Destiny's Path

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Destiny's Path Page 10

by Kimberly Hunter

  She sat down on the edge of the bed, feeling the day catch up with her. Flynn sat in the corner chair, most likely trying to put her at ease. It really didn’t help. Her nerves were stretched pretty tight. She needed to keep the conversation going, so she asked, “Why then? Why after he became Alpha?”

  “As you could probably guess, it was the power and prestige. But being Alpha is a demanding job. Taking care of the Pack and its assets is a big task. Not really much time for a social life or relationship.”

  “But he has had a few since becoming Alpha.”

  “Yeah, very few.” He chuckled. “Not many females like being a second thought. Although to tell you the truth, I just think he hasn’t found the right one yet.”

  “You mean like a True Mate?”

  “I wish.” He snorted. “Out of the sixty or so Mated couples, there are only eight True Mates. We make nine.” He smiled sadly. “But realistically, I just want him to find the right one and be happy.”

  “Who knows?” She shrugged. “Maybe being twins won’t just be in your looks alone, and he’ll luck out and find a True Mate too.” She was getting nervous because their little talk was coming to an end.

  “Maybe,” he reluctantly agreed. “You don’t have to be scared of me, Sasha. I won’t bite.” He smiled, knowing where her thoughts had been going the entire time. Though he really didn’t have to guess—he could see and smell her nervousness. And the deer-in-the-headlights look was an even bigger clue.

  She huffed out a breath. “I know. It’s just that I wasn’t expecting us to sleep together. Not on our first night.” She blushed.

  Flynn got out of the chair, walking the few feet toward her, then knelt and took her hands. “I meant what I said earlier—you’re the one who has to make the first move. And as much as I want—hell, crave—making love to you, we both know you aren’t ready yet. I won’t push that or you. Okay?” He smiled at her.

  “Okay.” She let out the breath that she unknowingly was holding. She was still nervous, though not as bad. “I’m just not used to sharing a bed with a man, you know? My relationships have been few and far between.”

  “Don’t worry. You need sleep and rest tonight. You’re still recovering and not just physically.” He kissed her hands, before standing and crossing to the dresser. “ I like to sleep free. But we’re getting to know each other, so I’ll wear the bottoms and you take the top.” “I don’t want to put you out, Flynn. If you’re not comfortable with clothes on, I can find another room.” She started to rise.

  “Nonsense. You belong right here.” He gave her the top. “Besides, it’s a small price to pay to have you here. Not to mention being away from you for any length of time makes me uncomfortable.” She took the top, hugging it to her chest for comfort. “I’m really sorry, Flynn.”

  He looked at her with a bit of surprise on his face. “For what?”

  “For turning your life upside down.”

  “Upside down?” He touched her cheek. “Oh, sweetheart, you’ve made my life whole, for the first time. I mean, I never knew what I was missing before I met you. And now that I know, there’s no way I could ever go back. I wouldn’t want to.” His voice was soft but full of conviction.

  She nuzzled his hand, enjoying its warmth. “I feel like I’ve known you my whole life, but I haven’t. It’s all so confusing.” She frowned, pulling back. “We have time. Now go change in the bathroom and I’ll change out here. I can feel your exhaustion, and it worries me.”

  “Yes, Doctor.”

  It didn’t take her long to switch her clothes for the PJ top. But she still stalled. It kept going through her mind she was about to climb in the same bed as Flynn. No sex, but still sleep in the same bed. Lord, give me strength, she prayed as she stepped out the door and saw Flynn bare-chested. She almost choked on her own tongue seeing all that male muscle on display. Thank God he wasn’t naked; she would have gone into cardiac arrest. And to think she was about to sleep next to this man. It was enough to make her bolt back to the bathroom. But she was no coward. She could do this. Though if he touched her, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to control herself. Hell, even she had her limits. And seeing Flynn half naked was definitely her limit.


  “Yeah.” She smiled nervously, trying to take her eyes off all that hard-muscled, tanned skin. It was near impossible, but she tried, without success. Hey, she wasn’t a saint. And from what she could see, he was tan all over. She was doomed.

  “Go ahead and hop in, and I’ll get the lights.”

  “Okay.” She climbed in, pulling the covers up to her chin. Then the room was plunged into total darkness. A few seconds later, she felt Flynn get into his side of the bed. She could feel his heat under the covers, hear his breathing, his heartbeat. She was really feeling edgy now and a little aroused. Well, okay, a lot aroused. But come on, the man was fine and was in bed with her. She’d be crazy or dead not to feel anything.

  “Relax, Sasha. You need to sleep.”

  “I know.” She huffed out a breath and tried to calm her racing pulse. “I’m sorry.”

  “No need to be sorry. Turnover on your side.”

  “What for?”

  He laughed softly. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to ravish you. I can’t, remember?” The covers rustled as he moved closer to her. “You need to relax, and a soothing massage is just the thing to help you get some sleep.”

  “ I guess that’s all right.” Though she really wasn’t sure that touching would be a good idea. His scent and nearness had her wound pretty tight as it was. That is, until she felt his warm hands soothe her knotted muscles. After that, she let his hands work out her tension. It was just enough to help her sleep. Too bad that damn dream came again, only this time, she remembered seeing a man. He was blond, with Flynn’s face and eyes. He smiled sadly at her, like he had lost something precious, and then changed before her eyes into the blond wolf she recalled running with. And when the Pack emerged from the forest, wanting her to join them, Sasha was uncertain. She had been here before, knew what she would see when she looked down at herself. She was right, for there were four paws where two legs should have been. When she tried to yell in fright, it came out as a high-pitched whine. She didn’t wake up screaming, but it was close.

  “Jeez, not again,” she moaned, sitting up abruptly.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” Flynn had his arm wrapped around her waist, so she accidentally woke him when she sat up.

  She couldn’t say anything; her heart was still racing as the remnants of the dream left her. She closed her eyes and leaned back against the headboard, trying to calm down.

  “You all right?” He sat up with her and brushed sweat-soaked hair out of her face.

  “Yeah, I think so. Just a dream.” She breathed deeply, knowing she was going to have to tell him about it. “It’s the same one I had before I woke from the coma.”

  “What about?” He gathered her close, trying to comfort her. At this point, she really didn’t care about how little they knew of each other. She wanted the comfort. She drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly, opening her eyes. “I’m running with a pack of wolves. Only, at this time, I don’t know that I am one. Then I take a drink from a stream and see my reflection. A great red wolf with glowing eyes is staring back at me.” She shivered a little at the memory.

  Flynn squeezed her a bit tighter in reassurance. “Ah.”

  “Yeah. The first time scared the crap out of me. This time wasn’t as bad, just unnerving. I mean, I knew what was going to happen, how I was going to look, only…I don’t know.”

  “This is all still new to you. And the dreams are natural. We all have them before our First Transformation. They let us know our time is near and help us prepare.” He rubbed her arm in comfort.

  A part of her understood that, but was still a little unnerved about it. It was one thing to be told she was going to turn four-legged and furry. Quite another to dream about it and see herself that way.
  “Don’t worry. You’re fine,” he soothed, snuggling her closer.

  She had her head on his chest, feeling his heat, the smoothness of his skin. His muscles bunched and tightened with every breath he took. She could even feel his chest vibrate as he spoke, hear his heart beating. It felt so right, so natural, to be held in his arms. To touch him, feel his strength. She wanted that. She needed it. Needed him.

  “Flynn?” She moved her hand slowly up the column of his neck, feeling the hard muscles along the way. Once her hand was around his neck, she pulled down, wanting his lips on hers.


  She kissed him lightly, feeling his breath whoosh out. “I need this, Flynn. Can you understand that?”

  He looked in her eyes, his own need burning brightly, “Are you sure?”

  “This is about the only thing I’ve been sure of in a long time.” She smiled at him, running her thumb over his lower lip. It was soft as satin.

  He shuddered at her touch. “All right. But you’re the one in charge this first time. You have to make all the moves. I can’t until you tell me to.”

  That was all the encouragement she needed. Then she kissed him, thrusting her tongue in his mouth to duel with his. She heard him groan, and that made her even bolder, running her hands through his silky hair, nibbling at his lips. They were so warm and pliant, she could have made a feast off his lips, but she had other areas to explore. Like his neck and that gorgeous chest she had wanted to fondle last night. She broke off the kiss and followed her hands down. Nipping and licking his neck, she ran her tongue over the bites, and all the while, her hands were making their way south over a finely muscled chest.

  She climbed on top of him, his erection between her thighs. They both moaned when she sat down on it. He was so hard and wetness from her own arousal dampened the front of his bottoms. She could smell her musk as well as his. It made her near crazy. Flynn laid there, muscles straining to touch. She refused him permission. She needed the control of his body. To know she was the one making him groan with need, writhe beneath her with want. Want of her. Such a heady feeling, and she reveled in it. In him.

  “Oh God, Sasha.” He growled the words as she leaned down to take a nipple in her mouth, suckling it. His body arched and strained with the pleasure of it.

  After giving the proper attention to the other nipple, she made her way down to his stomach. It was ripped with muscle and jerking at her little nips and licks. When she got to the waistband of his bottoms, running her tongue over the top and her hands under to touch skin, Flynn threw his head back and growled low and deep with desire. She ripped the bottoms off and tossed them away. Then after seeing how hard his cock was, it was her turn to growl low and deep. He wasn’t too long, thank God, but he was wide. She had to touch him, run her hands up and down that rigid width. He was soft, like velvet over steel, all smooth and hard. Her hands almost didn’t fit around him. She wanted to taste him, take him in her mouth, and run her tongue up and down and around that hard shaft.

  Flynn was panting, his breaths coming harsh and fast. Sasha looked up at him to see eyes blazing with lust, cheeks flushed with arousal. He was so beautiful, so primal.

  “Sasha.” Her name came out as a plea, his expression one of pleasurable suffering. She leaned down to nuzzle his crown.

  “God.” He gasped.

  She couldn’t help being pleased at that response. She wanted him totally under her thrall. Since she woke up, circumstances had spun out of her control. This, taking her Mate, was just one way she could get that control back.

  She continued to rub her cheek along his rigid length, feeling the heat, the scent of his arousal strong in her nose. This wasn’t enough, though. She needed to taste him, to run her tongue up and down his satiny hardness. Sticking her tongue out, she locked eyes with Flynn, slowly moving forward.


  The minute she tasted him, she knew he was hers. He growled her name as she ran her tongue up the underside of his cock, following a rigid vein right to the head, where she suckled him, adding the right amount of pressure. She groaned from the sheer bliss of his taste and smell. Seeing Flynn’s hands bunching the sheets for control made her bolder with her suckling. She didn’t want him in control. She wanted him frenzied, like her. She sucked harder as she went down and grabbed his balls, rolling them in her hand.

  “Oh God, Sasha! Please!” The veins of his neck stood out, his mouth open as he gasped for breath against her sensual assault.

  She stopped, giving him a last lick as she rose up and took her top off. Then she straddled him, guiding his cock to her folds and rubbing it back and forth.

  “Please,” he moaned, just as gone as she was, his whole body quivering. His skin was covered in a fine sheen of sweat. His face was strained, and his eyes were glowing with ice blue-colored flames. He was the most beautiful man Sasha had ever seen. And he was all hers.

  She kept rubbing him to spread her wetness as she bent over to lick his chest and make her way to a nipple. And just before she took it in her mouth, she plunged down on him, taking his cock deep. His back bowed, and he grabbed hold of the headboard, shouting her name.

  He filled her as no other ever had. Every way she moved, she felt him, her body practically humming from the sheer bliss of it.

  “Touch me, Flynn. Please, touch me.” Now that she had gotten her fill of dominating him, she needed his hands on her. He rose up to put them in a sitting position.

  It was obviously the command he had been waiting for as he put his hands everywhere. Her back, her ass, shoulders, breasts, squeezing her nipples. It was heaven being surrounded by him, his heat thrusting in and out of her wet core.

  “Oh, yes.” She groaned, pumping her hips as he pinched a nipple. “In your mouth—put it in your mouth.”

  He needed no other prompting, quickly putting her nipple in his mouth to suckle while the other stayed in his hand.

  “Flynn.” She moaned, her hips pistoning faster. “Kiss me. I want you to kiss me when I come.” He took her lips as she pushed him back on the mattress.

  She rode him hard then, grinding and pumping, feeling the orgasm start at her toes and work its way up. That made her pump faster, sliding up and down as his cock hit every nerve. The pleasure struck her like a bolt of lightning, bringing her screaming into his mouth as wave after wave of ecstasy ripped through her. When it was almost over, she felt Flynn stiffen, felt his semen shoot inside her. That triggered another orgasm for her as he roared his release.

  She collapsed on top of him as tiny aftershocks rocked their bodies.

  “Jeez, I was right,” he said when he was able to talk. “You fried me.”

  She laughed, feeling content and whole for the first time. He remained inside her, still firm. She moved her hips a little, enjoying the feeling. He grunted in response, running both hands through her sweat-soaked hair. It never did get a chance to dry. It was worth it, though..

  She sat up a bit and looked down at him, seeing her sense of peace reflected in his eyes. “Flynn—”

  “Shh.” He put a finger to her lips. “You’re mine now, Sasha Edwards, just like I am yours. Nothing will change that. Ever.”

  She nodded in agreement, feeling the truth of that statement to her very soul, smiling with joy. Then she leaned down and kissed him, long and deep. So good. He felt so good.

  Before she knew what he was about, he flipped her over on her back, still inside her, harder than before.

  “I never thought I could ever have the woman in charge the first time.” He smiled, pulling out a little and then going back in. She whimpered, wanting more. “Didn’t think I would feel right about it.” He repeated the move. “But after finding you and imagining what you would do the first time…” They both groaned when he ground his pelvis against hers, feeling his balls against her ass. “It nearly drove me mad with lust.”

  She ran her hands over his muscled back and down to squeeze his ass. It was nice and firm, a good handful.
Flynn kissed her neck, making his way down toward her breasts.

  “I’m going to do everything to you that you did to me. Make you crazy with want, push you over the edge, then free-fall with you.”

  “If you keep talking and thrusting like that, I’ll be freefalling without you.”

  Flynn laughed throatily because she must have said that out loud. But then he pulled out, much to her dismay.

  “Don’t worry, I always finish what I start,” he promised, kissing and licking his way down her body, not missing a thing.

  She had a good idea where he was going, and she wanted it. Almost as bad as having him inside her, thrusting and pumping.

  When he got to her mound, he took a deep breath, taking their mingled scents deep into his lungs. “Mine,” he growled, giving her a slow, leisurely lick.

  She whimpered again, wanting more.


  The taste was pure ambrosia, the combination of them both sending his senses reeling as he lapped at her core using the flat of his tongue.

  “All mine.” He inserted a finger as he started to lick and nibble, then suckle on her clit.

  Sasha’s back arched, Flynn’s name torn from her throat on a gasp. She was trembling with the need for completion, those beautiful dual-colored eyes near black with her arousal. She was his fantasy brought to life, and he wanted to brand this moment, this first time, into his memory. Bring it out to compare with the others they were going to have. Would she make the same sounds? Writhe and shake beneath him? Moan his name? He couldn’t wait to find out.

  “Not yet, sweetheart. We go together,” he stated in between licks and his finger moving in and out.

  Oh, she was so sweet. Her natural juices were like the finest nectar, her scent rushing to his head. He wanted to keep tasting her, savor her, but his body had other ideas. Like riding her deep and hard until they both screamed with the joy of it.


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