Real Vampires Don't Wear Size Six

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Real Vampires Don't Wear Size Six Page 16

by Bartlett, Gerry

  That got her attention. “Yeah, sure. Just need to do something in the lab. Not thirsty at all.” Penny glanced at the bathroom. “Will he be all right?”

  “Hopefully. Try to ignore him and just go.” I wasn’t sure I trusted Ray not to try to talk her out of her cell phone to get some alcoholic brew delivered. I didn’t say it, just got both men out the door, slammed it, then waved my hand at a frowning Rafe and Jerry. “See you both later. Don’t call me, I’ll call you.”

  I strutted down the stairs, the effect ruined when I had to drag my bag of Blud-Lite behind me. Did you think I was going to toss it down the garbage chute? Are you kidding? That stuff costs the earth. I’d just stash it in the fridge in the back room of my shop. I braced myself, then opened the door to the outside. Sure enough, there was a gaggle of cameramen lying in wait for me.

  “Glory! Is it true you and Israel Caine are back together again?”

  “Glory! Where’s Caine? How is he? What hospital did you take him to?”

  “Glory! Look this way! Tell us about Caine!”

  I held up my hand. “When Ray was hurt, I couldn’t just stand by, not knowing how he was, whether he was seriously hurt. Naturally, I rushed to his side.” I put on a stricken face and it was funny how silent these creeps got, the only sound the clicks of their cameras.

  “Imagine how horrified I was to see the blood under his head as he lay on that hard concrete, so still, looking almost”—I took a shuddering breath—“dead.” I dabbed at my eyes, careful of those temporary lashes and trying not to drop my sack or my purse. “But head wounds do bleed profusely, even when they’re not serious.” I sighed. “Thank God Ray’s injury wasn’t.” I smiled. “He’s fine now. Just resting after a concert and, admittedly, a rough fall.” I waved and stepped toward the door of the shop.

  “Glory! Are you two back together? Did this tragedy spark a new romance?”

  I stopped in my tracks. “I will always love Israel Caine. Who doesn’t? His music speaks to me. And”—I looked down at my feet and that damned heavy bag of booze I’d finally had to set down—“he’s so very charming.” I looked up again. “But we’ll just have to see how things work out. Ray and I agreed to go our separate ways a while back. It was for the best then and it’s probably still for the best. I’m just a simple shopkeeper. The life of a rock star is pretty intense. I’m afraid his lifestyle isn’t for me.”

  “But, Glory, he did move to Austin. Don’t you think that meant something? That he wanted to put things back together with you?” This from a local reporter who’d been pretty good about promoting Ray’s music and was definitely a fan. I didn’t mind answering him.

  I smiled. “Ray’s a complicated man. And Austin has a great music scene and good studios. He likes Austin. And we’ll always be good friends. Now I’ve got to go to work. You want to help me? Spell the name of the shop right. Vintage Vamp’s Emporium on Austin’s Sixth Street. Bring me more business.” With that I shoved my way through the crowd and made it into the store.

  Wow. And the place was full. Nothing like being a rock star’s main squeeze to pull in business. I stashed my booze and my purse in the back room and went to work. It was great therapy. I could almost forget for a while all the stuff going on in my life. Yeah, right. That is until CiCi, the Countess Cecilia von Repsdorf, dropped by to pay me a visit. Talk about perfect timing. CiCi was Simon Destiny’s ex-lover and the mother of his son. She could give me the lowdown on how things were between the EV leader and Freddy, his son.

  “Cheri, you are radiant. I guess the rumors are true then? You are with this sexy rock star?” CiCi looked me over.

  I had to admit I’d picked a dress in Jerry’s favorite blue, a color that brought out my eyes, and in a style that hugged my waist. Of course the deep V-neck got attention where it needed to be and not on my hips. I was still dodging those full-length mirrors but had known I wouldn’t be able to dodge those cameras.

  I looked around and realized we were in a lull. “Come in the back with me and I’ll tell you all about it.” Since my best bud Florence was still out of town, CiCi was a good shoulder to cry on. I led the way to the back room.

  “Gossip, I live and breathe for it. Tell me all.” CiCi sat on the only chair, happily accepting one of my bottles of booze while I stuck to the straight stuff.

  “Jerry’s back and he’s responsible for my glow.”

  CiCi leaned forward and clinked bottles with me. “Excellent. You know I’ve always wanted you two together. Keep talking. What about the Israel Caine rumors stirring up again?”

  “Ray’s an alcoholic and he’s on the sauce again, vampire-style. I was his mentor and now I hope to help him dry out. He’s upstairs right now thinking about it.” I took a swallow. “Or at least I hope he is. I didn’t leave him with many resources, but he is a vampire. He might take off anyway.”

  “Sounds like you have your hands full. With Jeremiah back and this handsome singer there too? What does your Scot think about your helping another man this way?” CiCi peeled at the paper label on her bottle with a scarlet painted fingernail.

  “He’s actually pretty okay with Ray. It’s Rafe, Valdez, he’s freaked about. He and Rafe got into it tonight. I thought they were going to kill each other.” I drained my bottle and set it aside to recycle.

  “Ah, because you were unfaithful with that shifter.” CiCi had never approved of my affection for a man who was not vampire.

  “Of course. And now Rafe and I are involved again because, uh, CiCi, the demons are back.” I hated to get into this. What would CiCi think? I knew she was deeply religious. Don’t laugh. A lot of vampires, who were people first, you know, hang on to their mortal values and faiths after they get their fangs.

  “Why? We routed that horrid creature, Alesa her name was. And you said demons. More than one?” CiCi set her bottle on the floor. “What have you gotten into now, Gloriana?”

  “I didn’t get into anything. That bitch Alesa went back to hell bragging about how I held her against her will inside me.” I huffed. “As if I wanted her in here.” I thumped my stomach. “It was the most miserable time of my life.”

  “I know, cheri, I still think she is why you had the affair with that shifter.” CiCi delicately wiped her lips with a hanky from her designer clutch.

  “Well, whatever, I thought I was totally through with all things from hell, but it seems her big mouth got me some unwelcome attention from Lucifer.”

  CiCi shuddered and crossed herself. “I cannot imagine being discussed by such creatures. What has happened now?”

  “Two of his minions came calling and made me an offer. They will give me a reward if I gather souls for the Devil.” I sighed. “I refused, of course.”

  “Certainly you did.” CiCi reached forward and patted my knee. “And was that enough for them?”

  “Of course not. So they put on the pressure. Gave me an incentive. I can actually see my reflection.” I grabbed CiCi’s hand and tugged her into the bathroom. “Look!” I stood in front of her and gazed into the mirror above the sink. Oh, I had a smudge of pink lipstick on my tooth. I wiped it away and turned to look at my friend. She had tears in her eyes.

  “C’est impossible!” She peered around me, did the hand-waving thing in front of my face, then sighed. “You really do have a reflection.”

  “I know. Isn’t it great? It makes you realize how people are seduced into deals with the Devil.” As usual I had to literally tear myself away from the mirror, finally shoving CiCi out of the bathroom and shutting the door.

  “Yes, it is the work of the Devil.” More frantic making of the sign of the cross and CiCi pulled out a gold crucifix from the bodice of her cream silk blouse and clutched it. “These demons, you must get them away from you. I’m afraid”—she shuddered—“I’m afraid for your soul, Gloriana.”

  I hugged her, then settled her back in her chair. “Relax. I’m not tempted even one little bit by their caper. But I’m going to have to do something to placate them a
nd send them on their way before they do real damage around here. They threatened Rafe. And I know you don’t think much of shape-shifters, CiCi, but he’s saved my life more times than I can count. He’s a dear friend and I’m going to help him gather at least one bad guy for Lucifer. Someone I figure is already bound for hell anyway. Someone you know, actually.” I bit my lip.

  Could she still harbor some residual feelings for creepy Simon? I figured the only way she’d ever had an affair with him in the first place had been if he’d been in one of his disguises. In his normal persona, he was about as appealing as a zombie after a hard Halloween.

  “Who? Who are you going to try to send to Lucifer?” CiCi rummaged in her purse and came out with a rosary. “I’m sorry, Glory, but you are making me nervous. Ever since your exorcism, I have been carrying around these religious objects. Just to be on the safe side, you understand.” Her hands were shaking and she looked around the room. “Are you sure we aren’t surrounded by evil now?”

  “No, I’m not sure. Hell, they pop in whenever they feel like it.” I looked around too. Spyte and Caryon could be anywhere, and I did have a tingling feeling, like I was being watched.

  “Relax, Glory, honey. You are being watched, but it’s by the good guys this time.” The Texas twang had a comforting familiarity that brought tears to my eyes. I looked up and saw a pair of boots dangling from the top shelf behind CiCi’s chair.

  “Emmie Lou!” I jumped up. Another pair of boots appeared next to hers. “And Harvey! I thought you went to Heaven permanently.”

  “Gloriana? Are you mad?” CiCi grabbed my arm. “Are they here? The demons?”

  “No, look up there.” I pointed at the shelf where my ghosts, the two who had haunted the shop for years, had suddenly reappeared. They were dressed in brand-new cowboy duds, matching red-checkered shirts with blue bandannas and white cowboy hats. Their boots were shiny black and they each sported a pair of filmy white angel wings.

  “Angels? You have angels to look after you!” CiCi grinned and gave me a hug. “Now that makes me feel better.”

  “Me too. How did this happen?” I pulled CiCi down to sit beside me on the table.

  “Someone up there doesn’t like the way you’re being bullied by someone down below.” Harvey Nutt wore his usual suspenders on his jeans. He popped them, then winced. Guess they were too new to be adjusted quite right. “Anyway, we’re here to keep you safe in the shop. We can’t leave here, but as long as you’re inside, we can keep them demons from doing any of their ugly tricks to you or your friends.”

  “That’s right, Glory gal. They won’t be lightin’ any fires or hurtin’ any of your pals while they’re in here, I tell you that. Consider this your safe place. It’s the power of goodness and light. Evil don’t stand no chance agin that.” Emmie Lou hopped down and flew around the ceiling before landing on the chair. “How do you like them wings? Ain’t they a doozy?”

  I laughed. “Beautiful.” She was so tiny, all I could do was grin at her, a hug would crush her. “Thanks, guys. I feel better already. Now let me tell CiCi who I’m trying to get for Lucifer. Maybe you could kind of go invisible and keep an eye on things out in the shop. Okay?”

  “Fine. We got your back, Glory, and that’s a fact.” Harvey snapped his suspenders, muttered a “darn it” and disappeared, Emmie Lou with him.

  “All right, Glory, now who is it you want to garner a soul for Lucifer?” CiCi sat back in her chair again. I was glad to see the rosary had been put away.

  “Simon Destiny. Do you care if I try to snatch his soul away from his goddess?” I braced myself. I was committed to this, but if I had to lose her friendship over it, I was going to hate it, really hate it.

  “Simon?” CiCi pulled out that rosary again. “You have any idea what you’re dealing with? Don’t be a fool. Touch Simon and the only one going straight to hell is liable to be you.”


  “CiCi, I have no choice. Who else do we know that is totally evil?” I realized that sounded harsh, but the truth was the truth.

  “He’s the father of my child.” Her voice was low and she wouldn’t look at me.

  “I know that. How does Freddy feel about his father?” I knew Freddy, and he was a fine man, nothing like Simon.

  “Frederick’s been reaching out to him lately. Which scares me, of course.” CiCi looked up, her eyes filled with tears. “I told him not to, but it’s only natural for a man to want to know his father.”

  “Surely he’s heard the stories.” I threw out my hands. “Hey, one trip out to the Energy Vampire headquarters should convince Freddy that he wants no part of that dynasty.”

  “Power can be very seductive, Glory.” CiCi had the hanky out again. “When I told you that Frederick and Derek were on a road trip? The night we did your exorcism. That wasn’t to Houston. They were out there, with Simon, enjoying all the favors the EVs can bestow.” CiCi’s hands shook. “His father is offering Frederick the world, his world. But it’s evil. I’m praying my son sees that and turns away in time.”

  I grabbed her hand. “What if we can convince Simon to leave his goddess and come over to Lucifer? At least Freddy wouldn’t be exposed to the Energy Vampire thing anymore.”

  CiCi looked up with a frown. “You think that creature will just let Simon walk away? Pah. Why should she? And Simon. He’s got everything he’s always wanted out there.” She took a shaky breath. “When we were together in Paris, Simon would tell me about his dreams of power, to be the leader of the Energy Vampires. You won’t believe me, but he can be very charming, very charismatic. I, I loved him. And of course I had no idea what his group really did. It was only later that I heard they took energy from innocent people to feed that monster from the Underworld.”

  “I’m sure he kept his true face and nature very well hidden so he could seduce you. Am I right?” I smiled sympathetically.

  “Of course he did! I was mortal, naïve. When I became pregnant, he finally showed me what he was really like. He turned his back on me. No explanation. It was as if the love he had professed simply vanished.” She began to tear apart her fine linen handkerchief. “I was glad when he left me and my child alone. Oh, he sent money and wanted reports about his son in return, but he didn’t try to see him, not while he was young.”

  “Odd. You’d think he’d be thrilled to have a son.” I wasn’t really clear on the born vampire thing, though I knew the males could father children.

  “It depends, Gloriana.” CiCi sighed. “Frederick is a Halfling, you see, since he was the result of a born vampire and a mortal mating. Some Halflings become vampire when they reach puberty. Some do not. Simon was waiting to see how Frederick would turn out. To see if he was worthy of claiming, I suppose.” She frowned. “Born vampires are very arrogant.”

  “So Freddy . . . ?” I figured any information I could get about Simon’s family could be useful. Though I’d never involve my friend Freddy if I could help it.

  “Is a born vampire. Of course then Simon wanted him. Tried to take him from me.” CiCi lifted her chin. “But I’d had time to prepare for him and was not so naïve. I’d married my count and had his entire family and their allies behind me. I wasn’t about to let Simon have my son.”

  I leaned forward, riveted. “How could you fight him?” CiCi smiled. “I was vampire too by then. And chose my husband wisely. He had enough connections and power to make it very uncomfortable for the Energy Vampires to remain in Europe. That’s how Simon and his followers ended up in America.” CiCi’s dark eyes flashed, then filled with tears. “My dear husband is gone now, killed by an ancient enemy, and Frederick is a man with a mind of his own. When my son decided to come here, I was afraid he was planning to finally get to know his father. What could I do except come with him?” She smiled sadly.

  “Let’s get Freddy over here and see what he thinks about his father. Since he’s been out to the EV compound lately, maybe he’ll know if Simon might be interested in switching sides.” I clasped CiCi’
s hand. “Will you call him?”

  “Why not? It would be a way for Frederick to have a father, if we could lure Simon away from his goddess. I’d think he’d be tired of always pleasing a demanding mistress, wouldn’t you?”

  I patted her hand. “My thoughts, exactly. You said Simon moved his crew here from Europe. Does this goddess just pop up in any convenient sinkhole or how does that work?”

  “I’ve no idea, but maybe the boys will know.” CiCi put her hanky away and pulled out her cell phone.

  I knew the “boys” were her son and his longtime partner, Derek.

  “Derek loves Frederick, but hates his new fascination with Simon. Derek is a good man and he knows evil when he smells it. He’s certainly not blinded by riches either.” She hit speed dial. “I’ll see if I can get them over here.”

  I stepped out to the shop and left CiCi to make her call. I should call Rafe and let him know I’d made progress. Then I’d run upstairs and check on Ray. I’d left the apartment in absolute chaos. What if a council member stopped by to check on Penny? I’d flunk mentoring, big-time. I was thinking about grabbing my purse when Erin waved frantically from the register.

  “Glory, you have company.” Erin rolled her eyes.

  “Glory! Ooooh. I didn’t realize till I saw the clip on YouTube that you’re the same Glory who used to go with Israel Caine!” Jenny grabbed me and jumped up and down like I’d just scored a touchdown. Three clones of her, only with varying hair colors, squealed and jumped too. Trust me, their boobs didn’t bounce.

  “Hi, Jenny. These your sorority sisters?” I smiled and reminded myself I had to get along here.

  “Yes. Girls, this is Penny’s roomie. Can you believe it?” Jenny had her arm slung around me like we were best buds and made quick introductions. The girls squealed again. I swear dogs could hear them in the next county. “Where’s Israel?” Jenny looked around like maybe I’d hidden Ray under a dress rack.


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