The Dirty Hotel King

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The Dirty Hotel King Page 15

by Cassandra Dee

  I couldn’t stop though. I loved the taste of him, and the sensation of him fucking my throat with that massive male member.

  Steele was moaning uncontrollably now. He grabbed a fistful of my hair as his warm load continued to gush down my throat.

  “Oh fuck,” he whispered, pulling his cock out of my mouth.

  I choked a bit and wiped my mouth clean with the back of my hand.

  “I take it you enjoyed that?” Peering up at Steele, I blinked at him. Now that I’d given him head, I was ready for him to fuck me. After all, a good blowjob meant that we were on good terms again, right?

  But I was wrong.

  Steele walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. My heart sank as I listened to the sound of him filling a tumbler and draining it at once.

  Placing the cup in the sink, he cleared his throat and walked right past me. I felt dejected as I watched his massive male form walk further and further away, opening the space between our bodies.

  I stayed crumpled on the floor as he strode away to the bedroom and turned on the shower.

  He used to kiss me long and hard on the mouth after I sucked his cock, as if enjoying the taste of his own cum. But he recently stopped doing that. Steele’s affection had disappeared, and now, it was probably gone for good.

  Sighing heavily, I hoisted myself up. I knew it was no use.

  I had tried everything to switch things around, but he was like a stubborn old mule. He was stuck in his ways. I couldn’t help but think it was all my fault, somehow. My brain couldn’t even process where things had gone wrong.

  We only had a short time left together in the remote cabin, but my heart was desperately aching to be with him forever.

  But instead, I had nothing.

  My heart couldn’t just give in to defeat though. I loved Steele. I loved him from the moment he touched me that first time, growing in the days since.

  No one had ever cared that much about me before.

  No matter what Steele claimed to feel, those nights we’d spent together meant something. Even my inexperienced mind could tell that our shared passion had been real, once upon a time. Because I’d always known that I’d wanted more from life, and Steele had confirmed my deepest desires. I was no longer content to work sunrise to sunset for my ungrateful drunk of a father at a dumpy motel that had seen better days.

  I wanted more.

  And it was that tiny sliver of hope that got me through the rest of my time at the cabin. It helped me stay strong and to power through our remaining days together.

  Most of the time, I tried to tell myself that Steele could never love a person like me. And most of the time, it worked.

  But other times…well, other times, I wasn’t so sure.

  Sometimes when Steele would touch me as if he couldn’t help it, and I had a feeling he wanted more. His fingers would glide against my skin, lingering on certain spots, as if he were trying to memorize what I felt like. Or those blue eyes would look at me, as if tracing the contours of my features to embed them in his mind’s eye. And whenever we slept, he’d start off on the other side of the bed with pillows built into a wall between us. But he’d always break through the pillows by morning. I’d wake up sweaty and warm in the cradle of his arms, one heavy male leg draped over mine. And I could feel the want in his hold. He craved me. But he struggled with accepting that.

  I could sense the conflict in his mind mixed with desperation.

  Why did he have to fight it?

  But time marches on, and pretty soon, it was our last night together. I knew it had to come, sooner or later. I fixed one of his favorite meals, Fettuccine Alfredo with shrimp and broccoli paired with seared mahi-mahi. Steele hadn’t put in a request for anything special, which made me sad: had he forgotten that this was our last dinner together? Still, I wanted to go above and beyond. I wanted to prepare something that was both visually appealing and sensual, just like the man himself.

  Everything had to be perfect. Even though our connection was dwindling by the second, I still cherished that small sliver of hope alive in my heart.

  It took me half of the day to prepare the meal, and by time I was done, I was sweating and my hair was a tangled mess at the nape of my neck.

  Steele had been in his office all day answering calls, his rough voice a mere rumble through the walls. I tried to sneak inside a couple of times, once in the morning when I brought him his breakfast, and then again with his lunch, but he kept his chair facing the wall, ignoring my presence as if I were hired help, or some kind of pest.

  Making dinner was the only thing I could do to take my mind off my crumbling heart.

  But when Steele came into the kitchen with a curious look on his face around dinnertime, I knew I’d done well. The delicious aroma looked like it had awakened his senses, and I heard his stomach rumble from the doorway.

  “What is that? Italian?” My man leaned against the door and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Yup. Fettuccine Alfredo, and I’ve got some mahi-mahi here as well.”

  Steele started to smile but caught himself. His gaze fell on his shoes and he simply shrugged. The tension roared back to the room and I felt a cold stab of fear pierce my heart.

  “Sounds nice.” His tone sounded flat. His eyes caught my gaze, giving nothing away. Those massive shoulders slumped and his eyes seemed almost regretful then. I tore my eyes from his.

  Turning, I went back to the stove, trying my best to keep my feelings locked up. I didn’t need him to pity me. My heart was broken, but that could never change how I felt about Steele.

  Nothing could.

  When the mahi-mahi was done, I took it from the oven, tested it with a fork, and placed it on the table. The cabin was filled with mouthwatering smells and despite my apprehension, I was proud.

  “Wow,” Steele muttered quietly. I felt a twinge of satisfaction as he stared at the dinner with awe. It was the first time he’d given me such blatant praise.

  “Go ahead,” I invited softly.

  Steele eyed the food hungrily and made a tidy plate for himself before sitting down. As he ate, I stood in the corner awkwardly, unsure if he wanted me to eat with him. After all, we ate most of our meals apart now.

  “Do you like it?” I asked nervously from the corner. I knew the answer to that question, but I just wanted an excuse to talk to him.

  Steele grunted, wiping his mouth with a napkin. I felt awkward standing around, so I went back to the kitchen to grab a champagne bottle. I took a wine glass from the counter and set it on the table. My hands were shaking slightly as I poured it slowly. Swallowing hard, I caught a glimpse of Steele.

  His eyes were closed as he enjoyed his food, and I couldn’t get over how attractive he was.

  I wanted him so badly.

  When the glass was full, I took a step back and placed the bottle on the table. Taking a deep breath, I started to walk back towards the bedroom.

  “I’m going to go shower,” I called over my shoulder, figuring that he wouldn’t even reply. But that low voice sounded.


  My body felt hot and nervous as Steele’s gruff voice stopped me. Turning slowly, I walked back to the table with my head lowered.

  What if he was upset for some reason? Maybe he didn’t like the food? Or maybe he’d apologize for how cold he had been towards me?

  My heart was racing as I mustered the last remnants of courage I had within me and looked into Steele’s eyes.


  Steele took a long sip of his champagne before looking up at me.

  “Aren’t you going to eat?”

  I shrugged. “It’s okay, I’m not that hungry.” While it wasn’t a complete lie, I knew that if I stayed in his presence any longer I’d fall for him even more. Besides, there was nothing more to say…at least, nothing I could say without feeling awkward.

  “Nonsense. You’re a healthy girl, and you need to eat.”

  I nodded reluctantly and went back t
o the kitchen to grab a plate. It was easier not to have this discussion. As I made my way back to the table, Steele pulled out the chair right next to him.

  “Thanks.” I sat down and tried to eat without seeming awkward, but I could feel his eyes on me.

  I swallowed hard and forced myself to look up. Steele’s eyes were boring into mine as he tore in his fish.

  Was he angry with me?

  I reached for the champagne and poured another glass. I could sense Steele smirking.

  “You like champagne now?” he asked as he twirled pasta on his fork.

  I shrugged and took a big gulp of my drink. I winced softly from the tart taste. I actually hated champagne and preferred wine, but too late now.

  “It’s not too bad,” I lied taking another sip.

  Steele laughed and reached for the champagne glass.

  “You hate champagne. You always scrunch your nose whenever you drink it. It’s the bubbles.”

  “So you notice me?” I asked smoothly. Steele didn’t reply and for just a second, I felt a flicker of satisfaction knowing that I’d made him angry. It was satisfying to know that I’d managed to affect him, even if it was negatively.

  “Of course I do, Rosy,” Steele growled quietly as he got up from the table. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine. My favorite wine. I exhaled heavily as he strode back to the table and poured me a new glass.

  Picking it up, he held it to my lips. I slowly trailed my eyes up his body, landing on his eyes. They were soft, almost as if he was begging for another chance.

  I brought my lips to the glass, letting my lips slip over the rim, and took a long sip of the wine. It was sweet and warm on my tongue.

  Steele brought his hand to my lips and wiped away any lingering remnants.

  “That’s sweet.”

  Steele knelt down, his face close to mine.

  “Just like you.” He took my hand in his and brought it to his lips, kissing it softly.

  What the hell? Why was he being so nice to me now? I hated the hot and cold aspect, and yet my heart raced as he kissed up my arm, making his way to my neck. I was positive he could feel how weak I was becoming. As always, the slightest touch from Steele made me quiver.

  How was he so amazing at this? He could make me forget how sad or upset I was the minute he kissed me. The world itself could be crumbling into a thousand pieces and I wouldn’t notice, so long as Steele was kissing me.

  “Steele,” I whispered as he ran his hands along my thighs, crawling up even further. My pussy ached for his touch and I shifted in my seat as my panties became wet.

  “You like that, don’t you?” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. I knew he could tell how helpless he made me.

  I nodded as my lips twitched.


  Steele gently sucked on my neck, adding more pressure with his teeth. I exhaled sharply as my eyes rolled back in my head.

  He massaged my tits suddenly, before squeezing them hard. As he ran his fingers over the stiff peaks of my nipples, I gasped and moaned with pleasure. My body began to quiver and shake and I licked my lips, eager for Steele. My pussy was becoming more and more drenched by the second.

  “And this?” Steele dipped his head to mine, kissing me roughly. He shoved his tongue between my lips, then softened his mouth against mine until I melted.

  I swallowed hard and nodded.

  “Y-yes.” My voice was quiet and hoarse.

  He kissed me once more, nibbling on my lower lip with his teeth until I shuddered. I wrapped my arms and legs around him. I was ready for him to carry me away, for him to make me his.

  But he quickly pulled away. He had a crazy look in his eyes.

  “I wanna try something,” he growled, harsh streaks decorating those high cheekbones. There was a glint of dark promise and excitement in his blue eyes that I hadn’t seen for days now.

  I swallowed and nodded. I was hesitant, but I’d do anything for this alpha male who had me wrapped around his little finger.

  “I’ve never wanted you so badly before,” Steele growled. He stepped back and unbuttoned his shirt, throwing it on the floor.

  Standing up, I started to take my shirt off as well, but he stopped me.

  “You don’t want me to …?”

  “Oh, I want you to, Rosy. And I will fuck you. But right now, I need you to go into the bedroom and get naked for me. Wait for me in there.”

  I smiled nervously and walked to the bedroom. My heart pounded with every step.

  Once inside, I jerked my shirt off and kicked off my jeans. My clothes fell to the floor and the chill air made my skin tingle as I waited for Steele. I had no idea what he was planning, but I knew that no matter what was coming, I was game. I got onto the bed with my ass in the air, and remained there for a minute before I heard Steele coming in.

  There was a strange jingling noise. When I turned around, my mouth fell open.

  Steele stood by the side of the bed. There was a shining, clanking pair of cuffs in his hands.

  “Get up,” he ordered.

  I sat up abruptly with my heart pounding. Thrills were shooting through me as he stepped closer to me and grabbed my wrists. Without speaking, Steele slapped the handcuffs on my wrists and yanked me by the arm to the closet.

  “I’ve been meaning to do this for the longest time,” Steele grunted as he hooked my hands above my head. When I tried to move my hands, the chains jingled and my wrists remained high above my head. My shoulders ached almost immediately, but I was too excited and horny to care.

  Excitement blasted through me as he slipped a blindfold over my eyes. My heart was pounding in my chest.

  “I need you to shut up,” he growled. “No talking.” As I opened my mouth to reply, I felt Steele shove something damp and wet inside. I gasped and flushed hotly as the taste of my own wet pussy spread across my tongue. Steele had gagged me with my panties, and I could hardly make a sound.

  I was fully submissive now, and I loved it.

  Steele ran his hands all across my curvy form. He squeezed my tits and sucked on my nipples, then he smacked my ass hard. I yelped and moaned behind my gag, twisting my body to follow each movement of Steele’s hands.

  I wanted nothing more but to be his object. His toy, his plaything. Not being able to see what Steele would do next added an extra dimension of sensuality to our lovemaking, and my senses were on high as I hung in the closet.

  His touch was electric. His fingers moved up and down my body, across my throat and tits and waist. Steele’s hands played between my thighs, grazing my clit but never coming close enough to pleasure me. It was torture to hang like that, not knowing what came next.

  But it was the most heavenly kind of torture I could imagine.

  “You like being tied up like a little whore?” Steele grunted, this time very close to my face.

  I squealed through the gag and tried to push my pussy forward. Steele grabbed my hips, before sliding his hands to my tits. He then squeezed my nipples hard. I yelped and squealed again as the pressure increased.


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