Secrets of My Hollywood Life #4: Paparazzi Princess

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Secrets of My Hollywood Life #4: Paparazzi Princess Page 4

by Jen Calonita

  Sigh. It's just as well I didn't tell her about my crying fit during the promos taping. She'd tell me I was just being dramatic.

  I can still hear the jackhammer in my ears as I make my way through the air-conditioned restaurant to the outdoor patio. Fusion's outside area is really peaceful. Ivy is draped over the concrete patio walls, planted trees provide extra shade, and white twinkling lights dot the bushes even during the daytime. A large stone fountain with two cherubs sits in the center of several wrought-iron tables topped with hydrangeas and small votives. For today's event, I see the restaurant's outdoor bar has been converted into a mini Cinch store being run by girls wearing the brand's signature CI logo. I look around. The place is packed with women I know, or have at least seen, on the big and small screens.

  Cinch's marketing chief, Enid Euber, greets me warmly. "Hi, Kaitlin! So glad you could make it. You're at table eight." She points to the far side of the room, where Liz is already seated. She sees me and waves madly. "We have photographers documenting the event so keep your smile handy!" Enid adds as I head over to Liz.

  Photographers are an understatement. Cinch's lunches get a lot of coverage, so there are four photographers and at least two video crews working the room. Already, Miley and Vanessa are holding Cinch T-shirts for a camera in one corner while Rihanna, Jessica, and Ashley strike a pose with their purchases in another.

  A flash goes off as I hug Liz. We both start talking at the same time and laugh.

  "Sit," Liz instructs. She looks good in a curve-hugging rust-colored dress that looks amazing against her olive skin. Liz's shoulder-length brown hair is down and curly. "Let's catch up quick so we can shop," she says. "I have my eye on a limited edition snakeskin pochette that one of the Cheetah Girls keeps looking at. Vacation details. Go."

  I giggle. "Totally relaxing and beautiful. I thought about ditching it all and opening my own dive shop just so I could avoid coming home and taking the SATs."

  "Stop stressing!" Liz scolds. "You've been studying so you're going to be fine."

  "If you call doing half a practice test during lighting changes on set studying, then yeah, I've been studying," I say dryly. "I was getting at least an hour of practice a day while we were on break, but now, between memorizing my lines and doing interviews about FA, I'm lucky if I can squeeze in twenty minutes."

  "Picture, girls?" a photographer interrupts and even before we can answer, begins snapping. "Hold up your purchases."

  "We haven't made any yet," I tell him and he looks disappointed.

  "I'll come back, then," he says. "And Kaitlin, maybe I can get one later of you with Ava and Lauren too."

  "Sure." I smile sweetly.

  "I heard about your new BFFs in Hollywood Nation." Liz nudges me when the photographer is out of earshot. "You didn't tell me you guys went on vacay together."

  "Very funny," I say and explain what happened. "What about you? Tell me about your trip."

  "The Grand Wailea Resort Hotel and Spa is perfection," Liz gushes. "You have to go. It's pretty quiet so you need company. I don't think I could have handled two weeks if I hadn't met Mikayla." I nod. "She's been so helpful about NYU and --"

  "Excuse me, Liz," Enid interrupts, smiling sweetly. "Your father's business associate is here and I was hoping to get a picture of you two together." Liz's dad is a famed entertainment lawyer whose clients include most A-listers, and a lot of TV stars, like me. Liz and I met when I became her dad's client years ago.

  "I'll be right back," Liz tells me apologetically.

  While I'm waiting, I survey our table. There are six chairs, but Liz and I are the only two seated yet. Two Disney Channel stars walk over seconds later and quietly say hello. I've met them both at other events, but I don't know them too well. They drop their own Cinch purses on the chairs, pushing aside the pretty pink Cinch gift bags, and head off to shop. I start looking over the luncheon menu and hear a loud crash. A waiter carrying a tray full of beverages has collided with Lauren Cobb and Ava Hayden. Lauren's clear drink sloshes all over her dress. "Watch it!" she barks.

  "Sorry about that." Liz slides into her chair next to mine. "What's going on?"

  I shrug. "I don't know," I say as I watch Enid rush over to Lauren and Ava and begin apologizing.

  "So where were we?" Liz asks.

  "Um . . ." There have been so many distractions, I can't remember. "I don't know." We both laugh.

  "What about you?" Liz takes a sip of her seltzer. "How is FA?"

  I'm glad she asked because I've been dying to talk to Liz about this. Just a month ago, I was feeling so confident about leaving FA behind, but now that the end is right in front of me, I'm not so sure. I'm about to tell Liz exactly that when I hear someone behind us clear their throat. I turn around.

  Sky is standing behind me with her friend Elle Porter, a C-lister known more for her botched boob job than her body of work. She gives us a half smile. "I need you," Sky tells me as she leans in close and smiles for a nearby photographer. "Enid wants us to do a quick interview together. It's for Celebrity Nation."

  "Take your time," Liz insists. "I'm going to buy that bag I wanted before anyone else gets it."

  Ten minutes turns into twenty and I rush back to our table, where Liz is making small talk with the girls sitting next to us. "That took longer than I thought it would," I apologize. "Where were we?" I know where we were. I was about to tell Liz about my mini-meltdown on set, but I don't want to be rude and just start talking about myself.

  Liz makes a face. "Actually I have to go."

  "What?" I protest. "We haven't even had salad yet."

  "I know." Liz looks guilty. "I was going to tell you earlier, but we kept getting interrupted. Mikayla's dad's best friend is on the board of directors at NYU and he's in town visiting. Mikayla said I could come over and schmooze. I only found out last night. I'm sorry."

  "It's okay," I say, disappointed. "I was just really looking forward to hanging out."

  "I know." Liz sounds apologetic. "I've been too. I just can't pass this up, Kates. Meeting with NYU board members is a huge deal. It could give me an edge, you know?"

  "You don't need an edge," I tell her. "Your SAT scores were great, you've got good grades and nine million after-school activities. NYU would kill to have you."

  "Thanks, but it's so competitive." Liz sighs. "Mikayla says it's important to distinguish yourself. This meeting could really help me. Can you hang out tomorrow instead?"

  I bite my lip. "Tomorrow I have my SAT tutor in the morning and a Fever photo shoot in the afternoon." Fever is this cosmetics line I'm a spokesmodel for. "But I really want to talk to you. So much is going on."

  "I want to talk to you too," Liz insists. She grabs her new Cinch purchase and the pink gift bag. "I'll call you later and we'll figure out a day to get together."

  We hug again and I watch Liz go. A small part of me is upset that Liz left. I know meeting board members from NYU is a great opportunity, but couldn't she have gone afterward? We've had these plans forever. I try to make the best of the situation and talk to the other girls at my table over the salad course, but the conversation is awkward. I get the feeling they just want to be left alone. Maybe I should go mingle. I haven't said hi to Miley yet.

  "Kaitlin! Over here!"

  I look up. Ava is standing two tables away with Lauren and they're calling me over. Without the spilled drinks and hubub surrounding them, I get a good look at what they're wearing. Ava looks great in a short, canary yellow dress that folds in ripples across her tiny waist and wraps around her knees. Her long, straight blond hair is piled in a low bun and she's wearing what must be at least ten-carat diamond earrings. Why do I have a feeling she didn't borrow them? Lauren is dazzling in a thigh-length silver dress.

  I excuse myself and walk over. "I didn't know you were going to be here," Ava squeals as she hugs me tightly, like we're best friends. "We've been meaning to call you."

  "Who are you sitting with?" Lauren asks. "Forget them. You're sitting
with us."

  Ava holds out the chair next to her. I look back at my own table. I'm sure the girls won't mind if I leave. Ava and Lauren smile at me expectantly.

  "Okay," I agree shyly.

  "Can you believe Oprah is here?" Ava leans over and whispers. "I'm dying to say hi. I worship that woman."

  "She is brilliant," Lauren seconds. "I TiVo every episode."

  "Me too," I say, perking up. "Her and Rachael Ray. Not that I can cook."

  "Shut up!" Ava slaps my arm. "We love her too!"

  We get into a lengthy conversation about television hosts, our favorite TV shows and the best reality programs on TV (neither of them mention their own, but we're all in agreement that The Hills rules). It turns out that Ava and Lauren watch Gossip Girl just like I do, and swear by the two-hour block of Ugly Betty and Grey's Anatomy. Lauren even likes Star Wars. Our chat is only interrupted once briefly when Ava tells off this Nickelodeon actress for having said something negative about her to Page Six. It all happens so quickly that I don't even have time to react. Lauren is too busy grilling me about my favorite Star Wars scenes. It turns out the three of us shop at the same stores, all agree that Coffee Bean kicks Starbucks's butt and can't get enough of Pinkberry yogurt. Ava is funny and Lauren, despite her rep for being an airhead, actually seems to have a lot to say. I almost feel guilty for believing everything I read about them. I know I'd hate it if they did about me.

  "Okay, enough talking," Ava declares. "It's time to shop." She grabs my hand and I notice several camera flashes go off around us. "Come on! Let's go."

  The three of us rush up to the Cinch shop and Lauren and Ava begin plucking bags off their pedestals like they're candy. "Oooh, look at this one! I only have it in blue. I don't own red. Do you make an orange? This one is killer! It's so cute and tiny. I'll take three. What kind of wallets do you have? Do you have a matching keychain?"

  I make my way along the display and stop in front of a large leopard print bag with black leather trim and tons of zippers. I pick it up and twirl it around. I've never seen a Cinch bag like it before.

  Ava gasps. "That bag is divine," she says, taking it out of my hands. "The leather is so soft, and I love the pattern. You have to get it. It's so you."

  I laugh. "It's kind of loud for my taste. And big. I don't carry this much stuff."

  "Trying something out of character is so now," Lauren says. "That bag rocks."

  I put it on my shoulder and look in the floor length mirror standing next to the display counter. The bag is cool. And I don't have anything quite like it. I look at the price tag. Ouch! It's over three thousand dollars.

  Ava sees my face. "Don't think about the price. The money goes to charity."

  "Even so, it's a lot. My mom will kill me." I have bags that cost much more than this, but they've all been gifted to me. I can't buy this. I can hear Mom yelling already.

  Lauren shrugs. "Wait till the bill comes in to tell her. That's what I do."

  "I can't do that," I say, surprised. I put the bag back on the pedestal and stare at it longingly.

  "Don't think. Just buy," Ava tells me and takes the bag off the pedestal again and pushes it into my arms. "You work hard. You make money."

  "But my mom," I start to say again.

  "Forget your mom," Ava insists. She looks at me intently. "This is a great bag and you deserve it, especially with your show going off the air. Buy the bag to cheer yourself up."

  Maybe I do deserve a pick-me-up. I look at the bag again. No. I can't do it. Mom will freak. She can make a purchase like this, but if I did it, she'd wig out. "Maybe I'll talk to my mom and if she says it's okay I'll get it then," I say a tad sadly.

  Lauren pouts. Ava sighs and shakes her head. "Don't you ever just do what you want to do? I mean, without asking anyone for permission?"

  Um. No?

  I stare at the bag again and play with one of the zippers. Hmm ... maybe Ava's right. Everyone is always making my decisions for me. I should be able to buy a bag without having to call a meeting. And Mom did say to get whatever I want. The money goes to charity. Besides which, I love this bag. "Okay," I say defiantly. I hand my credit card to the Cinch girl and feel a surge of adrenaline shoot through my body.

  The girls squeal in approval. Their loot winds up costing three times more than mine, but neither flinches. When we get back to the table, my Sidekick begins buzzing and I see the message is from Nadine.

  FUTUREPREZ: Great news! We got U in2 the Vanity Fair Oscars party! U + 1. Guess we need 2 find U a dress. Congrats! (P.S. Don't forget 2 study 4 my SAT quiz on Monday.)

  Oh my God. I got in to the Vanity Fair party! I've never gotten in before and I've always wanted to go. I may have been annoyed with Nadine before, but all is forgiven now. I want to scream, but I don't think it would be appropriate. "I got into the Vanity Fair Oscars party," I tell Lauren and Ava excitedly.

  Lauren squeals so loudly that I hear dogs bark next door. "Us too! We have to go dress shopping together."

  "Girls, let's celebrate!" Ava lifts her champagne glass to toast. Lauren grabs hers too. I quickly reach for my seltzer and cranberry.

  "Hey, girls, smile," a photographer says.

  I turn and grin broadly. Today that's not a problem.

  Saturday, January 10


  Date w/A -- tonight @ 8 PM. Tell A great news!

  Sunday -- SAT tutor @ 9AM, photo shoot 4 Fever @ 12 PM

  Monday, Tuesday -- call time @ 6 AM

  *Tues. night. Gina's movie premiere! Red carpet @ 7 PM

  Wed. on location -- Santa Monica Pier 7 AM

  Study 4 Nadine's SAT prep exam. Have Nadine look in2 driving lessons. Again.

  Private Hollywood

  Hollywood Can't Make a Move Without Us Watching



  January 11


  Don't think that Hermès scarf and Chanel shades can hide your face from us, Alexis Holden. We saw you leaving Tremont Plastic Surgery Clinic yesterday with a big, white bandage over your nose. Has your honker been downsized? Your new publicist says "she was there researching a role," but we think otherwise. The nose knows, as they say, Alexis, and once you come out from behind that Hermès scarf, we'll know for sure too.


  Loopy Pretty Young Assassins director Hutch Adams threw a hissy fit at his nightly yoga class when a substitute instructor asked him to move his mat so there was room for another student to join the class. After repeated attempts to calm Mr. Adams didn't work, he was removed. Don't think you'll be doing the downward dog there again anytime soon, Hutchy. Boo hoo.


  Drew Thomas, you dog, you! Your sweet little dates may not have realized they had competition for your affections, but we caught you red-handed. At five PM on Saturday you took a mystery blonde for dinner at Koi (Too early, dude! What were you doing? Hoping for an early bird special?) and then at nine thirty you had a brunette on your arm as you entered Shelter. Tsk, tsk. Let's hope neither of them read this column!


  Family Affair star Kaitlin Burke was shopping and laughing with new best buds Ava Hayden and Lauren Cobb at the annual Cinch for a Cause luncheon benefiting breast cancer research (see our pictures under the STARS OUT section). Sources tell us the three are inseparable, having vacationed together over the holidays, and Kaitlin may be in talks to do a reality show with the girls, which would follow their adventures in a Malibu rental next summer after Kaitlin's stint on Family Affair ends. Unlike Lauren and Ava, the party lifestyle is new for Kaitlin, but she seems to be settling in just fine. She was seen sipping and toasting with an unknown beverage at the luncheon. "I'm not saying it was definitely alcohol," says one witness on hand. "But with those two girls at Kaitlin's side, I wouldn't be surprised."

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  Four: Kaitlin Burke Kidnapped!

  Bright light! Bright light! I feel like a vampire when I step out of the protected FA location trailer after a day of shooting on Santa Monica Pier and face the waiting paparazzi. I cover my eyes to avoid the blinding camera flashes as Rodney pulls Nadine and me through the crowd.

  "Excuse us, coming through," Rodney says gruffly. Ever since it was announced that FA was ending, the paparazzi have been worse than flies. They hang around outside our studio, loiter near our location shoots and basically get in everyone's faces.

  "Kaitlin, doll, smile for the camera!" My own personal pest, Larry the Liar, points his Nikon camera in my face.

  If I wasn't afraid the conversation would be printed in tomorrow's Hollywood Nation, I'd tell Larry exactly where he can put his request. Dealing with guys like Larry is part of being a celebrity, but this past weekend, he crossed the line. He's the one that took a picture of me toasting with Lauren and Ava at the Cinch for a Cause event and sold the photo to some Web sites. All the sites questioned whether I was drinking. Hello! It was seltzer! There was so much controversy about my thirst quencher, Laney had to make a statement: "Kaitlin Burke is too young to drink. She was sipping seltzer with cranberry juice at the Cinch luncheon."

  Can you believe this is the stuff that makes the five o'clock news? Not human injustices or starving children. Me and my beverage choice. It's unreal.

  "Beat it, Larry," Rodney growls, revealing his chipped tooth. He's getting a cap tomorrow, but he's not in any rush. The crack is a badge of stuntman honor in Rodney's book. He cracked it rehearsing a chase scene for a Trident gum commercial he's doing.

  Larry keeps shooting. "You can't stop me. I have every right to be here."

  "Ignore him, Rod," I tell him. I'm not going to let Larry ruin my mood. Today was a pretty good day. Sky, Trevor, and I got to ride all the rides on the Santa Monica Pier in the unseasonably warm (near eighty degrees!) weather. The best part is that no one mentioned FA going off the air even once. For a moment, it felt like any other day of shooting. That is, until I remembered we have less than two months left.


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