Rise of the Alpha

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Rise of the Alpha Page 43

by Jessica Snow

  "We understand. Thank you, doctor," Kimberly said. She took Edward's hand and they exited the clinic, walking out onto the busy sidewalks. Foot traffic swirled around them, and the couple looked at each other.

  "We did it," Kimberly said softly, putting her arms around Edward's neck and pulling him in for a kiss. Their lips caressed each other, growing deeper and deeper until one of the passersby whistled in appreciation.

  "Nice job homey," the stranger said to Edward. "You're definitely hitting above your weight class there."

  The stranger moved on before Edward or Kimberly could reply, leaving them smiling in giddy happiness. "Did that guy see how big you are?" Kimberly asked. "Hitting above your weight, ha."

  "Come on, let's get home. Keith should be there soon, he wanted to wrap up his business early to get home for Jay," Kimberly said. "He's going to be so excited."

  They both started walking back to Lockwood Tower, but within a block found themselves almost running in pure excitement. Despite his size, Edward was remarkably fast compared to a normal human, and more than once caused onlookers to stop and do a double-take as the giant spun neatly around a pedestrian or bicycle that was in his way. Running inside the Tower, both of them were laughing and smiling, coming to a stop as they entered the lobby.

  "Ahem, I guess it's time for us to start acting serious again," Kimberly said before breaking out in another round of giggles. "Come on, I'm laughing so damn much I'm having to really clamp down on my Link with Keith not to let him know."

  Thankfully for Kimberly and Edward, Melanie was so distracted by Jay and the information that the Thornbloods had given her, she didn't notice the glances or small smiles that Kimberly and Edward kept exchanging. Instead, the couple let Melanie give them a full briefing on the information Clan Thornblood had gotten from the European Houses.

  "So when you and Keith go up to Thornblood Hall next week, I think you can really make things work and maybe be able to take the fight to the Hunters worldwide. From what we have here, they are headquartered somewhere in Liechtenstein, which somewhat makes sense. The middle of Europe, Germanic but relatively close to Rome, they would be in an ideal place to operate as a shadow element of the Catholic church when they were sanctioned. The country is still highly Catholic, mountainous, and wealthy. If I were to headquarter a group like the Silver Bringers, I'd put it there."

  "A trip to Thornblood Hall, huh?" Kimberly said, glancing at Edward. "That's not going to be easy, us being apart."

  Melanie glanced over. "What are you talking about? Edward's going with you, you can take the Ka-62, just set up the back better."

  "And who’s going to be here to take care of you and Jay?" Kimberly asked, causing Melanie to laugh. "What?"

  "Here, hold your nephew for a moment," Melanie said, handing Jay over. Kimberly took the tiny bundle in her arms, so enraptured by the little face that was staring up at her with obvious recognition, if not of the sight of Kimberly then from the smell and the similarity to Keith's presence. He snuggled against her chest and sighed happily, and Kimberly leaned over, giving him a little kiss on the forehead.

  "I love you too, little Jay," she whispered. "I can't wait until I can Link with you, even if it is through Mommy or Daddy."

  Kimberly was distracted by a familiar snick-clack sound behind her and turned her head to see Melanie standing in the entryway area, her Glock in hand. "I may have had a baby, but I still know how to use this, and I'm already working on getting back in shape. Anyone who wants to screw with me or Jay is going to find a fight on their hands. So Edward, you're going to Thornblood Hall."

  Edward looked at Kimberly, amused. "She has a point. A Tower full of Lycans, and I bet you guys can get some more firearms in here if you wanted. That’s going to be one well-protected baby."

  Kimberly was tempted to use her authority as Alpha Female to override Melanie's wishes but knew that her Sister was right. Sighing, she kissed Jay on the soft curve of his forehead again and hugged him. "I guess. Still, I wish you could come with us, both of you. I don't feel comfortable unless one of us is with you."

  Melanie popped the clip out of her Glock and cleared the weapon, making sure it was totally safe before she set it down on a wooden table nearby. Coming over, she sat down next to Kimberly and took her free hand. "I know. And you have to admit, part of that is because of the kidnapping. But you guys rescued me then, I'm safe now, and I can't think of a place safer than this penthouse. Besides, it's only for two days or so, and I'll be there with video for a lot of it anyway. Heck, maybe we can strap a wireless camera to Edward, and I can watch the whole damn thing streaming video. Just one thing."

  "What's that?" Kimberly asked, sighing as she reluctantly agreed with Melanie's logic.

  "You guys make sure you turn the camera off before you two get all kissy-kissy," Melanie replied with a smirk, causing Kimberly to laugh.

  "Okay, no kissy-kissy on video," she said, leaning over and giving Melanie a hug. Jay, now sandwiched between the two women in the world who loved him most, gurgled happily before burping and cooing.

  The rest of the briefing went well until Keith got home, and he was quickly brought up to speed on what had happened. "Sounds good. Our other activities are doing well, profits are going well on the construction front, and Edward you'll be happy to note that I've just initiated the first step in a partnership with an agricultural corporation. They're looking at organic grass-fed beef and lamb being their base, and we get to use our supermarket connections as a launching pad for their products. Of course, if we just happen to get some shipments off the top, well, it happens."

  Edward chuckled and looked at Kimberly. "Not a moment too soon love, eh?"

  "Did you just use the word eh?" Melanie joked, trying not to laugh too loudly. Jay had dropped off to sleep, and she had set him aside on the crook of the couch, surrounded by rolled blankets. She didn't want to wake him and interrupt their time with cries and screams of indignation. "How Canadian of you."

  Edward rolled his eyes, giving Melanie a reproachful look. "At least I don't use aboot, and I have yet to call anyone a hoser. But, we wanted to talk to you guys about something serious."

  Keith and Melanie immediately sobered, Keith's face clouding in worry. "Oh no, something's wrong," he said, sitting down on the sofa. "What?"

  "Well, you guys know I went to the clinic today. Doctor Leavitt did a lot of tests, and he got some results," Kimberly said, reaching into her hip pocket and pulling out the folded piece of paper from the clinic. She almost felt bad seeing the expression on Keith's face, he looked like his heart was breaking and he was about to puke at the same time.

  "Is that why your Link has been down all afternoon?" he whispered, trying to keep a brave face forward. "What is it?"

  "Here," Kimberly said, handing him the paper and lowering her hands, staring down. She put a concerned look on her face, while on the inside she was trying not to laugh.

  She heard Keith unfold the report, glancing over it before his eyes found the circled words. She couldn't contain her mirth anymore as she glanced up to see her brother staring, his mouth hanging open in surprise as the report slipped from his fingers to flutter to the carpet.

  "You little stinker," he said, looking at her and grinning as he caught the smile on her face and in her eyes. "You got me all worked up, worried that you were sick, and instead you're pregnant?"

  Keith got up off the couch, his smile wide, and Kimberly scrambled up and over the back of the sofa, laughing. "Hey, come on, you don't want to do that. Edward, aren't you going to help?"

  Edward looked at Keith, then Melanie, who just shrugged and shook her head. Edward replied by stretching out his legs and lacing his hands behind his head. "Hey, you're the one who wanted to surprise them. I wanted to tell them both right away over the Link. I say that as long as Mel doesn't get mad you wake up Jay, it's nothing I need to get involved with."

  Edward and Melanie watched in amusement as the two Lycan twins, proceeded to race arou
nd the penthouse, Keith pursuing his sister like they were two children. From the sounds of it, he caught her somewhere near the guest room, or maybe the workout room. Melanie looked over at Edward, smirking. "What are we going to do with them?"

  "I don't know. It's hard enough with two kids and a baby, imagine what two babies is going to be like," he said with a grin. "So what's your opinion on this?"

  "I'm so glad I'm still stunned. It's like I just figured out I'm in a dream, and I don't want to wake up, ever," Melanie replied. She looked down at the sleeping Jay, then at Edward. "Who knows, maybe Jay will have a little Brother to grow up with."

  Edward shook his head. "I'm hoping for Sister. It would be fitting, I think."

  An explosion of laughter from the back caused the two to look back, and Melanie got up off the sofa. "Come on, I don't want those two to have all the fun without us. The first one to get either of those two to make a snot bubble from laughing too hard gets first dibs on dessert tonight."

  Edward leapt to his feet and hopped the couch. "You're on. You sure Jay is okay?"

  "For sure. He's wrapped up nice and tight. He's good."

  "Good, because I want that first dibs," Edward replied, taking off for the back. Melanie was close on his heels, and soon the entire back of the penthouse was filled with the sounds of laughing, giggling adults. Jay, who woke up during the height of the laughter, listened for a moment before wiggling and going back to sleep. He knew things were all right, his diaper was dry, and he was warm. All was right with the world.

  Chapter 48

  "Are you sure you're doing okay back there?" Kimberly asked over the sound of the helicopter.

  "I'm fine, babe," Edward replied back. He was, too. In preparation for the long flight to Thornblood Hall, he had spent thirty minutes arranging a padded mat and seat so that he could sit comfortably the whole flight. With his book and ear protection on, he could not only talk to Keith and Kimberly but could relax most of the flight. "You know, I don't think anyone has written a book on pregnancy for us. This guy is full of total crap."

  "Let's face it, there isn't exactly a huge market for Lycan pregnancy books, and for sure not on Aklark-Lycan hybrid births," Kimberly replied. "Well, if you're okay, we're about thirty minutes out from Thornblood Hall. Keith just got them on the radio, they're expecting us."

  "Looking forward to it."

  Kimberly clicked the intercom off and looked over at Keith, who was taking his turn at the controls. "How are you feeling?"

  Keith shrugged and looked out the windscreen. "Yeah, just a bit nervous. I've never met any of the European Houses before. Any time I've left the Americas, we cleared it, but I never met anyone formally. Know what I mean?"

  "Yeah, me too," Kimberly replied. "Although I've heard these guys can be total assholes. Real sticklers for convention and such. So expect to hear nothing but a ton of Lord this and Lady that all weekend."

  Keith rolled his eyes. "Tell me about it. And don't forget calling all the lower level members of the Thornbloods and every other group there Master this and Mistress that. We're going to sound like we're at a damn steampunk BDSM convention."

  "Yay," Kimberly replied. "Well, let's just deal with it, and hope that nobody breaks out the German techno or something. Akiko didn't send us any information about the Houses that would be there."

  Swinging south, the Lockwood helicopter made the final approach to the Thornblood Hall and came in for a landing. Keith was surprised as he took a closer look at the structure, which was almost ultra-modern in its appearance, with clean lines, steel and glass being heavily featured in the construction. Climbing out, he was glad to see Akiko Thornblood waiting for them.

  "I can see it on your face, Keith," Akiko said with a small hug to him and Kimberly as they approached, and a formal handshake for Edward. "How is it that the progressive Lockwoods have the old fashioned Manor while the conservative Thornbloods have a futuristic Hall? It was one of Nioclas' last big investments, actually. We purchased this property from an energy startup that ran into financial troubles. This was supposed to be the headquarters of a gigantic solar and wind farm that would provide the electricity needs for most of the surrounding two states. Fortunately for us, the CEO spent more time on making an impressive headquarters than in researching the fact that fracking and other forms of exploration were making conventional forms of energy much cheaper than they had been when he started the venture. When his company went into bankruptcy, Clan Thornblood was able to snatch up the property at fire sale prices."

  Keith looked around the building at the rolling waves of prairie, nodding in appreciation. "And how much of this do we own?"

  "The Clan still owns twenty-five hundred acres, just under a mile in each direction. Nioclas was planning on following in the original owner's direction of installing alternative energy, but for Clan usage first and then for commercial purposes. Before you ask, it is a vast improvement over the old Hall."

  "Which was?" Kimberly asked. "Sorry for the ignorance, but I wasn’t able to attend the last Gathering in Thornblood territory. I was at college."

  "It's okay. We have an old former military base. During World War II it was a training field for pilots and afterward was a National Guard site for a few years before Nioclas' father bought it during a round of base closures. As you can guess, it's not very nice compared to this. Still, we still own the property, you can take a tour of it if you wish after the meetings. We currently lease most of the land out to cattle ranchers, other than the main buildings themselves."

  "Perhaps if we have time," Keith replied. "How much time do we have until the Europeans arrive?"

  "Just about a half hour, Lord Thornblood," Akiko said, intentionally emphasizing his title. "Just enough time to change out of those flight clothes. I recommend formal level attire, at least business suits for all of you. Edward, do you have that with you? I apologize that there are no Thornbloods who can match you in size."

  "I do, we suspected this would be suit and tie territory," Edward said. "It's hanging in the chopper."

  "Good. I have someone inside who can give it a quick steam pressing if it needs it. Come, there isn't much time to waste."

  Leading them inside, the trio was greeted at the doors by personal assistants, two for each of them, who whisked them to a large room in the Alpha living quarters. "I apologize, we don't have changing areas for each of you," Akiko said as the assistants fluttered around.

  Edward, in particular, found himself amused by the hubbub, as his suit was quickly deemed too wrinkled and rushed away for a quick pressing, while the other assistant fussed with his hair. He had been growing it out some to allow himself to fit in more with the Lockwoods, but the Thornblood assistant seemed to be unable to figure out what to do with it. Finally, she grabbed a styling brush, while Edward sat down on a large stool so the woman could reach. "Am I going to have to put up with this every time I come here?"

  "I hope not," Kimberly said as another stylist finished pulling a brush through her hair and started twisting it into a quick braid to be piled on top of her head. "I don't think I could put up with it. Keith?"

  "Just for today, everyone," he said, bending his head forward as a stylist took a straight razor to trim a few stray hairs at the base of his neck. "Akiko, I do hope this isn't typical of Thornblood events?"

  "Hardly," Akiko said as her own assistant stood behind her, pulling the strings on a corset that she was cramming herself into. "If it was, I'd have changed the rules long ago. But, we are here to impress our guests, remember."

  The hectic pace was necessary, as Keith was just finishing the final adjustments of his blood red tie while his assistant tied his shoes when the sound of approaching cars came to their ears. "That would be our guests,” Keith said. Suddenly, a thought came to him. "Hey guys, what about if they don't speak English?"

  "I'm fluent in French, at least the Quebec version of it," Edward replied. "What about you guys?"

  "Spanish and Thai," Kimberly said. "Aki

  "Japanese, German, and Russian," she said with a touch of pride. "I'm sure we have most of the continent covered somehow. We'll be fine."

  The rumble of engines stopped, and Keith looked around. "Showtime guys. Let's greet our guests."

  Akiko quickly led everyone into the main entrance hall, which Keith suspected had been the main lobby of the building when it had been an office complex. Keith took the position of honor at the front of the group, with Akiko and Kimberly standing on each side of him, half a step back. Edward was uncertain where to go until Akiko jerked her head to the side. "Next to your Mate, one step back," Akiko explained. "Sorry."

  "No problem," Edward replied, "we do kind of look like a flock of migrating ducks like this, though."

  The front door of the Hall opened, and Edward quickly covered his smile and looked on politely as four Lycans, led by a silver-haired man wearing an Italian suit, entered. Keith glanced at Akiko, who stepped out and forward, assuming her role as Alpha Female of Clan Thornblood and Mistress of the Hall. "Honored guests, it’s a pleasure to have you here. Welcome to Thornblood Hall, and may your presence warm our hearth," she said, reciting the quickly memorized ritual greeting she had been told was a prerequisite of any high-level meeting. I am Akiko Thornblood."

  "Thank you, honored hosts," the silver-haired Lycan replied in English with a light French accent. He looked to be in his fifties, which probably meant he was as least ninety years old, Keith thought. "I am Guillaume Bisclavret, Alpha of House Melior. I wish you peace and good hunting."

  Akiko bowed in acceptance of the ancient honorific and turned to Keith. "Lord Bisclavret, this is my honored Lord and Mate, Keith Waldwyck, Alpha Male of Clans Thornblood and Lockwood. With him is my Sister and fellow Alpha Female, Lady Kimberly Waldwyck of Clan Lockwood. With her is her Mate, Edward Stormstout of the Aklark People."

  Guillaume bowed his greetings and indicated the other members of his party. "This is my First Mate Marie Bisclavret, and my Second Mate, April Bell. Also with us is my youngest son, Drago. He will act as official secretary and record keeper of this meeting. We are honored by your reception of us."


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