Lake Effect

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Lake Effect Page 8

by Johannah Bryson

  “Really, Lindsey? When was the last time it happened to you? When’s the last time you just happened to spend the entire morning with a man in bed and then find his picture on the Internet with other women?” They looked at each other for a moment and then burst into laughter.

  “Was it good?”

  “Oh, hell yes!”

  Shelby and Norman stayed on, with one week turning into four. Even though her parents’ house was big, she preferred staying above the restaurant. She helped Lindsey at the diner, visited with old friends, laughed, and cried.

  They were sitting in Lindsey’s living room as they had every night since her arrival, each engrossed in their own thoughts. Shelby stretched and let out a big sigh.

  “I really should think about heading back up to the island.”

  “What’s your hurry? You know you hate the summer crowds.”

  “That’s true, but they always thin out at the end of July. Kids have to be back in school, people start thinking about heading back to work. Besides, I’m kind of homesick.”

  “Huh, will you look at this!” Lindsey, who had been sitting with her computer on her lap, suddenly sat up straight.

  Shelby laid down the book she was reading and walked across the room to peer over Lindsey’s shoulder. Lindsey started to read aloud the article from the Whiskey Island home page.

  Wyeth Packard, Whiskey Island’s newest resident, has expressed his desire to possibly turn the Packard Manor into a bed and breakfast. Local Chamber of Commerce president Cheri Beauchamp says the Chamber and Council are behind the venture 100%. Although the plans are in the very early stages, Packard says he is entertaining several offers and is open to ideas.

  “Is this something you talked about?”

  “Yes. No. Oh, Lindsey, I don’t remember.”

  “Shelby, this was your idea, it’s always been your idea. You have the sketches and everything. I think you should pitch it to him. You’ve got the money to back up your plans — you could be partners.”

  “Lindsey, are you really hearing what you’re asking me to do? Do you think after everything we’ve been through that I could just waltz right in and present my ideas as if nothing had ever transpired between us? I haven’t spoken to the man in weeks!”

  “And why do you think that is? Shelby, you don’t have a cell phone and Cheri Beauchamp is the only one who even knows where you are. Didn’t she tell you he asked about you when you first left?”


  “Listen to me. This is an opportunity. Make the offer anonymously, through your attorney. You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. If he doesn’t accept it, you’ll never even have to see him.”

  “What if he does accept it?”

  “Then you present your offer and your plans via Rick. Let them think you’re too busy or something. I don’t know. I do know that this was always your dream and now you have an opportunity to make it come true.”

  Shelby couldn’t stop thinking about it as she lay in bed that night. The more she thought about it the better she liked the idea. If she pitched it anonymously, she might never even have to deal with seeing Wyeth.

  Chapter Six

  “Tell me this again, James.” Wyeth sat behind his desk with his hands steepled together, thinking more about Shelby than what James had been telling him. Her house had remained closed up tight until August. His efforts to extract information out of the usually talkative Beauchamps had failed. Abby had done more damage with a few pictures than he could’ve ever imagined. He’d only seen Shelby one more time that summer, a chance run in at the library. She’d practically run out before he could say two words to her.

  Several times he’d seen the silver Jaguar in her driveway. The last time there’d been a man standing with it. He was tall and striking, salt and pepper hair, probably in his mid-to-late forties. Shelby had been hugging him and that hurt him more than anything.

  James had had to do some smooth talking to settle down the SEC too. Sterling Kennedy had not been too happy to find out that Wyeth had left the night of the benefit. In the end they agreed that Wyeth could travel back and forth between New York and Whiskey Island provided they were made aware of the situation. Now a lot of good it was doing him. She hadn’t waited too long to find his replacement. His mood darkened and he turned his attention back to James.

  “I’ve gotten a letter from an interested party on the manor house. They want to partner on a bed and breakfast idea.” He handed Wyeth a folder. “I’ve got to tell you, there are some great ideas in here, the best I’ve seen so far. I feel like, whoever this person is, they’ve got a real feel for the island.”

  Wyeth opened the file and gave it a brief look. “It sounds good to me, James, provided you’re okay with the details. I do have reservations that the main investor wants to remain anonymous.”

  The decision to open the manor house up for a partnership hadn’t been an easy one. Once Shelby had bolted, the home suddenly felt large and empty. Odd, it hadn’t felt that way before he’d met her. He’d sunk too much money into it to just let it stand empty. He’d pitched the idea to Cheri first and once he had her blessing he knew the rest would be easy.

  “Could be they are associated with another venue on the island or they just want to keep it low key. They could even be holding back due to lack of experience. This happens sometimes, a person has a great idea but not necessarily the experience to pull it off. They make the pitch to someone anonymously, that person likes the idea, and then it’s hard to walk away from. It’s not all that unusual, really. I’ll contact the attorney and set up a meeting. I can press it if you’d like.”

  “Yes. I think, in light of recent events, I don’t trust anyone. I like the preliminary proposal but if the main investor won’t meet at least with you, then the deal is off.”

  • • •

  Shelby sat staring out at the lake, its choppy waves a precursor to the storm that was about to ensue. Her anger was boiling up as if the same winds were pushing it.

  “Packard has accepted your proposal but only on the pretense that he meets with you face to face. If you recall, I thought this might be an issue when we drafted the initial proposal.”

  Shelby felt her heart sink to her stomach as Rick reviewed the contract with her. She had hoped against hope that she’d be able to get through this without having to see him. That had been a pipe dream.

  “He’d like to schedule a meeting with us at the Island House — a preliminary meeting to go over the finer points. If they accept that, then you can make your proposal to Packard and his attorney, a Mr. James O’Toole, a very nice man from all of our dealings so far.”

  She fought hard to keep her anger in check. Of course he’d insist on a face to face meeting, and once he saw who actually wanted to invest in his little bed and breakfast idea, he’d turn her down cold, or worse yet, he’d stay there and she’d end up serving breakfast to him and the Evil Queen from Snow White, she of the jet black hair.

  “Shelby? Isn’t this what you wanted?”

  The concern in Rick’s voice brought her back to the present. She felt a little guilty that she hadn’t quite divulged the entire story to him.

  “Yes. Yes, that’s fine. Set up the meeting, please.”

  She wasn’t worried about her proposal. She’d done her homework, knew her subject matter. She knew her ideas were solid and that they’d make a success of the manor house. Shelby knew that eventually she’d have to face Wyeth with more than facts and figures, ideas and menus. She also knew that he would not make that easy on her. Leaving the island for Henderson hadn’t been the most mature decision she’d ever made in her life. She’d thought about calling him to explain that she needed time but each time she thought that conversation through she just couldn’t bring herself to do it. He’d be perfectly within his rights to throw her and her ide
as right out the door. In the end she’d decided on the anonymous pitch. He might not like any of her ideas. She’d cross that bridge if and when she came to it.

  She sat nervously in the booth at the Island House where they’d agreed to meet. She was ready for this. She could do this. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. He’d tried to explain but she’d shut him down. She’d been hurt but perhaps she’d acted in haste. Hadn’t she been hurt enough for one lifetime, though? What was there to gain from hearing him out? He’d lie and there was a good possibility that she’d buy into that lie and the next thing you know …

  Shelby stopped thinking and brought herself back to the here and now. Rick was standing. Coming toward the table was a very handsome man who Shelby guessed to be the same age as Wyeth. This must be his attorney, but where was Wyeth? First relief, then disappointment rained down upon her. She exhaled and stood up as the two men turned to her.

  “Shelby Aylesworth, I’d like you to meet James O’Toole, he’s representing Packard Vineyards. Shelby extended her hand and tried to keep a smile on her face.

  “Very nice to meet you, Mr. O’Toole.” Rick held out her chair for her and she sat back down.

  “I regret to tell you that Mr. Packard cannot join us tonight.” Shelby didn’t know whether she wanted to laugh or cry. She hadn’t realized until this moment just how badly she wanted to see him. She sat up a little straighter when she noticed the two attorneys staring at her.

  “I’m sure he is a very busy man, Mr. O’Toole, and this little side venture is only one of many pressing things on his plate.” She hated the way she was sounding and hated more the way James O’Toole was looking at her. He would find her out, tell Wyeth, and that would be that. She could kiss her little dream goodbye. She was so certain of this that she almost missed what James was saying.

  “I assure you, Mr. Packard is very excited about your ideas. He was most distressed to miss the meeting but he had some pressing business back in New York.”

  A vision of Wyeth in a lip lock with a raven haired beauty came unbidden into Shelby’s mind. “I’ll bet he did,” she thought to herself.

  “Mr. Packard has given his full go ahead to the project unless I feel there is anything standing in the way.” He looked again at Shelby, and this time, Rick did too.

  “As I’m certain you are aware, Mr. O’Toole — ”

  “Please, call me James.”

  “James, my client has never entered into such a venture, although she was a part of her late husband’s business to some extent. I’m sure you would agree that what she lacks in experience, she more than makes up for in ideas.”

  Shelby almost choked on her water. Rick was doing his best to make her sound credible, bless his heart. She hadn’t been involved in Jack’s business at all, although she would’ve liked that.

  “Yes, it was your attention to detail and your initial ideas that caught Wyeth’s eye. I will admit, however, this secrecy about your identity was a cause of concern. Is there some reason why Wyeth would be less than thrilled to work with you?”

  The time had come to lay down her hand and show her cards. This could go two ways. She took a deep breath and looked James in the eye.

  “We met several months ago, in May, under less than stellar circumstances.” Shelby felt herself blush as she remembered landing face first into his crotch.

  “I just feel, given that initial meeting, it would be better to present my ideas first and let Mr. Packard, Wyeth, meet me after the fact.” Shelby looked down at her lap, afraid to see the look on the man’s face.

  “I’ll not lie to you, Shelby, due to the amount of money this venture will entail, you will be thoroughly investigated. I’m certain you’ve done your homework as well. However, having seen your ideas and now meeting with you in person, I’m perfectly satisfied. I’m certain your reasoning is sound.

  “I think so but just to be certain, let’s add a clause that states should Wyeth not be satisfied after my identity is divulged, he has the right to cancel the contract. Fair enough?” Shelby looked at Rick who nodded his head.

  “Fair enough.” James extended his hand and shook hers.

  “Mr. O’Toole, I have no fear of your investigation, in fact, I welcome it. I’m happy to supply you with names of past employers, friends and family.”

  “That won’t be necessary. I think we’ll be content with your financial records and a credit background check. I will tell you, though, unless you call me James, the deal is off.”

  His easygoing manner was infectious and soon Shelby found herself laughing and talking with James as if they were old friends. They had a drink to celebrate the closing of the deal and Rick insisted that James join them for dinner. James was so likeable that Shelby was soon relaxed and laughing.

  “I have the keys to the manor house for you if you’d like to go in and take measurements. Wyeth will be returning in a few days at which point we can have that meeting.”

  • • •

  “Hey, Romeo. How’s the love life, as if I couldn’t tell from that look on your face.” Janele entered her mother’s kitchen and unceremoniously plopped James Jr. into his uncle’s lap.

  Wyeth hoisted his nephew up high in the air and caught him, resulting in squeals of delight from the small child. “Again, Wyweth!”

  “That’s Uncle Wyweth to you, squirt.” He sat the child on his knee and helped him out of the windbreaker he was wearing.

  “She won’t even speak to me. I’ve tried. I saw her in the library a few weeks back and she ran like a rabbit being chased by a dog.

  “If she’s worth fighting for then you’ll just have to wait her out. Give her time. From everything you’ve told us about her, it could just be that her emotions are close to the surface — and for good reason. I can’t even fathom losing James so young.” She shivered. “James called too, Wyeth, said to tell you the deal has been struck and he is looking forward to your arrival. I didn’t correct him. I want my visit to be a surprise.”

  “I’m glad you’re going, Janele,” Olivia said. “You need some time for yourself. You run around here like you’re not seven months pregnant. You don’t know when to stop. Wyeth, I’m counting on you and James to see this girl relaxes while she’s up there.” Olivia scooped her grandson up in her arms and received his sloppy kiss on her cheek.

  “You’re just happy to have Junior all to yourself, old woman,” Janele said. “Who are you kidding?” The three of them laughed as Olivia gave her daughter a wicked grin.

  Wyeth was thrilled that Janele had agreed to accompany him on this trip back to Whiskey Island. Helping her up the steps of the small company plane, he thought she looked tired and uncomfortable. He and James would treat her like a queen, and without James Jr. to run after, he had no doubt she’d be feeling refreshed and ready to tackle her last few months of pregnancy.

  “Are you anxious to see the proposal for the manor house?” As usual, his sister had a way of cutting right through his thoughts.

  “I am. Are you comfortable?”

  “Wyeth, I am seven months pregnant. There is no such thing as comfortable at this state of the game. Stop fussing over me. It’s bad enough I’ve got James and Mother breathing down my neck, I don’t need you too.”

  “I’m not afraid of James. I am, however, afraid of Olivia. When she tells me to do something, I do it.”

  His sister laughed and the rest of the flight was spent in the easy conversation of two people who’ve known each other all their lives.

  • • •

  Shelby was taking the last window measurement in the upper front guest suite when she heard the front door open. Wyeth’s deep, sexy voice climbed up the steps and seemed to brush over her ear, sending a delicious yet unwelcome shiver down her spine.

  “You look exhausted, can I get you anything?” His voice, full of concern, had Shel
by’s full attention as she quickly stepped down from the ladder. Thank God she’d chosen to walk over rather than drive. Hastily she scribbled the last measurement into her small notebook and prepared to leave the house via the back steps. A female voice stopped her dead in her tracks — the New York accent was familiar, but the voice was different this time, softer.

  “I’ll admit, this pregnancy has me tired all the time. Maybe I’ll just take a nap. You go find James at the vineyard.”

  “You go on up to my room and stretch out. I promised I’d take care of you and I will.”

  “You’re sweet. I can fend for myself, now go.”

  Shelby was sure her pounding heart could be heard into the next county. She stood perfectly still and tried her hardest not to cry. That bastard! Damn him for bringing that woman here, the woman from the picture, the woman from the Internet … the woman that is pregnant? Had he known about this when he’d slept with her back in June? Oh, she was a fool. She’d been completely taken in by the bastard. Shelby had thought she’d hate this woman but here and now she suddenly found herself filled with a great sadness for her.

  She had to get out of here. As quickly and quietly as she could, she eased open the door she’d been hiding behind and peered into the hallway, looking both ways before silently stepping out into the hallway and gently closing the door behind her. Remembering the back steps that led to the kitchen, Shelby scurried down with the intention of sneaking out the back door.

  “Going somewhere?” Wyeth’s voice climbed up the back of her spine and floated up into her ears.

  “I was just leaving,” she snapped.

  With two strides he crossed the kitchen to the bottom of the steps, and stood within inches of her face. “I believe a better question would be what the hell are you doing here?”


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