Destiny's Choice

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Destiny's Choice Page 12

by Kimberly Hunter

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” His arms tightened instinctively around her.

  “I can’t be a hundred percent sure until I run the blood tests. But from the little I’ve checked so far, it looks as if she’d in the Pre-Transformation coma.”

  All Roan could do was stare at his brother.

  “Are you sure, honey?”

  Flynn gave his True Mate a sheepish grin. “Until I run the blood tests, no. But, her blood pressure and heart rate are almost identical to yours when you went into the coma.”

  “How is this possible, Flynn?” Roan finally found his voice, strained though it was. “She’s showed no signs until now. No cramps or fever. I don’t even think she’s had the Pre-Transition dreams. I mean, it’s only been two days since we met. Surely she or Ian and Lillah, would have said something.”

  “Who knows?” Flynn shrugged. “It could be due to her age, your bond, the Pack bond, even the trauma of her parent’s betrayal. Any or all of these events could have triggered this. Or, it could be none of them. Just simply her time.”

  Roan gazed down upon her precious face, peaceful in repose. “Her First Transformation.”

  “Again, I’ll need to run the blood tests. But seeing as she is half Lupus, well, I wouldn’t think it would be as bad as Sasha’s was.”

  “It’s still going to suck, Roan,” Sasha warned him. “Even if her body and wolf have been building up to this moment, the pain’s going to be bad.”

  He nodded, letting out a whoosh of breath. “So, worse than a normal teen’s first shift but no where near as bad as yours was.”

  “I want to run the tests and confirm first, Roan,” Flynn told him. “You know I won’t make any promises until then.”

  “Yes, sorry. It’s just…I can’t lose her, brother.” For the first time in Roan’s life, he felt completely helpless. None of his abilities were useful in this situation. He was effectively, useless. “I can’t.”

  “Hey, now,” Sasha snapped. “She’s in good hands here, nothings going to happen to her.” She reached out and took his hands, putting one over Rivera’s head and the other over her heart. She then put her hands over Roan’s. “Feel how strong she is? How strong her wolf is?”

  Combining her abilities with Roan’s, he was able to feel what he could barely sense when he first met Rivera. Her wolf. It was one of the rare powers that Sasha had been gifted with, to connect with one’s wolf on such a level. The females especially. For Roan, his connection was more about keeping the Pack together. Sasha’s was deeper. It had come in handy on more than one occasion when a female had challenged her. Now even more so. Because Sasha was right. Rivera and her wolf were strong. Stronger than he had thought. And her wolf. Such primal power. Such a need to be free. Oh, yes, the woman and the wolf were perfect for him. The Fates had chosen well.

  Without realizing he had closed them, Roan opened his eyes and grinned as Sasha took her hands away. “I don’t think her wolf is going to tuck tail and flee. She’s waited too long to have this chance. Failure won’t be an option.”

  “I kind of got that impression after the long talk I had with Mikeal last night.” Flynn nodded with a grin of his own. “She’s a survivor, brother. That comes with a strength all on its own.”

  Roan definitely felt more at ease and under control now. “Thank you, little sister.”

  She shrugged. “It’s what I do.”

  “And I’m grateful.”

  “Enough mush.” She waved him off with pink cheeks. “Let’s get your True Mate more comfortable so Flynn can run his tests and we can take care of the trash in the clearing. You know how I hate clutter.”

  He chuckled as he rose with Rivera cradled close in his arms. He paused before going to the door. “What about our being separated? I won’t be able to stay away for long.”

  “No worries.” Flynn patted his shoulder. “With her in the coma, the symptoms take a little longer to go into effect. Still, you’ll have.” Flynn looked down at his watch. “Maybe an hour, hour and a half before the symptoms set in. I wouldn’t chance any longer than that. Not if you want to stay conscious.”

  “What about Rivera?” He really needed to take care of the plans he’d made, but not if it meant putting his True Mate danger. Her health and well being were paramount.

  Flynn shook his head. “She’s too deep in the coma to feel any of the symptoms.”

  “Good.” He let out a relieved breath. “She’s been through enough without having to feel my absence,” he said. He carried Rivera out the room, up the stairs, and into his old bedroom.

  Sasha pulled the comforter back so Roan could place his precious cargo between the sheets. Then, making sure she was tucked in, he looked to his brother.

  “How soon can you get the tests back?”

  “A few hours at the most.” Flynn had brought his black bag and was taking his supplies out as he spoke. “It helps that I have plenty of Sasha’s blood samples from various stages of her coma from beginning to end. That’ll be a great source for comparison. I’m also going to call Joel Tanner. He assisted me when Sasha was brought in. With his specialized field being blood pathogens, he’s been a tremendous help.”

  “And he’s such a sweetheart.” Sasha grinned.

  Flynn chuckled as he laid out the rest of his supplies. “I don’t think I’d call a 6’6” Lupus a sweetheart. I mean, he shifts into the biggest wolf in the Pack.”

  “And if it wasn’t for the fact that his skills as a doctor are on par with Flynn’s, I would have asked him to be part of my personal guard,” Roan replied. In his minds eye he saw the giant with strawberry blond hair, laughing topaz eyes, and body with enough muscle to beat up a tank. “Not that he would have accepted. Like Rivera, he’s never been big on titles or status. He’s just happy to help the Pack.”

  “See, a sweetheart.”

  “Well, sweetheart or not, if I didn’t know he preferred men, he wouldn’t be getting anywhere near Rivera.” As it was, his wolf didn’t see Joel as a threat due to his homosexuality. Since she was very vulnerable at present, he and his wolf only wanted those they felt she would be safe with. Like Flynn, Joel had the brains to back up his strength and power.

  “Which was another reason I chose him,” Flynn agreed. “Besides, he’s between lovers at the moment so his mind should be all business.”

  “Now Flynn, you know that isn’t fair,” Sasha scolded. “That last guy was a total ass and treated Joel like dirt.”

  “Sorry.” Flynn sighed. “I consider Joel not only a colleague, but a close friend. He didn’t deserve what that guy did to him. Just pisses me off that he got the raw end of the deal, is all.”

  “The house has plenty of room, Flynn. There’s no telling how long Rivera will be in the coma, and I’d feel a lot better having another doctor around that I can trust.”

  “Yeah. Between the two of us, she’ll get the best care.” He nodded. “I don’t think it would hurt for him to get away for a while. The last time he called, he told me and Sasha he was thinking about leaving Chicago and moving to the country. That he was sick of the city.”

  “That was nearly two weeks ago,” Sasha said “He sounded so depressed.”

  “Alright, give him a call. Tell him the plan and get him out here ASAP. He’s also welcomed to stay as long as he needs. In the meantime, would you like to do some downsizing, little sister?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.” She giggled then went over to her True Mate, giving him a kiss. “We won’t be long, hon.”

  “I want all the details.”

  “Of course,” she said brightly.

  Roan leaned down and kissed his own True Mate, brushing her honey gold hair off her forehead. “Be back soon, sweetheart.” Then with a nod to his brother, he and Sasha left.

  Leaving Rivera was probably the one of the hardest things he’d ever had to do. With her being in such a state, he wanted desperately to stay by her side. Regardless of how much he would just be in the way if he did stay, being n
ear her calmed him somewhat. But, with the job waiting for him in the clearing, common sense dictated that he saw it through.

  “She’ll be fine, Roan. You won’t be gone from her side that long,” Sasha assured him.

  He let out a harsh breath. “I know. It’s just…I should be with her.”

  “You will be, big brother.” She patted his arm. “Besides, from the little I’ve gleaned from her, she doesn’t seem the type that’d want you to put this off just because she can’t be with you.”

  Roan couldn’t help but grin at that. “No. She understands perfectly well what’s at stake. In fact, she’d probably be upset with me because I’m thinking more about her than the coming confrontation.”

  “Well, there you go.” She grinned, then a serious light came into her eyes. “You two have only been together a short time and I can tell that a lot has happened. She’s had to adapt and learn quite a bit in a narrow time frame. But she’s highly intelligent, Roan and she knows her place.”

  He shook his head, still amazed at her insights. “Alright, little sister. I understand. Doesn’t mean that I won’t try to hurry things along though.” Roan also knew his place. It may be as Pack Alpha, but his True Mate needed him too. So he was going to do everything in his power to return to her side as quickly as possible.

  “Then let’s get this party started.” She rubbed her palms together with glee.

  Roan laughed, some of his tension leaving. It was probably the woman’s plan all along, the sneak. He was extremely grateful that Sasha was on their side.

  Set in the thick forest quite a ways from the house, they made good time as the trees began to thin out a bit the closer they came to the clearing. The sun was still up, making dappled shadows along the path. The young man waiting at the end of the path was the last person Roan had expected to see though. It was Nicolai Reynard. One of the youngest in the Pack, he and two others were the last to be born for nearly a century. But, he didn’t share Boone’s thirst for power or his greed. No, Nicolai was a lot like his brother Mikeal. In looks, personality, and power. Though the youngest of the brothers, he was taller and leaner than the other two. A fact that caused no end of misery for Mikeal and a great deal of humour for Roan.

  “My parents send their apologies for not being here, Roan,” Nicolai said as Roan and Sasha walked up to him. “They hoped you’d understand why.”

  “Of course, Nicolai.” He reached out and squeezed the young man’s shoulder. “Are you staying?”

  “Yes,” he growled. His cheeks turned pink when he realized what he’d done. “Sorry. I’m a little angry.”

  “Hmph. I’m pissed and he’s not even kin to me.” Sasha snorted. “You’re allowed to be more than a little angry, Nicolai.”

  “Yeah.” He grimaced. “Thank you, Sasha.”

  “We understand completely.” Roan motioned for Nicolai to walk with them. “Boone has caused no end of trouble for the Pack and your family. You have every right to be angry about it.”

  Nicolai nodded. “I want to make sure he’s punished for this crime.” He gave Roan a pointed stare. One that Roan was all too familiar with considering it made Nicolai greatly resemble Mikeal.

  “Boone will be executed according to Pack Law, Nicolai. Not even his status and so called connections can prevent it from happening,” he promised.

  After seeing, and no doubt scenting, that Roan meant what he said, Nicolai let out a harsh breath. “Good. He…he has to be stopped, Roan.”

  “I’m well aware of what he’s been up to,” he told Nicolai calmly. “After what transpires today, the Pack will be better than ever.”

  “I’m glad.”

  Standing in the middle of the large, cleared out, space surrounded by thick forest, Roan gave Nicolai’s shoulder another squeeze then looked around. Everyone he had contacted was there. With a few extras. Elise Reynard, with her cornflower blue eyes full of fear, stood beside Boone, who was still incapacitated and laying on his stomach. Next ,was Morgan’s father, Darren Salaud. His Mate had died giving birth to Morgan. Standing beside each other, one could tell they were father and son. Close by was Kyle’s parents, Carlyle and Muriel Montblanc. They didn’t look happy. But then, Darren always wore a frown. Roan couldn’t remember ever seeing the man smile. Dane, Cole, and Tristan were off to the side of the little group, keeping watch over the troublesome trio. Several yards away, Maurice and Arianna St. Paul stood beside Ian and Lillah. The two were still bound, with Steven and Mikeal standing guard over them. There were tears in Arianna’s eyes every time she gazed at her daughter. Near the St. Paul’s were Eli and Kate Truesdale. Kate was Arianna’s younger sister. Odd they were here when they really didn’t need to be. Looking around further showed Phillip St. Paul standing a great deal away from his family. His expression was one of boredom. But the real shock came when Roan saw just who was standing beside his uncle Quinn.

  Rafe Teague had been one of Roan’s father’s personal guards. A powerhouse of strength, he was as tall as Roan’s 6’3” height, with plenty of muscle and the superior knowledge to use it. He had taught Roan and Flynn everything they needed to know about hand to hand combat. Especially the dirty stuff.

  Roan walked right up to the pair as Sasha followed. Nicolai moved towards an empty area near Mikeal, but far enough to let him do his job. Roan simply ignored the others for the moment as a wide grin split Rafe’s face. A face he heard his sister sigh over more than once while they were growing up and lament the fact that he had a Mate. One he loved dearly despite her not being his True Mate.

  “You look good, mijo.” Despite living in the states for decades, Rafe hadn’t lost his Spanish accent. “Finding your True Mate seems to agree with you.” He then reached out and grabbed Roan up, giving him a bear hug. When he put Roan down, he looked around. “And just where is your other half?”

  Roan straightened his clothes, trying not to show his upset at the question. “She is a little indisposed at the moment. Flynn and another are watching over her for me.” He gave Rafe a look.

  Rafe nodded with understanding. “Ah, I’m sure she will be up in no time. Being the True Mate of a LeGuer, she would have to be strong, no?”

  “She is very strong.” Roan smiled.

  “This is good then.” He patted Roan’s shoulder. “Si, very good.”

  “It’s good to see you, Rafe. Glad you could be here.” He turned to Sasha. “Rafe Teague, this is Sasha LeGuer. She’s Flynn’s True Mate and Alpha female.”

  He took her hand and kissed the back of it. “Flynn always had an eye for a beautiful red-head.” He winked.

  Sasha’s smile was sweet as she took her hand back. “He did, yes.”

  “Ah, belleza.” He chuckled. “You are perfect for him.”

  “I am, yes.”

  Roan just shook his head at the exchange as he turned to Quinn. “Uncle.”

  Quinn put both hands on his shoulders and gave them a light squeeze. “You done good, boy. And the jewellery is a nice touch.”

  “Thank you, uncle.”

  With one last squeeze, Quinn let go, turning to Sasha. “You got his back, spitfire?”

  She snorted. “Of course.”

  “Well alright then. Let’s get this done.”

  That being said, Roan faced those assembled. Their eyes alighted on the torques around his and Sasha’s necks. Some seemed surprised, others glowered. Not that Roan cared. The torques were back where they rightfully belonged. With the Alpha’s of the Pack. Not that these fools would ever recognize the torques meaning as such. But they would. Before the day was over, they would all know what the torques stood for.

  “For those I told to be here, I’m sure you gave your own version of why to the ones you invited without my permission. But, no matter. The more that know, the better.” He then went on to explain about Ian and Lillah, moving on to Boone and his cohorts. When he was finished, those invited wore expressions of dismay and shock. The un-invited, even more so.

  “So, you want to execute
my daughter and son-in-law for a crime that happened centuries ago,” Maurice St. Paul spoke up.

  “Not want to, Maurice, going to,” Roan stated. “I didn’t call you and the others here for a debate. Nor are their crimes up for negotiation. Although there is no precedent for the time limit, the crime of telling a human about us and subsequently changing him was wilfully committed. The child that resulted was tortured and nearly murdered to cover up this crime. Pack Law must be upheld, Maurice. Regardless of the time frame, as Alpha, I intend to see it carried out.” He looked over his shoulder and nodded. “Quinn.”

  As Quinn walked over to the bound and gagged couple, Rafe followed, his sharp eyes moving over everyone.

  “Now Roan, I must protest,” Maurice spoke up again, his voice sounding agitated.

  “You can protest all you want, Maurice, but Pack Law was broken. These two knew the consequences of such actions and will pay the ultimate price.”

  “With their lives? You can’t be serious?”

  “When it comes to Pack Law and the safety of this Pack, I’m always serious, Maurice.”

  “But, Roan. She’s our daughter,” Arianna pleaded.

  “And still, you’ve yet to ask about, Rivera. Very interesting.” The two opened their mouths, but Roan held up a hand. “Spare me the false concern. I would rather not hear it.” Their mouths shut with an audible snap.

  When Quinn and Rafe reached to the pair, Quinn stood between them. “As appointed by my Alpha-“

  “I won’t let you do this!”

  Before Maurice could take a step, Roan froze him in place. Finding the thread to his wolf, Roan pulled, ripping the wolf out with a wet pop and a painful shout. The others gasped and screamed in horror, but Roan ignored them all.

  “You forget your place, Maurice,” Roan snarled.

  Arianna fell to her knees beside him with tears streaming down her face. “How…how did you…”

  “Quiet!” He threw some of his power out, affectively silencing them all. “Proceed, Quinn.”


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