim that Melanie should have worn heavier clothes, she turned and walked along one of the g
ravel pathways that led around the Manor, Melanie following in her leather jacket and jeans. "Don't ever doubt that. Actually, considering who I'm getting for a father in law, you can be damn sure never to doubt it."

  Melanie had listened on the helicopter ride back as Keith and Kimberly had brought her up to date, including their impressions of Ben Stormstout. "I'm not. Just.... an alliance with Bears, which I didn't even know existed, and you being betrothed? Kim, I was just getting used to you being single and Lycan, now you're going to be betrothed and maybe even Mated soon? Not that Edward isn't a nice guy, I mean I've only had a few minutes to talk to him, but considering what you guys have told me, he seems like a good man."

  "I think he is," Kimberly said. "I'm more concerned about you. What if Akiko expects Keith to make her his Second Mate?"

  "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," Melanie replied. "I had a chance to talk with her a bit as her men unloaded the plane when we got back from Mexico, she spent a lot of time asking my forgiveness. She has a very deep streak of contrition in her."

  "She does. So you’re not worried?"

  Melanie and Kim came around to the bluffs overlooking the river. A hundred feet down, Melanie could see the river flowing by calmly, as if all the things that had happened at the Manor were inconsequential. Perhaps they were, in the long run. "I've thought about it, the whole helicopter ride, and the drive up here from the airport," Melanie said. "And I've come to an understanding."

  "What's that, Mel?" Kimberly asked. "Have you reached enlightenment or something? I mean, you were doing a lot of meditation in that looney bin."

  Melanie chuckled and punched her Sister in the arm. Kimberly pretended to wince, even though both of them knew Melanie's strongest punch wouldn't hurt her at all. "Wise-ass. No, I just came to an understanding that no matter how hard I try, I may never fully understand this world I'm living in now. But at the same time, I don't need to worry about it. I know Keith's heart, and I know your heart. I know that regardless of what happens, the two of you will be there, and we'll soon be joined by our son. I’d rather it not happen, but if Akiko Thornblood insists on being Second Mate, well, I can accept that. If Edward and you Mate, I can accept that too. Speaking of which, he speaks very fondly of you."

  It was Kimberly's turn to blush slightly, and Melanie gave her a knowing smile. "I see. Well, for perhaps the first time in our relationship, let me give you some advice from a position of greater knowledge. Trust your instincts. I did, and I've never regretted it, even for a moment. If you want to Mate with Edward, then do so. I'll be the first to congratulate you, and if anyone talks shit about it, I'll be the first to put silver bullets in their ass."

  "I know you will," Kim said. They stood there for a few more minutes, silently watching the river flow by. "I missed you, Mel."

  "I missed you too, Kim."

  Kim put her arm around Melanie's shoulders and pulled her close. "You promise you'll help me with this whole Edward thing?"

  "Of course. I love you, Kim. Come on, let's go get ready. I don't want to look like a raccoon for the ceremony."

  "Or a refugee from a trailer park," Kimberly said as they walked. Melanie elbowed her in the side, Kimberly laughing. "What?"

  Chapter 35

  "I promise that you shall be my First Mate, and to be a loyal Mate to you," Kim said, standing in the main hall of the Manor. She felt nervous in the forest green cocktail dress she was wearing, her hair done up in what might not have been a salon level style, but still much more than the practical ponytail she preferred. She was even wearing high heels, something she swore she would only do for Gathering level events.

  Then again, the event was, she thought. The ceremony was attended by close to thirty people, including Keith, Melanie, Ben Stormstout, Akiko Thornblood, and representatives of various Clans that were either close by or allied with the Lockwoods. She had seen Peter Alces earlier, and exchanged greetings with him, along with some of the others who could travel. Some of them were there for the reformed Gathering, which was scheduled to start at the Lockwood Towers in one week. A more secure location, the only negative was that it wouldn't coincide with a full moon. However, all agreed with the Gathering taking place in a city, it was safer for all concerned to not have too many Lycans who couldn’t control their change in the same place during a full moon.

  "You shall be honored amongst all the Lockwoods, and amongst all Lycanthropes," she finished, completing her part of the pledge she had worked out.

  "I promise to be a noble and honorable Mate and to protect both Clan Lockwood and the Aklark People. May our Mating become a bridge between our two peoples, and create peace for all."

  The ceremony was nothing but stage play, both Kimberly and Edward knew it, but it did serve a purpose. With this public declaration, it would answer a lot of the rumors that were sure to swirl around the reformed Gathering. For Kimberly, it took a load of stress off her mind. Now that Melanie was safe, she had to focus on her duties as Alpha Female, and that meant having as few distractions as possible. Even with the temporary unity that the Silver Bringer attack had forced, she was sure that there would be issues to deal with at Lockwood Towers.

  The ceremony completed quickly. After all, they had only a few minutes to try and ad-lib something together during the drive from the airport, and the assembled group broke up into a casual party, complete with cocktails for the 'happy couple.' Melanie, of course, made sure that her drinks were totally non-alcoholic, sipping at a tall fruit juice blend that looked a little bit like lemonade but contained a few other flavors. Kim thought she looked beautiful in the cream colored dress she had worn, even with the swell of her stomach pushing out the fabric slightly. I wonder if I'll ever look that radiant if I get pregnant? she thought as she sipped her champagne.

  You'll look even better, Sister, Melanie replied. Tonight is about you, though, remember?

  Noted. I just need to peel my fiancée away from his father. Don't tell anyone, but as nice as Edward is, I really don't like my future father-in-law.

  I know. By the way, not father-in-blood?

  We'll see how it goes.

  Melanie and Keith both gave Kimberly a sympathetic smile, Keith sweeping in to help his sister. "Ben Stormstout, if I could have a word please," Keith said in his most official tones, clearly speaking not as Keith Waldwyck but as Alpha of Clan Lockwood. "In private, of course."

  The assembled group watched Keith lead Ben over to a corner of the main hall, while Kimberly came over to stand next to Edward. "How are you feeling?"

  "Nervous," Edward replied under his voice. "I'm not too good at this cocktail party stuff."

  "Don't worry. I just helped Melanie get used to it, we can help you too," Kimberly said with a chuckle. She reached out and squeezed his hand momentarily before letting it go. "I was wondering if you'd like to get out of here for a bit?"

  "I'd love nothing more," Edward said, clearly relieved. Even though Kimberly thought he looked very handsome in the suit that he was wearing, she could see he was clearly uncomfortable and smiled encouragingly. "Where would you like to go?"

  "A little bit of politics," Kim said teasingly, before leaning in and whispering in his ear. "We're supposed to be betrothed. As Bonnie Rait said back when I was in college, let's give them something to talk about."

  * * *

  "Ben, I wanted to thank you again for sending Eznho and his men. I regret that the Aklark have suffered a loss because of it."

  Keith saw from the corner of his eye as Kimberly led Edward upstairs, and closed off his Link with her. Whatever was going to happen, his sister was a grown woman and was smart enough to do what was right.

  "I thank you, Keith," Ben replied. "Eznho said that you fought with great skill and honor. I’m happy for our people to fight by your side.”

  "You flatter, Ben. I just did what is natural. But I want to talk to you about an economic tie-up. Peter and Edward have said that your People have quite a lot of agricultural knowledge, which you mos
tly employ in the area of forestry."

  "Yes, it’s one of our primary ways of creating income to offset the cost of having supplies sent all the way up to our lands," Ben replied. "Even with the Aklark who are outside of our territory earning money in other ways, it’s difficult.”

  "I understand. What was on my mind was in fact the very tea that we bought at the shop when we visited. Tell me, are all of the ingredients grown locally?"

  Ben smiled and patted his stomach. "All of them. We have quite the indoor growing operation. While some of the People may be using those grow lights for other purposes, I know nothing about that."

  Of course you don't, Keith thought, hearing Melanie's chuckled reply in his head. "I see. In any case, one of the Lockwood investments is a small chain of coffee houses in the Tri-State area. I was wondering, would it be possible for your People to grow enough of the ingredients for the tea to make it available in my shops? It could be a win for both sides."

  You really want to tie up business wise with this guy? Melanie asked him over their Link.

  Not in the least. However, it gave Kimberly the distraction she needed. Just watch, this man may know how to force my hand when it comes to one deal, but I've been dealing with those like him for a very long time on the business side of things.

  "I'm sure we could expand our production. How much would we be talking here?"

  Keith considered to think, then shook his head. "Honestly Ben, I don't know. I just own the shops, I don't get involved with the day to day operations. But, I'll get with my people who do know that sort of thing, and we can talk about it later. Do you think you might be able to give me an estimate on your production capacity?"

  "I'm sure. You know Keith, this could be the beginning of a very good relationship between our two groups."


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