Surviving Day by Day (Book 3): Still They Come

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Surviving Day by Day (Book 3): Still They Come Page 20

by Allensworth, Audra

  Ceara turned to go and then smiled at everyone, “Damn, I’m sore.” She headed off to the bedroom, scooping up the gauze, paper tape, rags, and antibiotic. Ceara got back kneeling by Tonto, petting him, “I am going to play doctor with you, so be a good patient for me, Ok?”

  Ceara looked to Beth for instructions, Beth leaned forward, “First you need to cut the old bandage off. Ceara looked at her supplies and then looked to Charlie, “She didn’t tell me about scissors, so will you go get them, please?” She drew out the please as she smiled.

  Charlie rolled his eyes, “No problem, I wasn’t relaxing or anything.” He got up and went to get the scissors, calling out to the living room, “Anything else while I am back here?”

  Beth looked to the supplies and called out, “The peroxide, too!”

  Charlie came back in, and handed over the things and then laid down on the floor at Tonto’s head. “Ok boy, I am going to keep you company while Ceara helps you out. The three puppies abandoned Tonto’s tail to climb on Charlie; Tonto looked to Charlie then laid his head down on the floor. Charlie laughed, “Ok fine, I’ll keep these guys busy for you.”

  Charlie picked one up, “Ok, so this is Mickey, right?” Tabitha nodded, “Yeah and he’s mine, so be nice.”

  Charlie pointed to one of the others, “Tiger?” Ceara nodded and she cut away the old bandages off Tonto. Charlie set Mickey down and picked up the un-named puppy. “So little guy, you still need a name. Let’s see...” He flipped the pup around looking him over, “Has anyone laid claim to him?”

  Colt shook his head, “Why don’t we just let that one be everyone’s dog, no rights to anyone specific.”

  Charlie smiled, “Kind of like a family adopting him?”

  Ceara knew what Charlie was thinking, “Charlie, you were adopted a long time ago by Alden. I don’t think it needed to be official.”

  Colt laughed, “Hell, we all adopted each other!” He rubbed his jaw remembering the fight him and Charlie had, “We fight like a family and protect like one too.”

  Charlie smiled at everyone, “They say better late than never, but I wouldn’t have traded all the time in the home, if it meant missing out on having this family.”

  Charlie looked back to the puppy, “We could call him Potter, after Harry Potter... he was an orphan that got adopted by the whole wizarding community?”

  Alden shook his head, “Not much use for wizard kiddy stories.”

  Charlie nodded, “How about Sawyer?”

  Tabitha shook her head no, “That kid did nothing but make trouble, and we don’t need a dog like that.”

  Charlie started laughing, “How about Batman, he was an orphan, too.”

  Beth grinned, “I like that, and we will have our own little superhero!”

  Ceara shook her head no, “Sorry but that just doesn’t fit, you can’t name a dog batman... all the other dogs will make fun of him.”

  Everyone busted up laughing; Ceara lowered her head, “Well, you don’t know; they might.”

  Alden looked at the puppy, “How about Crixus?”

  Everyone stopped laughing and looked confused at him. “Crixus was another famous gladiator, might be fitting to pay tribute to Maximus to do that. It was just a thought.”

  Ceara had tears in her eyes, “Thank you Alden, I think that is perfect.” She quickly started working on Tonto again; she had his paw almost finished. Charlie set the puppy down, “Crixus it is.”

  Tabitha sat there and watched Ceara tend to Tonto’s paw. A tear formed in her eye and she tried not to show it but when she sniffled, Ceara looked up at Tabitha, “Did I do something wrong?”

  Shaking her head no, Tabitha held onto her pup, “I don’t think I ever said I was sorry to you for losing Maximus. He was a great dog. A little goofy, but he was a great dog.”

  When Tonto heard Maximus’s name, he lifted his head and his tail wagged. Ceara had just finished with that bandage and Tabitha’s pup ran over to nip at Tonto’s tail playfully. Ceara wiped the tears from her eyes, “its ok, Tabitha.” Ceara looked over to Colt, then back to Tabitha, “We have all made mistakes and some more than others. We just have to learn from them and go on.”

  Beth looked over to Colt and laid her head on his shoulder and sighed. “I couldn’t have put it better Ceara. However, I would like to add just one thing to that.”

  Ceara looked up to Beth, “What would that be?”

  “Once we learn from them, then we remember them, so that we do our best not to repeat those same mistakes. For those who forget those are doomed to repeat them.” Beth looked up at Colt and laid her head back down on his shoulder. Beth thought back, remembering Colt’s reaction when he found out the truth about what she had done for a living. That was what had made her make that statement. She knew what had happened would cause her to never hide the truth from anyone again. “With things the way they are, anything from secrets, to not planning, and more than just that, it comes down to not thinking could end up bad for anyone of us, so we just have to stay alert.”

  Alden heard Niz’s footsteps moving from the bathroom to her room and stood up, “You cupcakes continue your soap opera hour while I go get cleaned up.” Ceara laid down beside Charlie and noticed the sound of silence.

  After about five minutes, Charlie wiped the hair out of Ceara’s eyes, “What are you thinking about?”

  Ceara looked up and then to everyone that was sitting quietly. Taking in a very deep breath, letting it out slowly she continued, “The wanderers.... will we be able to survive this next wave? Where will we be next week at this time? Or even next year? I just am tired of fighting to live but I just don’t know what else to do anymore.”

  Niz walked back into the front room wearing a pair of buckskin pants, a tank top, and a buckskin vest adorned in Indian beads. As she went to sit down, Ceara noticed the design of a wolf’s head on the back.

  “Oh my God Niz, that looks like Maximus.”

  Niz smiled, “It’s a wolf. One of the grandmothers made it for me a few years ago. I never thought about it, but yeah, I guess a shepherd and a wolf are almost like twins.”

  Niz did a little turn so the rest could see the back then sat down in a recliner.

  Beth got up and went to her room, returning quickly with a white bottle.

  “Here Niz, take one now and then when your shift is done go ahead and take the other two.”

  Niz popped it in her mouth, picked up her tea from the coffee table, and took a drink as she leaned back.

  Everyone was watching the puppies playing and jumping over and on Tonto, who simply lay there quietly. As Alden walked back in, Tonto sat up. The puppies began to jump and nip playfully at his jaw and throat. All of them, except one. Tonto growled lowly as they continued to play. He suddenly barked and took a quick nip at them, sending them all yelping to their master. Mickey was between Tabitha’s feet, as Tiger jumped in Ceara’s lap. Only Crixus remained. He was sitting as straight as he could next to Tonto watching Alden. Tonto got up and limped over to where Alden was standing, then sat down and looked up at him. Crixus followed, sitting next to Tonto.

  Alden reached down and rubbed Tonto’s head, “Yeah I know boy, damn cupcakes can be a real pain in the ass.” Tonto licked Alden’s hand, afterward went and laid down next to his empty chair. Crixus sat looking at Alden then to where Tonto was. Turning he trotted over and laid down next to Tonto. Charlie looked at Alden, “How the hell did you do that?”

  Alden smiled and picked up his coffee, “I didn’t do anything. That’s just one smart little private right there.” Alden went to the kitchen and returned with his cup full. Sitting down, he looked at the rest, “Okay kiddies unless you're all going to tell each other bedtime stories, it’s time you all hit the racks. As they all got up saying their goodnights and heading down the hall, Alden spoke up, “Oh and boys... When I said racks... I meant the beds...” He grinned and winked as the two men turned and smiled they came to attention and saluted then grumbled, “Yes, Sir.”

>   Alden turned to Niz, “How’s the shoulder?”

  Niz smiled weakly, “It’s sore as hell. There’s no way I can hold a rifle.”

  Alden stood and went to his room. Returning he handed her a small Ruger 22 pistol. “This should work for you. It’s night so we will be in defense mode anyway. This is lightweight and easy to use.”

  Niz looked at it, “Will this do the trick?

  Alden smiled, “Sure will. Too many people think that to kill the damn things you need a big bullet. Not true, you only need to hit them in the head and a .22 hollow point will do the rest just fine.”

  Niz got up and went to lock the doors while Alden was pulling the blinds down and securing the windows. As they both returned to the living room, he lit a small oil lamp and turned it down.

  The soft glow of the flame gave a warm feeling in the room. Alden was sitting back with his .45 lying on the table along with his knife. Niz sat watching the flame as flickered in the glass.

  “Alden, will those windows hold? I mean they’re just glass.”

  Alden smiled, “you’ve never opened them, have you?”

  Niz shook her head, “No, why?”

  Alden took a sip, “Larry was just a tad bit paranoid. They’re not bulletproof per say but they are break resistant. He had them made from the same material a car's windshield is. The wanderers are not going to be able to beat through it, they aren't that strong. Plus with drop down shutters, we’ll be fine”

  Niz laid her head back down as Alden watched her doze off.

  “Yeah I kind of figured it was going to be a loner night for me.” he sighed. Getting up, he grabbed an afghan off the couch and laid it on her. Niz moaned a little as she turned, then was fast asleep.

  Alden walked down the hall, as the clock on the mantle struck midnight. Walking into Charlie and Ceara’s room, he shined his flashlight on the two, seeing Ceara spooned up against Charlie. Alden knelt down by Charlie’s face, keeping the light shining down to the floor.

  “C’mon cupcake, rise and shine, its fire watch time for you.”

  Ceara popped her head up quickly rubbing her eyes, “What? What is it? Are we under attack?”

  Charlie sat straight up, almost knocking Alden over. “Attack who, what, who’s attacking?”

  Alden put his hand over Charlie's mouth and glared at Ceara. Then in a low voice, “Calm the fuck down, you two. It’s your turn to take watch. Coffee’s on and hot. Niz is sleeping in her chair, so just leave her be. She took that pill Beth gave her, and it knocked her right out.”

  As he walked out, he turned seeing Ceara sitting up with the blanket pooled in her lap. Alden smiled and made a motion to her to cover up, “Those panties are cute but you don’t need to tease an old man like that.”

  Ceara blushed as she grabbed the blanket and pulled it under her chin. Alden looked at them grinning, “One more thing, don’t be playing with the puppies.”

  Alden closed the door behind him.

  Ceara pulled her jeans on, still blushing at flashing Alden. She couldn’t look at Charlie either, every time she did he was grinning. “Ok, stop grinning, damn it.”

  Charlie snickered, “Sorry, your look was priceless. You ready?”

  Ceara nodded as she yawned. They headed out to the living room and noticed that for the first time in a long time that the shutters were closed. It gave Ceara an ominous feeling, she walked over to one of the windows as Charlie got them coffee.

  Charlie came in to join her, handing over her cup. She took a sip and made a face; you know the one thing I wish was on the truck? Mountain Dew! That was always my coffee.”

  Charlie smiled, “We can look for a Coke truck...later maybe”

  Ceara took another drink, “Honey, Pepsi makes Mountain Dew.”

  Charlie shrugged, “Whatever, you drank that crap, not me.”

  Ceara plopped down on the couch looking at the puppies. All three were sleeping, Tonto was in with Alden. Ceara waited till Charlie sat down, she then leaned over to whisper so she wouldn’t wake Niz. “How do you think Tonto got away without the pups following?”

  Charlie grinned, “Tonto probably knew that he had to wait till they were asleep.”

  Tiger rolled over on his back as he kicked in his sleep. Ceara giggled, “So why can’t we play with them?”

  Charlie looked over to Niz, “Well, it would wake Niz and Alden said to let her sleep.”

  They played cards to pass the time that seemed moved slowly. When it was time to wake Colt and Beth, they headed down the hall, Ceara pulled Charlie back, “Let me go in, I don’t want you getting flashed like Alden got.”

  Charlie smirked, “Ceara, I don’t think like that but go ahead. I’m going to bed.”

  Curled up against Colt, Beth was sound asleep but when Ceara opened the door, Beth began to stir. She had always been a light sleeper, ever since she could remember, but since this had started, the slightest noise would cause her to wake up.

  Opening her eyes Beth slowly sat up, “Everything alright?”

  Ceara walked over to the side of the bed, “Yeah, it’s time for you guys to do the watch. It has been very boring out there since it has been so quiet.”

  Beth rubbed her eyes, “Niz? How’s she doing?”

  “Sound asleep. Alden said after she took the one pill you gave her, she was out like a light.”

  “Well, thank you Ceara, for waking me up. I will get Colt up and we will be right out.”

  Ceara turned to leave and just as she got to the door, she stopped, “I will go make a fresh pot of coffee and wait for you all then I will go hit the sack.”

  Slowly Ceara closed the door but left it open just a crack to allow Beth and Colt to get up and about with some privacy.

  Turning over to gently wake Colt, she noticed how peaceful he looked. Beth realized that they had not had the talk that she wanted to have. Maybe they would during their watch. Something down deep inside was gnawing at her because she did in fact love Colt, but with the world the way it was now caused her stomach to ache. Looking up at the ceiling, Beth said to herself, “Jessica, I know that he is and was your husband. I am so sorry this happened to you and if I could've stopped it I would have. Please don’t be mad at me cause I do love him so much but I don’t know what to do...”

  Just as she was deep in thought Colt moved and began to wake, “Beth, you alright?”

  Looking down at him she replied, “Yes sweetie. Ceara came in a few minutes ago and told me our time to take watch is now. I was about to wake you up but you beat me to it.”

  Running his hands through his hair then shaking his head to wake himself up, Colt replied, “Well let’s get up and let those guys get some rest. Thanks for giving me those few extra minutes because I was having an awesome dream.”

  Leaning over Beth placed a kiss on his forehead, “Care to tell me what it was about?”

  Colt then softly caressed her shoulder, “Well you will have to get up and get out there then we can talk all you like.”

  Pouting slightly then giggling, Beth flipped over and sat on the side of the bed while Colt was already getting up, making his way to the bathroom.

  At the side of the bed, Beth saw that her jeans were on the floor so she got them on quickly and then went over to the mirror to comb her unruly hair.

  By the time she was done, she noticed Colt had finished in the bathroom and left the door open. He was putting on his shirt that he had left on the end of the bed, “It’s all yours.” Colt said as he gestured to the bathroom.

  Colt made his way out to the living room, Ceara had the fresh pot of coffee brewing and the smell was intoxicating. “Man, Ceara, that smells good. Where’s Charlie at?” he whispered.

  Ceara smiled and nodded towards the bedroom, “He’s already back in bed and everyone out here is sleeping. I will see you all in a few hours. Everything has been pretty quiet so far tonight.”

  Colt began to pour him a cup, “Well no news is good news and I guess that goes with the wanderers too.”<
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  Ceara had turned to head to her room when suddenly she remembered what Alden had said, “Oh Colt, Alden said don’t play with the pups, just let them sleep so that Niz can get her rest.”

  Colt tipped his coffee to her and nodded his head, “Will do... good night.”

  Beth joined as she finished pulling her hair into a ponytail, “I can’t tell you the last time my hair was long enough to do this.”

  Colt handed her a cup of coffee, “I like it; you look pretty cute like that.”

  She kissed his cheek then sipped her coffee while going to sit on the couch, “Ceara said it’s been quiet, wonder if that is a good or bad sign?”

  Colt joined her on the couch and glanced over at Niz, “Hopefully a good sign, maybe that herd changed direction. Her people should be back tomorrow... well I guess that is today now. Anyway, they should let us know more. The part I don’t like is that we are now counting on others to tell us what to expect. We have always done things ourselves, you know what I mean?”

  Beth glanced out the windows, she could see a bit of moonlight through the cross openings. “I know what you mean, it seems we have had more wounded and casualties since we met them.”

  She set her cup down, “Another way to look at it is, if we hadn’t met them, then we may have all died. We don’t know what the future holds and we can’t start second guessing where we have been.”

  Colt went to the door and stepped out on the porch, Beth followed him. They stood in the moonlight; Colt wrapped his arm around her pulling her close as she shivered in the night air. “Are you cold? We can go back in, if you want?”

  Beth shook her head, “No, I’m ok; let’s sit out here a bit. It’s nice.”

  “Looking out at times like this, it just seems like the world is nice, safe, and just peaceful. One day those things will die off and we will have to rebuild this world... Maybe it will be done right this time.” Colt looked down at Beth, “I hope we both make it to see it, I hope our whole group makes it.”

  Beth stood and walked down the steps, looking over at the area where she knew they had held Heath’s funeral. The ground showed the evidence of the fire still. “Colt, I very much doubt we will all live to see it, that isn’t to sound negative. The fact is that they may die off, but as long as there is any living for them to feed on, new ones will take the place of the old. By the time there are more survivors than the dead, I’m afraid we will be long gone. The part that scares me is, if we do, in fact, survive this.”


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