Destiny's Path

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Destiny's Path Page 16

by Kimberly Hunter

  “That was quite a light show.” Angel smiled broadly.

  “Light show?” she asked, wondering where Flynn was with those clothes.

  From what she had learned so far, the Lupus didn’t view casual nudity the same as humans did. Especially the same as most Southerners did. Casual nudity to a southerner is like part of the seven deadly sins. Right up there with adultery, stealing, lying, and marrying Yankees. It was just not done. Which was why she felt a bit uncomfortable standing in front of others like that? Hard to change a lifetime of values in a few days. She was trying, though.

  “Yeah. I was almost blinded by it,” Angel replied.

  Sasha glanced at Charlie, who had a speculative look on her face.

  “What? Something wrong?” She was starting to feel like a bug under the microscope.

  “Only the most powerful Alphas can glow that brightly. And you have yet to gain the position.” Then she started to laugh. “Oh, my daughter, you are so what this Pack needs right now.”

  “And in more ways than one, Granny,” Angel snickered, laughing along with her mother.

  “Oh my goodness, yes!” She exclaimed. “A baby! It’s been so long since I’ve held a baby in my arms.”

  “I’ve been meaning to ask about that,” Sasha said, wanting to clear up a few things. “Just how long has it been since a child was born?”

  She saw a great sadness pass between the two women.

  “Before or after Dillon was born?” Charlie asked.


  “Before, it had been close to eighty years since a child had been born.”

  Sasha blinked in shock. Eighty years and not one child.

  “And no children have been born since Dillon.” She sighed sadly. “A true miracle he was. Although considering what we just witnessed, well…”

  Yes, Dillon would have to be born for Diona’s soul to be reborn. Quite confusing when one thought of all the ramifications of that. Sasha didn’t. She had more than enough to think about.

  “So let me get this straight. In almost a hundred years, before and after Dillon, not one Mated couple has conceived.”

  Both women nodded sadly.

  “Wow.” She sat down abruptly.

  “It’s the prophecy and our worst nightmares come to life,” Angel replied as both women also sat.

  Nightmare was right. Having a child was the culmination of some couples’ love. Being denied that gift had to be devastating. But Sasha still needed to understand a few things. Like how is it that her being able to have children would give hope to the others. Flynn, fortunately, walked back in with their clothes just as she asked that question. He had on jeans and a t-shirt. Of course, naked was better. Later, she promised herself.

  “Flynn, you could probably answer that better than us,” Charlie said as Flynn handed out their clothes.

  Flynn looked Sasha up and down before she got dressed, a slow smile curving his lips. Oh yeah, later, she smiled in return. Another all-nighter. Whoohoo!

  She put her clothes on before she could embarrass herself any further. Too late for Flynn, though. You really can’t hide a bulge like that.

  “It’s a wonder she isn’t pregnant now.” Angel laughed. “Especially with looks like that.”

  Sasha’s face flamed as she sat down again. Blushing sucks, she grumbled to herself.

  “Hey, don’t be embarrassed. Robert still looks at me like that, and we’ve been together for sixty years,” Angel declared.

  Sixty years and no child. Though probably not for lack of trying, if the secret smile she was wearing was any indication. Still, it had to be hard.

  Flynn came over and kissed her then nuzzled her hair and whispered in her ear as he sat down beside her. “Mmm, I’ll have you naked again. Real soon.” Though not soon enough, to her way of thinking.

  His hot breath blew in her ear, and she shivered. Oh yeah, soon, he thought as he gathered her into his arms.

  “Sorry I wasn’t here to help with your changing back. But I see you made it through just fine.”

  “Charlie and Angel helped.” She snuggled deeper into his embrace.

  “We only pointed you in the right direction. The rest was all you,” Charlie replied.

  “That’s right. You can’t make yourself glow that brightly. Only a true Alpha with power can do that. “.

  “She has the Alpha glow?” Flynn asked.

  “Bright enough to light up a city block.”

  Flynn hugged her again. “That’s great, sweetheart.”

  She shrugged, not really feeling like it was a big deal. Hell, to tell the truth, she didn’t feel that much different at all. Well, inside anyway. Mentally, hmm, time would tell.

  “So, you want to know why you getting pregnant will give hope to the others. A valid and simple question. The explanation won’t be,” Flynn warned.

  “That’s okay. Most of what I’ve experienced these last few days defies most explanations anyway.” Sasha chuckled.

  “True.” He laughed softly. “All right, to start with, the Pack needs an Alpha male and female, just like our animal cousins. Though with us, all our couples breed, not just the Alpha pair, and of course, the two Alphas don’t always have to be Mated either. It happens more often than not. It’s really pretty rare for us to have an Alpha couple.” He shrugged. “And there is the difference in that if the Alpha female can’t breed, then neither can anyone else. It all comes down to power and fertility. The Alpha female’s power and fertility. The more powerful and fertile the female, the more children she and the other couples can have. But the two have to be in sync. If not, well, you know that part.”

  “So I’ve basically brought new blood into the Pack.”

  “You are going to be our female Alpha,” Angel began. “And as such, the rest of us get a, I guess you could say, a symbiotic experience from you. Your power, energy, fertility, all that makes you Alpha, reflects to us.”

  “Okay, I think I understand.” The wheels were finally turning. “Because Charlie couldn’t have children anymore, the Pack couldn’t either.”

  “That’s part of it.” Flynn nodded. “You see, Mother was a strong Alpha in her day, stronger than most. This is how she achieved the position. But her synchronization of power and fertility began to wane after Roan and I were born.”

  “That’s why you said Dillon was a miracle. You didn’t think you’d be able to have any more children,” Sasha deduced.

  “Yes,” Charlie said sadly. “It’s also why I stepped down. Then after my Mate was killed, well, I just didn’t have the heart for it. Then there was Dillon. He needed me more than the Pack.”

  “So Jenna took the position, knowing that, or better yet, hoping she would be the one to fix everything. Only she was wrong again, and there haven’t been any children in all this time.”

  “Correct.” Charlie nodded.

  “Well, no pressure on me, huh?” Sasha snorted, reeling a bit at what was before her.

  “Ah sweetheart, it’s not like that, I promise you.” Flynn hugged her close and kissed the top of her head. “All you have to do is be you—nothing more and nothing less.”

  “You will have to meet the other Pack members, of course. But being Flynn’s True Mate, you’d have to meet them anyway,” Angel said with a shrug.

  “It all still feels a bit overwhelming. Like I’m on this big rollercoaster ride that won’t stop, and I can’t get off without hurting myself,” Sasha whispered, staring into space.

  It was true. From the moment she awoke from the coma, events had been hurtling out of her control. She could barely cope and get her bearings. She wasn’t going to break down and turn into a babbling idiot. Not her style. But she did need some time to deal with everything. Hell, even Wonder Woman needed her downtime.

  “You’re not alone in this, Sasha. We’re all here to help,” Charlie told her with sincerity.

  “I can only imagine how you must feel, but Mom’s right. All of us will help. That’s what family is for.” An
gel winked at Sasha.

  “And as your True Mate, I’ll be glad to help with any problem that might arise.” Flynn growled softly in her ear.

  “Flynn! Your mom and sister are here!” She slapped at him playfully, surprised he would say something like that in front of them. Alone was a lot different.

  “I think that’s our cue, Mom.” Angel laughed as she and Charlie rose from the couch.

  Sasha blushed crimson. Ugh!

  Charlie gave a knowing laugh as well; then the two left, saying their good-nights.

  “Jeez,” she breathed after they were gone, totally embarrassed. “What your mom and sister must think.”

  “Probably the same thing we’re thinking. That we want each other.” He smiled as he kissed her, their tongues dueling briefly.

  She blushed a little after their steamy kiss.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, sweetheart. The Lupus are very open about sex and mating.”

  “I see that there’s a lot you don’t know about Southern women. What we say and do behind closed doors is considerably different in public and with family members.”

  “Point taken.” Flynn nodded in understanding. “And until you get used to our ways, I’ll have Mother and Angel tone it down a bit.”

  “Thanks.” Sasha suspected her idea of toned down and his were not the same.

  Flynn laughed again. “They’re just happy. For me, for you, for the Pack. Especially Mother. It’s been a while since I’ve seen her truly happy.” His light eyes looked a little sad.

  “Losing your father must have been quite a blow for her.”

  Flynn nodded. “If it wasn’t for the fact that Dillon needed her, I’m afraid we might have lost her too.”

  “Mmm.” Life had been hard for her family after her dad had died, but Charlie had to have suffered more for her loss. “You think she’ll ever find love again? Maybe even another Mate?”

  “No.” He smiled sadly. “Even though they weren’t True Mates, they loved each other deeply. But there has been the occasional interested party these past few years.”

  “That doesn’t bother you?”

  “No. Mother is still a beautiful and vibrant woman. It wouldn’t upset me if she took a lover. Might help her to heal.”

  “Wow. That is very open,” she said with surprise. “I can’t even think about my mom and sex.” She shuddered with distaste. “That would be too gross.”

  Flynn chuckled. “Like I said, you’ll get used to our ways. In the meantime, how are you feeling?” He looked her over with desire in his glacier eyes.

  “Hmm, I take it the doctor is in,” she purred, arousal hitting her hard. Not that it had really ever left her. Just thinking about Flynn made her wet and needy.

  “Not yet, but he will be.” He growled, nuzzling her neck as he lowered her to the cushions.

  “Well, doctor, I do have this ache.” She wrapped her arms around him.

  “Tell Doctor Flynn where it is, and he’ll kiss it better.” He kissed her neck down to her chest.

  “Remind me not to come to you with any aches,” Roan commented drily from the door.

  Sasha yelped with fright. Flynn, the big lug, just laughed as she tried to get up.

  “Don’t worry, only Sasha gets that special treatment.”

  “That’s a relief.” Roan chuckled as he came into the room and sat down across from them.

  He was dressed, thank goodness. Sasha, of course, was mortified. Her whole body felt like it was going up in flames. And even with her new senses, she had no idea Roan was back. She had been distracted, but still, she needed to keep alert. There were two loopy Lupas wanting blood. Hers.

  “How long have you been back?” “Not long. Maybe ten, fifteen minutes.”

  Time enough to put on some clothes and come to them.

  “You find anything?” Flynn asked as he settled Sasha closer.

  “Nothing about what they’re plotting. But I did find some clues about which direction they went.”

  “Straight here.” Sasha sighed, knowing they would show up sooner or later.

  “Yes. Though exactly where is a mystery.”

  “Damn!” Flynn growled.

  “I found their car, abandoned, over in the far pasture, but the trail went cold after only a few miles.”

  “They on two or four feet?” Flynn asked.

  “Both from what I could tell. But for how long is another mystery. They covered their tracks and scent pretty well. Even from me.” Roan sighed in disgust. “I covered almost every inch of ground, but found nothing.”

  “So we wait for them to make the first move.” Sasha really didn’t like that plan.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. Jenna has never been known for her patience.” Flynn snorted with derision.

  “Or her intelligence,” Roan added. “Which is to our advantage.”

  “And how is that?” She asked.

  “She doesn’t know you’ve gone through the First Transformation,” he answered with a sly smile.

  “You’re stronger now. You have better reflexes. Your instincts are sharper. All in all, a very formidable Alpha.”

  “Problem. I don’t have a clue as to how to fight. I can defend myself, when it comes down to it, but not her kind of fighting,” she pointed out.

  “You won’t have to.”

  “What’s the plan?” Flynn asked, apparently knowing Roan would have come up with something before coming to them.

  “Sasha will be our bait,” Roan replied with a calculating grin.

  “ Not liking the plan.” Sasha shook her head.

  “It’s the only way to get Jenna out in the open so we can deal with her,” Roan explained.

  “Don’t forget her gun-toting mother. Rhonda might decide she needs practice and use me for a target.”

  “I’ve already thought about that,” Roan assured her. “Once Jenna is in the open, Rhonda won’t be far behind. When she tries to help Jenna, and we know she will, then Gabe and Robert will take her out.”

  “No offense, Roan, but I think trying to plan anything with Jenna in mind is a bit of a lost cause. Just look at our track record, past and present.” She didn’t want to shoot down his plan, but luck was not on their side.

  “I’m aware this plan isn’t exactly the best, but it’s all we have to work with right now.” He rubbed his face tiredly with both hands. “Jenna and Rhonda are a rogue element the Pack hasn’t had to deal with in a long time. Their behavior isn’t based on age like some of our elder Pack members, but on greed and jealously. It’s a problem that is virtually nonexistent in our culture.”

  “I’m sorry, Roan, with all you have to deal with. This must be the hardest, knowing two members of your Pack must be eliminated.”

  “It’s never easy to lose a Pack member, under any circumstances, but the greater good of the Pack and our continuation come first. Anyone who jeopardizes that will be dealt with accordingly. As for Jenna, her end has been a long time coming. The Pack will be better off without her continued interference. Rhonda is a question at this point. Though to be honest, I think it best she follow her daughter on the way out.”

  “I agree.” Flynn nodded in agreement. “She’s bound to cause more problems after Jenna is gone.”

  Sitting around discussing and planning someone’s demise seemed strange. Sasha knew it was for the good of the Pack, her unborn daughter especially, but it still felt weird.

  “All right, so how do you want to do this?” Flynn asked.

  “Keep Sasha in plain sight, but well guarded. I don’t want any surprises,” Roan began to explain. “When both women make their move, we strike.”

  “There are reinforcements on the way, correct?”

  Roan nodded. “I’ve alerted the rest of my personal guard and informed several of our high ranking Pack families. They were set to come here anyway to meet Sasha at the end of the week. That time frame has been pushed forward because of Jenna. Those who can’t make it sooner are sending their best and strongest.”

  “Wow, that’s a lot of Lupus for only two Lupa.” Sasha whistled in astonishment.

  “They will only be here to meet you and help Flynn protect you. Not to interfere. And all are witnesses to Jenna and Rhonda’s crimes,” Roan explained.

  So all these Lupus are coming here for a meet and greet and to help with protection. But what if some were female? It had to be known by now that Jenna was no longer Alpha. Some of the stronger females would undoubtedly have that position in the back of their minds when they got there, regardless if Jenna was caught. “About being Alpha. Don’t you have to prove to the Pack that you’re strong enough to get the position and keep it?”

  “Yes,” Flynn answered, clearly not understanding.

  “What is it you’re asking, Sasha?” Roan seemed to take pity on her.

  “You’ve stripped Jenna of the Alpha position, which means there are going to be a few that will want their chance at it. Which means those who don’t know about me, about all that’s been going on, will want to fight the one you have appointed. Namely me.”

  “Taking the Alpha position isn’t just about strength and the ability to fight, though that does help. It’s mostly about instinct and power. When I took over after my father died, there were several Lupus who wanted the Alpha position. But do you know how many challenged me?”

  “How many?”

  “Just one.” He held up his index finger.


  “After meeting Roan and sensing his power, most of the challengers conceded. They knew trying to defeat Roan would be a waste of time. And the one who did go through with the challenge, Mikeal by the way, lost easier than he ever imagined.” Flynn smiled.

  She gasped. “Mikeal? The blond I saw tonight?”

  “The same.”

  “Mikeal is a very powerful Lupus in his own right. He just wasn’t powerful enough to defeat Roan. Or me.”

  “You! Good Lord, why?”

  “The Beta position,” Flynn answered. “He thought that if he couldn’t be Alpha, second in command would be good enough.”

  “He miscalculated, of course.” Roan chuckled. “Being Alpha, I wear my power like a cloak. It’s there for all to see. Flynn is more subtle with his power. You don’t know he has it until it’s too late.”


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