Ash: Devil's Crucifix MC

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Ash: Devil's Crucifix MC Page 23

by Carmen Faye

  Put simply, she was a high-class sexy beast.

  "What do you think Neil?" Bobby, the top designer asked.

  "I think it's just what I asked for, and I love the back seat arrangement. Just exactly what I was looking for."

  "Think you'll have two women back there often?" Bobby joked.

  "My little sisters," Neil told him. "They're why I wanted this ride. Jill is sixteen and Sandy is fourteen. Dad just passed away and I'm trying to be more involved with them."

  "Wow, that's cool Neil. Seriously. And this way all three of you can take a ride together," Bobby said, looking the bike over again.

  "Yeah, that's the plan," Neil smiled. "Now all I have to do is get the idea past Amanda, their mother."

  Bobby looked up at the 6'4" muscular man, "Half-sisters then?"

  "Yeah. My mom passed away when I was young. Took dad a long time to try it again, but I always thought he did good hooking up with Amanda. So, I've never thought of the girls as half-anything."

  "Well, we've never tried to make a rear seat like this, but it came out nice. With the sides curled up like that, shouldn't have a problem at all with them being safe back there. I know it’s comfortable for one passenger as well, because I was back there several times for test rides," Bobby told him. "But if the girls ever tell you different, bring it back and we'll go at it again, no charge. Now that you've told me what it's for, I want it to work for you. Alright?"

  "Thanks, that's good of you," Neil said, and shook Bobby's hand. "So, everything set? You got the check, and everything is signed?"

  "All yours," Bobby agreed. "Been a real pleasure building this one for you."

  Neil got into the driver's seat and gave the engine a little gas. "Damn that sounds good," he said to himself. Then he put the bike into gear and pulled it out of the shop driveway and onto the road.

  Having never rode a trike before, it took a bit to get use to turning. He remained in the industrial park area for more than thirty minutes getting use to turns, shifting the automatic transmission, and braking. On top of everything else, this was the most powerful beast he had ever sat on. Everything was high-performance, even the brakes. Reverse was an interesting feature as well.

  Feeling like he had a handle on his new ride, he took it out to the main street and then got down on the freeway with it, and opened her up.

  The rush was amazing. The trike climbed up to 110mph without hesitation, and much quicker than Neil expected. It was a good thing the Miami mid-day traffic was light. He brought her back down to a cruising 75mph, smiling and on the verge of laughing.

  It cost a good third of his inheritance from his dad, but it was worth every cent, and the girls were going to love it — if he could get Amanda's seal of approval. He had until Saturday to get use to the bike enough so its power was under control and could give her a smooth safe ride.

  Reaching between his legs he pressed one of two side-by-side horizontal panels and it popped open. He closed that and tried the other with the same result. These were gun holders, one of the special features he asked to be installed. The hand brake lever was also a custom request Dave suggested.

  Dave rode trikes all of his life. Fifty-four years old, he could put a trike into a bootlegger turn and do a reverse power-slide turn in his sleep. Neil was paying for six hours of his time tomorrow and Wednesday to get him on the right track.

  Chapter 2

  Shayla Carson laid in bed looking at the clock on her night stand. It was just past noon. Monday took the spot of their day off, but coke-heads never took a day off, so coke-dealers didn't either.

  "Shayla? You awake?" asked Sydney who was snuggled up beside her.

  "Yeah," Shayla said softly.

  Sydney's hand came over her side and caressed her right breast, "Do you want to?" Sydney asked.

  They were both twenty-four, blond, blue-eyed college girls — well, they were college girls before they started dealing cocaine for the Devil Knights a little less than two years ago. They met in high-school, went to the same college, both going for MBA's, and both cool when it came to sex and guys.

  Guys, were guys, and there were always more guys. Guys were certainly nothing to fight over, so if Sydney said, 'I want him,' Shayla would back off. A cock was a cock. It wasn't like she was missing anything. And it certainly wanted nothing special with him, and neither did Sydney.

  They weren't lesbians either, but one night you might get the right amount of weed, and the right amount of coke, and just the right amount of Ecstasy going so you can dance all night — but then the guys don't show up because of some club business — well shit -- things happen. Once they happen, and it was good the first time, they happen again, and then maybe again.

  Now, shit had changed though. Guys aren't just guys and they've been fucking each other for a month, not even looking at cock -- all because of one fucking man. Fucking Neil Jackson, their new delivery man from the Devil Knights.

  Shayla turned over and faced Sydney. She brushed a lock of hair away from Sydney's face and gave her a brief kiss. Their bodies were naked and warm under the covers together.

  "Sydney, we got to figure this shit out," Shayla told her. "We're like a few millimeters away from being real dikes."

  "I'm not a dike, I'm just horny. And the reason I'm horny is because I'm not fucking who I want to fuck," Sydney said with exasperation.

  "I know," Shayla sighed. "I'm not fucking him either, and what the fuck? How is this happening to us? It's like we've gone fucking brain dead."

  Sydney looked into Shayla's eyes, "Do you think he's gay? I mean, I've done everything except strip and swallow the man's cock. He doesn't flirt. He's always polite, patient, interested in what we talk about but not in my tits. A man that fucking attractive ... gay?"

  "No, he's not fucking gay," Shayla assured her.

  "He doesn't flirt with you either," Sydney pointed out.

  "No, he hasn't," Shayla admitted. "But that's the wrong question. It's been like a month now, and neither of us want anyone else, and we're not fucking anyone else — why? He's not the hottest man in Miami. There are plenty of men who are hotter. We have both fucked better looking men. Why him?"

  Sydney rolled onto her back and looked at the ceiling, "I don't want to just fuck him Shayla."

  Shayla studied her, "We're fucked then because neither do I. I look at him and I get ten-year goals in my head."

  "I want to have babies with him," Sydney told her.

  "What? Are you serious?"

  "Yes," Sydney admitted. "I mean, I have never felt like this in my fucking life. I'm completely weirded out."

  Shayla threw back the covers and got out of bed.

  "Shayla! What?"

  "I can't stand this anymore!" Shayla told her, as she paced the floor. "I'm fucking going out tonight. I'm going to find some hunk of a man and fuck the shit out of him! Neil is just another fucking guy!"

  The doorbell rang and Shayla growled, snatched up her blue satin robe and shrugged it on as she left the room heading for the front door. Once she had the robe tight around her, she opened the door and there was Neil, looking just as yummy as ever.

  "Um, hey Neil. Wasn't expecting you until Wednesday," she said sweetly.

  "This isn't business. Did I wake you up?" Neil he asked.

  "No, we're just getting up. Come on in. Want a beer or something?" She asked, as she stepped back, wishing she didn't get her robe so tight, although this one barely covered her ass and displayed the full length of her legs. Much better than the terry-cloth bathrobe. Still, showing a little cleavage right now would be better.

  "Yeah," Neil said, nodding, " if you have one. But I'm actually here to ask a favor."

  Sydney — the fucking little bitch — came walking casually in the room wearing lingerie panties and a bra, "Oh, hey Neil."

  "Hey Sydney. I'm glad you're awake too, because I kind of need a favor from both of you?"

  "What's up?" Shayla asked, trying to loosen her robe without looking like
she was loosening her robe.

  "Well, I got a new ride, a custom deal designed so I could take both of my sisters for rides and stuff."

  Sydney came back into the room with a beer and handed it to him, "I didn't know you had sisters."

  "Two. Jill is sixteen and Sandy is fourteen. See, my dad passed away about a month ago, and he was involved in their lives; like with soccer and softball and all kinds of other stuff. He took early retirement from the docks so he could be around more. Well, now he's gone and I kind of want to be more involved with them. Sort of help them deal with his passing," Neil explained.

  "Hey, that's sweet," Sydney said, smiling.

  "Yeah, so anyway," Neil pressed on, "I had the trike made and the back seat is designed for two passengers. I'm going to see them Saturday —"

  "And you want to test it out before you put the girls on the back," Shayla suggested.

  "Yes, exactly. So, like, you two are the only girls I know who live together and might like a ride for an hour or so. If you have the time," Neil said.

  Shayla looked at Sydney, and then to Neil, "Fuck yeah. Now? We'll get dressed."

  Back in Shayla's room, with the door closed, Sydney said, "Fuck! No wonder he hasn't been flirting. His dad just died."

  "That's probably right on the money. I mean a guy that worries about his little sisters, has to feel something hard after losing his dad," Shayla agreed, as she slipped into blue jeans. "And, um, lingerie? Really?"

  Sydney gave her a wicked smile, "Hey, you're the one already giving up. So, back off. He's mine."

  "Fuck that," Shayla told her.

  Dressed and helmets in hand, they came back into the living room to find Neil waiting patiently.

  "Thanks for doing this. I know you two have a busy schedule."

  "Not that busy on Monday, and hell, even if it was Friday, we'd take the time for a ride," Shayla assured him.

  Down in the parking lot, Shayla looked over the trike with a feeling of awe. From the look on Sydney's face, she's experiencing the same feeling.

  The thing has a goddamn car engine, she thought.

  "How fast does this thing go?" she asked, as she ran her hand down the painted gas tank.

  "The builders say it will get up to 230mph. I know it gets to 110 damn quick if you don't watch it," Neil told her. "So, still up for it?"

  "Oh hell yes," Shayla told him and climbed up into the right side with no hesitation.

  Sydney ran around to the left, "This is so fucking cool!"

  Neil looked them over, and Shayla wanted to be naked, so maybe he would be looking at her instead of picturing his little sisters back here. But his obvious care about the details involving their safety was touching as well.

  "So," Neil asked, "how does it feel? Secure?"

  "Yeah, and comfortable. But of course, we're not moving yet," Shayla pointed out with a grin.

  Neil's attention shifted and suddenly she felt like she was the only woman in the world. He gave her one of his rare smiles, "Ah, right. So, let's cruise the beach."

  "Perfect!" Sydney squealed, and gripped Shayla's thigh in excitement.

  The sound of the engine felt like riding a dragon. Shayla is in heaven and the look on Sydney's face it was close orgasmic for her. The sides of the bench seat curled, then rose up past their hips giving them plenty of support during turns, with good hand holds available.

  It was obvious Neil was still getting use to the power of the thing. Occasionally he would give it too much gas and the dragon would respond instantly. There was zero hesitation between request and response.

  Cruising down the beach they got plenty of looks and a lot of horn honks.

  "We should have worn bikini tops," Sydney told her with a grin.

  Shayla smiled and nodded, but mostly she watched Neil through the mirror.

  What was it about this man?

  She wasn't boasting when she told Sydney earlier, they both brought home better looking men. Neil was dark haired and gray eyed. His features were sharp — chiseled was the word she was looking for; as if stone became flesh. His shoulders were wide and thick, and his chest was rugged and broad. No shirt could fully hide the definition of his muscles. Long legs, narrow waist and abs that every girl dreams of and few actually see. His ass was delicious. Everything about him said 'hard hitting bad-ass'.

  Everything, except Neil himself.

  No doubt that what Neil hit, hoped he didn't do it again — once it was conscious. Those eyes could turn from cobalt to iron in an instant, and the command of his voice would send men running - not from fear but trust.

  And there in a nutshell was the line, she realized. If he commanded her to duck, she wouldn't look around, she would fall to the ground as fast as she could. It would be important if he said it; urgent. Else he wouldn't have opened his mouth. He had the air of command, but the air of trust as well. Inside, the way he talked to her and to Sydney, was like being covered and protected by his warmth and ease.

  It was a bit silly really, but when he was over, and relaxed on their couch she felt more relaxed than she ever had in her life.

  It's that trust thing, she thought. If he's not worried, then there's nothing to worry about. You can relax. You just believe that if shit changes, he'll be the first to know and you'll be taken care of.

  Shayla bit her lip, and caressed Sydney's thigh.

  He never chatted himself up, like every other man she met. He never talked about fights or danger, and she had no idea where he got the scar under his left eye which dimpled when he smiled. He didn't boast about bikes he owned or about his standing in the club. What he said was usually interesting. Mostly he listened, and the way he listened made her feel important. Not important to him because she had a heart-shaped ass and tear-drop breasts, but because he believed Shayla, was important enough to listen to.

  Sometimes though, she disappointment from him. Not often, but often enough to crush her somedays. Usually, that feeling of disappointment was when they were flirting heavily with him. Like maybe he felt he only had a couple of short hours with them every week during his deliveries, and he wanted to be with them — not the party girls, but with Sydney and Shayla. Like they mattered, or something.

  "His little sisters must adore him," she said softly to herself. "They probably measure every boy they meet against his standard, and find them wanting."

  After experiencing Neil, and to be with him was an experience, how could she just go out and find a hunk to fuck? Where was she going to find someone who equaled his allure? Not in any of the nightclubs, bars or parties she and Sydney did business in, and certainly none of their customers.

  This morning, she didn't get frustrated with Sydney because she said she wanted to have babies with Neil, she got frustrated because she was about to say the same thing, only she chickened out and talked about ten-year plans.

  They pulled up to a stop-light and Sydney leaned over to her, "What's the matter?"

  Shayla looked at her dearest friend and said, "I just wish I was real enough for him."

  Sydney went from causal concern to deep wonder, "Holy shit," she said as epiphany filled her eyes. "That's it. That's it exactly."

  Back in their parking lot, they both got off the back and hugged Neil together around the waist and then lifted up on their toes to kiss his cheek.

  "That was fun Neil," Shayla told him.

  "Yeah, I liked that a lot, thank you," Sydney told him.

  Neither of them wanted to let him go, now that they were this close, so Shayla asked, "So, what do you have going on this week?"

  Neil looked into her eyes, melting her, and said, "Well I got a gig at Beats and Drums, Wednesday night."

  "Beats and Drums? High class," Sydney said.

  "I thought you played guitar? They're all techno and house, aren't they?" Shayla asked.

  "Yeah," Neil agreed, "But I've been working with Blu Ryne for a few months now and making mixes. We ready to try out something new on a live crowd."

eah? Sydney asked.

  "Well then," Shayla told him, "we did you a favor, how about doing us one and taking us? Let us go in with you backstage so we don't have to stand in that six block line to hear this new sound?"

  "I'm going to be there from nine until midnight," he said as a slight warning.

  "That sounds perfect," Sydney told him. "Please?"


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