The Charmer

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The Charmer Page 19

by Mandasue Heller

  ‘Oh, I know you didn’t just talk down to me,’ Psycho hissed.

  ‘He didn’t mean it,’ the girl yelped. ‘Please – don’t hurt him.’

  ‘You shut your fucking whinging,’ Psycho told her nastily, somehow managing to maintain the weird accent. ‘I’ll deal with you when I’ve had a word with rude boy.’ Reaching down, he gripped the lad by the throat.

  ‘Get the fuck off me, you piece of shit,’ the lad spat, gripping Psycho’s powerful wrist and glaring into his eyes which were just visible through the slits in Nixon’s eyes.

  ‘Watch them,’ Psycho told his crew, yanking the lad to his feet and propelling him out of the room with a hand over his mouth now to stop him shouting. Almost carrying him into the bedroom, he kicked the door shut.

  ‘What’s he going to do to him?’ the girl sobbed, nearly hysterical now.

  ‘Teach him some manners,’ Fletch told her sneeringly. ‘And if I was you, I’d start talking before he decides you’re holding out on him.’

  ‘Yeah, she looks his type, innit,’ Eamon said, laughing crudely. ‘And he’ll have the right horn once he’s finished in there. Hope you’re on the pill, love?’

  ‘No, please, don’t!’ she squealed, clutching at her friend’s arm. ‘I’m a virgin!’

  ‘Fan-fuckin’-tastic!’ Eamon leered, unzipping his pants and grabbing her by the hair. ‘You can get your gob round this while you’re waiting for your first fuck. Call it a dress rehearsal.’

  ‘Wait!’ Gerry said, sensing that everything was about to get out of hand. ‘Use this.’ Pulling a condom from his pocket, he handed it over, purposefully not looking at the girl whose face had collapsed into a terrified mess of tears as she realised what was about to happen to her.

  ‘Fuck, she was a struggler!’ Eamon laughed when they were all back in the car fifteen minutes later. Pulling his mask off, he ran his hands through his hair. ‘I don’t know how I contained myself, I really don’t. You know that feeling you get when you’ve got your dick right down their throats, and you’ve got your hands round their necks, squeezing and squeezing, like a big fat wank, and you could just snuff ’em right there and then.’

  ‘Good job you had Gerry boy to keep you under manners, then,’ Psycho chuckled, rolling his mask off and sticking it in his pocket. ‘Tell you what, though, I fucking hate them johnnys myself. They don’t make ’em big enough no more. I’ve got a right friction burn on me tadge.’

  ‘Did the little laddie greet?’ Eamon asked sarcastically, sniggering as Fletch eased the car out onto the road.

  ‘More than the real pussy did,’ Psycho scoffed. ‘Never heard nowt like it. Mwah! Mwah! Had to stuff a sock in its gob to shut it up. Right tight fucking arsehole he had on him, an’ all – but not no more. He’ll be wearing Pampers for a fair wee while!’ Throwing his head back, he laughed loudly and slapped his palm against Eamon’s.

  ‘Wish ye’d let me come,’ Jimmy complained, ducking to avoid them hitting him. ‘I hate watching fucking doors.’

  ‘Learn to be more sensible, and I’ll consider it,’ Psycho told him, as if he himself was a reasonable sort of person. ‘There’s one thing fucking people up, but y’ve got to know when to strike and when to hold back.’

  ‘Says the fucking beast of Govan!’ Eamon laughed, safe in the knowledge that he was his brother’s right-hand man, and could get away with ribbing him in a way none of the others – big as they were – would dare.

  ‘I ain’t no beast,’ Psycho growled, banging his fists on his chest. ‘I’m a fucking werewolf !’

  ‘Yeah, well, don’t start howling till we’re on the motorway,’ Fletch warned, peering alertly out to make sure there were no police cars around. ‘We need tae get back and torch this fucker before the three back there get found.’

  ‘Best burn all these clothes, as well,’ Gerry said quietly.

  ‘Don’t think I’m running round naked on the estate with you lot up ma fucking arse,’ Psycho jeered. ‘One of you can stop off and get us all some gear to put on.’

  Looking back worriedly, Gerry said, ‘You’d best put your foot down as soon as you hit the straight, Fletch. The pigs are gonna be out in force when they find them three.’

  ‘Chill out,’ Psycho told him, grinning. ‘They’ll be looking for fucking Paddies and Scousers!’

  ‘You don’t think them lot fell for the fake accents, do you?’ Fletch said doubtfully. ‘I wouldnae have.’

  ‘I don’t give a toss whether they did or didn’t,’ Psycho said, his mood darkening as if a cloud had passed over his head as they reached the motorway. ‘There’s nothing to link us to it, and them three know what’ll happen if they say anything, so I doubt they’re gonna be stupid enough to start spilling to the pigs. All it means is we’ll have to leave it a bit longer before we come back.’

  ‘Probably nae point coming back,’ Gerry said, cracking the window an inch and lighting a spliff. ‘Kyle’s probably left the country by now – if he’s got any sense.’

  ‘Yeah, well, he’ll have to come back sooner or later,’ Psycho snarled. ‘And when he does, I’ll be waiting for the fucker. There’s nae fucking way I’m dropping this one. Nae fucking way!’



  Joel’s feet were itching big time. Maria was a lovely girl, and the house was great, but he needed to get out for a bit before he suffocated.

  They’d been holed up together for six long weeks, spending full days in bed, surfacing only to eat, or to walk hand in hand to the local shops for fresh booze supplies. This was the longest time that Joel had ever spent indoors – certainly the longest he’d ever been with a woman.

  But, sweet and generous and accommodating as Maria was, he needed variety to keep him stimulated. He was starting to feel like an old married man – and that was guaranteed to make him run for the hills. And he didn’t want to do that; not when he had it so cushy, with Maria refusing to take a penny off him for rent, bills or food. If things carried on like this, he’d be raking it in when he started working again.

  Life couldn’t be more perfect – in that respect. But Joel knew himself too well. If he didn’t get a bit of time to himself soon, he’d do something stupid – like rip her off and do a runner, or something. And he didn’t want to do that, because he had much more to gain in the long run by staying.

  He’d done a lot of thinking while he’d been hiding out, and he knew it was time to get back to work. But one thing he was sure of – there was no way he was going back to selling piddling grams. It would be too time-consuming now that he couldn’t let his punters know where he was living. Before, he could just sit back and let them call round to the flat for it. Now, he’d have to do all the legwork, and that meant putting himself about. And he didn’t want to do that. Not while he didn’t know what Psycho was up to.

  He’d heard about the rapes and beatings at the flats from a punter who lived nearby, who’d called just after it happened to make sure he was okay. Joel knew full well who was responsible, even though the victims had told the police that they couldn’t remember anything, insisting that they had all been too drunk and high to know who had attacked them.

  With nothing to go on but a vague sighting of five men driving slowly up and down the road in the early hours of that morning, in what the witness described as an American-looking car, the police had appealed for anyone else with information to come forward. They needed a lead as to the make of the car – also where it might have come from, and where it had gone.

  Joel could have told them exactly who to look for, but there was no way he was getting involved. Then Psycho really would have a reason to kill him.

  He hadn’t known the neighbours well, but they had scored off him a few times and they were nice enough. But while he felt bad that they had suffered such a horrible attack because of him, at least they were alive – which was more than they might have expected after a visit from Psycho. And he was greatly relieved that they hadn’t been able to tell the mad bas
tard anything.

  Psycho wouldn’t write him off, Joel knew that, but he doubted they’d come back for a while now that they’d done what they’d done. Psycho would have put the frighteners on the poor sods to keep them quiet, but he wouldn’t risk showing his face until he was sure that they had heeded the warning and hadn’t grassed him up.

  But that didn’t mean Joel was safe. He wouldn’t put it past Psycho to have left someone behind to watch out for him.

  Which was why he’d nipped into the local hair salon on one of their walks the other day and had his hair clipped right down and dyed black, along with the goatee he’d grown while he’d been hiding out.

  He looked like a completely different person. Unrecognisable, Maria had said, which was exactly what he’d wanted. She loved it, and he had to admit it didn’t look half bad. If anything, it made him even more handsome than before, because it enhanced the blue of his eyes and gave definition to his cheekbones and jaw.

  He was a handsome fucker – even if he did say so himself. But what was the point of looking good if he was stuck in the house with just one adoring woman to feed his ego?

  But a new door was about to open, so he needn’t have worried.

  Lying in bed with Maria one morning, Joel got exactly the call he needed to get him up and running again.

  ‘Yo, dude! Your voice just gave me the biggest hard-on!’ Jippi gushed when Joel answered the phone. ‘Hope you’re back in town, my hot little friend, because I am, and guess what? I’m staying! Yaay! I’ve bought myself the best penthouse you’ve ever seen, and I’ve just finished getting my new exhibition stuff together, so I’m having the party of part-ays to launch it. So you get your cute little assikins round here at nine – and bring all the shit you can get your hands on, ’cos there’s a whole load of greedy little stars coming, and we are all gagging for some decent gear. It’s been deadsville without you, guy!’

  ‘I don’t know,’ Joel said hesitantly, glancing at Maria. ‘I’m not sure I can get away.’

  ‘Is it a job?’ Maria whispered. ‘Go,’ she urged when he nodded.

  Joel chewed his lip thoughtfully. He should go. This was exactly the opportunity he’d been waiting for. But it sounded as if he’d need a couple of ounces at least, and he didn’t have the money to buy that much up front. And there was no way he was getting into debt with the Gallaghers again.

  ‘Come on, Joey Joey Joey,’ Jippi groaned. ‘Stop holding out on me. I’m a desperate little girl.’

  ‘All right, I’ll be there,’ Joel said decisively.

  ‘Yes!’ Jippi whooped. ‘But don’t bother wearing shorts, my super sexy boy, ’cos I’ll be sending everyone home early so me and you can finish the party alone.’

  ‘See you at nine,’ Joel said with a note of amusement in his voice.

  ‘You’re with someone, aren’t you?’ Jippi said perceptively. ‘Who is it? Better not be a dick donor or I’ll spank you, you naughty thing. You know I’ve got to be your first.’

  ‘I’ll see you at nine,’ Joel said again, more firmly. Chuckling softly, he disconnected.

  ‘Who was it?’ Maria asked, curious to know who had tempted him out of his self-imposed semi-retirement.

  She’d been so happy to have him here, and more than a little flattered that he had fobbed off all the clients who had been ringing since he came to stay. But she’d been feeling guilty, too; afraid that she was destroying the business he had built up by keeping him all to herself.

  ‘Gareth Gates,’ Joel said, blurting out the first name that came to mind – though God only knew why that one had been in there in the first place. ‘I need the loo.’ Pushing the quilt back, he strolled naked to the bathroom.

  ‘I didn’t know he was still around,’ Maria called after him. ‘Has he got a new record coming out?’

  ‘Suppose he must have,’ Joel said evasively. ‘I’ll find out when I get there.’

  Frowning, he shook his dick, then ran water into the sink to have a wash. He’d best start checking out his facts if he was going to pull the wool over Maria’s eyes. She read all the showbiz-gossip magazines, and it would be easy for her to trip him up if he said he was meeting someone who she knew to be out of circulation, or even out of the country.

  Maria was up when he went back to the bedroom, plumping the pillows and laying them neatly on top of the smoothed out quilt. She’d make someone a great little wife, he thought fondly. Always cleaning and tidying. Never refusing him anything.

  With that last thought in mind, he said, ‘I’ve, er, got a bit of a favour to ask.’

  Turning to him, Maria smiled questioningly. ‘What’s that?’

  ‘Say no if you don’t want to,’ he said, sitting down on the chair and patting his lap.

  ‘Don’t want to what?’ she asked, sitting on his knee and gazing adoringly into his eyes. Whatever it was, she’d already decided he could have it.

  ‘I’m going to need a bit of cash to get myself back on track with the tours,’ Joel said, frowning up at her sheepishly. ‘I wouldn’t ask, but I’ve left it a bit longer than I should have, and I’m going to have to kind of start from scratch – checking out venues, and schmoozing managers, and what have you. Trouble is, I’ve left myself a bit short.’

  ‘Oh, I’m sorry.’ Maria’s face fell. ‘That’s my fault for keeping you away from work, isn’t it? I didn’t realise.’

  ‘Of course it’s not your fault,’ Joel assured her. ‘I’ve loved spending time with you. But the music business is fickle. People forget fast. And there are so many egos to stroke, it’s not even funny. But it has to be done. It doesn’t take much, though, thank God – a few meals, a few bottles of champagne.’

  ‘How much do you need?’ Maria said without hesitation.

  ‘I really hate to ask,’ Joel said again. ‘But two grand would do for now. I’ll get it back to you as soon as I’m earning again. You never know, I might even get it back to you tonight.’

  ‘There’s no need,’ Maria said, getting up and looking around for her bag. ‘Will a cheque be all right?’

  Smiling apologetically, Joel said, ‘It would be better in cash, if you could manage it. If it’s too much hassle, forget it. I’ll just take Gareth for a kebab and a pint. He’s young – he’ll cope.’

  ‘Don’t be daft. Just let me get washed and dressed and I’ll go to the bank.’ Blowing him a kiss, Maria headed for the bathroom.

  Joel was dressed when she came back, sitting on the chair with a cigarette in his hand.

  ‘I know it’s a lot,’ he said, watching her as she pulled her jeans on. ‘But I’ll get it back as soon as I can.’

  ‘I don’t think two grand is going to make much of a dent in my inheritance, do you?’ she said, laughing softly as she pulled her jumper over her head. ‘And you don’t have to pay me back,’ she went on, sitting on the dressing-table stool to brush her hair and slip her trainers on. ‘The amount of interest I’m earning, it’ll be back in my account in no time.’

  Joel shook his head. ‘No, babe. Thanks for the offer, but I can’t take your money.’

  ‘I want you to have it,’ she insisted, blushing slightly as she added, ‘You’re my boyfriend, and we’re living together. What’s mine is yours.’

  ‘I’ll pay you back,’ Joel said firmly.

  ‘Not listening,’ Maria chirped, grabbing her bag and her jacket and heading out the door with her fingers in her ears.

  Handing the money to him when she got home from the bank, Maria reached up to kiss him.

  ‘There, and I don’t want it back, because you’ve more than earned it putting up with me. Anyway, I owe you for making you turn down so many jobs. So, no arguments – okay?’

  ‘You’re too kind for your own good,’ Joel scolded softly.

  Smiling when he hugged her, Maria bit her lip to stop herself blurting out that she would gladly give him the shirt off her back if he needed it, never mind a couple of lousy grand.

  They had shared an idyllic few weeks, and sh
e hoped he felt the same way about her as she felt about him. But they hadn’t gone so far as to say those three little words to each other yet, and she didn’t want to scare him by being the first to take the plunge.

  ‘Right, well, I’d best get going,’ Joel said, easing her away and checking his watch. ‘I’ve got to sort out a couple of things for tonight.’ Taking his jacket out of the wardrobe, he pulled it on and leaned down to kiss her. ‘See you in a bit. And thanks again for this.’ He patted his pocket where the money was safely stashed away.

  It was a bright day outside, but the wind was biting, and Joel’s fingers stung as he lit his cigarette. Turning his collar up, he kept his head down and his eyes peeled as he made his way to the main road.

  He was going to see Lance Gallagher – to score, and to find out if he’d heard of any strange Scots hanging about. Lance had eyes and ears all over the city. It was the reason he’d never been busted. The first whiff of anything that could potentially threaten his empire, and he was on it in a flash. And he was a dangerous man to cross, with his collection of firearms and swords, and his army of meat-heads.

  Hailing a cab when he hit Palatine Road, Joel told the driver to take him to Rusholme. Then he sat back in his seat and thought about how to use Lance to his advantage.

  ‘Long time no see,’ Lance said when Keith brought Joel into the lounge.

  As usual, he was in front of the TV playing a video game. For a change, he actually paused it and turned to give Joel his attention.

  Joel was pleased. He’d paid his debt to the Gallaghers in full after that last deal, and now he was buying with cash, so he was back to being a punter instead of an errand boy.

  ‘So, what you been up to, Jay boy?’ Lance asked, lighting a spliff and leaning back in his chair.

  ‘Not much,’ Joel said, looking around nervously as he sat down on the couch. The dogs were outside; he could hear them barking in the back garden. ‘I had a bit of trouble, so I had to lie low for a while.’


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