The Charmer

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The Charmer Page 29

by Mandasue Heller

  ‘I still don’t see why they should get it and not me,’ Keith grumbled. ‘They didn’t do nothing, either. Just stood there pointing guns, like they was playing cowboys and fucking Indians.’

  ‘That’s all I wanted them to do,’ Lance explained, rolling his eyes at Cody. ‘He don’t get it, does he?’

  ‘Aw, he’s all right, aren’t you, Keith?’ Cody said, craning his neck to look at him in the rear-view. ‘You want to go to Blackpool?’

  ‘Yeah!’ Keith grinned. ‘To see the lap dancers?’

  ‘Stop teasing the idiot,’ Lance scolded Cody. ‘He’ll be sulking all fucking night now.’

  ‘Fuck off, then, if youse don’t wanna take me,’ Keith said, guessing that they were going to drop him off and go without him. ‘I’ll get me dad to come with me.’

  Laughing out loud, Lance shook his head. ‘I love the cunt like a brother, but he ain’t half deformed.’

  ‘I am your brother,’ Keith muttered grumpily, folding his arms over his gut. ‘Me da said me mam was lying about that.’

  Joel eased his arm out from under Maria’s head when he heard his phone ringing. Easing the quilt back, he padded across the room to get it out of his jacket pocket.

  ‘Yo,’ he said quietly, taking it into the bathroom.

  ‘We’re cool,’ Lance said, sounding manic, like he’d been having a fair old bit of fun.

  ‘You found them?’ Joel’s heart was beating hard in his chest. ‘What happened? What did they say?’

  ‘Exactly what I expected,’ Lance snorted, sucking deep on a spliff and blowing it down Joel’s ear via the phone. ‘But they wasn’t going to admit that they knew who I was, were they? Clever cunts played innocent all the way.’

  ‘Did they mention me?’

  ‘Did they, fuck. They was after me, not you. But they got a bit more of me than they bargained for, so I don’t think they’ll be making that mistake again. Anyhow, just thought I’d let you know the heat was off.’

  ‘So, where are they now?’

  ‘On their way home, with a word to the wise that they’d best not let me catch wind of them mooching about in my town again.’

  ‘And you think they’ve really gone?’

  ‘Oh, I know they have, Jay boy. I escorted them to the motorway personally, saw them on their merry old way.’

  ‘Shit, man, you don’t know how glad I am to hear that.’

  ‘Yeah, well, you can relax now, can’t you?’ Lance said, with another deep suck. ‘When you coming round for your next lot?’

  ‘Next couple of days,’ Joel said, exhaling slowly to still his pounding heart.

  ‘Good, ’cos I need to shift a lot of gear now to get back what I’ve just shelled out to my guys. Don’t leave it too long.’

  ‘Who were you talking to?’ Maria asked sleepily when Joel went back into the bedroom.

  ‘A mate,’ Joel told her evasively. ‘Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you.’

  ‘Have you heard something?’

  Joel wondered if he should tell her that he’d had the all-clear, then decided not to. If she knew, she might want to go back to the house. But now that he was on the verge of getting the apartment he so desperately wanted, there was no way he was going back to that.

  ‘No, nothing. Seems they’re still driving round by the house. My guy’s seen them a few times already. But don’t you worry about it. Get some sleep, and tomorrow we’ll start planning our escape from there. That’s what you still want, isn’t it?’

  ‘As long as I’m with you,’ Maria murmured, snuggling up to him. ‘That’s all I care about.’


  Joel was up bright and early. Coming out of the bathroom, he smiled when he saw that Maria was awake.

  ‘Morning, beautiful,’ he said, leaning down to kiss her.

  ‘You’re all wet,’ she complained, wiping a drip of water off her cheek.

  ‘Shower,’ he told her, rooting through his case for deodorant.

  ‘Are we going somewhere?’ she asked, sitting up and brushing her hair back from her face.

  ‘I am.’ Joel sprayed himself with Lynx. ‘I want you to stay here where it’s safe. I’m just going to nip back to the house, see if anything’s happened. Anything you want me to pick up while I’m there?’

  ‘Not just now,’ she said, not able to think of anything she desperately needed. ‘You will be careful, won’t you?’

  ‘Course I will.’ He pulled a jumper over his head. ‘Got your mobile switched on?’

  ‘Oh, that’s something you can get.’ Maria reached for her handbag. ‘The charger. It’s next to the socket on my side of the bed. It’s got a bit of juice left,’ she said, checking the level.

  ‘Right, I’ll get it if I can. And I’ll give you a ring if there’s any news.’ Sitting down on the bed when he pulled his trousers on and zipped his fly, Joel took a rolled pair of socks out of his case. ‘Did you mean what you said?’ he asked, slipping his feet into them. ‘About looking for an apartment?’

  ‘Absolutely,’ she assured him, reaching out to stroke his hand. ‘I don’t want to go backwards now we know how we feel about each other.’

  ‘Me neither. So I thought I’d nip into the estate agents while I was out – pick up some brochures.’

  ‘Try Quay Moves,’ Maria suggested, remembering that that was where Nigel had gone to get his place. ‘They do all those new blocks on Deansgate and overlooking the canal.’

  ‘Where are they based?’

  ‘King Street, I think.’

  ‘Great. I’ll be looking all day for somewhere to park.’

  ‘You could always take a cab.’

  ‘No way.’ Joel shook his head. ‘Had enough of them to last me a lifetime. I’ll take the car. Anyway, I’ll have to drive so that I can check the house. And I’m going to pop in and see my friend – see if he’s seen anything since I spoke to him last night. You’ll be all right, won’t you? You’ve got cigs, and your mobile. Why don’t you order yourself some breakfast and just relax?’

  ‘What about you? Aren’t you going to eat? You’ve not even had a coffee.’

  ‘I’ll get one at my mate’s.’ Standing up, Joel leaned down to kiss her again, then pulled his jacket on and headed out. Pausing at the door, he said, ‘Check the corridor before you leave the room, yeah? And make sure it’s really room service at the door if you do order anything.’

  ‘Do I really need to be that careful?’ Maria gazed back at him worriedly.

  ‘For the time being, yeah. Sorry for getting you mixed up in this, sweetheart, but I want to know you’re safe, at least.’

  ‘You’ll be safe as well, won’t you?’

  ‘Don’t worry about me.’ Joel grinned. ‘I’m a big boy now.’

  Joel went straight to Quay Moves. His main priority was finding the apartment of his dreams and getting Maria to free up some of her cash so they could move straight in. After that, it was going to be good times all the way.

  ‘We have lots of properties on the market just now,’ the salesgirl, Mariella, said, speaking slowly and huskily. ‘Let me get the portfolio and show you an example of our most sought-after design.’

  Running a hand under her long red hair, she brushed it back, slightly arching her neck, as if it were a sexual gesture. Getting out of her seat, she strolled languidly towards a large filing cabinet, and bent over straight-legged to open the bottom drawer, sending her shapely bottom up into the air and her short tight skirt higher up her long slim thighs.

  Joel smiled to himself. She had the hots for him, it had been obvious the moment he laid eyes on her. Her pupils had expanded in her coffee-coloured eyes, and her lips had gone into a pout, bringing her cheekbones into the game.

  Coming back, Mariella was smiling slyly, fully aware that he’d been watching her. Taking her seat, she sat sideways-on to the desk and crossed her legs. Taking a page out of the file, she slid it across the desk.

  ‘This is an example of the quayside developments we’ve been working
on most recently.’

  ‘Lovely.’ Joel let his gaze linger on her high, firm breasts beneath the silk blouse before actually looking at the pictures she was showing him.

  ‘Everything is included in the asking price – all fixtures and fittings, to the highest specifications. We do have several show apartments in the various developments, which would give you a better idea of scale. Also, if you were willing to wait a little longer, you’d be able to specify colour schemes and work-surface materials. Maybe you’d like to see one?’

  ‘If it wouldn’t be a problem,’ Joel drawled, giving her his lopsided smile and sexy half-eye.

  ‘Not at all. Would you like me to drive you, or would you rather follow in your own car?’

  ‘You can drive,’ Joel said, enjoying himself.

  Following her out to the staff car park, he raised an eyebrow when she headed for a slut-red CLK 240. Very unsubtle. Climbing in beside her, he gazed brazenly at her legs. She responded by sliding a little further down in the seat.

  The show apartment was great – wide-open lounge space, separated from the ultra-stylish kitchen by a blue glass-brick wall. There was an additional space bordering the two which, for show purposes, had been fitted with a six-seater dining table, complete with adjustable chandelier.

  ‘As with most of these apartments,’ Mariella informed him, ‘the windows are shatter-proof, and the floors, ceilings and walls are heavily soundproofed. Most of our clients are important in their fields and demand absolute privacy, and we do our utmost to ensure that there are no noise nuisances.’

  ‘Very considerate,’ Joel said, following her to the balcony.

  Sliding one door open, she stepped outside. ‘As you can see, the view is spectacular.’

  ‘Couldn’t agree more,’ Joel drawled, looking her over blatantly.

  Mariella turned to face him, and Joel was amused to see that she didn’t twitch or blush, as most women did when he gazed at them so intensely. She was incredibly confident of her sexual allure.

  ‘Quite,’ she said, returning his gaze. Then, turning back to gaze out over the city, she said, ‘As you can see, you wouldn’t be overlooked by a soul in this particular location. That is something we keep in mind at all times, but obviously there are some developments where it can’t be entirely avoided.’ Turning back to him again, she rested her elbows on the railing and gave him a pointed look. ‘Here, you’d be quite free to roll around naked without the slightest danger of anybody seeing so much as a hair on your chest. But then, maybe you wax anyway?’

  Joel grinned and shook his head. She couldn’t be coming on any stronger if she stripped naked and laid herself out on the balcony table. Foxy as she undoubtedly was, she wasn’t a patch on Maria. But so what? The world was made up of different sights, sounds, smells, tastes, sensations, and he didn’t see why he should deprive himself of whatever was on offer. So long as Maria had no clue, it wasn’t like he was doing her wrong.

  ‘How about you?’ he asked, moving towards her and pinning her against the railing. ‘Do you wax?’

  ‘Absolutely,’ she purred, challenging him with her eyes. ‘Question is . . . do you believe me?’

  ‘Only one way to find out,’ Joel said, stroking a hand slowly up her thigh and slipping her skirt up around her hips.

  ‘So?’ Mariella said when they were back inside, and she had poured a complimentary glass of champagne for him. ‘Did you enjoy the viewing?’

  ‘Oh, yeah,’ Joel drawled. ‘Most enjoyable. I’ll be sure to send a letter to your employers praising your sales technique.’

  ‘No need.’ She smiled amusedly. ‘It’s my company.’

  ‘Yours?’ He raised a surprised eyebrow as his brain ticked into action. She must be mega-loaded, and she fancied the arse off him. And he could have any apartment he wanted if she owned them all. Christ, he was onto something huge here.

  ‘And my husband’s,’ she added, still smiling as she watched the news hit home. Oh, she did so enjoy this moment.

  ‘You’re married?’ Joel frowned. ‘I didn’t realise. You don’t wear a ring.’

  ‘Why should I?’ She shrugged. ‘I don’t belong to Jeremy. We’re equals in every way. Anyway, if you’re finished here, shall we head back to the office?’

  ‘Yeah, fine,’ Joel said, fully aware that he had just been taken advantage of.

  What a bitch!

  Still, it had been a nice dream for all of the ten seconds or so that he’d had it. But oh well . . . back to Maria and her measly three-quarters of a million.

  On a more positive note, the apartment was amazing, and he really could see himself living in something like this. He’d have to see what else Mariella had in her portfolio; get some details to show Maria.

  Time to move onwards and upwards.



  Maria loved the new apartment. It wasn’t too far from Nigel’s, but they weren’t close neighbours so they still didn’t see all that much of each other. But, like his place, hers and Joel’s was large, light and airy, with a wonderful view of the city.

  They were in the development overlooking the canal at the back of Deansgate, facing away from all the heavy-traffic areas, which gave it the feel of being private and almost countrified, whilst still being within walking distance of the shops and bars.

  Not that Maria went out too much. Joel was still highly protective, constantly checking that she was safe when he was out – that she had the front door firmly locked to prevent anyone catching her unawares. She was grateful for his concern, but she did feel a little isolated sometimes, now that he was busier than ever with his tours.

  She’d thought about ringing Beth, missing the way they used to chat for hours on the phone. But she’d decided against it in the end. Beth would probably be smarting about Maria’s lack of contact; and she’d be even more likely to bad-mouth Joel if she knew the circumstances behind Maria’s decision to sell the house.

  She did speak to Vicky occasionally, but she kept it to a minimum because she couldn’t afford to get back into the best-friends-dropping-in-on-each-other thing – not when Joel had warned her not to let anyone know where they were living. She had actually told Vicky – just because she had to tell someone – but she hadn’t gone so far as to invite her round. She met up with her at a café in town instead – on the very rare occasions when Vicky had enough free time.

  Still, weighing the benefits against the deficits, Maria knew that she’d rather endure the solitude than contemplate a life without Joel. And she couldn’t begrudge him his time away, because he was working so hard to make his first million. Once he had that, he’d promised to marry her and build her the house of her dreams for herself and their children.

  If only Joel would take her money into account, they would be on their way much faster. But he was a proud man, and wouldn’t even consider it. He’d allowed Maria to buy the apartment and keep everything running smoothly with the proceeds of the house sale, but he insisted that when they were ready to sell up and move on, that money would be hers to treat herself. It would be his money alone which supported them thereafter.

  She wished he’d slow down a bit, though. He was out more often than he was in, these days, and there was a new edginess to him which hadn’t been there before. She guessed it was the stress of trying to reach his earning target, but she couldn’t make him rest. He’d actually shouted at her a couple of times for going on at him to ease up.

  Today, Maria was sitting on the balcony, working on a watercolour of the canal while she waited for Joel to come home. He’d been working in France all week, and his schedule had been so hectic that he hadn’t been able to take calls or ring her. The days had dragged unbearably, and she couldn’t wait to see him.

  The phone rang, making her jump. Laying the pad aside, she reached for it, smiling happily when she heard Joel’s voice.

  ‘Pour the wine, babe, I’m on my way home. I should be about half an hour – fingers crossed. The motorway’s a
bit chokka.’

  ‘It’ll be ready when you get here,’ she said, not wanting to let him go. ‘Anything else you want? Bath . . . sandwich?’

  ‘Nah, I’m pretty wiped, so I think I’ll just jump in the shower, then laze about on the balcony. Anyway, I’ve got to go. There’s a police car behind me and I’m not on hands-free, so I’d best get off before he pulls me. See you when I get there.’ Blowing her a kiss, he hung up.

  Still smiling, Maria cleared her paints away, and went inside to freshen herself up for him.

  ‘Who were you just talking to?’ Angela asked, sitting up in the bed and ruffling her platinum hair when Joel came out of the bathroom already dressed.

  She had a sulky look on her face, letting him know that she was still in a mood. She was trying to make him feel guilty, but all it did was make him all the more determined to call it off with her.

  Joel didn’t know why he’d bothered getting it back on with Angela in the first place. He’d known exactly how it would play out: a couple of nights of hedonistic fun, necking as much coke as possible and drinking themselves stupid, culminating in the wildest sex he’d ever had. Followed by sniping and moodiness, and ending in psychotic jealousy when she would threaten to kill him and any woman she caught him looking at.

  Last night had been the beginning of the end. They’d gone to Foxies, a lap-dancing club in town where they’d spent many of their former nights-out together. Joel was going home tomorrow, and wanted to see if they could end on a more positive note than usual. Angela was the freakiest woman he’d ever known, up for anything at any time and, usually, she got off as much – if not more – than him watching all the gorgeous girls with their super-fit bodies do their stuff. She’d get especially wet when the girls were doing their thing up close to Joel, so he’d gone last night with the full expectation of having a night-long hard-on.

  First sign that Angela was flipping into the psychotic stage had been when she’d glared at all the girls who were parading up and down. But then she lost it when a particularly stunning girl with even more pneumatic tits than her own got too close. She’d flown out of her seat to physically push the girl away.


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