The Dirty Hotel King

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The Dirty Hotel King Page 7

by Cassandra Dee

  “FUCK!” he cried out, that huge cock twitching and jerking within my swollen pussy. My muscles clenched him involuntarily as my cunt dissolved into another orgasm, milking his rod dry of boiling seed.

  “Yes!” I mewled in unison with Steele, lost to the heavens. “Yes, unnh!”

  And his cock just kept on giving. Gallons of semen poured out, my curvy body pulling it deep inside with every shudder that shot through my pussy. There was so much that towards the end, seed spilled out from my body, overflowing. I smiled with satisfaction.

  “Oh,” I whispered, unable to say more. My cheeks felt hot and my hair was clinging to my face.

  “Yeah, you better have enjoyed that,” Steele muttered with a sexy grin. He kissed me hard on the neck and squeezed my thighs, loving their fullness. “Fuck baby girl. There’s so much spunk. I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard,” he marveled, pulling out slightly.

  I moaned, loving the slide. My pussy was throbbing still as Steele loomed over me, my cheek pressed against the bed. He licked his lips and took his hand to my face, pushing my hair off my face. I felt breathless as his eyes pierced through me: I could barely form proper words.

  “Thank you sir,” I murmured, but immediately regretted the words. I couldn’t think of anything to say, because my mind felt so jumbled, almost as if I were drunk. Why did I say something so stupid? Oh, if only I wasn’t so naïve.

  Thankfully, Steele only laughed. “You’re welcome baby girl.” Steele winked at me and pulled my face close to his, softly pressing a kiss on my cheek.

  I giggled and bit my lips. “Are we going to that every day?” I asked timidly.

  “Oh, yeah. And more than once each day too,” Steele told me. “You’re about to get a crash course in the art of gratification.”

  I blushed and looked over my shoulder to see Steele’s hard cock still buried within my wet cunt. I couldn’t wait to do that all over again, in whichever positions he wanted. But I shouldn’t feel that way! My dad sold me to Steele, and this want didn’t make sense. This was just a transaction, and yet, I couldn’t help the warm glow that descended over my frame.

  I smiled again as I Steele pulled out of me. I never imagined I’d meet someone like this man, but suddenly … I wanted to learn as much as possible about the art of gratification.

  Chapter 9


  I woke up feeling like a king and decided that I wanted to put Rosy to the test. Quietly, of course. It was time to see if she could fulfill my needs over and over again. I wasn’t done with the girl by a long shot.

  But when I rolled over, the sheets were cool beside me, the pillow empty. What the hell? Startled, I turned to see Rosy exiting the adjoining bathroom. Her curly hair was wet from a shower, and she had on a pair of tight blue jeans and a white t-shirt that clung to her body. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and her magnificent tits were on display as she strolled across the room, bouncing with every step of the day. Under the covers, my cock twitched as I watched her pink nipples harden beneath the soft white cotton.

  “Up already?” I teased as I kicked the covers off and smirked. My cock was fully hard, and I wanted Rosy to see it. I wanted her to know the delicious effect she had on my manhood.

  Rosy laughed as she dried her hair.

  “Well, I figured after my nice, hot shower, I’d get started with my duties,” she said in a teasing voice.

  “Duties?” I repeated with a raised brow.

  “Yep! I’m going to make you a breakfast fit for a king,” Rosy informed me with a wide smile. Unable to help it, I sat back on the bed as a matching grin spread across my face.

  “Sure, sweetheart,” I said, reaching out and slapping Rosy’s ass through the denim of her jeans. “That’s what I like to hear. I’m fucking hungry too.” Her cheeks felt luscious and juicy in my hands and I wanted nothing more than to rip that cheap fabric off her and fuck her again. But I knew I had to wait – after all, Rosy was a beginner, and I’d have to go slow with her if it meant training her the exact way I liked.

  The girl giggled and hurried off to the kitchen. I yawned and rolled over in bed as thoughts of what I’d do to Rosy filled my mind. After fifteen minutes, I was so horny that I couldn’t stay in bed any longer – if I did, I knew that I’d wind up jerking off and wasting a perfectly good orgasm.

  I got up, then walked to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. When I was done, I pulled on a clean shirt and pants before pushing my hair away from my forehead.

  Flashing a smile, I looked at myself in the mirror. Fuck, I was one helluva lucky bastard, cooped up in a cabin with a girl like this. And thanks to unloading my cum into Rosy last night, I had tons of energy to get work done. I thought about putting work off for the rest of the month, but The Grand was a non-stop job for me. I had to make sure things ran smoothly, even if I was technically on “vacation.”

  I slid out of the bedroom and made it to my office, quickly stealing a glance at Rosy on the way. She was stirring something on the stove and she licked pancake batter from her index finger. Mesmerized, I watched. Her eyes closed as she dipped her finger into the pancake batter again. She moaned in satisfaction as she swallowed the thick, creamy pancake batter, dripping a little on her chin.

  As she stuck her tongue out once more, she flipped a pancake on the stove. Her tits jiggled slightly and my balls began to ache with lust.

  Shaking my head, I tore myself away from the sight. I had to get some work done. Dammit.

  I settled in the office and sat back in my chair, throwing my feet up on the desk. I felt the way every man should feel, like a king, and there was nothing that could change that.

  I dove into my usual work of checking emails and answering phone calls when a soft knock interrupted my thoughts.

  “Come,” I called out.

  Breakfast was ready. Rosy pushed through the door with a tray in her hands, bringing in the aroma of delicious bacon, eggs, waffles, and French toast. I couldn’t help but smirk – standing there with her arms laden and her tits popping out through her shirt, Rosy looked every bit the curvy country waitress.

  “Very nice,” I said, raising an eyebrow at the large meal in front of me. Rosy giggled softly as she placed the tray on the desk. Her breasts spilled slightly out of her shirt, adding the perfect touch to my meal.

  “Cinnamon waffles, raisin French toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, and a fresh glass of orange juice,” Rosy reported proudly.

  I picked up a piece of bacon and took a bite.

  “Nicely done,” I complimented her, the perfectly browned strip crackling on my tongue. Rosy looked down shyly as her cheeks flushed.

  “Anything for you,” she replied softly. I winked and patted the chair next to me.

  “Come sit and eat with me,” I ordered. Rosy seemed flustered as she hurried to take a seat next to the desk. I scooped some waffles and eggs onto a plate and handed it to her.

  “Thank you,” the girl said shyly. “I’m starving.”

  “Of course, you are” I said drily. “I gave you quite the workout last night, didn’t I?”

  Rosy didn’t answer. She dipped her head and smiled bashfully before taking a small bite of eggs. For a moment, we ate in silence. I’d almost forgotten what it feels like to share a meal with someone else. It was peaceful and oddly nice.

  “What were you like when you were my age?” Rosy asked as she swallowed a piece of waffle. Her brown eyes were wide with curiosity.

  I was a bit thrown off by her question, but I supposed I could provide an answer. I paused for a second to think about the right thing to say. I didn’t need her knowing too much of my past or emotions, but I figured telling a little couldn’t hurt.

  “Well, for starters,” I began as I took another sip of my orange juice. “I liked sports and exercise. A lot. I’ve been working out for decades now.”

  Rosy looked at me, then down at her food and nodded her head.

  “I can see that,” she giggled. “But how’d you manage t
o make a success out of yourself?”

  I sighed and sat back in my chair.

  “Well I worked my ass off in school to get good grades, and then senior year I applied to various scholarship programs. I was poor back then and I knew I didn’t want to be that way forever. I guess I got lucky.” I stared down at my glass as the past flooded back into my mind like wildfire. I didn’t need – or want – Rosy to know too much of my past. It was too much for a sweet, innocent girl.

  “Lucky?” Rosy said with her head cocked to the side.

  “Getting a scholarship was lucky. But it wasn’t just luck – I had to work hard. I didn’t start off with five star hotels, you know. My first job was managing a place called Jimmy’s Town.”

  Rosy bit her lip and nodded. “Was it nice?”

  I snorted. “No. In comparison, the Pink Flamingo is a luxury resort,” I said. “But it was what I had to do to get the life I wanted.”

  “Is that why you’re so amazing now?” Rosy teased. She playfully nudged me in the arm. To my surprise, I actually blushed, dark color spreading over my cheekbones.

  “I didn’t have things handed to me, so when I did get The Grand, I was grateful,” was my low rumble of acknowledgement. “I wasn’t some privileged prick because I knew this was the opportunity of a lifetime.” I couldn’t believe I was talking so much. But no one had ever asked me questions like this – no one had ever taken the time to sit down and get to know me.

  I noticed Rosy was staring at me intently with her brown eyes wide. What was she thinking?

  “I think that’s a wonderful success story Mr. Steele. I hope I can get lucky like you.” Rosy’s voice went up about an octave higher as she spoke with hope. She glanced away quickly and went back to eating her breakfast.

  “Anything is possible, sweetheart,” I encouraged with a sip from my glass of orange juice. “I mean, look at me. I started with nothing, and have an embarrassment of riches now. But tell me, what are your ambitions?”

  Rosy fell quiet for a moment, with her cheeks growing red. She took a long sip of her orange juice and then set the glass back down on the table.

  I studied her face and noticed she had little freckles spreading across her cheeks. When Rosy looked up at me, her mouth twitched, and her brown eyes were full of unspoken words.

  “Well,” she began in a shy voice. “I guess I’m still figuring it out. I did want to attend college, and maybe be an ultrasound tech? I love the idea of seeing babies before they’re born.” Rosy’s eyes glittered as she spoke.

  “Why babies?” I asked very curious.

  “They’re adorable, and such sweet creatures. They don’t judge you, and they’re just so soft,” Rosy explained with a smile. “I adore the idea of having a little person who comes from you whom you can love and cherish.”

  My brows raised. “I can’t say I’ve ever thought of children in that way, but you seem to have the heart for it,” I said with a smile.

  “I guess so. It just sounds like a really meaningful job, you know, helping moms and all.”

  “Well, it seems like you care very much about this. You should try,” I say. “If you’re dedicated, it won’t be a problem.”

  Her pretty mouth turned down at the corners. “Maybe. I don’t know, college is so expensive. The tuition is incredibly high, and I don’t know how I’d ever afford it. Maybe,” Rosy stammered, her voice dropping. She sighed heavily and avoided my gaze. Looking over to the window behind my desk, the girl had a wistful gleam in her eyes.

  I put my hand on her knee and gave it a little squeeze. She flinched as she turned to look at me.

  “You can do it. You will do it,” I said firmly.

  Rosy shot me a soft look. “I sure hope so,” she said quietly.

  “Eat the rest of these waffles, I need you nice and plump,” I ordered as I stood up from my desk. I watched Rosy happily down the delicious bacon while I poured myself another cup of coffee. Because this was strange. I felt more and more possessive about Rosy. She wasn’t like other girls, that was for sure. Aside from her being drop dead gorgeous, there was something sweet and endearing about her. Something that needed protection, caring, and love.

  Most young girls just want to be pampered and spoiled with money and clothes. I would know since half of my ex-girlfriends were dim-witted and vapid. I always thought hot sex would be enough – after all, it’s not like I’ve ever had time for a relationship before. But now that I’ve been with Rosy and actually had conversation with the woman, I’m starting to think that maybe I was wrong. Maybe I need a woman who’s sassy, yet demure and humble as well. A woman with amazing curves, yet with an innocent way about her. Rosy seemed to fit that criteria.

  But she was still just a transaction. I had to get that through my head.

  “Is there anything else you need?” Rosy asked, suddenly breaking my train of thought.

  I looked her up and down with a hunger growing inside me.

  “Yeah, there is something I need,” I growled, slowly unzipping my pants.

  Rosy’s eyes grow big as she peeked down at my growing boner. The tip of her tongue emerged from her mouth and she licked her lips with the soft pink tip. As I watched her, that urgent sense of possessiveness grew even stronger in my breast. I needed this woman. She was mine.

  “What can I do for you, sir?”

  I raised an eyebrow. “What do you think?”

  Blushing furiously, Rosy dropped to her knees and slowly trailed her fingers over my crotch. I quickly pushed her hands away. I didn’t want her to give me a blowjob right away. I just wanted to see if she’d comply.

  “Not yet, but it’s great to see you follow directions so well,” I said with a smirk as I pulled Rosy from the floor.

  “Oh. Well, I don’t really know how to, that yet, but I’m a fast learner,” Rosy admitted as she smiled shyly. I loved seeing on her knees before me, like a subject waiting for a king’s command.

  I wrapped my hand around Rosy’s thick waist to bring her up and closer. She gasped as I planted my lips on her neck. I could feel her pulse beating against my hungry lips.

  I roughly grabbed her by the arm, pulling her to my chest. Rosy shivered as I ran my hand over her plump body. Her ass felt so soft and inviting, and her tits were bouncing softly through her shirt. I reached out to squeeze one of her perfect tits, looking her deep in her eyes as I tightened my grip. Her cheeks grew redder as my grip grew firmer, until I knew she had to be feeling pain. But Rosy didn’t show it – she moaned softly and wriggled her curves enticingly against my hardness.

  “Good girl. I know you like that,” I grunted in a low voice. Rosy nodded quickly, shielding her eyes from me.

  I turned her face to me, forcing her to look me deep in the eye.

  “Look at me, baby girl,” I said. Rosy moved her hand slowly up my leg to my crotch.

  She seemed anxious and nervous as she rested her soft palm on my hard cock.

  “I’m looking.” Biting her lips, she moved in closer for a kiss.

  I gave her a small peck, not wanting to rush in too quick, too fast.

  But my control was challenged. Her nipples poked through her shirt, making me want to rip her shirt to shreds. She was so goddamn delicious and enticing.

  “I need you,” Rosy whimpered, her hand tightening on my throbbing cock.

  I grabbed her hand though and brought it to my lips, placing a soft kiss on her palm.


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