Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Awakening Aubrey (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Jack 'Em Up Book 7)

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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Awakening Aubrey (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Jack 'Em Up Book 7) Page 8

by Shauna Allen

  I melted into his chest and inhaled his familiar scent, letting it soothe my heart. “I’m fine.”

  He pressed a kiss to my head and led me to the next available medic, where he watched anxiously while I was checked over and deemed uninjured. I settled back into his embrace and we made our way to the periphery. He held me while I shook and cried and let the warmth of life surge back through me.

  He rubbed my back and calmed me like nobody else could. I finally peered up into those luxurious brown eyes I loved so much. “The guys must be so worried.”

  He reached into his pocket without letting me go and handed me his cell phone. “Here. Call them.”

  I smiled my thanks and dialed Jesse. He was freaked at first since they hadn’t heard anything other than that I was stuck in a hostage situation and the base was on lockdown so they couldn’t get to me. “I’m fine, I promise. It’s over.”

  “Jude’s got you?”


  He seemed satisfied with that, especially when I promised I’d be back at the hotel as soon as I was able to get off base.

  “Where are you guys now?” I asked.

  “We’re still at Jude’s place. We figured we’d get news quicker here than at the hotel. They wouldn’t let us within fifty feet of the front gate.”

  “You tried to get in?”

  “Of course we fucking did. I’m sorry we couldn’t be there, but I’m glad Jude was.” He was silent a moment. “The guy really cares about you, you know.”

  I glanced at the man next to me. “Yeah, I know.”

  We talked a few more minutes and I reassured him a dozen more times that I wasn’t hurt. Finally, to divert the conversation, I asked, “What about the junkyard?”

  “Fuck the steering box,” he barked. “You’re more important. We can pick it up later.”

  “Does Rachel know what happened?”

  “Hell no! She’s in no condition to be worrying about anything unless she has to. Besides, she would’ve been here in a hot minute to mother you. You’re welcome.”

  “Thanks. Love you,” I said, greedily letting Jude continue to comfort me.

  “I love you, too, Red.”

  We hung up and I handed Jude back his phone. “When can I leave?”

  “Let me check.” He reluctantly let me loose and loped over to the command post to talk with some of the other cops and Fletch. They shot me a quick look then said a few more words before he ran back. “If you’re up for it, they just want a statement of what you saw then we can get outta here.”


  “You sure?”

  “I’m sure. I just want to finish this and move on.”

  “All right.”

  He led me to his commanding officer, an imposing man with thick gray hair and an air of authority. His eyes softened when he spoke to me. “Ma’am. I’m Colonel Remington. We’re so very sorry for what you experienced today. Is there anything at all that we can do?”

  I shook my head. “Just ask me what you need to then let me go home.”

  He nodded curtly and we sat for a quick interview. I told him all I remembered, trying my best not to shake when I recalled the dead body behind the register and how he’d held a gun to that woman’s temple.

  When we were done, he stood and shook my hand. “Thank you for your time. Please contact us if you think of any other details or need anything . . . anything at all.”

  “Thank you.”

  The Colonel tipped his head in some kind of silent acknowledgement, then Jude led me away to his Trans Am.

  The warm leather enfolded me like a lover and I inhaled his scent that filled the air. We drove off base after Jude flashed his ID.

  “They’re letting you leave? Don’t you have to work?”

  “The Colonel let me have the rest of the day to take care of you.”

  “He did?”

  “Yeah.” He didn’t elaborate, but the tight pull of his jaw spoke volumes. This ordeal had been hard on him. I just wished I knew why. Was it because it was an intense situation and he was an MP, or was it because he had real feelings for me? I could only pray.

  I leaned my head back on the headrest. “I know I said I wanted to go back to the hotel, but can we stop somewhere quiet first? I need a few minutes.”


  I closed my eyes and let him drive wherever he wanted to go. We finally parked and I slid my eyes open to take in the parking lot and walkway of a park. There was nobody there, probably because of the recent rain. Puddles littered the cement and a couple of birds bounced along the ground, hunting.

  “This okay?” he asked softly.

  “It’s great.”

  “Wanna walk?”

  “Not really.”

  He nodded and rolled down the windows, letting in the fine breeze that smelled fresh after the rain. We sat in silence for a long time before I finally reached for his hand. “I lied to you, Jude.”


  My heart thumped madly behind my ribs, but for a whole different reason. Today, while I’d lain on the cold, hard floor, fearing I was not going to live to see another day of my future, I had a lot of time to think. And I didn’t want to waste one more moment. It was time to tell the truth and take whatever the fates had in store.

  I met his confused stare and squeezed his fingers. “I lied.”

  “About what?”

  “About it just being sex. It’s not. At least not to me, and I can’t leave here without you knowing how important you’ve become to me. I’ve fallen in love with you, Jude. It’s soon and probably crazy, but it’s true, and I needed you to know.”

  He swallowed thickly, but didn’t let my hand go. “I love you, too.”

  I blinked, shocked. “You do?”

  “Oh, God, Aubrey, you have no idea. I fought it and denied it and tried to make it not true, but when I thought I’d lost you today, I realized how stupid that was. I love you so damn much it hurts.”

  Tears filled my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. “I love you, too.”

  His grin was sweet and sexy, wrapped up in cute. “You already said that.”

  “Oh. Just making sure you got it.”

  He leaned across the console and cupped my jaw. “I love you.”

  I giggled. “You already said that.”

  He shrugged then captured me in the sweetest, most toe-curling kiss of my life. Something burst free between us and it was raining down sweet joy.

  Breathing heavy, he finally pulled back after pressing one last kiss to the edge of my lips. “I have something else to tell you.”

  “What?” I couldn’t tell by his expression if it was a good something or a bad something, but at this point, I was so bewitched by him, I didn’t care.

  “I got accepted into Ranger school.”

  “Okaaaay. That’s good, right?”

  “It’s what I’ve always wanted.”

  I smiled. “Then I’m happy for you. That’s great.”

  “The thing is . . .” He didn’t smile back. “I have always wanted to be an Army Ranger, but that was before. I need you more.”

  “Oh, Jude. I’d never take your dream from you. Why would you think that?”

  “I don’t think that, but I know how hard the training is, and I won’t have much time for us if I do this and I can’t lose you. Not now.”

  I unsnapped my seatbelt and scrambled over the center console into his lap. “How long is Ranger school?”

  “All told, I’ll be gone four months then it’s another year of linguistics training.”

  “Where will the linguistics training be?”

  “I don’t know yet.”

  “Will we be able to be together then?”

  “I think so.”


  “What do you mean, okay?”

  “I mean that’s not so bad. Especially if we can be together during that year. I can keep myself busy with school until you finish, then we can figure out what we want from there.”
  He forked his fingers through my hair. “I know what I want.”

  The look in his eyes made my throat suddenly dry. “What?”

  “You. With me. Forever. The question is, what do you want?”

  “Forever?” Hope and peace unfurled on butterfly wings in my stomach.

  “I don’t do anything halfway, especially you.”

  I lifted a brow. “No. You don’t.”

  A devilish gleam lit his eyes at the double entendre. “True, but that’s not what I’m talking about. I love you, Aubrey. I’m all in, and I’ll give up anything I have to for you.”

  “But it’s your dream, baby.”

  “It was. You’re my dream now.”

  Melting, I leaned in and kissed him, hoping he felt the depth of my love. I drew back and pressed my forehead to his. “I want you to go. Grab your dream. Become a kick ass Ranger then come home to me.”

  “You’ll wait for me?”

  “Of course I will. It’s only a few months.”

  “It’ll feel like a lifetime.”

  “Probably, but we’ll survive.”

  He tucked a curl behind my ear. “You’re right, but I’ll miss the hell out of you.”

  “You haven’t left yet. There’s still time.”

  “Not enough.”

  I smiled and wiggled in his lap, earning myself a low groan. “Don’t be a tease.”

  “Who said anything about a tease?”

  He cupped my hips and kissed my neck. “You taste like Heaven.”

  “Say that in Spanish.”

  His smile was hot against my flesh. “Usted el sabor como el cielo.”

  My insides became hot and muddled. “Have I ever told you how sexy that is?”

  “You might’ve mentioned it before.”

  I lolled my head to the side to give him better access as his lips cruised along my flesh.

  “What are we going to tell the guys?” he mumbled against my throat as he cupped my breast through my shirt.

  “You let me worry about them.”

  He lifted his head and met my eyes. “I need them to know I have honorable intentions with you, Aubrey.”

  I smirked. “Intentions, huh?”

  “Definite intentions.”

  “Can we start with my intention to make love with the man of my dreams?”

  His tongue traced the shell of my ear, bringing goosebumps to my body. “We can absolutely start there.”

  But that won’t be the end . . .



  Twenty-two weeks later, Ranger Graduation, Victory Pond, Fort Benning, Georgia . . .

  A cool fall breeze skittered leaves around the ground, tumbling flourishes of red, orange, green, and yellow. I studied them as I waited in formation with the other one hundred and fifty Army Ranger graduates. I’d made it. When nearly half of the class had washed out, I’d persevered and pushed through the hardest thing I’d ever done. The training was more than rigorous, it was a death-defying test of our determination and grit.

  But it was done.

  I knew Aubrey was there, along with my family, but I hadn’t seen her yet and I was dying to lay eyes on her sweet smile. Time and separation had done nothing to diminish my love for her, if anything, it had strengthened it. I should’ve listened to my intuition the moment we met, because deep-down I knew then that she was my other half. The absolute love of my life.

  The ceremony finally began and we marched in formation in front of our guests. I did not break ranks and look away, but I’d swear I caught a flash of bright red curls in my peripheral vision.

  One by one, we were called forward to receive our Ranger tabs, and when it was my turn, I was finally able to see her. Smiling in the second row, right next to Mama, she waved and blew me a kiss. My mother was openly crying, and next to her, my brother and sister watched with proud expressions.

  Back in line, I was able to openly stare as I waited for the rest of my brothers to receive their tabs and recognition. I sucked in a deep lungful of air and studied my woman. I had big plans to make her 100% mine real damn soon, but for now, I couldn’t wait to taste those sweet lips again.

  On her other side, MSgt Creed sat in civies, his face stoic. I’d heard he’d been medically discharged from the Army after the bullet he took to the leg shattered his femur. I hated that for him, but I’d be forever grateful he was there to help save my girl.

  Right behind them, I caught sight of Fletch and his men. Fletch tipped his head in silent approval and I knew this day might never have come if he hadn’t pushed me and told me I could have anything I wanted.

  My eyes swung back to Aubrey. I hoped that was really true.

  As soon as the ceremony was over, I took a moment to shake hands with some of my closest classmates and instructors, then I made a beeline to my girl. She had an arm around my mom, who was still crying. My eyes were all over Aubrey in her long, fitted skirt and sweater that matched the leaves on the tree behind her. The sun burst through her hair like liquid fire and I had to pause to catch my breath.

  She tipped her head toward my sobbing mother.

  I acknowledged her then tugged my mom into my arms. “Mama. Don’t cry. It’s a good day.”

  “I know, mijo, I’m just so proud of you.” She hugged me like she’d never let me go. I caught Aubrey’s gaze over her head and her eyes were soft and pooled with tears.

  I love you, she mouthed.

  She’d told me before I left, then countless times in letters, but there was nothing like hearing it now.

  I love you, too.

  She smiled and faced Fletch and Creed as they came our way.

  My mom finally let me loose so I could shake hands with my friends.

  “Congratulations, Sergeant.” Fletch took my hand and pumped, his eyes twinkling with pride.


  I faced MSgt Creed and eyeballed his crutches. “Sir.”

  “Don’t sir me. I’m a civilian now, Cortez.” His eyes told a different story, but he readjusted his weight and offered a hand. Once a Ranger, always a Ranger. “Congratulations, Sergeant.”

  I thanked him and we talked a few minutes before he and Fletch headed off, leaving me with my family. I hugged my brother and sister as they asked a million questions about training. I let myself drift back to Aubrey as I answered, tucking her under my arm, careful to limit any PDA in uniform.

  My family loved her nearly as much as I did and I was so glad they’d had the chance to meet before today when Aubrey made a trip all the way to the Bronx just for that purpose. Her letter afterward was pretty funny when she told me about shopping with my sister and tasting my mother’s carne guisada for the first time.

  She leaned into me and I could feel her need to be alone as it vibrated through my body. Or maybe that was mine.

  Once everybody was officially dismissed, we headed to the parking lot. Thank God my family had a rental car, but I’d had Aubrey drive down in my Trans Am. We agreed to meet my family for lunch at a restaurant near their hotel and they drove away.

  I spun to face Aubrey. Alone at last. “In the car. Now.”

  Her eyes widened, but she slid inside without a word. I rounded the hood and got in. Never more thankful for dark tint, I yanked her to me and ravaged her mouth for all I was worth.

  “God, I’ve missed you,” I breathed against her lips, drowning in her taste.

  Her hands flew over my shoulders as if searching for purchase with my uniform. What I wouldn’t give to take it off and feel her skin-to-skin, but that would have to wait. “I missed you, too. So much.”

  We kissed until we had our fill and I leaned back to stare. “You’re beautiful.”

  She blushed.

  “I mean it. You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen and I missed you so much I almost quit a million times just so I could see you.”

  Her eyes widened. “You wouldn’t.”

  “No. But that didn’t keep me from thinking about you when I w
as dirty and hungry and more exhausted then I’ve ever been in my life. The thought of you got me through, baby.”

  “Oh, Jude.” She cupped my jaw. “I love you.”

  I kissed her one more time. “I love you, too. Now, let’s go. The sooner we get lunch over with, the sooner I can get you alone.”

  We got to the restaurant and had a fantastic meal with my family. My mother finally quit crying as my siblings peppered me with more questions. I held Aubrey’s hand under the table, my thoughts drifting back over these last months. Some of the hardest and most wonderful of my life, and I owed a lot of that to the gorgeous redhead next to me.

  I smiled into her eyes at one point, and when I turned back to my food, I caught my mother’s knowing smile. Trust my mom to know what was in my heart. Plus, I knew she was thrilled I’d be settling down soon. She was probably already knitting baby clothes.

  After lunch, she tugged Aubrey into a tight hug. “It was so good to see you again, mija. We will talk soon.”

  Aubrey nodded then hugged Emilio and Bianca. My sister caught my eye over Aubrey’s shoulder and winked. Marry her, she mouthed.

  I will.

  Alone again, this time for the rest of the night, I let Aubrey drive us to the hotel she’d booked. “Your family is great,” she said.

  “They are, but tell me you didn’t book us into the same hotel as them. We’ll never be alone.”

  She smirked. “Two miles away.”


  At the hotel, her hands shook as she tried to key our door open. I put my hand over hers. “Let me.”

  I opened the door and followed her inside, tugging off my hat. She paced to the far end of the room and put her purse down. She faced me with wide, uncertain eyes.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she said a little too quickly.

  I strode over. “You have nothing to be nervous about. It’s just me, baby.”

  Her hands stole over my shoulders. “You’ve gotten so big.”

  I shrugged out of my jacket. “Better?”

  “I guess.”

  “Let me make it even better then.” Slowly, I removed my uniform until I stood before her in only my briefs. Her dark eyes scanned me with open appreciation. “See? It’s just me.” I brushed the curls from her shoulder and dipped my hands under her sweater to feel hot skin. “And I’m all yours.”


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