Saxon's Lady

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Saxon's Lady Page 13

by Stephanie Janes

  "Yes, as a matter of fact. You've been in a vicious tem­per since that scene with Ordway and I think you owe everyone in the house an apology."

  "Is that right?" He pulled the laces free with quick, snapping movements.

  "Yes, that's right."

  "Then come here and see what you can do to convince me to make a full-scale, public apology." He whipped the tunic off over her head and his hands went to her satin-covered breasts. He unsnapped the clip of the bra.

  "This isn't a good way to settle an argument, Garth," Devon tried to say as he discarded the bra and slid his palms down her waist to remove her skirt.


  "No. You're angry and aroused and you're not think­ing clearly. We should talk."

  "I don't know about angry and I don't know how clearly I'm thinking, but I sure as hell am aroused. I want you so badly I ache. We'll talk later." He had her skirt off now. He let it fall to the floor as he slipped his fingers in­side the waistband of her panties.

  Devon trembled as she felt his strong hands cup her buttocks and squeeze her with slow, deep pleasure. She sighed and nestled her head against his chest. Then she felt him move his arms around her, lifting her. She closed her eyes as he carried her over to the sofa and put her down on the cushions.

  When she heard the rustle of his clothing, she opened her eyes to watch him undress. As the last of his garments fell to the floor she found herself staring at the bold, hard lines of his body.

  "What's the matter, Devon?" he asked a little roughly as he sat down beside her on the couch. "You're not afraid of me, are you?"

  "No. But you can be intimidating. I've told you that before."

  "I get the feeling I don't intimidate you as much as I should." He groaned as he leaned down to kiss her breast. His tongue touched her in a deliberate caress that made her shiver in his arms. "Maybe if I were better at it, I wouldn't have to rescue you from men like Ordway. You'd exercise a bit more caution."

  "So now you see yourself as having conducted a rescue operation? A while ago you were practically accusing me of planning to run off with him." She braced her hand against his shoulder, trying to hold him away from her while she berated him. Her emotions were still a wild mix­ture of passion and resentment and love.

  "Hush, Devon. I don't want to talk about it anymore. Not now." He caught her wrist and put her hand around his neck so that she could no longer restrain him. The hair on his chest teased her nipples as he leaned over her, one heavy thigh trapping her legs.

  "Just because you don't feel like talking about the sub­ject is no reason to try to halt the conversation. As it hap­pens, I think we should talk about it. We have a serious problem here, Garth. One that needs to be resolved."

  "The only problem we have at the moment is your mouth. Fortunately, I know how to handle it." He kissed her deeply, sliding his tongue between her lips to chal­lenge and tease and finally dominate.

  Devon moaned, surrendering to the sweet, intoxicating passion that was ensnaring her. She tightened her hands on Garth and as he felt her yielding response he groaned in soft satisfaction.

  "Touch me, Devon. I've got to feel your hands on me." His own hands were moving slowly and caressingly on her, gliding down over her hips and trailing up the inside of her thighs.

  Devon stirred under his touch, her whole body igniting. She sank her nails into his hard buttocks in a convulsive little gesture of excitement that seemed to arouse him even more than he already was. He found her questing fingers and guided them downward.

  "I don't know what gave you the idea you aren't suffi­ciently intimidating," Devon complained throatily, as she closed her fingers around him. She stroked him gently, reveling in the shape and feel of him. He was big and powerful and her body tingled with vivid awareness of him.

  Garth's husky chuckle was muffled against her shoul­der. "There are times, Devon, when you are very good for my ego." He used his teeth in a very careful, very sexy manner that made Devon melt against him.


  "Do you want me, Devon?"

  "You know I do." She moved her legs invitingly, urg­ing him closer.

  "I need to hear you say it. I'll probably never be able to hear it often enough." He probed gently between her thighs until she writhed against him.

  "I want you, Garth. Please."

  "Aren't I pleasing you?" He was playing with her, tor­menting her and exciting her without mercy. He seemed to know exactly how to touch her to make her go up in flames.

  "Yes, yes, you're pleasing me," she gasped, closing her thighs tightly around his hand because she needed more of him. "But I can't stand the waiting. Come here, Garth."


  "No, now."

  "Do you know what you do to me when you respond like this?" he whispered against her throat.

  "Tell me." She opened her eyes to gaze up at him with a dazed excitement. Her whole body was throbbing with need. She loved him so much, she thought. She wondered if he had any idea of just how strong her emotions were and immediately decided he undoubtedly did. Garth was a very astute man. He would know when he held a woman in the palm of his hand.

  "I'll do better than that," he promised. "I'll show you what you do to me." He released her briefly to pull away and reach for his pants.

  "What are you doing?" she asked, suddenly alarmed.

  "Taking the precautions I should have taken last time." There was a soft rustling sound in the shadows and then Garth came back to her. "If you're already pregnant, then this is a waste of time. But if you aren't, I don't want to take any more chances until we're ready to make that kind of decision."

  "Precautions?" She ignored everything else he said, concentrating on the one fact that amazed her. "You're prepared tonight? Down here in your study? But, Garth..."

  "Don't look so shocked," he teased softly. "I've been carrying the necessities around in my wallet since that night in San Francisco." He moved to cover her body with his own. "I didn't want to take any more chances. I wanted you to feel safe."

  "But I thought you didn't intend to make love to me again until we got married." She clung to his shoulders as he lay heavily against her.

  "I didn't intend to do this again until we got married because I didn't think I'd have a chance. Not with Bev and Ryan in the house. But I'm learning that around you, sweetheart, my most brilliant plans sometimes go astray."

  She smiled dreamily up at him. "I'm glad."

  "So am I," he admitted. And then he was slowly, steadily pushing himself into her.

  Devon felt the hardness of him as he sank into her soft­ness and she cried out in a little gasp of pleasure and ac­ceptance. He drank the sound from her lips, swallowing it before it had a chance to escape the confines of the room.

  Garth watched Devon's face as he took her completely. He was throbbing with the tension it took to control him­self, but he refused to give in to the pull of her sweet pas­sion just yet. There were too many other things he wanted to revel in first. He needed to see the way she lost control and gave herself to him totally. He wanted to glory in the sensation of her tight, satiny body. She was so perfect, so right for him. He wondered if she understood that. If she did, perhaps she wouldn't daydream about city life and city nights. She would know he needed her.

  "Oh, Garth, I can't stand any more of this." She dug her nails into his back, trying to force him to increase the slow, deliberate rhythm he had established.

  Garth wanted to laugh with satisfaction and triumph as he felt her frantic but useless efforts to make him hurry. "This is too good to rush, sweetheart. Take it easy."

  "I can't take it easy."

  "Do you want to take over?" he asked, nibbling at her earlobe. Meanwhile he never ceased the steady, pulsing beat.

  "Yes, please," she begged. "I can't stand the waiting."

  "All right. It's your turn." He stilled his movements, pulling free of her. Then he deftly reversed their positions on the narrow couch. When Devon opened her eyes she was
lying on top of him. He saw the momentary confu­sion mixed with the cloudy passion in her gaze and wanted to laugh again. She was a total delight to all his senses. "I'm waiting," he drawled. He held her by the waist, steadying her as she reoriented herself.

  "Oh, good," she managed breathlessly. "Now I can show you how it should be done."

  He grinned. "You do that, little witch."

  But she was already fumbling around, fitting herself to him with a sweet awkwardness that didn't lessen the mounting excitement in the least. If anything, Garth de­cided, her uncertain movements combined with her over­whelming determination to take charge was an almost unbearable stimulation to his already inflamed senses. "Hurry," he growled as she struggled with the unfamiliar position.

  "Now look who's begging." She finally found her bal­ance and carefully eased herself down onto him. Her hands splayed across his chest and her eyes were very wide as she adjusted herself. "This is very nice," she finally said, not moving.

  "I agree." He stroked her thighs, enjoying the feel of her astride him. "You can set the pace now."

  "Yes." She still didn't move.

  "What's wrong?" he asked softly as she just sat there, staring down at him.

  "Nothing's wrong."

  "I thought you wanted things to move a little faster."

  "I did," she said with a sparkling innocence that didn't fool him for a minute. "But now I'm seeing all sorts of possibilities."


  "I think that if I'm very careful, very controlled and exercise all sorts of willpower, I could just sit here all night. A sort of Zen approach to sex."

  "I didn't realize you had such a vengeful streak in you." Garth shifted abruptly, lifting her up and off of him.

  "Wait, Garth..." she began hurriedly as she felt her­self losing control of the situation. "I was only teasing."

  "This," he informed her as he eased her off the couch and down onto the floor where he could move more freely, "is what happens to women who like to tease." He pinned her wrists and parted her legs again. Then he entered her without hesitation. Instantly she tightened around him, clinging to him as her hair spilled around her on the rug.

  "I'll have to be sure to try it more often," she mur­mured.

  "Any time," he invited. Then his own need took con­trol of both of them. There was no more teasing, no more talk, no more enticements or pleas. There was only the pounding, surging, reckless desire that drove them both toward the brink.

  And then they were both sailing over the edge, clutch­ing each other in an unshakable embrace. At the last in­stant, Garth heard the cry that threatened to escape Devon as her passion went out of control. Quickly he moved to seal it behind her lips, distantly mindful of the two people sleeping upstairs. When his own release shook him to the core he buried his mouth against Devon's shoulder, frant­ically struggling to muffle himself.

  Afterward Devon lay quietly for a long time, trailing her fingertips over Garth's shoulders with absent pleasure as she came slowly out of the tranquil, relaxed aftermath. When he finally stirred and looked down at her she didn't know whether to laugh or groan at the sheer male con­tentment she saw in his gaze.

  "Isn't this a bit outrageous for you, Garth?" she mur­mured daringly. "Not only have you taken to hiding con­traceptives in your wallet, but when you finally do make love to me again we wind up all over the couch and down on the floor. We're nowhere near a proper bed. It's posi­tively shocking."

  "You don't look shocked. You look like a sleek little cat who's just eaten a very large bowl of cream." He smiled down at her indulgently.

  "Umm." She stretched and yawned delicately. "That's rather how I feel."

  He lifted himself slightly away from her, watching her pert breasts move as she raised her arms over her head. Garth bent and kissed one rosy nipple. Then he glanced at the watch on his wrist. "It's late."

  "I'm not surprised."

  He reluctantly got to his feet. "You'd better hightail it up to bed." He reached down to scoop up her clothes and hand them to her. "Take it easy on the stairs. Don't make a sound. I don't want Bev or Ryan to hear you."

  "Yes, Garth."

  "Are you laughing at me, woman?" "No, Garth."

  His mouth twitched. "Uh-huh. We'll argue about it some other time. Right now I want you back in your bed where you belong. Move, sweetheart."

  "Yes, Garth."

  She did as she was told and climbed the stairs silently. Just as quietly she let herself into her room and closed the door. Then she fell into bed, grinning to herself in the darkness. There was something very endearing about the combination of old-fashioned virtues and passionate vices that characterized Garth Saxon. A exciting contradiction.

  He worried excessively about her reputation and at the same time he had started carrying contraceptives in his wallet. He made love to her on the study couch and then hustled her upstairs to bed so that no one would guess what had transpired, even though they were going to be mar­ried in two weeks.

  Devon heard the faintest of sounds outside her door and knew that Garth had just paused by her room before going to his own. The grin faded from her face as she remem­bered how dangerously angry he'd been earlier that eve­ning. When she'd left him a few minutes ago there had been no trace of the fury that had precipitated the pas­sionate scene in the study.

  She'd soothed the savage beast with sex, Devon told herself. But she doubted if anything had really changed. Garth must know by now he had only to touch her and she responded. For her part, she had no doubts about the level of his commitment. His integrity, his honesty and his pas­sion were indisputable. She should have no qualms.

  The marriage would take place as planned, but deep in­side, Devon wondered if commitment, integrity, honesty and even passion were enough. She wanted all those things, of course. But she also wanted love.

  Garth had never said anything about love. Devon knew that because of his ex-wife and perhaps because of the kind of man he was, he didn't think in such ill-defined, vague terms. He was a practical man, Devon reminded herself. And he'd seen a woman who had claimed to love him leave on the arm of another man.

  It was understandable that for Garth, love was not a particularly important or reliable part of the equation that equaled a good marriage.


  Devon came downstairs the morning after the Denni­sons' barbecue to find a very subdued kitchen crowd. Garth hadn't yet made an appearance and everyone else seemed to be hoping he'd put it off indefinitely.

  Bev Middleton was stirring pancake batter with a brisk hand while she chatted in low tones to Steve and Cal. She gave Devon a sympathetic, almost worried glance and said good-morning. The two ranch hands appeared wary. They were drinking their ritual three cups of coffee but looked ready to depart the kitchen on short notice if necessary. Ryan was sitting hunched over at the breakfast table, nursing his own mug. It was obvious that all those present were prepared for the worst when Garth came downstairs. Clearly no one expected his temper to have improved overnight.

  "Good morning, everyone," Devon said with a calm smile as she took a seat across from Ryan. The others mumbled greetings and looked more uneasy than ever. "I'll take some of that coffee, Ryan."

  He hurried to pour her a cup. "Are you all right, Dev­on?" he asked quietly.

  "I'm fine. Why shouldn't I be all right?"

  Ryan's mouth hardened. "Because of that damned Phil Ordway."

  "Ah." Devon nodded with understanding and tasted her coffee. "It was a bit messy for a while, but Garth took care of things in his usual inimitable style, didn't he?"

  "I'm sorry, Devon," Ryan said urgently. "I swear, I had no idea Ordway was the kind of man who would pull something like that. It's all my fault he was here in the first place. Garth should have thrown a punch at me as well as Ordway."

  "Don't be ridiculous," Devon said bluntly. "You are most definitely not responsible for what happened, and I won't have you blaming yourself. Who could have guessed what Ordway wou
ld be like when he'd had a few drinks in him?"

  "You may not blame me," Ryan declared, "but it's a safe bet Garth will. What's more, he'll be right. I should have listened to him when he told me he didn't like the sound of Phil Ordway."

  Steve glanced at Ryan. "We heard about the fight first thing this morning. It's the main topic of conversation down at the new barn."

  "Also heard Garth was mad as hell," Cal added.

  "He is," Bev assured them. "I saw his face when he came in last night dragging Devon behind him. Even the dogs ran for cover."

  Steve shrugged, eyeing Devon. "Sounded like he had a right."

  "Doesn't matter if he did," Cal said wryly. "He'll still be hell to work with today. I don't mind saying I'm not exactly looking forward to it."

  Bev sighed. "He'll get over it. Eventually. He was like this for a while after Devon left last year. Just watch your step around him for a while. He'll be looking for someone to chew on till he works the anger out of his system."

  Devon listened to the morose predictions with interest and wondered just how upset Garth had been those first weeks after she'd left for the city. She remembered that time very well, herself. There'd been the excitement of being free at last and the stress of finding an apartment and a job to occupy her, but there'd been a measure of unexpected loneliness to deal with, too. She recalled that the loneliness had surprised her. She hadn't expected to feel anything but unmitigated joy after finally leaving Hawk Springs.

  "What's Ordway going to do?" Steve asked Ryan.

  Ryan glanced at his watch. "My guess is he's already left town. I dumped him in the motel last night and left his keys where he'd see them first thing this morning."

  "I wonder if he'll sue," Devon murmured.

  "Are you kidding?" Ryan managed a trace of a sar­donic smile. "He'd never stand a chance. Everyone at that party will swear he started the fight. Besides, he won't want to go through the embarrassment of pressing charges. His ego won't let him call attention to the fact that he got the worst of the mess. No, I think it's safe to say we've all seen the last of Phil Ordway."


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