The French Admiral

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The French Admiral Page 44

by Dewey Lambdin

  “A thousand pardons, Mistress Chiswick, if I offend by generosity, but it is a sin of excess only in the sense that . . .” Treghues blundered on, not knowing how to stop or get himself out of the hole he had dug with his tongue. “You would do me a great honor if I knew you and yours were secure for a time. What else could a fellow Christian mean to another?”

  “Then I shall accept, sir, though it is not my place to do so,” she finally said, as long as there were no strings attached to that purse. “And I shall consider it a loan made in fellowship and human kindness, as all mercy should be.”

  “Just as long as you do not consider me a total Samaritan, I beg of you, Mistress Chiswick,” Treghues said, sounding almost humble.

  “I shall not, sir. And I thank you kindly for all your ministrations to us in our time of need and salvation,” she said.

  “I shall keep you and your family close in my thoughts and in my prayers, Mistress Chiswick,” Treghues said, taking her hand.

  “And we you, sir. Ah, Mister Lewrie.”

  “Mistress Chiswick,” he said formally, though their eyes danced at the sight of each other as he doffed his cocked hat.

  “Bless you for everything you have done for us, Mister Lewrie.” She spoke warmly, though she tried to hide her emotions as the captain was still standing there like a catch-fart waiting for an errand. “We shall never forget you.”

  “My regards to Gov and Burge when next you meet. Tell them to write to me and let me know how they’re faring. And all my thanks to your parents for showing me true hospitality and what it is like to be in the bosom of a family once more,” Alan said, stepping close to her as she sat swaying in the bosun’s chair before the hands tailed away on the stay tackle to lift her out of his life.

  “Hoist away, bosun,” Treghues snapped.

  Caroline looked annoyed as she began to reach for Alan but she was hoisted out of his grasp before their fingers could even begin to touch. He waved to her and she to him as she went up and over the side.

  He stepped to the bulwark to watch her into the boat, and she looked up at him, pantomiming speech, saying “Write to me, please,” and much in that warm vein, while he returned her sentiments as well.

  “As the Spaniards say, Vaya Con Dios. Go with God,” he shouted down to the Chiswicks, then mouthed silently “Caroline.”

  He watched the civilians begin to row the loaded boat towards the shore, feeling suddenly deprived of her presence. Damme, I wish we’d had longer together, he suddenly thought. There goes the only girl I’ve ever met who was interesting to talk to for more than half an hour. Easy to talk to, comfortable like. And smart, smart as paint, and don’t make no bones about it. A good, sweet nature. Maybe a little artless compared to most I’ve known, like a country girl. Holds herself so stiff, but I’ll wager there’s a passionate side hidden deep. Might be amusing to be the one to bring it out. Ah well, that’ll be never. If only her daddy had some chink, she might be worth keeping up with.

  He waved once more and she waved back, and then their boat swept round the stern of an anchored brig out of sight, so Alan turned back inboard to meet Treghues, who was regarding him with an annoyed look of his own. The captain turned away and stalked off.

  Oh shit, Alan thought. The silly clown’s jealous. He’ll make my life a living hell. He wanted her himself, though for what I can’t imagine. Might take him a year to aspire to holding her hand.

  Alan felt a cold chill in his innards as he further realized that Treghues had to have heard her pass his jury-rigged cabin during the night to go on deck, and could have peeked from the door to see them embrace as he said good night to her.

  There was nothing new, however, in Treghues making his life a living hell; he had had months of it already, so he shrugged philosophically and headed aft. Neither of them could have her, and by the time the war was over, both could be either dead or out of contention, while she followed her own mind thousands of miles away. It had been, Alan assured himself once more, merely an idle flirtation, a passing dalliance just because she was there and grateful to him, nothing more meaningful than what passed in society at any drum or rout among the fashionable in London. He vowed to put her out of his mind. He had duties to fulfill, a ship to run, and an irked captain to mollify, if he wanted to keep his new rating.


  English Harbor at Antigua was like an old shoe, familiar and comfortable. Storm season was over and the island was beginning to green up after all the rain. After the chill of the American coast, the lush warmth felt good, and the sun baked the decks daily, not as hot as it had been when they had departed for the Chesapeake back in August, but warm enough to thaw out the tired blood.

  Desperate was for many days almost the only ship in harbor, for Admiral Hood had taken the Leeward Islands Squadron down to Barbados. The ship lolled in almost idleness as they took on a draft of replacements newly arrived from home in the first transports that would brave the mid-Atlantic Trades before the hurricanes truly left the region for another year.

  There were three new midshipmen in the once empty and echoing mess. Two were mere boys of twelve or thirteen, fresh-caught newlies still gawking in wonder at the height of the masts. There was an older boy of some years’ service named Burney, about sixteen and so handsome-looking that one was tempted to throw a shoe at him on first sight. He and Avery had hit it off and were busy enforcing their superiority on the newlies with all the old pranks that midshipmen played on each other, and Alan found the two younger ones so abysmally stupid that he had no pity for them and let them make fools of themselves quite easily. The new master’s mate was an American from Maryland, a painfully thin and awkward thatch-haired man of twenty or so named Micah Sedge, another victim of the Rebels, almost burning with zeal for bloody revenge.

  Almost as soon as they had reached port, Alan had been confirmed by Commodore Sir George Sinclair in his position of master’s mate, followed shortly thereafter by Hood’s approval as well, so he was no longer “acting,” and his two pounds, two shillings a lunar month was safe. He still walked small about Treghues, but there had been no sign as of yet that that worthy was contemplating anything frightful because he had not gained Caroline Chiswick’s immediate affections.

  Sinclair’s approbation concerning his new rating had come as a surprise to Alan; he had thought the man nursed a grudge against him because of who Alan’s father was and the circumstances in which Sinclair’s flag captain, Captain Bevan, had snatched him from London under threat of arrest by the watch for the alleged rape of his half-sister Belinda. Alan wondered if Sinclair really cared one way or another, or if he had been poisoned by his nephew Francis Forrester, now languishing in some Rebel or French prison after his capture at Yorktown. If Sinclair had any animosity at all, it was toward Desperate as a whole for her “lucky” escape, or towards Treghues for losing the commodore his nephew. They were dead last on the list for provision, powder or shot or rigging, a sure sign of a senior officer’s displeasure.

  “Mail coom h’aboard, zurs,” Freeling said mournfully as he dumped a sack on the mess table. The midshipmen dived for it, but Alan had but to bark “Still!” to freeze their grubby paws in midpounce.

  “You young gentlemen should know, even from your limited experience, that Mister Sedge and I get first crack,” Alan informed them lazily, seating himself at the table to open the sack. “Not so, Mister Sedge?”

  “Indeed so, Mister Lewrie,” Sedge replied. He was still stiff and uncomfortable in his new berth, but willing to give Alan a grudging try. “And any packages from home get shared, and not hogged to yourselves.”

  “Ah, what do we have here?” Alan asked, laying out the contents. “A letter for you, I believe, Mister Sedge.”

  “Thankee kindly, Mister Lewrie. From me dad in Halifax.”

  Alan sorted out the mail, finding several of his own dating back for months, mostly from Lucy Beauman in Jamaica, a few from London from the Matthews, Lord and Lady Cant-ner, and one from hi
s father’s pettifogging solicitor, Pilchard. He hoped it was his annuity; he was getting short.

  “Another missive for you, Mister Sedge, in a fair round hand, from New York. Scented too, I swear.”

  “Gimme that,” Sedge snapped, eager for the letter from some female admirer, and not a man to be trifled with at that moment. He gathered up his few communications from those dear to him and went into his cabin.

  Alan decided to save Lucy’s letters for later; they would take some deciphering, anyway, since the little mort had the world’s worst skill at spelling. He would tackle Pilchard’s letter first.

  “You missed one, Mister Lewrie,” David Avery said, digging into the sack. He held up a large and thick letter, almost a rival to the long, continued sea-letters that Alan wrote between spells of duty. David sniffed at it to the delight of the other midshipmen, who were pawing through their own correspondence. “Damme if this one ain’t scented, too. From Charleston.”

  “Ah?” Alan said, unwilling to be drawn.

  “And it’s not from Lady Jane’s.” David grinned innocently.

  “Gimme, then,” Alan said eagerly, reaching for it, but David held it further away and aloft for a second. “Kick your backside if you don’t, you ugly Cornish pirate.”

  “Very well, then,” David said, making to hand it over once more but drawing it back at the last second. Alan grabbed his wrist and took it.

  “While you tell our newlies of Lady Jane’s, I shall read this,” Alan said, smiling to let David know there were no hard feelings. “Boys, I recommend you listen attentively to Mister Avery’s tale of sport. You could learn a good lesson from it.”

  He disappeared into his small dog-box cabin and shut the door, flung himself down on the thin mattress of his bunk and opened the seal of the Charleston letter first. Pilchard could go hang for awhile longer. It was from Caroline, informing him of their new address, of how her father was improving now that Governour and Burgess were on their way to Charleston to bring the survivors of their detachment home to add to the garrison and try and raise a new force of riflemen. He was more excited than he would have expected to be reading her carefully formed words and seeing how sensibly she formed her thoughts and expressed herself; he saw nothing so formal and stilted as to make him twist his tongue trying to figure it out, but everything straightforward and plain, as though she were talking to him familiarly.

  There was a lot of teasing, just shy of saying something fond but twisting the sentiment into japery, skirting about what she really might have wished to say to him. It raised a warm glow in him anyway, and he thought of her fondly, scratching at his crotch and grinning in delight.

  It had been scented, with the same light, fresh, and clean aroma that he remembered from their one embrace aboard ship, a citrus sort of Hungary Water overlaid with a redolence of some unidentifiable flower. He folded her letter up after reading it through three times, to save it for later. He opened Pilchard’s. It was dated nearly nine months earlier.

  “You bastard!” he shrieked, beside himself with sudden anger, nearly concussing himself on the low deck beam overhead his berth as he sat up quickly.

  It was Pilchard’s sad duty to inform him that his father had had second thoughts about the extravagant sum of one hundred guineas a year as his remittance and that Sir Hugo was suspending the annuity, effective January of 1782. That meant that he would not be getting any more money from home and would have to live on the twenty-five pounds, four shillings of a master’s mate, less a pound a month for provisions and whatever he purchased from the purser’s stores, which meant just about all of it. He already owed Cheatham near fifteen pounds already.

  The Yorktown business had reduced his kit horribly, and he had pledged another part of the annuity to tailors ashore in English Harbor for new uniforms and shoes. He could always dig down into his secret money from the Ephegenie, but it was more the thought that counted.

  Sir Hugo’s excuse was that from what he had read in the Chronicle, Alan was prospering enough from all the prizes taken and no longer needed to be supported. In short, he was on his own bottom now, and must stand or fall as a man with no crutch from home. It was for his own good.

  “Lying shit!” Alan swore. “It’s for your own good! You’ve spent yourself into a hole and it’s cut me off or debtor’s prison for you! Damme, what did I do to get such a father?”

  Still, the idea of his father, his half-sister, and his butt-fucking half-brother Gerald turfed out into the street was cheering, if they had fallen afoul of creditors. Alan had no idea how much money the Willoughbys had; they weren’t related to the Willoughbys who counted in the scheme of things. There had always seemed more than enough, but only Heaven knew where it came from, or where it went that he did not see.

  There was a knock on his thin slat and canvas door, and he snatched it open to reveal the purser’s assistant, the Jack in the Bread Room.

  “Pusser wants ta see ye, sir. ’Is complamints, an’ could ya join ’im in the spirit store, sir?”

  “I shall be there directly, thank you,” Alan said, shrugging off his foul mood. He dressed quickly in his new uniform and went out to the steep ladder that led to the orlop, then aft to the locked compartments in the stern that held the wine and brandy for the officers’ mess and the captain’s steward.

  “Sit ye down, Mister Lewrie,” Cheatham said, looking up from a stack of papers he held on a rough fold-down desk at which it appeared he had been doing inventory of Navy Victualing Board issue spirits; rum, Miss Taylor, and Black Strap. “Have a cup of cheer, my boy.”

  “I’ll take a cup, but there’s damned little to cheer about,” Alan groused, taking a seat on a wine keg. Cheatham poured from a bottle into a clean glass. “Um, this is quite good. Not for the hands, I take it.”

  “Something I found in port last week,” Cheatham said, putting away his quill and ink pot. “Wardroom stuff. I have here some information about you, Mister Lewrie. From my brother at Coutts’ Bank and your solicitor. Wondrous and strange things have been going on in London since your departure for Sea Service.”

  “I don’t have a solicitor, sir,” Alan said, mystified, but stirring in anticipation. “Perhaps I need one, though. My father has cut me off. Not a penny more for me. Without a mate’s pay, I’d be begging rations.”

  “Where did you hear that?”

  Alan explained the letter from Pilchard.

  “And when was it dated?”

  “March of last year.”

  “Ah ha, just about the time things got interesting, according to Jemmy.” Cheatham smiled serenely. “Your father had to cut you off, for he no longer had a groat to send you. He is in considerable difficulties.”

  “He is!” Alan beamed in sudden and total joy. He took a deep breath or two, then let out a whoop of glee loud enough to echo off the hull, piercing enough to startle Red Indians. “The bastard got his comeuppance at last! How? When did it happen? Did he lose everything?”

  “Slowly now, let me explain this at its own pace, for it’s rather complicated a legal and personal matter,” Cheatham said. “My brother Jemmy went to work discovering your background after I bade him do so, and he has found some wondrous interesting facts. First of all, as to your heritage and the background of the Lewrie family. It seems that in the winter of 1762, your mother, Elizabeth, then 22 years of age, was in London for exposure at a season, with close relatives, and met your father, at that time Captain Sir Hugo St. George Willoughby, just back from service on Gibraltar, where he had won his knighthood in service with a distinguished foot regiment, the Fourth, King’s Own. Now, there are under English common law two separate and distinct parts to a marriage, as the law would say, de futuro, which are the spousals in which a couple pledge public affirmation of their mutual agreement to be wed, which can take form as the banns published in the parish or a short mutual statement in the presence of witnesses that they shall at a future time take the other as husband or wife. The witnesses may be summoned to a c
ourt of law, and the exchange of gifts and love letters may be used as proof of their intent. The second form, the nuptials, is termed de praesenti, and is usually celebrated by a certifiable churchman.”

  “You’re losing me, Mister Cheatham,” Alan said, his mind already in full yawn, wishing to skip over the legal mystifications and get to the existence of a Lewrie estate . . . and how much it could be.

  “Patience, my boy, patience, and all shall be discovered to you in full measure,” Cheatham cautioned. “In 1753, Hawkinge’s Marriage Act was passed in Parliament to do away with such scandals as the Fleet St. wedding chapels to save young girls from being robbed by unscrupulous suitors, so that a marriage ceremony with an officiating clergyman is now recognized as necessary to settle all legal questions. Otherwise, two people could leap out of bed, swear themselves wed before witnesses, and it would assign the husband cover-ture over whatever estate the young lady possessed for the rest of their lives. The Ecclesiastical Courts had the very devil of a time with complaints before this law. But, and this is a very important but, a spousal de futuro is as legally binding on both of the parties who partake willingly in it as a nuptial de praesenti when it comes to settling parenthood of any children. Your parents announced the intention to wed before witnesses at a dinner party, where officers of his regiment and friends of hers were present, so you are not a bastard as you have always assumed, but legally born of a legitimate couple.”

  “So I am really a Willoughby.” Alan sighed.

  “A lot more than Gerald and Belinda are.” Cheatham grinned. “You see, you are the only living issue from your father’s loins. That he may wish to claim, that is.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Let me settle up the Lewrie part, and then I shall touch on the later events, in strict chronological order, so that it shall all be of a piece. Spousals being exchanged, love letters and gifts also being exchanged—‘I give my love a packet of pins, and this is how our love begins,’ remember that one?— your parents took up lodgings together as man and wife, and you were conceived shortly thereafter in 1762. But the Lewrie family, who reside in Wheddon Cross, Devon, just north of Exeter—”


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