by Bill Yenne
Sicherheitsdienst (SD, or Security Service), 81, 90, 91, 194, 261
Sicherheitspolizei (Security Police), 90
Siegfried, 6, 16, 43, 269
Siegfried, 16
Sievers, Wolfram, 127–131, 138, 245–246, 266–267, 288
Sippenbuch, 88, 94, 241, 290
Sklar, Dusty, 115
Skorzeny, Otto, 200–202, 241,
Social Darwinism, 33–34, 144, 189, 242
Social Democrats, 62, 74, 76
Sondern, Frederic, 170
Spear of Destiny, or Holy Lance, 120–121
Speer, Albert, 269–270, 286
Spiesberger, Karl, 295
SS in The Third Reich, The, 257
Stadelheim Prison, 84
Stark, Johannes, 250
Steiner, Felix, 238
Steinschneider, Hermann, or Erik Jan Hanussen, 78, 79
Stennes, Walther, 61, 62
Stille Hilfe für Braune Kameraden, 296
Stille Hilfe für Kriegsgefangene und Internierte (Silent Assistance for Prisoners of War and Interned Persons), 296
Stoddard, Lothrop, 42
Studiengesellschaft für Geistesurgeschichte Deutsches Ahnenerbe (Study Society for Primordial
Sturluson, Snorri, 39–40, 125, 252, 269
Studiengruppe für Germanisches Altertum (Study Group for German Antiquity), 39
Sturmabteilung (SA), 47, 57, 60–62, 82–84, 86
Sven Hedin Institute for Innerasian Research, 267, 293
swastika, 34–35, 63–72
Szilárd, Leó, 250
Tacitus, Gaius Cornelius, 18, 100, 102
Talisman des Rosenkreuzers, Der (he Rosicrucian Talisman), 41
Taubert, Siegfried, 116, 203
Teltsher, Friedrich, 105
Teudt, Wilhelm, 110–111, 128, 131
Teuringen, Malwine (Malvina) Leuts von, 103, 104
Teutoburgerwald, 130
Thallman, Ernst, 74
Theosophy, 31, 33, 41
Theozoologie oder die Kunde von den Sodoms-Afflingen und dem Gotter-Elektron (Theozoologyor the Account of the Sodomite Apelings and the Divine Electron), 29, 33, 34, 42
Theozoology, 29, 33, 37; Third Reich, 72, 77, 79–81, 83–85, 92;
collapse of, 257–270, 275, 280;
and mystical and scientific beliefs, 249–251, 253–254, 256
Thor, 7
Thule, 39, 40–41, 42
Thule Gesellschaft (Thule Society), 39, 41, 42, 46
Totenkopf, 70–72
Totenkopfring, 118–120, 272, 297
Trautmann, Erika, 138
Treaty of Versailles, 50, 51
Triumph des Willens (Triumph of the Will), 85
Trutzberg, Die, 34
Ura Linda, 127
Valhalla, 107
Verne, Jules, 251, 252
Vienna, 29, 32, 34
Völkisch, 130, 291;
counterculturists, 32;
ideology, 50, 53, 56, 117, 127;
movement, 13, 16;
New Age factions, 39, 104, 292;
secret societies, 30;
themes, 37
Völkischer Beobachter (People’s Observer), 47, 50, 92
Völksdeutsche, 156, 157, 164, 172–174, 177, 178, 191, 193, 206, 216, 235, 236, 259, 260, 286, 291
Völksdeutsche Mittelstelle, (Office for Repatriation of Ethnic Germans), 260
Vril, 253–256
Waffen SS (Armed SS), 155, 171, 174, 187, 212, 213, 231, 237, 240, 242, 243;
in 1944, 259–260;
Christus Rex, or Parti Rexiste (Rexist Party), 240;
Kaukasisch Mohammedan (Caucasian Muslim) Legion, 241;
Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, 264;
reportedly also formed the its Ostmuselmanische (East Muslim) SS Regiment,;
Number 5 SS Freiwilligen Sturmbrigade Wallonien, 240;
Number 5 SS Panzer Division Wiking, 238–239;
Number 23 Freiwilligen Panzergrenadier Division Nederland, 239;
Number 27 SS Freiwilligen Division Langemarck, 240;
Number 28 SS Freiwilligen Grenadierdivision Wallonien, 240;
Number 33 Waffengrenadierdivision der SS Charlemagne, 240–241;
Number 34 SS Freiwilligen Grenadier Division Landstorm Nederland, 239;
and Operation Wacht am Rhein (Watch on the Rhine), 263;
Wolgatatarische (Volga Tatar) Legion, 241
Wagner, Richard, 16, 19, 23–25, 35, 114, 135, 269–270
Wahrheitsgesellschaft (Society for Truth), 255
Waldeck, Josias, 86, 230, 278, 291
Walpurgisnacht (Walpurgis Night), 29
Wandel einer Zeit, Im, (In the Change of Time), 48
War Against the Jews, The, 186
Wehrmacht, 229, 259–261, 263, 270
Weidling, General Helmuth, 279
Weimar Republic, 12, 47, 52, 63, 73, 74, 76
Welteislehre (World Ice Theory), 148–150, 251
Weltreich (World Reich), 217, 241
Wenn, Alfred, 211
Widmayerstrasse, 126, 267
Wilhelm I, 9
Wiligut, Karl Maria, 98–106, 108–111, 113, 116, 118, 119, 127–130, 204–206, 235, 270, 294–295
Willrich, Wolfgang, 116–117
Wirth, Hermann, 126, 127, 129–131, 138, 248, 292
Wirths, Dr. Eduard, 242–243
Wirtschaftlichen Unternehmungen der SS, Die (The Economic Enterprises of the SS), 123
Wolfsschanze (the Wolf ’s Lair), 260
Wolgatatarische Legion, 267
World War I, 2, 9–11, 36, 44, 45, 47, 56, 71, 74, 78, 103, 149, 157, 165, 181, 264
Wotan, 6, 16, 20, 25, 26, 29, 30, 39, 71, 93, 100–102, 107, 108, 124, 206, 269
Wotanism, 42, 100–101
Wulff, Wilhelm, 126–127, 276
Wüst, Dr. Walther, 131–132, 267, 292
Yggdrasil, 21, 101–102
Zentrum der Neuen Welt (Center of the New World), 120, 204
Zhukov, Georgi, 280
Zoroaster (Zarathustra), 43
Zoroastrianism, 42, 43
Zur Theologie der Gotischen Bibel, 31, 33
First published in 2010 by Zenith Press, an imprint of MBI Publishing Company, 400 First Avenue North, Suite 300, Minneapolis, MN 55401 USA
Copyright © 2010 by Bill Yenne
Hardcover edition published in 2010. Digital edition 2010.
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Layout by Diana Boger
Cover design by Simon Larkin
Printed in China
Digital edition: 978-1-61060-073-6
Hardcover edition: 978-0-7603-3778-3
Yenne, Bill, 1949
Hitler’s master of the dark arts: Himmler’s black knights and the occult origins of the SS / Bill Yenne.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index
ISBN 978-0-7603-3778-3 (hbk. w/jkt)
1. Himmler, Heinrich, 1900-1945. 2. Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei. Schutzstaffel—History. 3. Nazis—Biography. 4. Cults—Political aspects—Germany—History—20th century. 5. Paganism—Political aspects—Germany—History—20th century. 6. Occultism—Political aspects—Germany—History—20th century. 7. Knights and knighthood—Political aspects—Germany—History—20th century. 8. Germany—Politics and government—1933-1945. 9. Political culture—Germany—History—20th century. 10. Germany—H
istory, Military—20th century. I. Title.
DD247.H46Y46 2010
On the cover: U.S. National Archives
On the back cover: Himmler inspects Slavic Red Army prisoners, somewhere on the
Eastern Front, circa 1941. U.S. National Archives