Training Four Murder

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Training Four Murder Page 23

by Diana X Dunn

  “But he was supposed to keep moving all the time.”

  “Yes, of course. I told him that I would make sure that wasn’t a problem. All he had to do was climb the tree and then wait out the last half hour or so.”

  “And off he went.”

  “Exactly. I changed and washed my face and then went back to the bus. No one had really noticed my absence. Then I just watched as Mark climbed the tree.”

  “Why did he keep going? He could have simply stopped once he was five feet up. Why did he move out onto the branch over the pond.”

  “I messaged him and told him to keep moving, that Candie was watching. I suggested that he move along the sturdiest branch he could find.”

  “And then what happened?”

  “I could see where he was on the map. When I knew that he was in the right place, I sent an electrical current through his wrist-con.”

  Sara drew a sharp breath. “You electrocuted him?”

  “Not enough to kill him, just enough to stun him. The wrist-cons were programmed for the game, remember, and only the game. Robert had me strip everything else off of them so that they could be used for tracking and messages between the bus and the students, nothing more. It was easy enough to add something a little extra to Mark’s.”

  “You stunned him, knowing that he’d fall into a pond full of alligators,” Sara said slowly.

  “I just had to hope that the wrist-con would get destroyed by the water or the animals.”

  “Was it?”

  “I don’t believe it’s been recovered. The last I heard, they hadn’t found Mark’s left arm.”

  Sara shuddered. “And Dr. Freeman will again be doing the autopsy.”

  “He doesn’t even have to lie this time. Mark was killed by the alligators.”

  “But you put him there.”

  Ethel shrugged. “I spent a lifetime staying away from my son to protect him. Now I’m a part of his life and protecting him is still my first priority. Jake could have had a good life out here. Robert would have let him coast along, teaching a couple of classes here and there and generally doing whatever he wanted. Instead, he kept pushing. He didn’t want to teach so much. He wanted to spin with students. He wanted to drink all the time. All of that was a problem.”

  “So you took care of it.”

  “Someone had to.”

  “And if you hadn’t, Robert would have and you didn’t want Jake’s blood on his hands.”

  Ethel flushed. “Robert would never…”

  Sara held up a hand. “Don’t bother denying it. Robert set up the whole fake murder scene to give him a chance to kill Jake. I’m sure you realized that as soon as Robert told you about the scene.”

  “Robert had nothing to do with Jake’s death.”

  “And everything to do with the cover up.”

  Ethel shrugged. “As I said, he was trying to protect me.”

  “How much did he know about what you did to Mark?”

  “Nothing. He knew nothing.”

  Sara grinned. “You know I don’t believe that.”

  “I can’t help what you believe.”

  “So now what?” Sara asked.

  “I’m being treated for stress and depression. The doctors seem to think that they’ll have my system rebalanced soon. If they keep shoving pills at me, I may demand to be treated by Dr. Freeman instead.”

  Sara chuckled. “Talk therapy? I don’t think that would help.”

  “No, of course not, but then there’s nothing wrong with me. Robert and I have agreed that I can’t come back to the school. Instead, in a week or two, I shall announce my retirement and move to a small house in the country. Robert will visit when he can.”

  “And you’ll get away with two murders.”

  “No one was murdered. Dr. Freeman will tell you that Jake had a heart attack and Mark was killed by alligators.”

  “I could be recording this conversation. I’m sure the police would be fascinated to hear the recording.”

  Ethel shrugged. “I’m a confused old woman, talking about things I know nothing about. Call the police if that makes you feel better. I’ll be more than happy to talk to them.”

  “You’re very confident that you’re going to get away with everything.”

  “Because I already have. Jake was cremated. His ashes won’t reveal anything. Mark was alive when he hit the ground. Perhaps, if he’d jumped to his feet quickly enough, he could have run away.”

  “Except he was too stunned to move.”


  Sara sighed. She hadn’t been recording the conversation, but even if she had been, Ethel was right. The older woman might just get away with two murders. That seemed wrong.

  “If you’d like, I’ll write out a full confession,” Ethel offered. “It can go with my papers and be read out once I’m dead. That might not sound like much of an offer, but I am actually dying. The doctors here reckon I only have a month to six weeks left, which is one of the reasons for my depression, of course.”

  “Except you aren’t really depressed.”

  “No, I’m not. Dying doesn’t worry me. I’ve spent most of my life wanting to see my son again and now I’ve managed that. We’re something like friends, even, which means the world to me. I can die happy, knowing that I’ve done everything in my power to protect Robert.”

  “What happens when the next person who knows his secrets comes along?”

  “There isn’t going to be a next person. Robert was stupid to share things with Jake, but that was his only indiscretion.”

  “Who knows who Jake told, though? Obviously, he talked to Mark.”

  Ethel shook her head. “Jake was reliable enough before he lost his job and came out here. I’m sure Robert will be fine.”

  “I think that full confession would be a good idea.”

  “I’ll start on it this afternoon,” Ethel promised.

  Sara walked out the hospital feeling as if she should have done more. It was time to share what she knew with Luke and Jeff. Maybe they’d have some ideas as to the right next move.

  “Is she really dying?” was Jeff’s first question.

  “I hacked the hospital’s computers and read through her chart. From what I found, I think six weeks is incredibly optimistic. Whatever they’re telling her, her records show she may only have days left,” Sara replied.

  “I’m not all that worried about Ethel, then,” Jeff said. “What bothers me is that Robert covered up Jake’s murder and Dr. Freeman falsified the autopsy. They should be punished, even if she isn’t.”

  “Let me call the state police,” Luke offered. “I may know someone there who can help. A nice discreet investigation would be best, I think.”

  Chapter 16

  The next day, before Luke had managed to reach his friend, Candie called everyone into the meeting room. It was clear that she’d been crying.

  “I’m sorry, but, well, the thing is, you see…” she began.

  “What?” Jeff demanded.

  “Robert was killed in a transport crash this morning,” the girl blurted out. “Even worse, he’d just picked Ethel up from the hospital for an outing. They were coming here, to see everyone. She didn’t make it, either.”

  “Where was Dr. Freeman?” Sara asked, suspicious of the whole story.

  “Dr. Freeman?” Candie echoed. “I’ve no idea, why?”

  “Never mind,” Sara said. “What happens now?”

  “I’d like to have a memorial service for Robert and for Ethel. Maybe we could do that tonight? Robert left instructions for what to do in various emergencies. I’m going to have to go through them to see what I’m to do next about the school. Right now, though, I’m going to take something and lie down for an hour or two,” Candie replied. “I’m shocked and devastated.”

  Sara had her own ideas about the crash. Jeff’s M-ped was far more capable than hers, but everything that he found suggested that the accident was genuine and that both Robert and Ethel had perished.

  “I’m still not convinced,” Sara said as she and Luke made their way to the memorial service that evening. “They both had the necessary skills to fake their own deaths and get away.”

  “Do you want to go looking for them?” he asked.

  Sara thought about it for a moment, and then shook her head. “I have other things I need to do,” she replied. Although the murders had been a distraction, she was still focused on finding Rex.

  The service was short and sadly felt too similar to the two previous memorials that had taken place within the past few weeks. Once it was over, Candie stepped to the front of the room.

  “I have Robert’s final instructions here,” she said, waving her M-ped. “First, for the students, you’ll all be given a full refund for the course. Sara and I will work together to evaluate your progress while you were here. We’ll write you each an individual assessment of that progress that you can take with you as you seek employment or a place at a similar program. You have seven days from today to vacate your rooms and leave the school.”

  “What if we don’t want to go?” Donna asked.

  Candie smiled at her. “I have some other instructions for you, Donna. Your case is unique, of course.”

  Donna nodded but she didn’t look very happy.

  “I don’t want to go, either,” Tamara complained. “My father will expect me to find another course and that’s the last thing I want to do.”

  Candie frowned. “We’ll discuss each of your unique circumstances at individual conferences in the next few days,” she said. “Sara, I have instructions for you and for Dr. Freeman, and the Hendersons, as well.”

  Sara nodded. As long as she was going to get paid for the time she’d spent there, she didn’t much care about anything else.

  A week later, they all headed down to Michael’s for one last round of drinks before they went their separate ways.

  “Drinks are on me, or rather on Robert tonight,” Candie announced as they settled around a table. “It’s what he would have wanted on our last night together.”

  “What are you doing next?” Jeff asked.

  “After I get everyone drinks? I plan to get good and drunk,” Candie told him. “And then, tomorrow, I’m going to New York to visit my sister. Robert paid me for the whole six months up front, so I have enough money to enjoy life for a while.”

  She went to the bar and came back a few minutes later with a tray full of drinks.

  “Here’s to new beginnings,” Tamara laughed as she downed her drink in a single swallow. She’d been given a glowing appraisal by Sara and Candie, one that had made her father very happy. He’d been delighted to get his money back for the course as well, and had given Tamara that money plus a bonus for all of her hard work.

  “Yes, new beginnings,” Bill said, taking a large sip of his drink. When he’d met with Candie and Sara, he’d sheepishly admitted that he’d decided to go back to school to learn to do hair and makeup. “It was the most fun I had here and I think I could be really good at it,” he’d explained. “That course costs a lot less than this one did, too, so I’ll have money in the bank when I finish.”

  “How about to going back to old pursuits?” Lloyd demanded and he raised his glass. He’d decided to go back to accounting, a decision that didn’t surprise Sara in the slightest.

  “I’m looking forward to going back to what I was doing before,” Jeff said, winking at Sara. She grinned. His agency would be happy to have him back.

  “I just found out today that I’ve been accepted to another school,” Lacey announced. When she told everyone where she was going to be going, they all cheered.

  “That’s a great school with a wonderful reputation. You’ll be well trained there and in high demand when you finish,” Sara said.

  “I know. I can’t quite believe my luck.”

  “It wasn’t luck. You worked hard here,” Sara replied. She’d worked hard, too, pulling a few strings behind the scenes to get the girl admitted to the program.

  “I’m going to take some time off,” Donna said quietly.

  Sara knew that Ethel had rewritten her will just before she’d died. In her new will, she’d left Donna a small house and enough money to allow Donna to stay at home and raise her baby. It would be up to Donna whether she ever went back to work or not.

  “It seems as if I’m the only one who doesn’t know where to go next,” Luke laughed.

  Sara joined in the laughter, but she was worried about him. She’d come to care for him while they’d been at the school together.

  “What are you going to do next?” she asked as they walked back to the compound together. The others had gone back on the transport.

  “I’m not sure. I may look for another job or I may try to find another school. Having gotten all of my money back from this course, I’m not in a rush to do much of anything. I’m going to enjoy life for a while. You should come with me. We could travel, maybe go and spend a few days on SunInc, even.”

  Sara laughed. “SunInc isn’t my kind of place, but thank you for the offer. Robert’s instructions included my being paid for the whole six months. That little windfall is going to help me with a few things that need sorting out.”

  “What things?”

  “That would be telling,” she said with a wink.

  They spent the night together in Luke’s room. Sara woke up before him the next morning and quickly and quietly snuck away. It would be easier for both of them if they didn’t have to actually say goodbye, she’d decided.

  The walk back to her suite gave her time to think about her future. She’d more or less finished her packing the night before. All she really needed to do now was grab her suitcases and head out. Her first stop was already booked. It was time to get some proper reconstruction work done on her face. Then she could start hunting for Rex again. If she was frugal with the money Robert had paid her, she could survive for a year or more, assuming she didn’t need to change her appearance multiple times.

  She opened her door and stepped into her room. It already felt cold and empty. One suitcase was by the door. She’d left the other one on her bed, open and ready for the last few things to be added. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the envelope on the pillow next to the open suitcase.

  The expensive stationery was instantly recognizable, as was the blocky handwriting. “Sara Weber” and “F6” were both written across the front of it.

  Counting from ten to one let her steady her nerves before she grabbed some gloves from the suitcase by the door, slid them on, and reached for the envelope. Her hand stopped in the air just inches away from it. The handwriting was recognizable, but it wasn’t Rex’s, she realized. At least, it didn’t match all of the other letters she’d had from him. She stared at the envelope, unable to believe what she was seeing.

  “It’s not possible,” she whispered as she reached for the envelope again. With shaking hands, she tore it open and pulled out the sheet inside.


  You didn’t think I’d miss your birthday, did you? Happy birthday!



  Sara felt a tear slide down her face before sadness was replaced by confusion, anger, and determination.

  Also by Diana X. Dunn

  Just This Once

  Adopted by an international multi-governmental agency that doesn't officially exist, her only genuine identity is "F6" - the sixth female baby adopted into the program. Now she changes identities regularly, moving through the world completing top-secret missions and keeping her distance.

  A chance meeting with a handsome stranger tempts her to lower her guard. A second encounter turns up the heat until he finds himself in the middle of a murder investigation being conducted by one of F6's former lovers. Now F6 finds herself using her skills and training to help a friend in trouble. Something she has never done before. Something she's prepared to do just this once.

  Murder Times Two

  Sailing around the Caribbean
on a luxury yacht as the guest of one of the world's richest men sounds like a dream vacation, but for F6 it is just another assignment. As far as her host is concerned, she’s "Suzy Barr", spoiled, rich and lazy. In fact, she is deep undercover, keeping a close eye on his business deals and his personal life.

  In spite of her years of training, a murder still takes her by surprise, especially when it looks like she might be the prime suspect. Protecting her identity means cutting herself off from her agency. She’s forced to use all of her wits and training to stay in character, solve the murder, and get off the boat.

  Three of a Kind

  F6 just wants to do her job, but a criminal mastermind called Rex has plans for her. Thrown into the middle of a deadly game of cat-and-mouse, she's forced to race across the country to try to stop the man before anyone gets hurt.

  As the game continues, it becomes obvious that Rex knows far more about than anyone should. With the help of Michael, her boss and mentor, and Blake, a police detective and her former lover, she’s determined to capture Rex and regain control of her life.

  Five Missing Men

  Release date: June 19, 2020

  Click here to pre-order.

  F6 is determined to find out what really happened at the warehouse the night her best friend, F7, died. In order to do that, she needs to track down the men who were working with F7 that night.

  What she quickly discovers is that she isn’t the only one looking for the men. She’s shocked to learn that every single one of them is missing.

  She’ll need to use every bit of her training if she’s going to be able to hunt them down before someone silences them forever.

  Six Dead Men

  Release date: December 17, 2020

  F6 was part of an elite group of men and women who’d been adopted when abandoned while still developing in their ex-utero pods. That was the story she’d been told, anyway, and she’d never doubted it.

  Now, circumstances are forcing her to question everything she believes is true. A return to her birthplace, Fallon, Nevada, seems the only way to find answers.


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